
Sunday, April 26, 2020

How To Wake up Early Without an Alarm Clock next one#Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Wake up Early Without an Alarm Clock

how to wake up early without an alarm
clock this video is sponsored by babble
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I have seven alarms each at an interval
of 15 minutes it's the only way I can
finally drag myself out of bed is this
something you can relate to using the
methods mentioned in today's video will
share with you how you can use your
body's internal clock mechanism to wake
up early feeling energetic and without
using any alarm clocks let's say it's
Sunday night and you've lazy weekend
sleeping around and catching up with
your favorite TV programs or maybe you
might have spent your Sunday hungover
from Pete's party on Saturday night or
maybe you might have gone through Sunday
feeling guilty because you spent the
whole day keeping up with the
kardashians either way it is Sunday
night and you're all motivated to start
your week early fresh and effective
what's the first step to that you might
be asking well of course setting your
alarm for the next day in order to beat
the morning traffic you say or to catch
up with work you may have been
postponing the previous week or maybe
even to hit the gym either way you need
to get up early when your 5:00 a.m.
alarm rings you feel groggy and you're
wondering if you should really get up
can't I just do like five more minutes
of sleep before I jump out of bed and
start your day you're thinking soon it's
6:30 a.m. and you're sure you will never
hear the end of it from your boss if
you're late one more time
all this while you're wondering isn't
there an easier way to wake up early
it's there a way to program your body to
naturally wake up when you need to
everyday and to answer your question yes
there is a way it's with the help of
your body's internal clock mechanism
also known as your circadian rhythm in
today's video practical wisdom is going
to take you through the techniques you
can use to wake up early without the aid
of an alarm clock but before we begin if
you're not subscribed to our channel
you're missing out big-time
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on any of our videos now let's begin
step 1 determine the number of hours you
need on a good night you can do this by
training yourself
preferably during a week you're not
needed at workers school like during a
holiday each night for seven days sleep
at a particular time and allow yourself
to wake up early
also keep away any distractions your
phone your laptop your dog or just about
anything keep it away from you tell your
girlfriend or family not to wake you up
or do anything that might cause you to
wake up during sleep such as playing
loud music or doing any activities that
might cause you to wake up prematurely
it's very important that during this
week or so you wake up naturally without
the aid of any assistance
so no alarm clocks for each of these
days record the number of hours you
sleep it's paramount that you keep and
maintain a similar routine during each
of these days you're tracking your sleep
a change in routine such as maybe
travelling or having a late night can
ruin your sleeping routine and affect
the time you wake up in the morning so
make sure to maintain your routine and
bedtime chances are as you consistently
do this maintaining a consistent daily
routine and bedtime you will noticed an
almost similar time you naturally wake
up with a deviation of no more than 30
minutes step 2 get a nighttime routine
winding down is one of the most
underrated parts of getting good sleep
and good sleep is a prerequisite for
getting rid of that alarm clock come up
with a night routine that helps you
relax it could involve doing some
stretching exercises or yoga
taking a warm shower or bath and doing
some reading or meditating find out what
works for you it's advised it for one
hour before sleeping you should keep all
your electronics away so no Netflix or
TV especially stay away from the
internet social media is especially
notorious for getting you thinking too
much or getting you in the funk because
everyone seems to be doing better than
you these are all feelings that aren't
good for your sleep you want to go to
bed feeling absolutely relaxed and with
a good headspace step 3
compliment your night routine with a
morning wine actually the most important
thing you need in the morning is some
good natural light or at least a
simulation of it our body circadian
rhythm is affected by the most natural
things around us the sounds we usually
wake up to the morning light filtering
through the curtains and even the
temperatures in our bedrooms as much as
possible plan
for how you'll wake up use light
curtains that allow sunlight through in
the morning or do what I do and leave
the curtains open when you go to bed if
you need to use an alarm clock ensure
that it's one that simulates your
environment in terms of the sounds you
wake up to similarly you could get a
light alarm which wakes you up by
simulating sunlight this is especially
useful for periods during which you
might not get sunlight in the morning
like during the winter hypothetically
your morning routine could involve first
waking up and absorbing some of that
natural sunlight this could be followed
by fully stretching your body like a cat
while doing this make sure to feel your
muscles stretch out right from your toes
to your neck through your back into your
fingers this gives you awareness and
raises your body's temperature as well
afterwards you can then head out for a
shower to begin your day if your work or
climate means that you don't get to see
the sunlight throughout the day make
sure you set out some time for walking
in the daylight not seeing any daylight
at all may affect your circadian rhythm
as much as you can avoid your phone or
any electronics an hour after waking up
as a precaution you should not sleep
with them in the same room or at least
within reachable distance this way in
case you wake up at night you will not
be tempted to start scrolling through
your phone going through Facebook and
ruining your sleep step 4
get the temperature ripe most of all
ensure that the temperature of the room
in which you sleep remains constant when
we're asleep our body temperature drops
and as we wake up its temperature rises
changes in body temperature extreme or
not can lead to restlessness at night as
the result your sleep may be fragmented
which messes up your circadian rhythm
maintaining a constant temperature could
involve something as simple as turning
the knob on a thermostat or getting your
betting's right first step 5 do not hit
the snooze button it will take some time
before you stop using your alarm clock
so in practicing how to wake up early
without an alarm avoid the snooze button
completely hitting this button does two
things first it fragments your sleep
hence messing up your rhythm this leads
to the second effect exhaustion and
cloudiness when you finally get out of
bed since your body thinks used to still
be asleep regularly postponing your
wakeup time can also lead you to
completely ignoring your alarm since one
way or the other you're going back to
use the five-second rule this basically
means that if you have an impulse that
is pulling you and you don't marry it
with an action within five seconds you
pull the emergency brake and kill the
idea the problem isn't that you don't
want to get up and wake up it's that you
don't act on it so next time your alarm
clock rings count to five throw away
your blankets and get up step 6 the
wake-up time finally to purge you of
your alarm clock ensure that you wake up
at the same time every day this is the
most important part of waking up
naturally if you plan that you will
sleep each day by 10:00 p.m. ensure that
you wind down before 10:00 so that by
this time you're asleep in some unique
situations you may be required to sleep
later or earlier than your scheduled
time because of some inconveniences if
you have to wake up early say for a
flight replace the hours and minutes
you'll lose in the morning for instance
if you need to wake up the next day at
4:30 a.m. to make your flight and you
usually sleep it let's say 10:00 p.m.
and wake up at 5:00 a.m.
adjust your sleeping time to 9:30 p.m.
in order to maintain those 7 hours of
sleep you usually get thank you guys so
much for watching and I hope you've
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next one
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