
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

How To Make Money Fast Online With Your PC or Mobile Phone [$1,000s Monthly] #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Make Money Fast Online With Your PC or Mobile Phone [$1,000s Monthly]

hey what is up this is Tyler Pratt so
let me ask you this do you have a PC or
a mobile phone and you want to start
earning extra money online making
possibly thousands every month well if
you're watching this video on then
obviously you either have a mobile phone
or you have a PC so you pretty much
qualify for that and in this video I'm
gonna show you exactly how you can get
up and how you get running doing that
now if you want to get some information
on how to get passive income coming in
to you on a daily consistent basis three
or four hundred dollars per month click
on the link in the description below I'm
gonna give you my number one recommended
opportunity right now online now every
day I like to come out with some great
new videos for you how to you know make
money online how to work from home how
to earn extra money so hit that Bell
below make sure you also hit or hit the
subscribe sorry hit the subscribe button
first and then hit that Bell that way
you can notified of all the videos that
I come out with to you on a daily basis
and I want to make sure that you don't
miss any of them okay so make sure you
hit that and do that so let's jump right
into this is how to make money fast
online with your PC okay or your mobile
phone potential of thousands of per
month now every day there are people
that come online and they're looking for
answers okay they're looking for a
specific type of answers now I guarantee
there's something out there that you
know that you're very very good at okay
I if I sat down with you and and I asked
you a couple questions I would guarantee
I could find out things that you know
that I don't know that i would need
answers for okay so what you want to do
is you want to go to Google and you want
to type in just answers just answer okay
so just answer like this and you're
gonna see a website down here
just answer calm okay so now this is a
website that people come to thousands I
mean millions of people come to this
website every day and they are looking
for specific answers now you're probably
thinking well you know people can go to
YouTube but people go to you know Google
and find answers but they but a lot of
times you can't find the right answer on
YouTube or you can't find the right
answer on Google like you have to do a
lot of search and people just don't have
the time to do that so with just answers
you can get paid
thousands per month by just answering
questions okay so people have questions
they put them up and you get to answer
those questions okay so you can look
right here there's 16 million questions
that have been answered already and
you're getting people have the potential
to get paid on that look at this three
billion dollars saved online so this is
so there's there's really experts out
there you could you're an expert at
something okay you you might think that
you're not an expert but you you could
be an expert at gardening you could be
an expert at fitness you could be an
expert at changing your tires on your
car I mean there's there's things that
you know how to do that people are
looking for answers for and people are
gonna pay to get those answers and
you're gonna become the expert for that
person so all you have to do is come to
just answers go all the way to the
bottom okay and it's gonna be it says
become an expert okay you can see it
right down here so sundar join us click
on become an expert so you click on that
and you come to this website right here
and all you're gonna do is you're gonna
fill out your name and you're going to
get started you just supply right there
now you have the potential to earn a lot
of money with this also if you know
other people you can actually refer
people to just answers okay and you can
get a $50 Amazon gift card right there
all you have to do is put in the person
that you know is email and they will
take care of the rest and they'll send
you an Amazon gift card but that's not
really where most the money is gonna
come from the money's gonna come from
you becoming the expert and you answer
any questions so right here it says
thousands of questions coming in per day
there's 175 plus categories in 30 plus
countries okay so it doesn't matter
where you're from what your language
your background is there's people out
there that need answers and you're gonna
come in here and you're going to answer
those questions for these people okay so
it's very easy you just need your PC you
could do it from your mobile phone and
you don't even need your interact with
people all you're gonna be doing is just
replying to somebody here and you're
gonna give them a you know straight-up
answer whatever their question is I mean
it may be you know let's just say for
example you're into fitness and you know
how to go to the gym and you know how to
but somebody out there doesn't know how
to go to the gym or maybe they don't
they don't know how to lift weights or
things like that now they could go to
the youtubes and they can go to Google
maybe search for that or they can come
to just answers get that answer right
away and they would be on with their
time just answers saves a lot of time ok
so it saves people a lot of time and
research and just wasting time trying to
figure out what the answer is to their
question ok so all you have to do is
just go to just answers you can apply
and then once you apply you're going to
become an expert for them and then you
pick the category that you're good at
and then when people post questions
you're gonna get an email that's gonna
say hey this person posted a question go
in there and answer that question once
you do that you're gonna start getting
paid and you can make you know possibly
thousands per month helping other people
get to get their problem solved ok it's
a huge marker right now it's so it's so
big right now people are looking for
answers that they just need your help
and when you come along and you answer
their questions you're going to get paid
for that ok so it's really simple all
you're gonna just go through is a one
tap one two three step process to get
signed up with them and then what you're
gonna do is you're gonna pick the
category that you're good at I mean look
at all these health medical car legal
have equipment veterinarians tax pet
computer I mean you probably know a lot
about computers you know here's homework
Spanish home-improvement customer
electronics ok appraisals and there's
general and then engineering and both I
mean there's just all kinds of
categories out there and people coming
in here and they're asking questions and
you know the cool thing is is people
come in here and they pay to ask
questions right it's not just a free you
know post a question they actually have
to pay the money to ask the questions
and that money in turn will come to you
when you answer those questions ok so
just go to Google type in just answers
go apply try to become an expert start
start answering questions only with your
PC and your mobile and you can start
making money with this you can start
doing this right now there's no you know
there's you can search just long as you
have your your PC and your phone and you
can start answering questions you can be
up and running quickly alright hey if
you want to get some information on
my number one recommended opportunity
click on the link in the description
below if you like this video click on
the like button also share it with your
cop or you know
comment share with your friends and
comment below let me know how I can help
your business this is Tyler Pratt I hope
you enjoy that and we will see you on
the next one
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