
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Work From Home Jobs That Pay The Most Online in 2018 #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Work From Home Jobs That Pay The Most Online in 2018

hey what is up this is Tyler Pratt so if
you want to start getting some online
jobs maybe some side jobs into your life
right now maybe something you could do
on the side that you're maybe have a job
now and you want to do something online
that you could do make some extra money
on the side well I'm gonna show you in
this video I'll walk you through step by
step and I'm not even gonna show you how
you can get other people to actually do
the work for you and you get paid on
this now what this is going to be
trading time for money okay so this is
you're gonna have to hustle you're gonna
have to do some work here if you want to
get some information on passive income
two or three hundred dollars
consistently on a daily basis well in
the description below make sure you
click on that link right there that way
I'm gonna give you my number one
recommended opportunity right here
online now every day I like to come out
with great new videos for you so make
sure you hit that subscribe button also
hit that bell that we get notified all
the videos that I come out with to you I
like to bring you new videos on work
from home side income things like that
so I want to make sure you get all those
videos and I don't want you to miss any
of them so let's jump right into it
though this is work from home jobs that
pay the most online in 2018 okay now if
you haven't really understood what
freelancing is I'm gonna show you a
website where you can go in and they
post jobs and you can you can pick up
jobs from this website and if you
haven't done really understood
freelancing for the entity is gonna be
one of the easiest ways to start online
and start a side income to you and it
could turn into a full-time business it
could turn it it could turn into a
full-time income for you online so what
you want to do is go over to Google and
just type in pro blogger calm okay and
then you're gonna see problogger come up
right here it says problogger blogging
tips and once you get to this website
here is what pro blogger is is that it's
a huge blogging platform that has
articles about everything that's related
to blogging anything related to internet
marketing anything related to just
anything related to online you know
information online okay and what they're
doing is they're looking for people to
help them with creative stuff on
line now they are posting jobs that are
outside of the problogger platform so if
you just come in here like if you go to
the first page here and you click on
this jobs tab ok so just going to pull
up here
you're gonna find jobs that are on
problogger and you're gonna find jobs
that are on other websites this is a
very good place where people are going
to post what they need done now you can
see a lot of these are just blog article
writing blog article writing
here's editorial proofreading blog
article writing miscellaneous now right
now you're probably thinking well I
don't really know how to write articles
and that's okay because I'm going to
show you how you can actually get people
to to do the work for you but if you can
write articles this is a great way to
make money because these companies these
businesses are going to hire you to
write content and they're going to pay
you based on the amount of words that
you are going to put it in tight an
article so right here they're gonna say
they want three thousand ten thousand
words per month okay so that's per month
that's over a thirty day period now
typically what I've seen is that most of
these companies will pay out for let's
say you do a let's say you do a thousand
word article okay I know they're looking
for three to ten thousand words per
month but let's just say you put out a
thousand word article they could pay
anywhere between fifty and a hundred
dollars for that particular article if
it's good quality and it has a lot of
content in there so this is something
that you could just take your computer
with you and you could type it up onto a
text document and then you can send to
them so what you want to do is you just
come into these websites and to blogger
into the job section and you're going to
just pick the one that you think is
gonna be interest of you soak our
website needs articles written so here's
a particular website that's all about
cars if you know cars if you like cars
then this would be a great way for you
to make some extra money some side money
this could turn into a full-time job for
you if you really work at this and you
get this going so this would be a great
place to start if you like cars and then
you can go back to any of these and says
review reviewers wanted okay so this is
another website and they're looking for
reviewers for their cloud words cloud
net website okay so they're looking for
experienced writers people with
knowledge and they're looking for
it says native English speakers so if
you are a native being a speaker it's
really gonna help it's gonna help with
your grammar your your it's gonna help
with your content writing so if we go
back here and we look at some of the
other ones looking for b2b marketing
writer SAS blog opportunity for pet
writers so if you like pets then pet
writers would be good for you you could
write about dogs or about cats and it
looks like red cat media who's gonna be
all about cats so you could write about
you know different cats like that so
these are these companies are gonna pay
out a lot this this is gonna be
different than if you started your own
blog if you started your own blog and
try to write content for it it's gonna
take a long long time for it to really
get up and get running with places like
pro bloggers and some of the other
websites they're already gonna pay for
the pre content because they already
have the audience for their their blog
and so they already making a tremendous
amount of money through their own blog
now I did say that that if you come here
and you want to jump on these
opportunities I said that a lot of these
are gonna pay anywhere between 50 and
$100 per article that you write and if
you're not a very good writer and you
may be English or is not your first
language what you could do is this you
go to a place like up work and you could
find somebody who would be a lot better
at writing articles then say you would
okay and so what you would do is you
would go to up work and you would post a
job and you would say I'm looking for a
somebody that could write let's say a
car website okay so a car website I
would be you would post the job on there
now this isn't copying people's work or
plagiarizing this is going to up work
and if somebody would write an article
and then and they only charge five or
ten dollars and they write a really
really good article let's say a thousand
two thousand words and they charge you
ten dollars for that and then you turn
around with that same article and you
come back here to this car website and
you you post that article to them and
they pay you between fifty and a hundred
it's all pure profit for you so let's
just say they give you $50 for the
article you take $50 - the $10 that you
paid for the op work freelance writers
and now you just pocketed $40 okay
that's that's capitalism that's that's
marketing 101 that's how you make money
that's how businesses make money
Walmart buys shoes for a dollar they
turn around sell them to you for $50
they just made $49 okay that's that's
business so that's it'll give you a way
to if you're not if articles are not
really your thing and you want to become
a freelancer this is a way for you to
take really good quality articles and
then post them to this place right here
okay so to problogger all right
all you're doing is just called
arbitrage you're just basically you know
you're you're buying content from
somebody else and you come over here and
you're post in the content here there's
nothing wrong with that Pro blogger
doesn't really care as long as the
article is really good as long as the
content is really good and if English is
not your first word you know I first
language and maybe you know it's not you
know writing articles it's not a thing
that you want to do then hire it out for
a lot less money than you actually get
the money coming into pro blogger okay
again like I said Pro blog on them they
don't really care if you know how the
article is as long as the article is
written well as long as it's not you
know plagiarized by somebody else or
just copied flat-out copied as long as
it's you know it the English is really
good and the sentence structure is
really good they're going to pay for
that article they're gonna do it all day
long and you can just come in here and
you can see that there's jobs post in
here all day long I mean there's just
there's tons of jobs that have been
posted here all you have to do is go
through here find the one that you like
you can do it yourself or you can have
somebody to up work if you can find
somebody that's cheap enough to where
you can pocket the profit between you
buying it up work and actually selling
it to pro bloggers okay so there you go
pro bloggers go to jobs find the job
that worked for you start making money
start getting a side income coming in to
you and start making you know I start
having a good online job for yourself
maybe something on the side now again if
you want to get some information on
come two or three hundred dollars
consistently we'll click on the link in
the description below
I'll give me an my number one
recommended opportunity right here
online if you like this video click on
like button also share it with your
friends comment below let me know how I
can help you and your success online
this is Tyler Pratt I hope you enjoy
that we'll see you on the next one
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