hello all its Alex here from WP eagle
comm I hope you're all well now in this
video we're going to be adding a ninja
pop-up to our website which I'm gonna
it's gonna be the demo website I'm gonna
are great because you can use them to
build your email list with things like
MailChimp and
Aweber and other email providers so
basically what happens is when someone
goes to leave your website you can pop
up a message saying hey you get
something really cool off me
pop your email address in and join my
newsletter so I don't if you bent over
to WP eagle com recently but here it is
and you'll see I've got one that son on
here so if you want to see it in action
go to WP eagle comm and then go to leave
the website and you'll see it pop up so
we're gonna add this box now to the demo
website and I'm gonna take you through
it okay so the plugin we're going to be
using is called ninja pop-ups for
wordpress it's available on code Canyon
net I'll put a link up on the screen and
it's $20 a bargain if I do say so myself
and it comes with loads of themes built
in and it works with email responders
like MailChimp get response campaign
monitor I contact my mail Constant
Contact a weather made me me effusion
there's loads really but if you haven't
got one of them you can just get it to
email the responsive straight to you so
that then you can do whatever you want
with them so so I'm just gonna download
the plugin I've already purchased it so
I've got a download link here you
obviously need to create an account with
code Canyon and deposit some money and
then purchase it and then you can
download it so I've got it downloaded
here onto my computer then once you
downloaded it you need to open up the
the window the folder sorry whatever
you've done adding it to and you need to
expand the zip file that you downloaded
so I'm just can expand it on the Mac
here like this and then within that zip
folder you'll find another folder and
within that folder there's another zip
so that's quite confusing but basically
it's that zip that's within the folder
that you just unzipped that's the one
you're going to need to update upload to
your website
so I've got this tab open here which has
got the demo site which is available to
view at WP eagle demo comm I'm logged in
as the admin so I'm going to go to the
dashboard and I'm gonna go to plugins
and add new they're not load and then
I'm gonna browse to that file that I
downloaded then I'm gonna browse into
the folder that I just unzipped from
that file I downloaded then I'm gonna
select the zip file within that folder
so it's called ours code - ninja -
pop-ups or zip so then we can click
install now and it's done so then we can
activate the plug-in okay so that's
activated and so we're gonna go down to
ninja pop-ups and I'm gonna add a new
pop-up and this one is just called my
demo pop-up okay and then here is where
you can select some themes so it comes
with loads of cool different themes
already a few just to customize with
your own text and images and whatever so
I quite the one I'm using on 30p egan I
think is new theme six that's just a
oh no maybe new theme 7 that's a nice
one though it's nice
nope I don't know which one it is then
maybe it's theme 7 I can't remember that
looks perfect for this demonstration so
we choose our theme and then you can go
down and play with some settings so I'm
gonna just have it say get the
oops then you can change your colors if
you want or free tips then you can put
some blurb in here here's some blurb
about our excellent newsletter that you
can get straight in your inbox perfect
and there we go so there's not really
that much you need to change to be fair
you can change the thing I like to have
the exit as a when the mouse leaves the
browser viewport so that's when they
kind of just about to leave and click
close that's when it pops up select the
icon you want to close it and some of
the things like where they redirect to
after they've done and all those kind of
things but I think that that's fine for
us to get started let's publish that so
it's don't you can't really have more
than one pop-up you can have an exit
popup welcome pop-up maybe pop up for
certain pages it's got that kind of
focus ability this plugin so that's done
let's go to our settings and go through
these so in if the plug-in is enabled
it's enabled on mobile devices I'll
actually want the Welcome pop-up so I'm
going to disable that I want the exit
pop-up so I'm going to select my demo
pop-up that's the one for the default on
it on the home the page is the posts
anywhere really okay that's good then
the next one is the mailing list manager
so I really depends on obviously which
software you using I'm going to have it
as I normally have it as MailChimp
because that's the one that I use so you
just select the MailChimp / than you to
enter your API key which I don't have to
hand but you can find it within with
your mouse imp
and it's similar for these other ones so
however you log into Aweber account and
then you paste some code in there and
then it works as I said though you can't
just store them in a CSV file or just
have them as a HTML form where you kind
of copy and paste your hate email form
thing but I'm just going to have it as
send opt-in to email so it's just gonna
email me then
when someone fills in the form with
their details okay
there's promote here as well so you can
earn if you're with the envy toe and
vital affiliate program about that and
this hallowed rather advanced stuff
which again you don't need to worry
about to get working so let's go back to
the front of the site now and see what
happens so you know people are there
browsing the site and then they decide
that they're gonna leave so then they
move their mouse up towards the top and
there's our pop-up get loser to sign up
today for free tips okay so there we're
done you've got your newsletter pop up
again there's loads of themes it's also
a extra theme pack available as well
which I'll put up on the screen now a
link to and we've whole load more themes
and for this plug-in so I hope you found
that useful
have fun setting up your pop-ups and
hopefully you get lots more subscribers
to your mailing list if you like what
I'm doing
please like this video and click the
subscribe button maybe just say hello on
Twitter as well that would be great and
I will see you next time happy word
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