
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Are Your Friends Holding You Back? #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Are Your Friends Holding You Back?

you want to find people that can push
you and really despite their presence
their results their success in their
life it makes you feel uncomfortable
about yourself and forces you to raise
your standards and grow you have to
understand that this has to become a
priority for you and in many ways if
there's something you really want and
you want to commit to it part of success
and getting what you want is knowing
what you're going to have to give up in
order to get it I think a lot of people
don't really understand what it takes to
be very successful in your lifetime
really the biggest value is being around
people that are much more successful
than you and I found myself very
uncomfortable in this circumstance
because you know I heard a great saying
a long time ago which I totally agree
with that if you were the smartest
amongst your friends that you have the
wrong friends who you spend time with is
when you become because the people in
your life that you surround yourself
with are going to influence who you are
more than anything because we all have a
desire and need of connection of love
from different people in our lives
and we'll lower our standards or raise
our standards based on the other level
that other people are playing they love
the game of light act okay you want to
find people that are much much smarter
than you are and surround yourself with
them because what happens is you
actually feel dumb of being around them
which is kind of embarrassing at times
but at the same time like I said you're
going to grow massively you're going to
learn a lot you're going to be a sponge
you're going to be like a fly on the
wall and just kind of observe and get a
lot of benefit and value from because
when I'm around these types of people so
they're happy fulfilled
spiritual guess what happened I raise my
game up to that level as well and now
we're growing together there's no
perfection bread if you're going down
this path but you have all these other
people that are in many ways holding you
back not consciously but more so because
you don't want to lose their love don't
want to lose our connection you're going
to lower your standards just to be if it
be able to hang out with them right so
if you have people that are depressed
they're unhappy they're these these that
maybe as employees that are broke that
don't have great relationships that are
overweight and you surround yourself
with people like that then the challenge
is you're going to start to drop lower
your standards as well in life we all
need to grow okay that's a law of the
universe you either grow or you die and
when you're growing in your life you're
making progress that gives you happiness
it makes you feel a sense of being alive
in your lifetime and so we all need to
grow and business is just a great
challenge to end anybody that forces you
to grow to become more

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