
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Why Wordpress? WHY NOT?! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Why Wordpress? WHY NOT?!

hi thanks for watching it's Alex here
and I thought do a quick video basically
because people all have been asking me
why you would use WordPress and in fact
a client the other day they were tossing
up between using a WordPress website or
getting a custom built thing because I
went develop that they you said that
most good web developers right over
their own code which was a bit of a
strange statement I thought so I just
wanted to lay down my thoughts on why I
use WordPress and why I think everyone
should use WordPress for their website
okay so reason number one basically
WordPress is open source so that means
that it's worked on by probably hundred
thousand people if not more developers
around the world all working as a
community to make WordPress better
obviously this is great because it means
that it's always being updated there's
always extra features extra
functionality security problems all that
kind of stuff is all ironed out very
quickly and efficiently because there's
so many different people working on it
if you go with a one-man band or you
know a small team of people that are
working on their own stuff you have to
rely on them you know to keep it updated
and whenever you need anything so I
always think nope it's all supposed is
best because you know you've just got
this huge team wife I have a couple of
people working on your website when you
can have that you know a hundred
thousand people number two okay
WordPress has a plug-in system so you
can obviously as you know if you use
WordPress you can install different
plugins now a plug-in is a piece of
software that kind of fits in as the
name suggests plugs into WordPress and
gives it some extra functionality now
this is really important because it
means that there's often a plug-in
pretty much anything that you can think
of so if you know you want to add
ecommerce functionality there's a
plug-in for that you want to have an
invented booking system there's a
plug-in for that so yep pretty much
anything you could think of there's a
plug-in out there some of them are free
some of paid for but generally it's only
you know a few dollars or a few pounds
and it just means that you know whatever
you need to do anything you don't have
to wait for someone to custom build it
just gotta find that plug-in install it
set it up yeah running it's low cost and
it's quick number free okay third reason
is the themes there's so many great
themes for WordPress that are already
built especially the premium themes that
are a very very high quality so it means
you don't need to get a graphic designer
and you don't need to wait ages for
someone to design your theme you can
find something that's already done and
then with a little bit of tweaking and
customization you've got a great looking
website for you know a fraction of the
cost if you you know needed to go to a
graphic designer and get it done that
way which and you know from experience I
know can get expensive
number four is SEO WordPress is out of
the box as it comes once you've
installed it it's actually quite SEO
friendly and with a couple of setting
tweaks you can make it even better I
think as I've already mentioned you can
get a plug-in we can get a plugin for
SEO we should put that in and then it
allows you to take your SEO to the next
level and really optimize your site well
again a lot of sites that are custom
build don't often have all this
functionality or if you need it you know
you have to pay for it so and you know
search engine optimization is a key part
of success when it comes to having a
website so again WordPress does it well
does it really well and why wouldn't you
choose WordPress number five
okay WordPress is probably one of the
most popular website platforms I think
the last that I read was the de powers
around 18 19 percent of all web sites on
the internet so you know it's pretty
common and it's pretty popular this is
great because it means that if you do
have a wordpress site you can probably
find someone local to you the note about
WordPress and can help you out so it
means that if for whatever reason you
fall out with your original web
developer and you need to find someone
else if again if you were stuck if you
had their kind of custom code you would
be pretty much stuck with them and you
probably have to start again whereas if
you've got WordPress you can find
someone else and they can kind of work
out what's going on and take it over
quite easily
okay well that concludes this video um I
was able to think of five I'm sure there
are but that was just off the top of me
dome so I'm sure there's a lot more and
I've used WordPress for many years now
and it's just keeps driving away the
kind of things you can do with it and
the power there so hopefully that's
convinced to you and if you think about
getting a WordPress website I would
highly recommend that you go for it
don't even consider anything else if you
write any questions or comments I'd love
to hear them so post them below and look
out for more videos from me seizing

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