
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

7 Questions To Ask Yourself BEFORE You Start An Online Business you#Best Education Page #Online Earning

7 Questions To Ask Yourself BEFORE You Start An Online Business

hey what's up everyone this is Stefan
James from project life mastery today
I'm going to share with you a few
important questions to ask yourself
before you consider starting your online
business and if you already have a
business that I think is even more
imperative and important to make sure
that you ask yourself these questions on
a regular basis to get that clarity and
that precision that you need on what you
want the business you want to build and
to make sure of course at the path that
you're taking will actually help you get
there you know I have the unique
privilege now of working with thousands
of people from all over the world on a
weekly basis to help get started on
their online business and every day I
get the questions asking how do I get
started where do I get started what is
the best business out there for me and
it's impossible to answer that question
because everyone is different
everyone wants different things and a
lot of people I can tell from their
questions they lack clarity now
sometimes you don't know what you want
until you gain experience I believe that
experience is the best teacher and you
know sometimes you have to gain
experience and go through the process to
find what you like and what you don't
like it's a similar process of course to
dating and finding the right person to
spend your life with sometimes you don't
really know until you've dated multiple
people you met multiple people and you
see what you like and what you don't
like and that helps you make sure that
when you do find that right person you
know what you want and that person is
the right fit for you but today there
are so many opportunities I'm sure you
know there's so many businesses that you
can start you can start selling on
Amazon physical products you could build
your own brand you could start
publishing books on Amazon you could do
affiliate marketing you could create
YouTube videos like what I do you could
create your own software you could sell
your own information products your own
digital products you can put on your own
courses or events or masterminds there's
so many different paths and avenues that
you can take and it's not that one is
better than the other you know it really
is based on the individual because you
can succeed in anything you put your
mind to any of these businesses I can
point out countless examples of people
from all over the world that have been
successful at each of these different
business models so they all work you
could be successful at anything you put
your mind to anything that you commit
yourself to but there are some
businesses that might be a better fit
for you
there are some that you're going to be
more passionate for
there are some that gonna be more
fulfilled by and I think it's really
getting clear on that
so I want to share with you a few
important questions that you can go
through that like I said I think you
should ask right when you're getting
started but also reacts these questions
on an ongoing basis right now I'm
actually in Santiago Chile I've been on
vacation for the last week and a half
and I was in Eunice Aires Argentina and
iguazu falls which was incredible right
on the border of Brazil and Argentina
it's one of the most famous waterfalls
in the world add that to your bucket
list and I've been in business now for
over 12 years a built project life
mastery over seven years and whenever I
take a vacation like this I always make
sure I take the time to reflect and to
revisit some of these questions and do
this deep work that hopefully if you're
watching this and you're serious about
making this change in your life that you
actually do the deep work as well to
actually ask yourself these questions
because only you know the answer I can't
give you the answer I don't know you
personally but I want to make sure that
you ask yourself these questions and you
dig deep to get the clarity and the
precision that you really need first
question ask yourself before you start
your business or if you already have a
business is what do you want what do you
want what do you want for your life
what's the vision that you have for your
life you know so often people don't know
what they want they lack clarity on that
they most often know what they don't
want you know they'll come to me and say
well Stefan I don't want to have a job
anymore or I don't want to be broke I
don't want to struggle financially but
as long as you focus on that you're
gonna get more of it you know you got to
redirect or focus on what you want and
get clear on that because clarity is
once you know what you want you have a
vision for it then we can identify
what's the best path what's the best
vehicle to get you there because
ultimately that's what a business is a
business is a vehicle that can help you
get to where you want to go to manifest
and create the life that you want the
lifestyle that you want you know I'm
always you know I've done many videos
like this already where I go into the
vision you can find them on my youtube
channel or I have a more in-depth
process where I go through the vision
building inside my online business
mastery accelerator program and my life
mastery accelerator program but I
believe that everything every goal that
you have
always starts with knowing what you want
getting clear on that because even goals
are just a stepping stone so they're the
milestones to help you get to the
ultimate vision that you have for your
life so I really want you to think big
picture for your life five years ten
years 15 20 years from now what do you
want your life to be about
what kind of lifestyle do you want to
live you know for some of you you know
you're going to university in school
there's nothing wrong with that if
