
Friday, April 3, 2020

Make $100 - $5000 in JUST MINUTES! (Easy Way to Make Money Online) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Make $100 - $5000 in JUST MINUTES! (Easy Way to Make Money Online)

and you want a free way to make money
online something that you can do right
away and you can get started with this
I'm going to show you how to do this in
this video there's gonna be a couple
steps you want to follow these steps and
then you'll be able to start making that
really good income for yourself now
there's going to be a subscribe button
in the below you want to hit that
because then I'll notify you of all the
videos and won't miss any I'm also
there's going to be a link in the
description I'm gonna send you my number
one recommended opportunity right here
online so making money online if you
know the process and you know how to do
it it's going to be easy for you and I
want to show you a simple way to do that
what you want to do is this go to and then what I want you to
do is type in a website called munch I
okay it's just type in munch I mmm mu n
CH I then why our a why i okay so much i
and you go to the website now what this
is is it's a product launch website it
shows you the calendar of all
up-and-coming launches are going to be
coming up all right now you got
understand about launches that people
are going to create a product a digital
product and they're going to launch it
three or four weeks down the road
alright and three or four weeks down the
road you can start to get momentum built
up what you want to do is you want to
project a yourself kind of put yourself
out that four weeks out okay it's a
simple process but you want to get in
front of the traffic when it hits so if
you go to website you're going to see
products that are launching like today
right launching today and those products
are people have already been working on
those products and then when they launch
somebody wants to attract all that
traffic because people going to doing
keyword searches or going to be doing
all these different things to try to get
people to go to that to that website
alright so here's what you want to do is
you want to go to something like you
want to go where you find a product and
like three or four weeks down the road
it could be a product that jvzoo a
warrior plus that you want to promote
every day you want to do these you want
to do this same process every day you
want to go into munch eye and you want
to look down two or three to two or
three weeks down the road find a product
on TV sewer or word plus sign up for
that product get your affiliate link
okay once you get your affiliate link
you're gonna be set up now a lot of
times with these parked owners what
they'll do is they'll give you a demo
product okay like a demo with a product
or maybe just a product that you can
create a small little video
that product like a review okay so if
they give you maybe a PDF and you want
to review that product you go through it
and you're going to create a small
little video that you got to be
reviewing now here's the key to this is
you're going to you're going to create a
smaller review of that product that
you're gonna be Prodi three weeks down
the road create that video and then you
upload it to YouTube alright now with
YouTube what you want to do is this okay
you upload it to YouTube but here's the
thing you want to get it up on YouTube
and you want to put the name of the
product up there you want to put the
description there you want to put all
that information in there but you want
to leave out your link because the
products not ready yet okay it's not it
hasn't launched yet but all your going
to be doing is this you're going to be
capturing a lot of the keyword traffic
because if you have a video that's going
to launch a product in three weeks
YouTube's going to take that they're
going to find all the keywords are going
to find the title and they're going to
index that video that video is gonna be
ready to go so now in three weeks happen
you know three weeks from you know today
the products going to launch your video
is going to be already indexed into
Google it's going to be already indexed
into YouTube so when people flood the
youtube search results your video is
going to pop up to the top now as that
video launches right if it launches at
11 a.m. you want to go back into your
video put your affiliate link in the
description so when somebody watches the
video they hit that link and then they
go out to the product okay you're just
gonna get massive amounts of sales
coming in that one day now what you can
do it you can have there's product
launches that happen every day so once
you've got a much I you'll see there's
products like today there might be five
products that are gonna launch tomorrow
there might be four or five different
products are gonna launch or maybe the
next day is gonna be another six
products they're gonna be launches so
you could take one of these products
every day create a small review of that
product okay and start launching them on
YouTube so every day you can have a
video that's launching boom every day
and as those videos start to start to
hit and people sort of flood YouTube
looking for reviews of that different
product your links gonna be in the
description it's gonna go out there and
you're gonna have crazy amounts of money
coming in every day now remember if you
just create one video and one product
then it's you know you might get some
sales for that one product but why not
set them up everyday have them every day
launches here's a product that's
launching boom so you have a video
that's going out every single day it's
launching because it all that traffic is
gonna flood in there somebody's gonna
take that traffic and might as well beat
you so all you have to do is just go
there create that small video get that
much I products set up okay and then get
your affiliate link in there and you'll
start to reap all that traffic that
comes in from a product launch let me
know that in the comments below if you
have any questions about that let me
know your success this is Tyler I hope
you enjoy that I look forward to seeing
you on the next one hey so make sure you
hit these bonuses these bonus videos
over here this is gonna help you really
10x your income when you click on these
videos and go watch these videos you're
gonna start to crush it so make sure you
hit these videos I think it's the right
of you when you're looking at it but
click both of these go to watch those
videos because these are really gonna
help you crush it's gonna help you just
kind of take your your business to the
next level alright so click on those
videos and let's go

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