
Monday, April 6, 2020

8 Easy Work Websites To Earn Money Online With PayPal #Best Education Page #Online Earning

8 Easy Work Websites To Earn Money Online With PayPal

hey what is up this is Tyler Pratt so if
you've been online and you're looking
for easy ways to earn extra money maybe
something that you could work from home
maybe some just easy work that you could
do online stick around to this video
because I'm gonna walk you through some
websites they're gonna help you get up
get running now you are gonna have to
make these you have to work at these
websites to make them work for you in
order to bring that revenue in for you
that you want so if we do want to get
some information on passive income two
or three dollars consistently coming in
there is a link below click on that link
and then I'm gonna send you my number
one recommended opportunity right here
online so every day I come out with new
videos for you work from home online
jobs just anything to help you have
success so there is a subscribe button
also a bell next to it hit both those
then you get notified of all the videos
and when I upload them you won't miss
any of them so eight easy work websites
to earn money online with PayPal so all
these are gonna pay out in PayPal all
these websites go I'm gonna show you
they're all available to people you know
really most of them are going to be you
know people that are in certain parts of
the country and they're gonna be
available to you so all of these might
work some of might work one of them
might work I don't really know where
you're at and you're in the country but
I'll try to I try to bring these to you
so you can make up your decision on
which one is actually going to work for
now some of the easiest work really
online is gonna be a couple different
things you got data entry type jobs and
you have transcription type jobs just
things that have been around for a long
transcription jobs are taking videos
like this taking audios like podcasts
and then turning the audio into text
format people that have blogs they want
to take their videos and their audio and
turn them into a blog post into text
format but they don't want to spend the
time to actually go through and type out
all that so that's where you would come
along and do that so if you have a
computer this is gonna be right for you
this is not going to be something that
you can do with your smartphone just
won't work because you can't type on
your smart phone quick enough you're
going to need a keyboard
word and you're gonna need a a you know
a dedicated computer to do this alright
so let's just jump right into the first
one here so if you've got a daily
transcription so daily transcription
comm this is gonna be one of the sites
that where you're going to be
transcribing different audios and videos
and things like that so you just come
over here to careers at the top click on
careers and then you can join the daily
transcription team here ok they're gonna
walk through what you need to do what
you need to have in order to do this and
then you're gonna they're just gonna
give you everything that you'll need in
order to get started with this and then
you just signup apply and then if you
know if they're gonna pick you they'll
pick you and then you can start
transcribing and you can start making
money with this ok so most of these are
going to be a lot of these are going to
be either English Spanish maybe in your
country they'll they'll have some
transcription for that but many of these
are gonna be English transcriptions it's
just you know the way the way these are
so if you are in one of those countries
this will probably work for you
alright the next one's gonna be casting
words alright so casting words is going
to pay you for transcriptions okay so
you just go through and you can find the
information about signing up for them
right here online but this is gonna be
another transcription type services
where you will to transcribe audio video
all of that good stuff there's just a
huge demand for these types of you know
transcription type services out there
and all you have to do is just go to
websites like this like castingwords
comm and you can sign up for them to be
a transcriptionist the next one is going
to be g-m are transcriptions comm okay
so GMR transcription comm this is going
to be a really good website here for
transcribing you just go over here to
careers okay and they're going to show
you the open positions that are
available right now so right here you
have Spanish they have there's a medical
background transcriptionist so these are
certified translators
okay so there's gonna be a lot of things
we're gonna be translating maybe the
you know your native tongue whatever it
is in your native language into text
format okay so just go to GMR
transcription is calm you can go to
careers and you can see the open
positions that are available right now
now when you watch this video it might
change so you this might be different
than what you actually see on this video
so just make sure that you know you go
to this careers page and you'll see what
is available to you at that time the
next one is gonna be tariff scription
com so it goes to terra description comm
and over here on the left hand side it
says transcribers you just go over
transcribers and this is interested in
transcribe when you click on click here
and they're going to walk you through
how you set this up how you get started
you have your email address right here
and they're going to give you a sign-up
link to do to do that and then once you
sign up they're going to give you the
information that you need to start with
transcriptions again most of these are
going to be you're going to need
keyboards you're going to need to you
can't do this on the mobile phone you
won't build do this on an ipad okay
she's not gonna be able type fast enough
you're gonna be able to and you're gonna
have to listen to audio and you get to
listen to some video and you're gonna
have to put that down on a text format
the next one's going to be babel type
babel type is a really website you go to
babel type comm and you can get started
there so you're gonna go to contact and
it's gonna say apply for work right here
okay so apply for work and you can join
the team they're gonna talk about all
the benefits you have working from home
you know it's a flexible schedule you
get paid weekly right here with Pay Pal
you could grow your skills on there so
you're gonna you're just gonna have to
go through and look through that hit on
apply and you can apply right here at
Babel type okay so apply for work now
once you get in there you're gonna have
to start transcribing audio and video
you'll just take the audio listen to it
type it up on a txt format and that's
what you will be getting paid to do
the next one is going to be ubiquitous
okay so ubi qus calm and when you come
over here you're going to go to contact
us and it's gonna say employment okay
and then you can see right here
employment opportunities at ubiquitous
so transcriptions contractors
transcription proofreaders okay so
there's a summary writers translators
interpreters down here okay so you just
click on one of these and it'll open up
another page and it'll talk to you about
or tell you what you need to know pound
for the transcriptions that we're hiring
right here okay
and you just click on apply for the job
hey ubiquitous comm and that'll be all
the information that you need there all
right the last one's gonna be 3-play
media really good websites been around
for a while
and you're just gonna go to company and
you're gonna go to meet our
transcription editors okay and then when
you come down here it says check out our
current openings alright so right here
they have English transcript transcript
editor and a Spanish transcript editor
okay these this might change for when
you see this video but this is going to
be something that you can come here and
see what's available it might change to
different languages that'll be in your
area but this is what's available to us
right here at 3-play media so just go to
3-play media comm and then you go to
meet our trans script editors okay so
that's all you got to do these are eight
websites that you can go to you can sign
up and apply if you want to start doing
transcription service it's easy work and
it allow you to start making some money
from home through PayPal now if you do
want to get some information on passive
income two or three dollars consistently
coming in well hit that link in the
description I'll give you my number one
recommended opportunity right here
online so if you like this video click
on the like button also share it with
your friends comment below let me know
how I could help you and your success
this is Tyler Pratt hope you enjoyed
that and we'll see you on the next one

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