that's the best path to get you to where
you want to go I think often times you
know kids they go to school and
university not because they've really
thought about the life that they want in
the vision they have but they're doing
it because everyone else is doing it
there's an expectation and pressure they
have from their parents and their peers
and their teachers that you should go to
school and you know the numbers are
staggering that 27 percent of people
that even get a degree even end up using
their degree for what they originally
intended it for and people that end up
getting their jobs after they get their
degree I think the statistic was like 50
something percent of those people are
actually unhappy with the job that they
got and I think a lot of that can be
avoided by really getting clear on what
you want and where you want to go so
more detailed question I'd ask myself
would be what is the lifestyle that you
want you know I'll do a video on this
maybe soon on your perfect day this is
what my favorite exercise is to get
clarity on what you want but I always do
this exercise right I imagine in detail
the perfect and ideal day that I want
for my life so I'll think what time will
I wake up I'll wake up at 6 o'clock in
the morning I'm living in California
right on the ocean a beautiful home I
wake up and I've got these huge windows
where the Sun comes in and wakes me up
and I just feel so grateful for another
day of my life and I'm waking up next to
the woman of my dreams Tatiana and we
have her dogs coming in the morning and
I wake up and I just feel this sense of
freedom for my life that man what an
amazing gift this is I don't have the
stress and the anxiety that a lot of
people have they wake up and they've got
to go to a job that they don't like or
they got to do things that stress them
out but for me and I wake up and have
you know I do my morning rituals of
course and I you know plan out my day
and really when you want to ask yourself
for your perfect day you want to go
through detail the lifestyle but
what would you spend their time doing
you know for me one of my perfect days
is I you know I'm planning out content
that I can create YouTube videos and
things that I could do to inspire other
people and share and make an impact
because that's what lights me up you
know or I have certain projects and
promotions and courses and things like
that that I can create then I'm excited
for you know it doesn't feel like work
it's it's a hobby that I get paid for
and it gives me juice an energy when I
think about that and I think about the
life that I want to create and and and
the freedom that I want to experience so
by getting clear on that that that's
what I want to spend my time doing
making an impact growing learning do my
rituals living this beautiful home you
know the certain amount of money of
course in a business that can help me
get there and I work backwards from that
right once you know what that is you
work backwards you reverse-engineer okay
what do I need to do to help me get to
that ultimate dream lifestyle that I
have so I think that's a very important
thing some of you you know maybe for you
it's not a business maybe you realize by
getting clarity that hey you know what I
want to be a doctor an engineer and work
for a company and work with a great team
of people or maybe you want to build a
business and have this off this office
and this culture that you spend time
with and you're making this impact
together but getting clear on that I
think is first and foremost the most
important thing I know a lot of people
they want to live in a mansion and be a
multimillionaire and travel the world
but they're going to school to be get a
job that's just not going to provide
that lifestyle so it doesn't really work
so again you got to get clear on what
you want
okay get clear on that even if you have
a business right now get even more clear
on that because sometimes you start a
business and it creates more stress and
less freedom for you because now you're
working more than you ever would work by
having your own nine-to-five job and it
can stress you out you have to really go
back to you okay what do I want
and is the business that I have or what
I'm doing right now getting me there if
it's not then you got to change
something so that's number one what do
you want
get very clear on that number two ask
yourself the question why do I want to
start a business
why do you want to start a business ask
yourself that question get clear on that
everyone is going to start a business
for different reason different purpose
some it's to get out of desperation and
financial poverty in your life and
you're starting a business so that you
can be financially abundant financially
independent financially free for others
it's starting a business to do what you
love you know to make an impact in the
world or to live your passion every day
for others it's to be be able to travel
the world and live a lifestyle of
freedom so what do you want why do you
want to start a business because based
on the answer that question there's
different businesses that might be a
better fit for you I mean if you're just
starting a business just to make money
you don't care about doing what you love
you don't care about making an impact
okay fine then maybe there's some
businesses like that that can be better
for you than others you know some
businesses may be just selling on Amazon
is selling a widget you know you don't
care about what you're selling you just
want to make money from it that's if you
want to do that great then that's maybe
a better business for you but for others
that maybe are more like me that want
more than just money they want to make
an impact and do what they love and
share their gifts with the world I know
for me I wouldn't be happy just selling
widgets for me I wouldn't be fulfilled
by that you know that wouldn't fit feel
my purpose and my why building a
