
Friday, April 3, 2020

Make $26 In 25 Minutes Without Leaving The House Best Education Page #Online Earning

Make $26 In 25 Minutes Without Leaving The House

Hado do you want to make 25 or $300 in
the next few minutes and you can sit and
do it with a simple solution online well
in this video I'm gonna show you how to
do that if you've been online if you've
been searching around maybe you're on
your computer and you've been going to
your desktop and you maybe you go into
YouTube videos like this and maybe
you've gone to blogs and just looking
for that one solution well this is going
to be it for you this is where you're
going to be able to start generating
income for yourself online so I want to
make sure you watch till the end all
right watch to the end because there's
there's a lot of details in this it's
not really hard it's just that there's a
couple of steps that we need to take
once you get this right then you're
going to be able to start generating
that income for you okay so this is
gonna be worldwide income so it doesn't
matter where you're at in the world this
is gonna work now this has been my go-to
income source so any time in the past
when whenever I've you know struggled
and tried to make money this was my
go-to income source this is where I was
able to just go there get some some
money rolling okay so I want to make
sure if you've never really made any
money online this is where you're gonna
start and this is gonna you know get you
going and get you rolling online so I'm
gonna show you some instant payments
online how you're gonna get paid
instantly with this how you collect you
know payments and all that now make sure
you stay to the end don't be that 99% of
the people that just drop this video and
then say oh I've heard this before look
inside of your bank account if there's
no money in your bank account you need
to watch this video okay if you've been
you know going to videos and you've been
saying to yourself oh I know all this
I've seen all this this doesn't work
look in your bank account if your bank
count zero it's because you keep saying
this doesn't work okay let me show you
an automated income source how to really
make this automate it for you okay this
is gonna be this is gonna work for you
you just got to make sure you take the
efforts you got to watch to the end so I
can show you exactly what we're gonna do
I'm going to show you a couple websites
that you want to go to and make this
work now Before we jump into that make
sure you hit that link in the
description because what I'm gonna do is
I'm gonna send you my number one
recommended opportunity right here
online it's gonna help you make two or
three hundred ollars consistently coming
in also there's going to be a subscribe
button and a bell you want to make sure
you hit both of those because then what
I'll do is I'll notify you of any videos
that I come out with and you won't miss
any of them alright so when we start
there's a couple things we need to kind
of get going and kind of get early first
thing I want to do is just go to
to YouTube right here okay so when you
go to youtube you're going to be looking
for channels just any channels it
doesn't really matter but you want to
look for channels that are kind of new
with 10,000 subscribers maybe 5,000
subscribers and that they're active that
they're like if you go to their channel
right now and you see videos they just
created like two or three days ago these
are the channels that we're going to be
looking for so I just typed in anything
random einer so how do you eat like a
marine I just type that in so what I do
is I just go through and I look for
channels with like here is one with
9,000 subscribers
okay so this channel right here I'm just
going to click on this this is a new
channel okay so this is gonna be a new
channel right here looks like he he just
uploaded one nine hours ago so this is
gonna be a new channel he's active on it
so what we're gonna be doing this you
want to just start gathering channels
right here and then you can go to each
channel right here and you click on the
about from the about you can go to view
email address okay you just click on
that hit submit now news you can only
you can't just spam people alright so
don't just start collecting emails and
sort of spamming people it doesn't work
but you want to reach out to people and
I'm going to show you what you what
we're gonna be doing with these channels
okay so you want to just come back here
you want to put that on to your list so
if you have a Google Doc list or a Excel
spreadsheet put that email on there put
this this you know channel name on there
and then you go on to the next one so
what I do is just come back here to this
list and here's one 15 well that's 15
million let's see here twelve million
here's three hundred it looks like 300
subscribers right here and let me look
at his videos okay four months ago
they're not very active so I'm gonna
skip on that one so I'm going to come
back and then what I'm gonna do is come
in here to another channel a lot of
these have like here's one with 31,000
there's one 31,000 okay so this would be
good so videos looks like 12 hours ago
they're uploading videos and they're
active on it so what I'm gonna do is I'm
gonna go to the about I'm gonna come
down here to doesn't look like they have
their location in here okay so what
would I do is I would kind of go through
there I would go to their website and
kind of look for an email it maybe an
email address or a way to reach out to
this person
here okay so let me go back and then I
would just go through and continue to
find more now what I'm going to do is
I'm gonna look for 10 maybe 20 of
different YouTube channels that I can
reach out to
okay I'm gonna reach out to them and
i'ma show it we're gonna be doing a lot
of these channels they're kind of new
the new channels they don't really know
what they're doing with their videos and
they want to we want to enhance their
videos we want to make their
up-and-coming videos a lot better now
here's what we want to do though you
want to be able to get paid for your
services ok so what we're gonna do is
you want to make sure you go to Fiverr
sign up for a fiver account and I'm
gonna come back to Fiverr and I'll
explain this in just a second but with
five order you're going to this is how
you get paint okay it's the easiest way
to get paid online you just create an
account and then you create a gig and
then people will pay fiber and then you
get paid through fiber okay that's it's
the simplest and the easiest way to do
it okay
so make sure you sign up for an account
there and that's why you can get paid
for this so the next thing you want to
do is we're going to go over to we're
gonna go to google and we're just going
to type in tube Arsenal okay so tube
Arsenal right here I'll click on that so
when I get in here there's going to be
templates so these templates you got
intros you got lower thirds and you got
outros so what our intro swell intros
are the videos that play before a
channel start or maybe somebody
