
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

WHAT RICH PEOPLE DO WITH THEIR MONEY 💸 #Best Education Page #Online Earning


how's it going today guys so today we're
going to be talking about what rich
people do with their money because the
truth is rich people do very different
things with their money than the average
person does now I'm always kind of
cautious when I make a video like this
because a lot of people get very upset
for some reason when you start talking
about rich versus poor and how to be
rich and why poor people are poor and a
lot of people just seem to get stuck in
this idea that if you're poor right now
you're gonna be poor for the rest of
your life and that's just not true this
is not anything that is set in stone and
if you're looking through these things
and you feel like you're somebody who is
falling on the side of what the average
poor person is doing all that means is
you need to change your habits and do
different things with your money but the
first thing I want to ask you guys is
this why are we so mean about rich
people because my guess is you've heard
something along the lines of rich people
really don't deserve what they have or
they were fed from a silver spoon and
they inherited all their money well I
want to dispel that myth for you guys
right now so according to research done
by Thomas J Stanley and he is the author
of the best-selling book The Millionaire
Next Door eighty to eighty six percent
of millionaires are self-made
millionaires so when you hear people out
there saying things like millionaires
were fed from a silver spoon or they
inherited all their money eighty to
eighty six percent of them are self-made
millionaires and I want to ask you guys
this I'm guessing if you're watching
something like this you yourself want to
be rich someday you yourself you want to
be a millionaire someday do you want
people saying these things about you
once you become a self-made millionaire
and you really do figure things out for
yourself and you become rich do you want
people talking behind your back and
saying things to you like oh this guy
inherited all his money he doesn't
deserve it he didn't actually work for
what he has he just had it given to him
so one of the things I want to say right
now is you really have to just stop
having these negative thoughts and
believing things that are simply not
true so I honestly want you guys to stop
for a second and think the next time
you're looking at somebody who maybe
they're driving a nicer car than you or
they're out to dinner at some fancy
place and you start saying things like
boy they don't deserve to be rich you
know they just had it handed to them
before you start saying things like that
most rich people out there are self-made
and they in fact did not have it handed
to them even though these are the things
that you hear everyone's saying but the
problem is guys if you're somebody out
there who is saying things like this if
you're somebody who's going around and
saying things like life isn't fair and
you know the rich are getting richer and
the poor are staying poor and all the
rich people don't deserve it you're not
helping the situation at all all you're
doing is complaining and complaining is
gonna do nothing for you so I want to
ask you guys this question here rather
than complaining about this and saying
that the world is not fair because
obviously the world is not fair
otherwise everyone out there would have
the same amount of money in their bank
accounts and it's very clear that this
is not the case so now that you
understand that wealth inequality exists
why aren't you playing to win so the
simple truth guys is that rich people
have drastically different habits when
it comes to their money when you look at
the difference between what rich people
are doing with their money and what poor
people are doing with their money and
I'm going to explain those to you right
now so the first thing it comes down to
delayed gratification versus instant
gratification and this is one of the
biggest differences between the mindset
of a rich person and the mindset of a
poor person and that is simply the fact
that rich people have a long term vision
and they understand that if they save
today it's going to be worth it tomorrow
if they if they sacrifice just a little
bit today then they're going to really
reap the benefits down the road
meanwhile you'll see a poor person is
more interested in that instant
gratification they want to spend today
they want to live in the moment and as a
result they have a short-term vision so
one of the biggest differences is that
long-term vision where you're able to
see into the future and understand the
future is coming a lot of people don't
think about the future because they're
only living in the moment they're living
in the present and they're not worried
about tomorrow they just want to live
for today
well these rich people they understand
okay even though it doesn't seem like it
tomorrow is in fact coming and five
years down the road yeah it's gonna come
a lot quicker than I think so as a
result they're actually planning for
tomorrow they're not just enjoying today
and they're not just burning through all
their money for that instant short-term
gratification they understand
hey tomorrow is in fact coming another
big difference between the rich people
and the poor people is the use of credit
okay so you will see rich people using
credit to buy income generating asset a
mortgage on a real estate investment or
something like that
that's what they use credit for they
look at credit as a way to make money a
way to leverage the money they currently
while a poor person looks at credit as a
way to buy things that they feel that
they deserve if you can't afford it
do you really don't deserve it because
you haven't worked hard in a fort this
is something else that the rich people
understand if they can't truly afford
something and I'm talking again about
this old-school wealth here if they
can't truly afford something they're not
going to buy it
meanwhile the poor people they see
credit as a way to game the system they
go well you know what yeah I can't
afford it
but if I put it on a credit card then I
really can't afford it because I'm gonna
pay for it a little bit over time that
is what the poor people look at credit
is they look at it as a way to buy
things for themselves to buy material
possessions so another big difference
between the rich people in the poor
