
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

How To Make Super Fast $10 A Day With A Music App! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Make Super Fast $10 A Day With A Music App!

hey what is up this is Tyler Pratt so if
you have a smartphone Android iOS device
like me I have an iOS device and if you
listen to music I love to listen to
music and if you want to make some extra
money reviewing music I'm gonna show you
an app that you can put right on your
phone Android iOS that you can get
started right now and you can make quick
you know money daily money just by
reviewing and listening to music now
this is this is not going to be life
changing income for you okay but this is
gonna help you make some extra money
using your smartphone if you want to get
some information on passive income a
little bit more money two or three
hundred dollars consistently on a daily
basis in the description below I'm gonna
give you my number one recommended
opportunity so just click on that link
now everyday I like to come out with
great new videos for you okay all of
these videos that I come out with to you
these are ideas these are suggestions if
you like them great if you don't like
them doesn't matter you can just go onto
the next video but every day I like to
come out with great new videos for you
so hit that subscribe button and then
the Bell next to it then you get
notified of all the new videos that have
come out with and then you don't miss
any of them now like I said all these
videos will I come out with to you these
are all suggestions for you okay these
are gonna help you just get creative in
your mind on what you could do online
there's so many avenues I mean we we
could be here all day long but I wanted
to just focus in on one thing with you
on each of these videos and so today
we're gonna focus on is how to make
super fast ten dollars a day with a
music app okay so if you have an Android
phone if you have a smartphone
you're in luck if you don't then it's
gonna be challenging for you but so went
to get this app you can do it online but
the app is really where it's gonna be
making you the money what we're gonna do
is we're gonna go over to Google and
we're going to type in slice
the pie
and then you're gonna be a website right
here so slice the pie get your paid or
your opinion slice of pie is a great
site you're gonna sign up right here you
can also refer a friend and make money
doing that but you're gonna sign up from
this website now what this website is is
there's all kinds of music creators out
there online and they create music but
they don't know if the music is gonna be
good or not there's also people that
create fashion they create shirts and
shoes and pants and things like that but
they don't know if the market like the
market is us you know where the market
were the people that that buy the
product were the people that listen to
the music okay we're the market so when
these companies are these individuals
create these products whether it be
music whether it be fashion they need to
get it out there and get opinions from
people that's where you come in that's
where you get to take this app and you
get to go through music you get to
listen to it and then give a review on
it now once you get very review on this
music or the fashion then you're going
to start to make money doing that the
better the review the more money you're
going to be making now you can get paid
in PayPal okay if you if you have PayPal
in your country this is gonna be how you
get paid they pay out every Tuesday and
Friday okay
Tuesday and Friday so twice a week they
pay out right into your PayPal account
now you can use PayPal you with a debit
card people PayPal has a Visa card and
you can also take that money and put it
into your banking so you can just move
that right into there so what you do is
slice of pie well you're gonna have the
Android device right here okay you go to
the Play Store and you go to slice the
pot you can also do it on the app so
slice the pie get paid for reviews here
now with the Android you can see right
here this is going to be an example of a
this shirt right here
and you're gonna write a review on that
and then so when you write the review
you're gonna say hey the review the
shirt looks good I like the color I like
the way it looks on this particular
model and maybe you give a little more
insight on the back of it the side of it
whatever you think
now as you give those reviews then
you're going to earn that you know that
income through sliced
and there's and you can just do this it
could take you just a couple of seconds
to write a review and then you go on to
the next one you can just continue to do
this over and over again and you can do
this right from your phone so that means
you can be anywhere you can be traveling
you could be out and about wherever
you're at you can always have this this
with you so you can always jump on there
find something right a quick review and
then then you're good so there's also
music too so music you're gonna go to
you're gonna listen to a track and
you're gonna give your opinion on the
track do you like the beat do you like
the the the way the singer sounds do you
like what do you like about it you like
the is it to Basie is it - not enough
bass there's all kinds of things that
you could write a review on do you like
you know - is it long and it's too long
is it too short is it too fast it's too
slow is it you know is it too loud
things like that those types reviews
that you would give for music when you
do that then the artists get an idea of
okay I'm getting a lot of reviews on
it's it's too long so then they would
shorten the music track down or they're
getting a lot of views on its to Basie
right so then they would take out the
bass in the song so what they're doing
is they're getting feedback on their
music and you're making money by giving
that feedback to that music artist same
thing goes with fashion if you don't
like something you just say I don't like
this particular shoes or these shorts or
these pants or these short this shirt I
don't like the way it looks you give an
honest review
you're still gonna make money so it
doesn't matter whether you a positive
view or negative review as long as you
give your honest opinion review on what
you listen to now you know give your
honest review I mean don't there's got
to be something out there that you like
so you can't just always give made
reviews on everything right that's just
not going to help everybody just because
whatever you know be picky but give an
honest review on it and if you like
something then give a positive review on
what you just heard okay so didn't you
have a your balance right here and
you'll be able to withdraw that balance
to your PayPal account twice a week that
payout from this website
so just just understand that the better
review that you give on here the more
money you're going to be making so if
you just if you write a review that says
I like it it's not gonna be really
something really help the end user it's
not gonna really help the artists not
gonna really help the person that
designed the shirts or the you know the
fashion it's not gonna help them by just
saying great I like it okay that's not
gonna really help them you want to give
specific details on what it is that you
like or what you don't like about that
particular music because then they get
feedback on that then they can change
things up a little bit like I said with
the music if it's too loud they can turn
it down if it's if the singer is not
very good they might need to change out
the you know who sings the song okay so
those are going to be honest reviews
that you're going to give so all you
gotta do is just go to slice the pie
calm you're gonna pick up the Android
for your Android phone you could pick up
iTunes from the iOS store right on to
your iPhone so no matter where you're at
you can get reviews and you can make
money with it so like like I said this
is not going to be a life changing
income for you but it will get you some
extra income just by using your phone
now if you want to get some information
on passive income make sure you click on
the link in the description below I'll
give you my number one recommended
opportunity right here right now notice
if you like this video click on the like
button also share it with your friends
comment below let me know how I can help
you and your success on line this is
Tyler Pratt hope you enjoyed that we'll
see you on the next one

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