
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Would You Invest $5 a week to earn $500 a Week? #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Would You Invest $5 a week to earn $500 a Week?

on guys it's Alex Haney I'm going to
tell you guys why I'm the plug why I am
the plug so you guys commented on my
Facebook post because you wanted to
learn how to turn I asked you a question
reading this question was we do invest
five dollars a week to earn five hundred
plus Haut week right you might be asking
yourself Alex how can I invest five
dollars a week to make five for the Plus
a week what I'm going to walk you
through these steps on how you can
simply invest five dollars in the
opportunity that can make you zero to a
thousand two thousand dollars every
single Friday and I'm about to show you
exactly the steps on how you can do a
tweet day and how to get started so you
might be asking yourself Alex how is
this even possible you know what are you
talking on the side your mouth was it's
right so you're going to take a five
dollar investment and I'm going to show
you how to flip it right into hundreds
of dollars a week even thousands of
dollars a week really we show you how to
flip a five dollar investment a week
into thousands of dollars or hundreds of
thousands of dollars a week with a
simple business model right so I do
something called affiliate based
marketing affiliate based market is when
we help a company sell their products
and services and when we help them bring
them a new customer you in turn get paid
a commission of eighty dollars per
person right so the company down will
show you guys on how to flip a five
dollar investment into hundreds of
thousands of dollars a week potential
it's very simple right so the company
has been around for 50 plus years and
supplies people with over a hundred
thousand dollars what the benefits
located on the picture that you're
seeing right now right now these
benefits are only 19.95 a month right
so nineteen ninety-five a month is four
weeks right so that's where I get the
five dollar investment from right
because all these benefits are nineteen
ninety five a month so that would be
five dollars a week right so you guys
understand where I get the $5 a week
investment from right so what the
company does is something called
referral based marketing aka affiliate
based market so the company tells you
each person that you refer into these
benefits right here located on this
screen and they purchase the thirty nine
ninety and they paid thirty nine ninety
which caused their first and last month
in nineteen ninety-five a month the
company is going to pay you a come
eighty dollars per person right so this
is how this week the company is paying
me seven hundred ninety eight dollars
and twenty four cents with a simple five
dollar investment yes and work right you
you're gonna have to put in some work
every single day but like I work maybe
one to three hours a day and I make
seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred
dollars a thousand plus dollars every
single Friday simply with this company
right so you have all these great
benefits and each person that you refer
to the benefits you're going to get paid
80 bucks right you get your benefits
card in the mail usually within two to
three days right so how are you like how
you get paid right so the company but
the company does is they say okay he or
you are all the great benefits that we
provide people for $20 a month each
person that you infer into the benefits
at the company you're going to get paid
at eighty dollar Commission and this is
how this week I was able while I'm going
to make eight hundred bucks right
because I simply refer ten people into
these benefits of the company and this
is how you can make money every single
Friday with a simple five dollar
investment right I wouldn't ask you a
simple question right would you invest
five dollars a week to have the
potential to make two hundred forty
dollars a week eight hundred forty
dollars a week eighteen hundred dollars
a week with no abolish with no job all
working from the comfort of your home
and from my laptop right I've been with
this company for going on two years now
right two years full time right the most
I ever made in this company in one week
was twenty nine on the dollars right
$2,900 a one-week right I want you to
really think about that number twenty
nine hundred dollars right there's
people that work a full-time job with
colleges vacations that don't make three
grand a week right so this is how I turn
and you can turn the five dollar
investment into hundreds of thousands
dollars every single week with this
business model right this business model
is called affiliate base market and it's
very very simple so you guys are
watching this video right now below this
video is this going to be a get started
by it you're going to hit the get
started button right it's going to take
you to a page that looks like this
it's low increase low I have a whole
bunch of tabs okay but it's going to
take you to a page that looks like this
it's going to have my name up here what
you're going to do is purchase your
benefits today right purchase your
benefits today you get paid thirty nine
ninety you can enter in your ain't your
information you're gonna pay with a
credit card or now I have no I don't
access to any of this information I've
no this is just what the company does
this is how they process their payments
online to a payment processor this has
geo tracking this is encrypted this is
750 encrypted by the company right so
what you're gonna do is get started
today it's going to take you to a page
like this you're going to purchase your
bank purchase your member your
membership benefits of the company which
include these then I'm going to show you
step by step on how to set up a website
that looks exactly like this then I'm
going to show you step by step on how to
leverage the power of Facebook YouTube
and other online websites to promote
these benefits and to promote the
opportunity to get people to go to your
site to purchase the membership through
your link and you are going to earn the
$1.00 over and over again this is how
every single week I make seven hundred
eight hundred nine hundred thousand
dollars plus week simply by sharing
these benefits using the power of the
internet and Facebook YouTube and
Craigslist just like how you found my
ads on Facebook and you comment it on my
Facebook ad I'm going to show you the
exact same method exactly in system and
how to set up your system today so click
the button below this video it's going
to take you to a website that looks like
this you're going to hit to get started
button and after you hit the get started
button you're gonna inbox me back on
Facebook and tell me Alex I just got
started so thank you guys for watching
this video and learning how to take a
five dollar investment into making and
then slipping into hundreds and
thousands of dollars every single Friday
I've been doing for the past two years
now this is a simple and easy business
opportunity that anybody can take action
only two days by clicking the link in
description don't work any longer you
can either make money or you can make
excuses you can't do both so pick one
all right so uh it's a link in
get started today the inbox may be back
on Facebook and let's get this money
people it's 2018 no job let's stop