
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Amazon Affiliate Website FAQ 6 - Product Images, import problems and more #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Amazon Affiliate Website FAQ 6 - Product Images, import problems and more

and this video I'm gonna be answering
some frequently asked questions around
the Amazon affiliate websites created in
a previous tutorial so if you've got an
issue with your Amazon affiliate woes
own powered website then keep watching
I'll always hallux here from WP eagle
thanks for watching so in this video
we're going to be answering some
frequently asked questions around Woo's
own flats erm Kingdom and all the stuff
to do with the Amazon affiliate websites
that we created in a previous video
tutorial if you're not seen those videos
then please check out the channel
they're pretty popular but also quite
long but if you want them you'll be able
to create your very own Amazon affiliate
website if you're one of the people that
have already created one those websites
which I'm guessing you are as you're
watching this video then I would love to
hear from you especially if your site is
finished and online and doing some stuff
I loved here if you're getting any
traffic if you're making any money and
basically just would love to check out
your site and see how you've been
getting on I am hoping to put together
another success stories type video and
what up to date one so if your site is
doing well I may feature it which would
include you know some great publicity
for you and some links back and all that
sort of stuff so yeah if you've got an
Amazon affiliate website that you
created following one of my tutorials
please drop me an email to eagle at WP
Eagle comm and I'll reply straight back
and we can hook up on skype or something
and yeah be great to hear from you
so anyway let's get onto the frequently
asked questions I'm going to be going
through a few different problems today
but the first one I want to start with
is the product image size issue that a
number of you've been having with the
flats and theme so let me just explain
what this problem is if you're running
the flats of theme what can happen if
you're running the latest version of
wasone is that when you download
products the images in terms of on the
category pages or the archive pages
they're all kind of different sizes
regardless of the settings that you put
into WooCommerce now in the original
tutorial I overcome this problem by
changing settings Ubu commerce and then
regenerating the thumbnails and then all
the images are nicely lined up all the
same sides now recently something
changed with Amazon and rather than
downloading images to your website a few
hours of website Amazon now want us to
kind of serve the images straight from
their servers so rather than downloading
them we just kind of insert a link and
this is what we zone does in the latest
version is that rather than downloading
images it just puts a link in and pulls
the images straight down from Amazon
when someone's viewing the product now
this is great because it means that the
images come straight from Amazon they
get updated automatically and you don't
need load a storage space on your
hosting to kind of look after all these
images however the problem we've got is
that it's not working with the fats and
theme and I've been playing around with
it for quite some time today and
yesterday see if I can find a workaround
and that works I've tried it with flat
some two point whatever and also the new
flat some version of free and the
problem is on both of those I've been
speaking to a a team about this too they
say they're going to bring out a
thumbnail regeneration tool with a later
version of Wu's own but they're not
quite sure when that's going to happen
so don't hold your breath on that I'm
not even sure if that's actually gonna
fix this problem on the flat some it
seems to be a kind of theme specific
problem with the flats and theme however
I do have a fix for you but it's a
little bit tricky it basically means
just going back to the old way of
downloading the images because there's a
setting within one's own which I'll just
put up on the screen now show you where
it is if you go into your Wu's own
settings you'll find the option to be
able to turn off Amazon remote images
and this will fix your problem because
it kind of goes back to the old way of
downloading images I mean that importing
products takes longer and you will need
that storage space and you are
potentially actually breaching Amazon
tos which is not great but hopefully
you'll be fine
so yeah if you are having problems with
the image sizes what you need to do is
go in and change that setting which
you'll find in the plug-in config change
it to off and then you'll then need to
redownload your products I know that's
quite a lot of work I'm sorry and you
know as soon as I hear something else
from either the flat some guys or a a
team I will let you guys know but that's
the only solution I've found so far
Kingdom theme and other themes I think
are ok on the kingdom of theme if you
change your WooCommerce image sizes they
just kind of change automatically
without even regenerating thumbnails so
that's fine so I think this problem is
only to do a flat sum which I know is a
problem because my tutorial which is
quite popular uses the flattened theme
and it is a great theme but
unfortunately this remote Amazon images
does not seem to be working with it I
will be bringing out a new Amazon
affiliate website tutorial for 2017
which will be using a mellow theme which
we look great and work correctly with
these remote Amazon images okay so
they've all i want to talk about is kind
of general performance problems that a
lot of people have been having some
people have been saying that the sites
from running really slow but they'd be
getting server 500 errors when they're
importing products that the product
import process is just getting stuck or
they're getting a sope error or a curl
error all sorts of errors and basically
all these things are generally down to
your hosting now if you've gone with
Hostgator who I recommend you should be
fine but you do need to increase your
server memory limit which if you ask
how's greater they will do that for you
needs to be up to 128 megabytes or check
out this video I'll put a card up there
on how to increase your server memory if
you want to do it yourself you do need
to be able to connect to your site with
FTP and be confident in editing a little
bit of code to be able to do that but
it's Photoshop forward and hopefully I
explained it clearly in that video so
yeah if you increase your server memory
limit and you're on Hostgator you should
be fine if you're using another host
I didn't recommend and I kinda can't
help you hosting quality does vary
dramatically depending on who you go if
some worked really well some are just
appalling in terms of the kind of
performance and stuff that you get so if
you're on one of these horrible hosts
that particular server with 10,000 other
people and don't give you any resources
then running wasone and trying to import
products may not work for you and that's
why you're getting these weird error
messages so if you are getting any of
these forms the server 502 soap errors
the curl errors hanging all that sort of
stuff please the first place to contact
is your host and see if they can help
you out another problem that I've come
across a couple of times is people
struggling to save their Amazon keys
within the Woo's own settings so as you
probably already know you're going to
lose own and you add your Amazon access
keys your API keys you get a secret and
a pass phrase secret thing whatever
there's two keys it needs to be put in
by default with them to plug in its got
like a a team demo key that's what it
says which is fine what can happen is
when you paste in your new keys and
click Save you then go back and the keys
aren't there for whatever reason it just
says I 18 demo key and whatever you do
it just won't save them well the only
workaround I found for this is that you
need to regenerate your keys I don't
know why so you need to go back into
and into advertising access was it
called ap I think within Amazon and
regenerate the key and then coming based
and back into your blue zone settings
and then they should save okay I don't
know what's going on there but yeah I've
seen it a couple times and I see any way
over now to fix it okay and the last one
today is regarding a formatting issue
that I noticed on a couple of people's
sites that were sent to me where
basically the product page was all
screwed up when you've imported some
products from Amazon you can have a look
and whatever reason it's not laying out
correctly now if you're getting this and
you can't quite work out what it is it
could be to do with the Amazon coupon
thing if if you go again to Wu's own
settings you'll see a show coupon option
and just set that to no and that should
fix any formatting problems that you've
been having bring this to the end of
this video I hope I answered your
questions I'm sorry I didn't have a
better solution on the image size thing
and as I said if I do hear something
from the guys at a a team or flats um I
will let you lot know as soon as I
possibly can if you are running ruse
owned and you've got a site up and
running I would love to hear from you
as I said drop me an email or post in
the comments and we'll get in touch and
I'd love to feature you in my neck
success stories video if you like what
I'm doing then please click the like
button but until next time it's bye for

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