
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Should You Follow Your Passion #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Should You Follow Your Passion

following your passion should you do it or is it a fallacy at some point
pursuing a career simply because one wanted to have a stable source of income
became insufficient why should you go to a job that bores you and makes you feel
miserable they asked it is argued that pursuing something you love will make
getting out of bed easier in the morning and so in today's video we talk about
passion and careers there are two schools of thoughts when it comes to
this issue while some people believe that passion is the way to go
others are skeptical in fact the idea of following your passion has been labeled
a fallacy by some is there something wrong in the thinking that pursuing a
passion would lead to a fulfilling career or is this what you should be
doing let us find out what is a passion anyway a passion is defined as something
one has an intense desire and enthusiasm for for most people their passions are
artsy they love to draw or write sing or dance photograph or paint reading
helping other people and playing football are passions that you may have
some of these interests can be turned into careers for instance you may decide
to pursue dancing or play professional football quitting your job and standing
on the side of the street singing because it is something you enjoy is
another way to go at the same time it is only fair to note that some people have
a difficult time pinpointing their passions to identify what you love first
remove the question of money out of the equation most careers are
built on skills and an expectation of income and doing away with the money can
give you some insight if this doesn't work explore your inner and former child
what did you completely get lost into when you were a child what gave you
absolute joy looking inside right now what is your inner child screaming to do
as children activities held our retention because they were enjoyable
not because we had an obligation to do them it is on this premise that looking
at your inner child you might figure out what you are passionate about friends
also have an insight about what makes us happy as they observe us from the
outside they identify things that we may miss especially those who are really
close to us as they get to observe us in our element when doing our thing ask
your friends what they think you find enjoyable their answers will both
surprise you and be helpful another way to identify what you love is by
identifying your personal heroes and figuring out why they are important to
you you may be surprised to learn that you love Steve Harvey because you admire
his mustache and you would like to help others get one just like it may be your
passion is shaving why you should follow your passion have you identified what
you love and enjoy doing and would do every day if you didn't have money so
why should you pursue this as a career before we go on it is important that you
understand that not every passion can be turned into a career or at least a
sustainable one as a hobby sleeping is great but the rants that many
nine-to-five jobs that sleepers can apply for the first reason to pursue
your passion is that you may be an expert in it especially if it is
something you've been doing for a long time professional sports men and women
focus like Tiger Woods now good at what they love because they have been playing
the game for a long time if you are good at dancing pursuing it as a career can
be a daily joyful experience for you on the other hand if you are weary of
following your wildest dreams because you're afraid that you will not have an
audience social media is here for you billions of people are staring into
their screens ready to be entertained by your dancing angered by your writing or
maybe hungered by your cooking skills all it takes is for you to decide that
you want to follow your passion third getting out of bed is easier if
you are excited about your activities for the day
forget about Monday blues the excitement you will have for your job will
contribute to your happiness as you will have less work stress motivation will
also come easier to you after all has a child you didn't need to psych yourself
up to go outside to play if you are a kid that loved the outdoors when given
the chance you'd run through the door further it has been popularly declared
that you only live once pursuing your passion helps you avoid the question
what if you will not wonder whether you can make money blowing your flute when
you try it out you can say for sure whether it was a career worth pursuing
or not the problem with pursuing passion in his 2002 book so good they can't
ignore you Cal Newport talks about why pursuing passion as a career is not all
that it is peddled to be for one not everyone has a passion and even if they
do it may be difficult or impossible to transform it into a career Cal quotes an
experiment done in 2002 where questionnaires were distributed to 539
students asking them whether they have a passion and if so what it was the
results of the experiments proved that not everyone has pre-existing passions
that are waiting to be identified and turned into a money-making venture
secondly identifying an interest doesn't mean that you will be good at it enough
to make an income from it at the age of 28 a career as a dancer if you just
recently discovered your interest in the art may be unviable and even if you are
dancing since you were a kid that doesn't translate to dinner on the table
there is a lot of work that one needs to put into it and sometimes this is
ignored in the novelty and excitement of pursuing a passionate putting in this
work and time could result to distaste for something you previously enjoyed
hobbies are done during one's free time but as a career it is all you will be doing
most days if passion is your only drive it could burn out and end with you
hating your job worse than you did your previous one where passion had nothing
to do with it so what now passions change throughout
our lives and before you quit your day job because you recently discovered
skating ask yourself two things first is there a possibility that you will stop
loving what you enjoy now feelings change they burn out and they morph and
you should not take a path just because you love it being good at your interest
is a definite plus you will be motivated to wake up in the morning because you
love your job that provides you with shelter but it is not the only thing on
which you base your career secondly what does pursuing your passion mean for your
finances and standard of living dropping your well-paying job in tech to be a
comedian sounds exciting but it may mean that you will live on the streets are
you willing to do that most of us enjoy doing what we are good at or the skills
we develop over time if you have no passions develop what you are good at
into your passion on the other hand if you do have an interest you want to
pursue make sure you can afford it make sure you are good at it and make sure
you are willing to stick it out thank you so much for watching and I will see
you in the next one
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