business for me I do project life
mastery because that's in alignment with
what my my why my purpose is you know to
my dream business of course is what I'm
doing now which is to learn everyday
things that help my life and I get to
share those things with you to hopefully
help and inspire your life as well and I
get to create products and courses or
share and recommend things that are
awesome that benefited me that could
hopefully benefit you as well but I got
that clarity you know and you need that
clarity too they really get clear on
that maybe you know for you you love
writing and you know you want to write
your own book one day and you know you
want to spend your perfect day is to you
know be able to sit out in nature with
your computer with pen and paper and you
get to write an incredible book and
that's what fulfills you right that's
what excites you maybe there's a better
business for you of publishing books
that is a better fit okay but these are
questions that only you know that you
can ask
so why do you want to build a business
get clear on that and knowing that will
also serve you in the times when you're
building your business when when you go
through the ups and downs when it's a
struggle and you want to give up when
you're stressed out and you're
frustrated you've got to have that
reason that purpose that you can revisit
and go back to you that will pull you
out of those dark times to help make
sure you follow the process and you get
to where you want to go because it's a
lot easier and convenient most often to
stay where you are
even though where you are right now
might not be the life that you want
maybe it's a job that's okay but it's
not really your potential it's not
really what you are most fulfilled by so
you stay in this okay job because you
don't have enough pain yet to leave it
or do anything about it and maybe at
times you fuel the pain and the
frustration and it inspires you to build
a business but then it subsides and you
know everything is just ok again I think
that's one of the worst positions to be
in right you often won't be in the the
you know the threshold state of like at
the end of the rope and you actually
make a decision to change things or you
want to be on the other side of this
spectrum where you love your life and
you're fulfilled by it but being in that
comfort zone just the ok mode man for me
often that's that's just over time it
just leads to a lack of fulfillment and
unhappiness and so understand you got to
get clear on what your why what your
purpose is and you got to revisit that
on a regular basis the third question
I'd ask myself is what is my passion
you know what is your passion what's a
what's a market what's a topic what's
the genre that you want to build your
business in that you have a passion for
you have an excitement for something
that you already enjoy you know for me
that's self-development
I love self-development since I was 17
years old it changed my life
and there's not really anything else out
there that I really wanted to do you
know I for me again because that was my
passion I thought well why don't I build
a business around my passion why don't I
publish books around my passion why
don't I create content around my passion
courses coaching events why don't I do
all of that around what I love and you
can too whatever that is for you maybe
you love fishing maybe you love the
outdoors maybe you love hiking maybe you
love golf maybe you love video games may
you love gardening maybe you love
cooking maybe you love animals and dogs
maybe you love business or marketing or
investing or self-development right
there's so many niches out there that
you can build a business around and
you've got to get clear on what that is
now again sometimes you don't know that
answer until you try different things
you know you have to experience maybe
different things of life to find again
what you do like what you don't like
what is your passion and what's not your
passion sometimes you know it happens
organically over time by trying
different things and again I go back to
this that experience is always the best
teacher to get started I remember for me
for example when I was 21 years old I
wanted to be a dating coach and I was I
was for several years because I
struggled with that area in my life and
by the way sometimes your struggles of
life the pain that you go through can be
your greatest blessing and gift in the
world that God gives us because it
forces you to overcome it when you
overcome it you now have value that you
can give to someone else you have the
passion and the emotion that comes with
that - because you suffered you don't
want someone else to suffer either and
so you want to help them with that and
that could be a great business for you
you know my sister for example recently
started a business an online business
around postpartum depression because she
struggled with that took her many years
to overcome it and now she has a gift
that once she she's in a better place
she can help other people now because of
what she went through so sometimes your
failures and frustrations and pain
points can be the greatest gifts and
lead you to that path of what your
passion and what your destiny is and so
for me that's been self-development and
that's why I started project life
mastery and everything I do now is in
alignment with what what my passion is
and I don't pursue anything else that's
not in alignment there's many
opportunities that might make me more
money but it's not in alignment with
what my passion is and what fulfills me
so I make those decisions based on that
so what is it for you and I think a lot
of people they just want to make money
and again if that's you that's fine but
often I find it doesn't last you know
they just want to sell a widget on
Amazon or they just want to publish a
books on whatever just something they're
not even interested in whatsoever just
