
Monday, March 16, 2020

Why Your Not Making Sales Online #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Why Your Not Making Sales Online

what's going on guys is Alex and thank
you for watching this video I'm gonna be
telling you guys why you are not making
sales and my econ why you are not making
sales since I MCA why you are not making
sales inside your affiliate marketing
business and it's pretty much this one
simple reason is you're not giving back
value and you're looking at everybody as
not as a person but as a sign up right
so you guys might be on Facebook right
and you just when someone asked you for
more information or you were just
spamming your link hey here's my link
join here click hereby make a thousand
dollars by next week join here click
here right what people can read that
information right people can see that
you're kind of just thirsty that you
just want them to sign up so they make a
commission right so how can you make
more sales inside your business whether
it be my econ will it be MCA whether it
be affiliate marketing is by providing
value and when people ask you for more
information you ask them a couple
questions before you send over your link
right awesome you know why do they want
to make money online why do they want to
start a home-based business how can you
product or service hope then right
instead of looking at everybody as a
sign up look at the people as people
right because your Thunder status a
person has to pull out their credit card
and buy something right a person has to
pull out their credit card and buy from
you so stop looking everybody has a sign
up great stop sending your link to
everybody to ask you for more
information yes of course you're going
to send over your link to the people
that ask for more information but you
want to ask them a couple questions to
see if right your opportunity might be
right for them right you might be in MCA
Motor Club America you might be in my
econ or you might be selling affiliate
products great see if your opportunity
is right for that person not every
opportunity is a good fit for everybody
so by providing value right asking them
simple questions on why do they want to
work from home and how can you help them
solve that problem right so if you're a
MCA you're my econ you might be
affiliate marketing your job is to solve
people's problems right your opportunity
or your product and service is going to
help these people solve somebody's
problem right but solving their problem
is not just throwing your link down the
throat and telling them the joy and
click here by now by now right
you you you solve the problem by simply
asking asking them a couple questions
and seeing if your opportunity would be
a good fit for that right make them feel
like a person don't make them feel like
just another sign up right when you guys
are just trying to sign people up yes
you might sign a couple people off we'd
be talking to 50 60 100 people per day
or you have a giant email list right
there you know it's a little bit
different cuz you're talking to a lot of
people but if you're only talking to
five to ten people per day great ask
some questions see if your opportunity
would be a good fit for that and tell
them how you can help them achieve their
goal right how can you help them get
what they want right because a person
has to right a person wants something
right if you work from home if you're in
my econ you help people fix credit if
you had MCN you provide all these great
benefits or maybe you're out there doing
that affiliate marketing right
how can your product and service help
them in some sort of format so go out
there instead just throw in your link to
everybody go out there ask a couple
questions on why you can help them with
how your product and services can help
them solve a problem so thank you guys
who watch this video if you guys want
more tree on how to sell more on
Facebook click the link below and go
watch my free video if you're any more
questions make sure you add me back on
Facebook or I'm yeah I'll comment below
I'm about to go play some ping pong with
my Chinese friends right here just enjoy
the day thank you guys for watching this
video peace

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