introduces themselves and then they put
an intro into the video and then the
video goes and it looks more
professional it looks good
so if we look at this one eye here so
this is a really good video right here
so this is looks like this could be you
can put pictures in there but it's going
to be at the very out of bet at the very
end right here you're going to be able
to put somebody's email or you don't put
the channel right there so let's go back
to let's go back to this channel that
that was up here that I saw
this one has so this guy only has he got
he's got 8000 vid as visitors right here
okay so he's three days ago I'm gonna go
to about he doesn't have location on
there or Iman there so I'm gonna try to
reach out to him somehow maybe you do it
in the comments but what I'm gonna do is
this is I'm gonna take his I'll take his
name like this take his Sheldon L and
then what I can do is come in a tube
Arsenal like this okay if you wanted it
if he has a web address or URL you put
that in here let's just say it's let's
just say it Sheldon Elcom like this okay
so now what I can do is I can preview
this movie now what it's going to do is
it's going to render and it's going to
take this information here and it's
going to recreate this intro right here
so what are you gonna be doing is you're
gonna be selling these intros now let me
show I'll show you in just a second how
this works but just understand this to
barson will allow you to create these
intros right here so once this is done
then it's going to create this video so
if I click so look all right at the end
here so I hit this is his YouTube
channel name right here okay right at
the end and it has his domain name if
that's his domain name and you can do
this for every channel out there so what
you can do is you can create these and
you can say look this is a great intro
would you like to purchase this intro
nine out of 10 people are gonna say yes
because this is a great-looking intro
with their with their name with their
URL right there they're gonna add this
into their videos so here's what you're
gonna be doing is this is first of all
you want to go into into Fiverr and you
can see right here if you go to
animations and you look at intros and
outros it's already a category for it
and you can see people in here that are
making like here's 10 now are 15 $25
$70 then you got here's $200 right here
for somebody here's one starting at $400
okay for for an intro here's 200 so
these are big numbers of people putting
money up
let me just make sure we're in the frame
get back to our frame right here alright
so you can see right here where was the
other one there was one foot that was
crazy but I miss it there's 400 anyways
I saw one here for eight hundred dollars
somebody was doing and they and they had
a lot of people that were buying it so
800 dollars for that so anywhere from 25
to 300 dollars
what I recommend you doing you starting
off small maybe 20 25 get a couple of
reviews in and then you can up your your
payment after that you can start off big
if you want to totally up to you but if
you're reaching out to people yeah that
might be work for you so if you create
this and you create this in tube Arsenal
and you export this and you show the
person like if you reached out to this
person here said hey take a look at this
inch right here that I just created for
you he's gonna say yes I want that and
you're gonna sell it on your Fiverr gig
okay you're gonna create an account on
Fiverr and it's gonna look just like
this so you'd send this link to this
person right here okay and they go to
that link and they buy it now what you
can also do is this is you can also take
your gig and you can come in here to
YouTube alright there's gonna be a lot
of groups inside of YouTube that you can
promote your services what you're gonna
be doing is you're just offering these
services to people on YouTube who have
the videos and you want to get an intro
or an outro to their videos it's it's
the easiest income to do it because all
these people they create videos they
don't have a lot of time to create an
intro and outro if you create this for
them they're gonna buy it right there on
on on Fiverr not one that when they buy
it on Fiverr
fibers are gonna collect the money then
fibers gonna send you the money how
would you know through a check through
your bank however you're going to get
paid through that ok so if you come in
here to YouTube you say YouTube videos
and you'll see groups
so here's YouTube videos you can join
that okay you can say YouTube videos
here's YouTube promote your channels
right here click on join so you can come
in there and you can say hey I have some
great outros and intros that I want to
help you guys out with those with your
videos okay so you just come in here and
you reach out to people that are already
because people in here they have
channels in YouTube and they're trying
to get their channels promoted they're
trying to get them growing and if you
tell them hey I got a great intro for
your videos then you're gonna get a lot
more subscribers to your channel
okay so this is my go-to place to you
know create income just go to tube
Arsenal create these and then you come
in here also and you can do let's go
back to templates so you got intros and
then you got outros also so outros are
gonna be the thing at the end so you if
you ever seen a video where at the end
there's gonna be you know like something
like like boxes like this and I'll show
you mine here at the end if you stick
around you'll see but at the end you can
create these boxes so people can click
on those boxes and then they can go to
the next video inside of somebody's
Channel and right here that you can see
it subscribe next video right there okay
so this is an awesome outro right here
you can put the person's link right
there in there their website link and
you can put a title in there and just
change this up it's a really easy way to
generate income you can make you know
like I said anywhere from 25 to 300
dollars because you can look at all
these you know everybody else here that
are making out rose and intros as soon
as you get you know if you just go out
there and start promoting your link
people are gonna want to do it they're
gonna want to buy it
let me some of these look at some of
these I mean look at this one right here
seventy dollars they got four hundred
and thirty nine reviews on this okay so
this is I mean that's a lot take four
hundred thirty nine times seventy that's
gonna be a crush you know that's gonna
be a way to crush the income alright so
make sure you over here to the left
you'll see my outro right here okay but
over here you want to click on these
videos right here these videos are gonna
help you make more money it's gonna help
you get more income coming in alright so
these videos up here you want to make
sure you click those go to those watch
them and then you're going to be good to
go so this is Tyler I hope you enjoy
that and look forward to seeing you on
the next one

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