because it can make the money and that
could make you money for the short term
but long term your nautically be
motivated or fulfilled by it
so why not have both why not have the
money and the passion and the impact and
just do that soul searching to find what
business that is for you you know I
think another great thing to look at as
well when you ponder this question is
look for other businesses out there that
already exist that are making money in
this way that are doing what you want to
be doing you know for me I was able to
look at my mentors that made an impact
in my life and saw that they built a
successful business from that and that
gave me the confidence and the belief oh
my god if that person can do it then I
can too I can follow in their footsteps
because they pave the way for me right
there's many people have already paved
the way so you don't have to reinvent
the wheel you can learn from them and
model them and they've already giving
you that confidence and the certainty
that that there's a market and there's a
demand there for it so do some
soul-searching on that but also look at
other businesses that exist that you're
like man I'd love to have that business
or that business would be exciting to
work for or to work with or to have my
own business along those lines - okay so
what you want
number one what your purpose is why you
want it what your niche what your
passion is I think the fourth question
asks is what are your strengths what are
your weaknesses
what is your nature see a big part of
success I believe is discovering what
your strengths are what your natural
talents are your gifts are and to
leverage those to go deeper with those
and use those to make money because you
know for some of you watching this maybe
your strengths is behind the computer
maybe it is marketing maybe it is
analytics maybe it is creating funnels
and doing that you love that others you
know I've got a friend for example his
name's Anthony tryst you're a very
successful online entrepreneur and
marketer and he his gift is he is
incredible at networking with people
incredible at building relationships
he's just the life of the party -
extrovert he has a hard time he has like
ADHD you know he has a hard time being
behind the computer sometimes and he has
been able to have a lot of success
because he's been able to network with
the right people he was you know an
affiliate manager for several companies
and built a successful business doing
that and he found out what his strengths
were and he leveraged those to build a
business around that
rather than trying to do something
that's not in alignment with what your
nature what your strengths are so
there's a lot of personality tests that
you can do to help identify what your
strengths are strengths finder is a
great one is a book called strengths
strengths finder 2.0 and there's other
ones out there that you could discover
but again part of that is going through
the process and and discovering what
your strengths are for me I've
discovered my strengths and what I enjoy
is creating content inspiring people
motivating people people that motivated
me I I was fired up by that and I wanted
to do the same thing and it gives me a
lot of juice in fulfilment or for me I
discovered that I love to teach people
and educate people and help them and for
me you know I had strengths and gifts
that that is giving advice and helping
people with their challenges and I got a
lot of people that thanked me for it and
it just made this addiction for me where
I wanted to be a coach and wanted to
help people in those different ways and
so I through my years of business I've
been able to discover that and sometimes
you know you don't know what it is until
you go through that process but if you
already know that's a huge advantage you
want to leverage that you can ask people
in your life already and even just gonna
look at your past history of what you've
enjoyed and what you've been good at
that's helped you get to where you are
today I'm often reminded of discovering
what your nature is something that I've
learned from Tony Robbins
he teaches those three different natures
and business one is the entrepreneur
another one is the artist and the third
one is the manager leader the
entrepreneur is the person that likes to
take on the risk of starting a business
they have a vision they want to start a
business and they're not emotionally
attached to it they can build it they
can sell it you know and they create
they love creating the systems and the
procedures for the business they're a
visionary to take on the risk and that's
what an entrepreneur is the artist on
the other hand is that person that more
loves to they love to be creative they
love to maybe create content you know a
good example is a professional athlete
musician and actor and actress a dancer
those are people that are more the
artist you know LeBron James or a
Stephan curry in basketball they're the
artist and so for them they've mastered
a craft
and a skillset and they want to share
that and they want to experience that
and live it so that's what an artist is
for me I get coaching as an art form for
me it's a way to express myself and for
me business was just a way that I had to
learn entrepreneurship because it's not
my nature I had to learn it to support
me living in my art and for me my when I
shared my perfect day it's it's not
really running and operating a business
it's doing what I love and what fulfills
me which is coaching and creating
content and learning and inspiring other
people right so getting clear on that
for me was valuable because I knew which
business would be the best fit for me
and I could get support along the way
the hire people to be the entrepreneur
or the third one was the manager leader
which I learned the hard way that I'm
not I can manage people but it's not my
nature takes a lot of energy from me so
it's not that you can't learn how to be
