
Monday, April 27, 2020

One Simple Trick To Learn More Efficiently - The Pomodoro Technique #Best Education Page #Online Earning

One Simple Trick To Learn More Efficiently - The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s Pomodoro
is Italian for tomato and the technique is named after this term because
Francesco Cirillo used his tomato shaped kitchen timer to allocate time to his
daily tasks when he attended university the basis of this productivity method is
to help avoid distractions but providing predetermined break times that allow
your mind to wander in between concentrated sessions the typical
breakdown of time for this method is 25 minutes of concentrated time with a
5-minute break therefore each cycle is meant to last 30 minutes otherwise known
as one Pomodoro here's how to get started with the Pomodoro Technique
number one choose a task you want to complete number two set your timer to 25
minutes and work until the timer rings number three take a five minute break
then return to your task or start a new task well the typical setup is for 25
minutes on and five minutes off this time allocation should be personalized
to you for instance if you find that you can maintain concentration for a longer
than the usual allocation then perhaps a split of 45 minutes on and five minutes
off may be more suitable one nuance of the strategy is that you must only
choose one task to accomplish oftentimes by trying to multitask your brain fails
to become immersed in any one of the tasks at hand lowering your overall
productivity and output to further benefit from this technique make sure to
remove all distractions from your study or workspace and have all your materials
handy so that you don't end up using your concentration time gathering
supplies one item you should have close is a notepad while working away you may
be hit with other tasks you must complete therefore by documenting them
on your notepad you can assure yourself you won't forget and can refocus on the
task at hand in conclusion the Pomodoro Technique is
a great way to break the mental resistance when starting a new task by
defining the timeframe of the activity you allow yourself to see the finish
making it easier to concentrate in a short burst of time furthermore by
allocating a break in each Pomodoro session you provide your
body and mind a reward for its work and this will prompt your concentration to
be more sustainable over the long term thanks for watching if you enjoyed this
video please comment share and subscribe for more informative content

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