
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What is a URL? What is a DOMAIN NAME?! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

What is a URL? What is a DOMAIN NAME?!

in this video I'm gonna be taking you
through what a URL is and what a domain
name is some basic stuff but I was asked
this question just who are they and I
thought hey I'll make a quick video
about it and let's cover these basics so
y'all know what we're talking about so
let's go
he'll always Alex here from WP eagle
Happy New Year hope you all had a good
break over the holiday season and
Christmas all that business but it's now
January and you probably you know
freaking a little bit depressed and you
may be hopefully I'm going to start some
projects online and which is why you're
watching my videos to maybe learn about
WordPress and all that little stuff so
in this video I'm gonna be taking you
through what a domain name is and what a
URL is or or unique resource locator
anyway these are some terms that are
banded around quite a lot and I use them
in my tutorials but I've never really
explained exactly what they mean for a
start you may have noticed I've got a
new Christmas present which I got for my
wife it's a light box but I'm not sure
if you can actually read what it says
let me just any guys hit it says
subscribe on it they only needed to
maybe reposition it but hey back to me
so the main name is a name that you own
on internet and you basically register
it with the domain registrar I recommend
and GoDaddy I'll put a link up on the
screen if you want to go and check them
out highly recommended and very good
prizes but yeah a domain name is
basically it's like your address or your
phone number on the internet and each
one is unique and I say it belongs to
you once you've got it as long as you
keep renewing it it'll be yours forever
now a domain name usually only has one
dot in it so it'll be you know whatever
calm or you know Microsoft or calm cool
calm whatever dotnet eBay dot isds
generally it's a dot and then some
letters after it apart from when you
come to places like the UK where we have
funny domain names where we have two
dots so you might have a doctor at UK or
dot org dot uk' but I think that's the
kind of only exception so domain name
you know generally just has one dot and
then it ends it's got you know your
words whatever you choose dot whatever
and there's quite a lot of whatever's
now's cornet blog dot London dot
whatever you can think of ready so yeah
it's made up for two words generally and
there's a dot in the middle and once you
post it you can use if you email your
websites and all sorts thing now a URL
is basically a very precise link and
once having is basically just a link so
it could just be a domain name on its
own it could be you know Microsoft com
or it could have a
other things attached to it so ever
example it could have the path to a
direct page so maybe on Microsoft site
they've got an office page and the URL
for that would be Microsoft com slash
office so it's made over there of a
domain name and also a page but yeah a
very simple speak URL is just a link so
whenever you copy and paste a link from
a website whatever on to Facebook
whatever you are copying a URL so
whenever you see a question maybe if
you're setting up a new website or
registering something and it asks for a
URL that is basically just a link to
whichever page they're talking about and
it could just be the root of your
webpage so you know just your domain
name or it might be specific and be you
know to a specific page which in which
case you don't have slashes after the
main name I hope that all makes sense if
you got any questions please leave them
below hoping to get quite a few videos
out this year although just be warned I
do have a baby on the way this month
which is bound to disrupt recording so
I'm gonna try my best I've got a plan
for a brand new affiliate website video
which I know al are you looking forward
to so please subscribe and like the
video if it was useful I say leave a
question below and I will do my best to
help you out until next time it's bye
for now

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