an entrepreneur an artist or a manager
but there's one that's more your nature
that is most natural for you and easy
for you that you want to discover so
getting the more clear you can get on
that the more powerful that you're gonna
be in starting the business and again
maybe for you you want to be the person
behind the kid behind the camera that's
sharing and inspiring and teaching and
educating which case there's a whole
variety of businesses out there for you
but maybe you're the person that's more
behind the scenes right maybe you're the
person I don't want to put myself out
there so I just want to be behind the
scenes and you know maybe you can be a
manager for someone else or start a
business and you work with influencers
or people that can be the face of your
business or maybe you sell physical
products instead who knows there's maybe
even uh from businesses based on that as
well so that's why I think it's also
important to get clear on that to help
you identify what is the best business
path for you
you know the other question I'd ask
myself too is what is my budget how much
money do I have to actually invest in
starting a business because there's
different businesses that might be
different for you you know if you only
have a couple hundred bucks then there's
some businesses that are better for you
maybe it's publishing books on Amazon
maybe it's affiliate marketing where you
don't need to invest that much to get
started with it maybe it's just creating
a YouTube channel creating an Instagram
a Facebook and putting out content out
there maybe you have some more money
maybe you have a couple thousand dollars
to in
in which case great you know you can
maybe sell on Amazon physical products
maybe you can develop a software or an
app or there's a different business
there for you as well but I think the
challenge is a lot of people they want
to start a business that maybe
financially they don't have the money to
get started with I mean a physical
products business requires capital an
investment to get started and also to
reinvest in inventory to keep it going
so that's important to and I think also
a lot of people they think I'm gonna
start a business because I'm broken I'm
struggling and this is going to be the
solution to that problem and it's not
you know a business is a long term
solution to it but not a short term one
you're not gonna get rich quick if
you're looking for immediate money where
you make money when two weeks then get a
job find a job in your local area find
online jobs as a freelancer you can work
for another company you gain the
experience by doing that and discover
what your strengths and weaknesses are
as well but but that's more an immediate
way to make money and a lot of cases
people need to get their finances sorted
first before they actually dedicate
themselves to starting a business and
committing that because it is gonna
require money one way or another I mean
if you want to even do affiliate
marketing you've got to build an email
list you got to you know buy something
like Aweber that you can build an email
list with or a funnel-like clickfunnels
a website domain you know there's things
like that they're gonna cost you money
regardless of what business that you
start so if you're looking for a
solution to that get a job get your
money to go together your finances
together and then take some of that
money whether it's a couple hundred or a
couple thousand dollars and start your
business the right way rather than
trying to go about this it's gonna be so
much harder doing so if you don't have
the money to get started the right way
the next question I'd asked myself is
how much time do I have to commit
because every business is different
there to some businesses might require
more time and than others
some businesses you can you know build
only five or ten hours a week
others might take a little bit more time
so also knowing that is also important
too and even the timeframe of how soon
you want to make money and build a
business because some businesses like a
physical product business could take a
few months even just to launch it on
Amazon you
alone make money from it so getting
clear on that also is very important the
other question I also ask myself and I
encourage you to ask is what resources
are available that can help me build my
business what coaches are out there
mentors courses programs that can guide
me from where I am right now to help me
get started to build my business to have
success so many of you are trying to go
about this the hard way
I don't get it you know you're trying to
go out there and go to Google and
YouTube and search for content out there
that can help you piece together how to
build a business and it's a lot more
than that I think you're gonna be in for
a rude awakening when you discover
really what's involved in building a
business it's a lot of hard work and
there's a lot of logistics to it in
details and the fastest way towards
success is to invest in a program a
course that can guide you from step by
step by step by step and take you from A
to Z the fastest way possible so that
you can learn from other people's
experiences and shorten your learning
curve to get there a lot faster than you
ever could on your own you know I have
courses and programs but other people do
as well but I know for a fact what I've
done over the last seven plus years
you're not gonna figure out on your own
or you're not gonna figure it out just
by watching youtube videos because for
me what got me to where I'm at today has
been constantly learning and investing
in myself and getting coaches and
mentors and I made many mistakes along
the way to get to where I'm at that I
could shortcut for you there are some
things I could share with you in an
instant that would save you months or
even years of time trying to figure it
out on your own and that's the value of
education and investing in that so I
would find what are the resources the
