hey what is up this is Tyler Pratt if
you've come online and you you have good
mark or have good writing skills and you
want to start writing some articles
the past or maybe you're just getting
started and you want to make some extra
money on the side
well in this video I'm gonna walk you
through two more websites they're gonna
pay you $150 plus to write articles and
blog posts in the last couple of videos
I've given you other websites he's gonna
be two more great websites are going to
pay you hundred fifty dollars plus to
write articles for them then you are
going to have to trade time for money
you're going to put work into this so if
you do want to get some information on
passive income well there's a link in
the description below make sure you hit
that and then I'm gonna give you my
number one recommended opportunity right
here on line two or three hundred
dollars consistently coming in to you
every day now every day elet do like to
come out with great new videos for you
work from home online jobs just anything
to help you have success there's a
subscribe button there's also a bell
next to it hit both those and then you
get notified all videos that I come out
with and you won't miss any of them
alright so two more websites that pay
$150 plus to write an article or blog
post now I'm gonna give you two websites
that you could go to and you can write
articles for them right now blogs and
art and and you know WordPress blogs and
just blogs in general are so big ran out
and Google loves them and Google is
sending them so much traffic that
there's companies they need writers they
need blog
guest blog post content for their
website there's it's a huge demand right
now and if you have a computer and you
have your keyboard you can type away
great you know put some great content
together and you'll be able to submit
this and get paid for that so the before
I get into websites though and your
write articles I want to make sure at
the end this video I'm gonna get I'm
gonna give you a way to write these or
how the Heavy's articles written for you
without you actually doing anything work
for you okay so I'll do that at the end
of this video so stick around for that
but let's start with the first one a
fine parent okay so we can talk about
being a you know a parent and and you
know if you're a parent right now you
can write articles for that maybe if
you're not a parent you can go and
research and find
about parenting and you can write some
articles for them it's a great website
they're always looking for new content
they write they create content every day
they put content up just from different
kinds of just anything about kids about
parenting about dads moms you know
what's your parents like what did your
parents do you know how good was that I
mean you don't even have to be a parent
yourself you can just give maybe talk
about your parents what they did for you
okay so everybody has parents either
whether you're a parent yourself whether
you grew up with parents we all have
parents so anybody can write articles
for this blog okay so all you have to do
is you just come in here to the top here
and it's going to say about
before I go there though just make sure
you go to a fine parent comm okay so
that's the website a fine parent comm I
guess you can see it right there
anyway so over here about go to right
for us okay so right for us and then
they're gonna give you the you know the
information on how to write for us okay
so how to write articles for this
website okay so we go to find parent and
they're gonna pay out in paypal and
they're going to take that paypal and
submit it to you all right so they'll
just talk about the different ways to do
that alright so let's talk about the
next one so this is gonna be Smashing
Magazine com okay so here's another
great website they're looking for
content this is one of my favorite
websites Smashing Magazine just because
they have a lot of good content now you
can see right here Suzanne Sarah here's
Rachel here's Jose right these are
different people just like you who have
created articles and they've submitted
it to this website and they get paid to
do it they're getting paid upwards one
hundred fifty dollars per article that
they submit so I'm gonna come all the
way down here at the bottom you can see
there's other people there's roll
there's Jose there's Sara I'm Hayden
right here he is writing some content it
doesn't really matter your background or
where you come from you can write
content okay so let's come all the way
down there bondus is right for us so
click on write for us okay so we're just
going to go through the different
details on how to get started what
they're looking for tutorials opinion
ultimate guides case studies and who are
you know who will republishing for okay
so they just talked about the different
content that you're going to be able to
write for them and then you'll be able
to submit that to them right here on the
website okay so just go to Smashing
Magazine com click on the
where was it Oh at the very bottom yeah
so Smashing Magazine calm and then right
for us at the very bottom okay now I did
promise you I'd show you how to write
some some content gets people other
people to do it for you
you could go to a website called
upwork.com these are freelancers they
will write articles for you
so if you go to freelancers and you post
a job you say I need an article written
and maybe somebody comes along since
I'll write an article for 15-20 dollars
well you could take the money that you
make from a website like this pay the
freelancer and then you know obviously
you get paid here but this is going to
be one of those things where you gonna
have to you're gonna have to you know
pay the freelancer first right and then
when you get your money through Smashing
Magazine then obviously you have that
that profit but then what you can do is
now you can take that profit that you
got go back to up work or write another
article okay you can continue to do that
now I don't recommend you doing this I
recommend that you do write your own
articles in your blog post this is just
an option that I put out there because
some people they just I don't know
whatever they just don't want to write
articles okay but I feel like if you're
gonna create money and you want to get
paid $150 then write your own articles
write your own blog post do it yourself
do the work alright now if you do want
to get some information on passive
income will make sure you hit that link
in the description below I'll give you
my number one recommended opportunity
right here online so if you like this
video like it share it comment below let
me know how I can help you and your
success this is Tyler Pratt hope you
enjoy that and we'll see you on the next
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