people is rich people understand the
importance of investing in themselves so
there are people that are going to be
going on in getting education and
they're gonna be the people that are
taking courses and learning and reading
books and constantly learning new things
and learning about how to make more
money and how to be more responsible
with the money they have meanwhile poor
people if they're investing at all and
unfortunately most people are not but if
they are the small number of people that
are investing they're only investing in
things outside of themselves so they're
not investing in trying to make more
money by investing in themselves you
know they're not the people that are
going to go out there and start a
business or learn a new or more valuable
skill they're the people that are just
going to be investing in things outside
of themselves now while I would rather
see somebody invest outside of
themselves as opposed to not investing
at all the investments that are going to
pay you 1,000 or 10,000 percent ROI are
those investments you make in yourself
not necessarily investing in things
outside of yourself and the rich people
really understand the importance of
investing in themselves the other main
difference between the rich people and
the poor people really comes down
- the fact that rich people are
incredibly patient meanwhile poor people
are very impatient and as far as their
investing strategy goes you're gonna
find that most rich people most of these
old school guys and old school girls
that are rich most of these people that
have that long term wealth they buy and
hold so when they make an investment
they're not active with it if they
invest in a stock they're gonna hold it
for many years if they buy a piece of
real estate they're gonna hold it for 20
meanwhile you're gonna see poor people
the type of people that are investing in
things outside of themselves they're
going to buy and sell and buy and sell
them they're gonna repeat that strategy
because they're impatient they don't
have the patience to reap the long-term
benefits again this comes down to that
desire for instant gratification if they
don't see it in front of them right now
they don't want it even if you could
tell them look you hold on to this thing
for five or ten years you're gonna have
a lot of money built up they're gonna
say you know what I don't want it
because I want it today I want it right
now because I don't have a long-term
vision I only have this short-term
vision of what's right in front of me
now I know a lot of people again have
this misconception that rich people are
gonna pay less taxes because the system
is designed that way no that's not the
case what it is is rich people have the
money and they invest in accountants
that are able to work the tax system to
their advantage okay now yes
the average person out there can't
afford to have this done the average
person can't afford to have an
accountant come in and help them you
know structure their money in their
investments in a way that they're paying
less in taxes but this is just another
way that rich people invest they invest
in things that are going to save them
money so they understand that having an
accountant to go through and maybe you
know change the form that money is being
delivered or do different things with
their investments that is going to lower
their their taxable income they
understand the importance of that so
that's a big difference between the rich
people out there and the poor people is
that rich people plan for taxes and they
think about taxes when they're making an
investment while poor people really
don't think about taxes until it's
actually time to pay them and I'm sure
you guys will agree with me that it
doesn't necessarily matter what you make
what really matters at the end of the
what you can hold on to after taxes and
this is a huge difference between the
rich people and the poor people is the
rich people really understand taxes and
how to pay as little in taxes as
possible and they understand the value
of paying someone to help them with this
because it's going to save them more
money on taxes and the final difference
between the rich people and the poor
people in terms of money comes down to
investing intangible assets versus
intangible assets so an example of a
tangible asset one of the biggest ones
is real estate you know there's been so
many people that have gotten rich
through investing in real estate and a
lot of people a lot of poor people would
look at a tangible investment and Duke
to that poor liquidity they're gonna say
you know what this is too risky for me
so the rich people understand that yes
well this is a higher risk investment
there's a higher potential return here
when you're investing intangible assets
so I think that's one of the big
differences as well is that poor people
are only going to be holding intangible
assets while rich people are going to be
buying tangible assets like real estate
and I think if you guys really want to
become truly rich you have to hold both
tangible and intangible assets so you do
need to hold things like real estate on
top of holding things like stocks and
bonds and index funds you can't only be
involved in these intangible assets
anyways guys that's pretty much all I
got for this video this is what I truly
believe are the main differences between
the way rich people spend their money
and the way poor people spend their
money and again I just want to repeat
this I'm not at all pointing this out to
tell you guys oh you're poor or oh
you're rich and you're always gonna be
that way I want you guys to understand
that these are not limitations that it's
not like you're gonna be stuck in this
box forever while there are barriers
between being a rich person and a poor
person it's very easy to overcome those
barriers and start following these
habits of the rich people I'm not at all
telling you guys that the poor people
are gonna stay poor and the rich people
are gonna stay rich I know a lot of
people that used to be rich that end of
the poor and I also know a lot of poor
people that got rich there's fluid
between these things there's there's
mobility so I want to thank you guys for
taking the time to watch this video if
you enjoyed it please drop a like and if
you are new to my channel please
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and as always I thank you for taking the
time to watch this video

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