courses the training programs that
aren't quality that can actually help me
build my business once you decide what
that business is for you take the fast
track not the slow lane the slow lane is
going to lead to stress and frustration
and pain so getting clear on that is
very important too and I guess if I were
to leave you with one more question I'd
be asking what do I want to give what do
I want my legacy to be what contribution
to what I want to make to this planet
because if you're serious about being an
entrepreneur you've got to understand
what an entrepreneur is we're someone
that solves people's problems and a
where someone that adds value to the
world by creating a product or a service
or content or something of that nature
that adds value and the only way you get
paid and rewarded is through the value
that you add the more value that you add
and provide the more money that you make
right the more people for example my
business that I reach with my content
and I help them or I share my product
and service with them that solves a
problem it helps them build a business
or helps them create more happiness or
joy in their life or a better quality of
life then people will pay me for that
because I'm solving a problem they have
or I'm helping them achieve a goal or an
outcome that they're trying to pursue so
spirit business is a spiritual game in
that way because it forces you to grow
and to always be giving if I want to
make more money I just gotta give more I
got to create more products and services
I got to create more awesome content and
that's been my focus and I think a lot
of people they start a business so
focused on themselves I just want to do
this to make money to create a lifestyle
to create freedom but they don't realize
and they often forget the fact that the
only way that all of that happens is
when you give and when you find a
business that you're excited to give and
help and serve then it becomes a fun
process it becomes a lot easier so I
think those are some of the most
important questions I'd ask myself and
starting your business and I want you to
understand too that these answers can
change they're not set in stone you know
they're dynamic they're flexible I know
for me has changed many times 50 years
and I'm always reflecting on these
questions and getting more of that
clarity because sometimes man you get in
business and it takes you down the wrong
path because you lose sight of what you
got in the business to start with and
you've got to readjust that path and say
you know what no I'm going down the
wrong path here I got to get back on
track and remember what I'm doing this
for why I started my business in the
first place or maybe why you start it in
the first place has changed and you've
got to update that you've got to update
your map you got to update your vision
you got to update your purpose and so
you always got to reflect on this and
that's really what I'm trying to
encourage you to do is is to get clear
on these things and and and that will
help you identify what business is the
right fit for you now if you want more
details about which business is the
right fit I've put together a free
course I'd love to send to you it shares
seven to seven different online business
models that I've made money from
and it shares with you the pros and cons
of each so inside this free training I
go into Amazon FBA go into publishing
books on Amazon I go into the affiliate
marketing digital products blogging and
YouTube coaching even software and I go
through each of these business models
and share the pros and cons which one is
better for beginners somebody's more
intermediate someone's more advanced
which one is maybe a better fit for how
much money how much money you have are
much how much time you have to dedicate
it'll help you guide you through that
and provide more clarity for you but if
you want to get access to that click the
link in the description of this or go to
project life mastery comm slash free
course ok project life master comm slash
free course all one word head on over
there put in your name and email send
you access to it and you can go through
that and I think really the most
important step it's just to get started
don't wait for everything to be perfect
free to starts I see this happen time
and time again sometimes you're not
going to know the answers to these
questions until you go through a process
till you try different things you know
what I've tried so many businesses out
there and they've all been gifts for me
to learn and grow but help me get
clarity on what I really want to do what
my what my true mission might be my real
passion is right and so if I didn't try
different things I wouldn't have
discovered that and for you right now
maybe right now you're pursuing
something on Amazon and maybe you do
that for a few months or a few years and
you discover you know what that's not my
mission and there's another opportunity
an opportunity instead that you pursue
maybe for that one you decide that
that's not the right fit for me either
that's okay maybe you pursue the next
one and you keep pursuing until you find
what that is for you but you make sure
you learn from every experience just
like every relationship you go through
in life you better make sure you learn
from it if you don't learn from it then
you're gonna repeat the same patterns
the same habits to the next relationship
because they're always taking you with
you you're taking you with you from one
business to the next business to the
next as well as from the one
relationship to the next to the next to
the next and if you don't learn then
you're not gonna get to where you want
to go so listen hopefully this could add
value to you if it did leave a comment
below give me a thumbs up here on
YouTube and subscribe for more videos
thank you so much for watching I'll see
you again and
next one
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