
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Is Your Website or Blog Optimized? Here Are 5 Questions You Can Ask #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Is Your Website or Blog Optimized? Here Are 5 Questions You Can Ask

hey everybody this is pat flynn from the
smart passive income blog right now I'm
working with my graphic designer on some
design changes for the blog and I
thought it might be nice to kind of give
you an insider over-the-shoulder view of
exactly what my thought process is this
way you can maybe take some of those
ideas and implement them for yourself
too so so the way this is gonna work is
I'm going to ask five questions that you
can ask yourself at the end of this to
which will help you figure out what you
need to do for your website so the first
thing I want to ask is what's the first
thing you notice now it might be hard
for you to figure this out for yourself
so it's probably better to ask someone
else I've done this already you can ask
them what's the first thing you notice
when you come to my website now it might
be interesting to see what they find out
you know if what they notice is some
little red icon here some nasty
advertisement here on the bottom then
you might want to change things because
you want to direct where your people are
seeing you know if that ad is the most
important thing then that's fine but for
me the most important things are right
here in the middle of this featured area
and what I'm about here on the
right-hand side and those are the two
things that people have told me they
noticed first which is good so that's
not going to change the second thing is
if someone new came to your website
would they be able to figure out what
the site is about right away now this is
super important especially nowadays
because you know the average time
someone spends on a website is 10
seconds or less actually so you you
basically have 10 seconds to tell new
visitors what your website is about or
else they're gonna leave you know they
might be the perfect customer but
they're gonna leave because you haven't
told them who you are what you're about
you know it's very easy to do you know
don't rely on that person clicking to
your about area you know about 99% of
the time they're not going to do that
you know people are lazy and if you
don't tell them right away they're just
gonna leave and click through and find
the information they need somewhere else
so for me this has worked beautifully
this hello my name is area and I've
actually taken it out before in a
previous redesign and I put it back in
because I got so many complaints and
people were like dude that's a big
mistake that's exactly how people know
who you are
you know those people were absolutely
right so I'm not taking that out and
actually I'm gonna make it a lot better
I'm gonna keep it the way it is but I'm
gonna add a video here instead of just a
still picture so the video will actually
have its still picture but it'll say
maybe like click here or press play or
something and then it'll be me talking
about who I a little bit more about what
the website is about and who I am so
it's just another way for me to connect
with people and another way for me to
tell them right away exactly who I am so
you know you can't rely on a video
though so that's you know that's why I
have this area here and it says my name
is Pat no I'm not making millions but I
am living off of passive income made
online I'm here to show you what I've
learned I think from that you can just
get an idea right away about what my
website's about so go back to your
website go to it as if you were a brand
new person and try and see if you could
figure out what the website is about
right away in 10 seconds or less all
right in the third question I want to
ask you is is there any wasted space now
especially above the fold because above
the fold
you know stuff people see without having
to scroll down is super important prime
real estate you know you don't want to
waste that space and I can already tell
you right now that there's a lot of
wasted space here on my website like
right here that padding or margin or
whatever isn't needed you know I can
move stuff up and show a little bit more
of these ads down here for example um
you know there's some wasted space here
and you know yes sometimes less is more
but when it's for no absolutely no
reason being there then that's wasted
space and as I said before the space on
your on your home page above the fold is
super important so make sure you're
making great use of it there's a lot of
things you could put in there now the
fourth thing I want to ask you is is
anything too crowded for me I can tell
you right away and the people people
have told me this before the space here
on the left hand side is super
ridiculously crowded you know people
read from left to right so when they
read my website first they're gonna see
these first which is which is which was
my goal which is why I put them there
but you know people are seeing this and
seeing how crowded everything is and so
I bet some people are just leaving
because there's a lot of stuff going on
here and
there's a lot to read a lot of little
text to read right away so I'm probably
taking this area out I'm gonna be
expanding the text area here so that
pictures could be a bit bigger inside
the blog posts and there will be more
text I mean just look at how crowded
that looks because it's in such a tiny
little space so go to a website see if
anything's too crowded you know I'm
probably gonna be moving these over here
to a tab area and I'm sure you've seen
these before you know it's like
different tabs and then whichever one
you click on you know there's different
material down here that's probably what
I'm going to do now the fifth and last
last thing I want to ask you is are you
capturing email addresses now the reason
why you want to capture emails just is
is because it's super important to stay
connected with people so if your website
goes down or your businesses go out if
you have their email addresses you could
still get a hold of those people you
could still start a new business really
easily if you have those email addresses
if you don't have those you're screwed
so if my blog went down today there'd be
no way I could contact people you know I
do have my Twitter account but that
could go down to you your email address
is a great way to stay connected with
people and a great way to stay connected
with them on a personal level because
you're sending the message directly to
their email box so when you do this and
what I'm gonna do is actually I'm gonna
create a space right here for an opt-in
area and I'm probably gonna offer
something like a newsletter or a free
report or something like that in
exchange for their email address you
know you can't just ask for the email I
just straight away they're not gonna
give it to you so you have to have
something of value for them so look out
for those things in the future those are
things I'm gonna have on my website I
hope you enjoyed that again the five
questions that you you'll want to go and
ask yourself are for your website is one
what's the first thing you notice - if
someone new came your website would they
be able to figure out what it's about
right away 3 is there any wasted space
for is anything too crowded and five are
you capturing email addresses
so work on those things I'm working on
those right now so look for an
improvement on the smart passive income
blog within the next hopefully within
the next two or three weeks as my
graphic designer works on those changes
right now and I hope you enjoy that
thank you so much and if you haven't
already please subscribe to the youtube
channel at slash smart
passive income or if you're watching
this on YouTube right now you can click
on over to the subscribe button up here
in the upper right-hand side so thank
you so much I appreciate your attention
today and your success thanks and have a
good one bye

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