
Friday, March 27, 2020

Why Affiliate Marketing Doesn't Work (And What To Do About It) 🤔 #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Why Affiliate Marketing Doesn't Work (And What To Do About It) 🤔

hey how's it going Joshua elder here
once again and I just want to give you
guys some straight talk in this video
this isn't some fancy you know high
production video I just want to keep it
real and authentic with you and I want
to show you the transformation the
series of transformations that took
place in my life that allowed me to go
from the 96% of people the 96 percent of
affiliate marketers that were struggling
or that are struggling out there to the
4 percent of people that are actually
getting results that are creating job
quitting income that are travelling the
world that are actually doing things
because we know that the problem out
there in the marketplace is so many
different voices so many different
so-called gurus claiming they know what
they're talking about and so with that
said I want you to take the information
that I'm giving you today I you don't
have to accept it you don't have to
reject it but just entertain it okay
because at the end of the day I want you
to pick somebody out there that can
truly mentor you and somebody that you
truly resonate with and if that's not me
that's completely fine which leads me to
my first point if you want to succeed on
the internet okay find a proven mentor
okay that is the most vital thing and
maybe you've heard this before then
you've come across a lot of the wrong
mentors and the reason is is because of
96% that are failing are trying to teach
you know the 96% that are failing so
it's kind of like the law the blind
leading the blind so if there's one
thing that I could help you do is to
sort of kind of course correct you and
find somebody that actually knows what
the heck that they're talking about
because at the end of the day you could
be making a lot of money in this
industry but if you do not know how to
teach people which is a whole different
trade right if you don't know how to
teach people then you know they're not
gonna have any success no matter how
much money you're making one of my
mentor said Josh listen to somebody
that's making if you want to make ten
thousand dollars per month listen to
somebody that's making 10x that amount
per month right listen to somebody
that's making $100,000
per month right if you want to make
$1,000 per month
listen to somebody that's making $10,000
per month right so on and so forth so
that's one of the problems is you're
listening people that are making 10
grand a month
but you they don't even know how to
teach and train so that's a big problem
and on top of that you're buying
products and services that don't cover
in detail how to build a business online
because again the 96% of people are
trying to teach you this stuff and they
don't actually realize they have no idea
how hard it actually is to teach the
newbie or the struggling marketer how to
break through how to get to the next
ok it requires a lot of work it requires
a lot of effort it requires the right
systems right it requires not just a few
modules of videos but it requires a
comprehensive step-by-step program like
here's how you set up a funnel here's
how you create a website here's how you
do it in the simplest and most effective
way how to drive traffic how to get
leads right there's so many moving parts
to this and it could be so easy to get
thrown in so many directions and be on
so many email lists and man it just
overwhelms me to even talk about this so
if there's a few things that you can do
number one get access to the right
mentor ok number two get access to the
right program that can walk you through
all the details right successes in the
details that covers all the gaps and
it's sort of a one-stop-shop solution to
build a business online so you're not
having to go out there and buy a traffic
product way over here and then buy
another product way over here but you
can get access to everything inside one
single ecosystem right so those are the
first two things that you really need to
build an online business right mentor
and a comprehensive detailed system that
has actually worth 10 times the value
that you're paying for it right last but
not least the most important thing and
the reason why people fell the reason
why people get distracted is because
they don't have people behind them
pushing them to the next level they
typically have
and family and people around them that
don't believe in the affiliate marketing
world in the online business world they
don't believe in what they're doing and
so that's a huge problem too and so
people often quit right they become
complacent they quit for a while and
they come back and they try again and
then they quit and then they try again
it's like a perpetual cycle and that's
because they don't have access to the
right mastermind group now I have a
mastermind group full of as you can see
600 people that I teach and train on a
weekly basis right we have weekly calls
where we go over mindset and marketing
and really everything that you need to
build an online business and to teach
people not to no longer buy into this
get-rich-quick type of you know
mentality because that's what the market
trains you to do until you realize that
wow I actually you know need to put in
some work I need to build a real
business and that's what we teach you
how to do here we teach you how to build
a real authentic business a long-term
business and a business where you know
you're constantly going to get motivated
because we have people you know around
you that motivate you that inspire you
we give you personal one-on-one time on
our calls I don't know anybody else out
there that does that because they're not
willing to do that because they know the
effort that's required to do that so
that's something that we offer inside my
personal Facebook group you know I also
give you guys access to the same funnels
that I'm using to convert you know leads
and then convert leads to cells if you
don't know what funnels are or email
swipes which is what we offer to as well
pre-written emails for you we set up
campaigns for a week for you we teach
you Facebook Ads we teach you YouTube
marketing we teach it everything that
you need to know to go out there and
really be successful and be the backbone
to the right program right and this
program is called the challenge and the
challenge is actually gonna walk you
through step by step how to start grow
and build a successful affiliate
marketing business if you want to go out
there and build
something else and build a successful
e-commerce business build a successful
brand become
the-best-version-of-yourself and an
independent entrepreneur this program
will teach you how to do that so just
for actually trying this program out and
testing it for the next seven days you
actually get free access to this
Facebook group right here now that's
completely up to you you know there's a
link below you can feel free to click
that link but I wanted to share with you
guys in this video the transformation
that took place in my life I came across
the right mentor that was willing to
teach me the right things and give me
access to the right program and I want
to pass that down to you today so
without further ado click the link below
to get instant access I can't guarantee
that this is offers going to be around
forever or this video is gonna be out
forever so make sure that you take
action now you get access to the system
you'll get access to all these bonuses
the facebook group you'll get access to
you know the email swipes the funnels we
use the same traffic strategies and
tactics that we're using in our business
and we're gonna eliminate all the
overwhelm we're gonna give you clarity
and a proven duplicatable step-by-step
process so with that said this is Josh
elder you know signing off go ahead and
click the link below and I look forward
to connecting with you in our Facebook
group personally and helping you finally
break through and change your life

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