
Thursday, April 16, 2020

How to Research your VIRAL MARKETING niche Best Education Page #Online Earning

How to Research your VIRAL MARKETING niche

in this video I'm going to be talking
about choosing a niche for a viral
website this video is part of a playlist
of videos which includes a video on how
to create your very own viral website
and another one on how to create your
very own viral Facebook page as well as
many other tips and tricks type videos
on this whole subject in general so
let's get started
and always Alex here from WP eagle in
this video we're gonna be talking about
viral marketing and how to choose the
subject or the niche that you're going
to be blogging about and creating
content around sharing content pages all
that sort of stuff
so this video is part of a playlist as
I've already said
and within that playlist you'll find
other videos on how to create your own
viral website your own viral Facebook
page and all the kind of things around
that as well but the most important
thing you need to do is research and
find out what niche you actually want to
enter so in the example our website that
I create I went for Labradors and and
the first reason why I went for that one
is basically because I'm quite
passionate about it I have a Labrador
and I love them and I think they're
great dogs so I can get into the content
if I'd have chosen something like
accounting or I don't know something
that I'm not into something a little bit
dull that I have no passion for it's
gonna be a lot harder for me to kind of
get into it find content create content
all that sort of stuff
also if I've got some passion in the
subject it probably means there are
other people out there as well that are
also passionate about it and when you're
talking about things like dogs and cats
and kids and sports and all sorts of
things like that you'll find that there
are huge amounts of passionate people
which is kind of what you want to tap
into with your viral website so once you
come up with something that you're
passionate about the next thing is to do
a little bit of research and just make
sure that there are other people out
there that are passionate about it and
the way I do that is well let's have a
look on the computer so when you've come
up with something that you're passionate
about and that you join as you go to
Facebook to start with and just start
typing some words into the search box up
the top here so I think around Labradors
so I'm just gonna start typing and I can
see that there's quite a few Labrador
related things they've all got quite
high numbers so that's looking promising
obviously if you go broader go dogs you
know there are tons and tons of dogs
type groups so it kind of looks
reassuring but you know you may be
thinking about doing something around
and I don't know car styling or car
decals or something that's have a look
and you know maybe not so many on this
although saying they're you know there's
a 15,000 possibly youth for a company
there you can always go down here and
have a look at see your results and do
it by pages and I mean yeah this was a
maybe quite so good but you know could
be to do with our modifications
medications modifications like that's
not working either
so yeah you need to kind of keep social
mitts and about cats I bet those funny
cats yeah quite a few likes on that not
what about paintballing again quite high
numbers so you'd think probably and
that'd be a good one too so yeah you
basically just on a check that there is
an audience another way to do is to go
onto YouTube and again just type in your
search terms just type in Labrador and
see what sort of stuff comes up so
there's quite a few Labrador videos
correct they've all got lots and lots of
views so again it shows its popular go
back to the car again and just see if
get anything on here well yeah there is
there is stuff about vinyl wrapping in
cardi Kohl's and all sorts of stuff so
yeah and so that is promising too so
yeah once you've decided we're gonna do
do some searching on YouTube and
Facebook and just check that there is
some numbers in terms of views and likes
and stuff going on and that there's
groups and videos around your subject
because that's going to mean it's gonna
be easier if you define content it also
means that there's lots of people out
there that are into it too okay so once
you've checked and it has actually got
an audience and you pretty much ready to
go so yeah just to clarify you need to
have passion and it needs to be
something that you actually wanna really
do and you're kind of into cuz that's
gonna really help and the second thing
you wanna check is that there is an
audience out there and that there are
other people
we're certainly one said to you there
are also passionate about the subject
and you know are gonna eat up what you
put out so once you've done that and
you've chosen a niche let's move on
through the playlist and why don't you
go and set up a website and set up your
Facebook page and I'll see you soon

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