
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

$18 or More An Hour Online Job Simple Way To Earn Money #Best Education Page #Online Earning

$18 or More An Hour Online Job Simple Way To Earn Money

hey what is up this is Tyler Pratt so if
you've come online and you're looking
for an online job something on the side
maybe you can make some extra some money
doing things online and you don't have
to travel to an office or you don't have
to go to some job that you don't enjoy
stuck in traffic something you can do
from home and have an online job I'm
gonna show you in this video how you can
set that up and how you get that up and
running some place is gonna be 18
dollars per hour and plus more some
place is gonna be a little different
depending on where you're at and your
location in the world I'm not really
sure where you're at but I'm gonna show
you how you can get up and get this
running for you now this is gonna be
you're gonna be trading time for money
here okay this is something you're gonna
have to do some work on now if you're
interested in getting some passive
income coming into you two or three
hundred dollars on a consistent basis in
the description below click on that link
I'm gonna give you my number one
recommended opportunity right here
online no everyday I like to come out
with great new videos for you how to
make money how to home-based business
all that good stuff for you so what I
want you to do is hit that subscribe
button below and then hit that Bell that
way you get notified of all of the new
videos that I come out with to you I
don't want you to miss any of these
because some of these are gonna be
really important for you and they're
gonna help you succeed online so let's
jump right into this
this student me 18 dollars or more an
hour online jobs simple it's going to be
easy ways to really earn money so what
you're gonna do is just head over to
Google okay you're gonna type in click
worker okay so click worker and then
you'll see the first link that comes in
here it just says click or you click on
that now once you get to this website
here there's gonna be a little button up
here says four click order I want you to
click on that okay so what click worker
is is there's a lot of e-commerce stores
online there's a lot of businesses
online you see you know places like
Shopify Shopify is huge online a
software that people buy and they put
products up and a lot of these ecommerce
stores out there and a lot of businesses
they need people to come to their site
and give give opinions on their site on
their products on their their whole like
web sites and so what you do is come
along and you're gonna help these webs
it's there there's a couple different
jobs that you're going to be doing here
okay so clickworker brings these
businesses in and then they post these
jobs and you you set up an account and
then you go and find those jobs and then
you you go in there and then you then
you can you know you can process those
jobs and you get paid weekly on this now
they pay out two different ways they pay
out in a CPA which is basically you know
bank to bank so if you have a bank you
can do that also they pay out in PayPal
so you got to make sure that you can
either either have a bank or PayPal so
if you don't have any of those two then
just you know you want to set up at
least a PayPal account for you to get
paid now PayPal I like PayPal because
it's it's simple it's easy goes right in
your account you can use a debit card
with that and get paid but they pay
weekly on this for the jobs that you do
now you have you're gonna have creation
of texts will create informative text
product description or articles about a
given topic okay so then they this job
would be you know look at this product
see how this product is and then give
some descriptions on it so you would
help the business kind of come up with
some ideas on the products that they
have on their their websites there's all
those data there's also data categorized
cattle categorization that is a long
word so you're gonna categorize data on
websites there's also copy editing so
you're going to read through text make
sure that everything is is spelled
correctly make sure that everything is
looks good and also you're gonna give
feedback on the text that's out there
also you proofread stuff so if a website
has a website you know they have their
text on there you want to read through
it proofread it and just make sure
everything is correct as far as the
correct sentencing and periods and
exclamation points and all that good
stuff that comes along with putting
content and text up there you can do
some web research you're gonna search
data they're gonna say okay these
businesses are gonna put up on their
jobs are gonna say okay I need this type
of information for this particular
product and you would go out there and
you would just do a eat simple Google
search and you would find the
information that they would be looking
for and then also surveys you're really
just going to be giving your opinion
about the different
which is one of the easiest ways because
you you would go to a website and you
would see their website and you would
see their products and then you would
maybe use them or you would play around
with their website and you would give
your opinion on how it works how its
setup okay so these are going to be that
really the jobs that you would set up
these are the jobs are going to be
posted and all you have to do is set
those up now all you have to do is use
is there's a sign-up button here and
there's also a register register button
here you just click on that and you
would be taken to the signup page it
says I earn money online I register as a
click worker so you just click on that
button right there
and once you get here there's gonna be a
drop-down window okay so you want to
find your country you want to make sure
it's available for you so right here it
says you know I'm gonna click on United
States and then you would put all your
personal data in here information here
address your email login information
select the time zone that you're in and
then you just click on the terms here
and then you just sign up so once you
sign up then you're going to be able to
go through and they're gonna ask some
questions about you they're gonna ask
some different things on what you've
done in the past but it's really not
going to be a whole lot to it once you
get in you get accepted then you're
gonna be able to start applying these
jobs taking these jobs and start making
money for you okay so all you guys just
make sure you go to clickworker
you're going to go through the
information you can go through the the
benefits and you can go through and you
can learn about this there's also an iOS
app to this okay so you can use your you
can use your app to check your accounts
you can check on the jobs that are gonna
be available that you could jump into
and and start using okay so if you have
an iOS app you can use that I haven't
really seen a Android app yet on this
website but all I've seen is just the
iOS app so if you have an iOS you can do
it but if you have a browser right here
then you're going to be good you don't
need to have the mobile phone but that's
just going to give you the ability to
check it when you're traveling or you
know and about doing your thing okay so
it just makes you go to clickworker sign
up register and then start doing the
tasks that are in there start earning a
hourly wage for these tasks that you do
alright so this is going to be trading
time for money if this is something that
you want to do great jump into it if you
want to get some information on passive
income click the link in the description
below I'll give you my number-one
recommend an opportunity right here
online if you like this video like it
and share it with your friends comment
below let me know how I can help you and
your business online so this is Tyler
Pratt hope you enjoyed that and we will
see you on the next one
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