
Monday, May 11, 2020

Experiment More, Fail More... And Succeed #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Experiment More, Fail More... And Succeed

guys don't be afraid to experiment in
your business don't be afraid to
experiment in your life because all
failure really is is an experiment that
didn't work out and I can promise you
the more that you're willing to
experiment and try new things in your
business and life the more successful
that you will become and I think the
problem is so many people are so afraid
to try new things are so afraid to
experiment because they don't want to
fail guys failure is your greatest asset
it's the greatest gift because it tells
you what worked and what didn't work so
that you can improve and get better so
that you can try things again so that
you find out what works so that you can
actually succeed if you're not willing
to try our experiment and risk that
failure then there's zero chance of
success there's no chance if you're not
willing to try something new so don't be
afraid of that guys especially if you're
brand new it's something because you've
got nothing to lose you know once you
build a business that is more successful
you built an asset you built your name
you built something then when you
experiment and try new things there's
actually a higher chance of success
because you can lose it and sometimes
you've got to be willing to risk that
sometimes you've got to be willing to
try new things if you want to continue
to grow you know sometimes you don't
know where that line is until you cross
it and you got to cross that line maybe
a few times and even in my business
sometimes I try things on YouTube I try
things in my business you know I'm just
experimenting to see is this gonna work
is it not going to where's that line
across it okay you know I got some
dislikes okay some people didn't like
that but I don't know where the line is
until you cross it you always want to be
right at the edge of that line right you
want to be at that edge if you can do
that guys and be willing to try new
things experiments I can't promise you
that everything's gonna work out I can't
promise you that you're always gonna
succeed you will fail you will make
mistakes you will have some people that
don't like you some people that think
this or that of you and that's okay
you've got to be okay with that you got
to accept that that that's part of the
process and it's not necessarily that
they don't like you or they're disliking
anything personally it's more so your
experiment that you
crying it just means that the experiment
didn't work out that doesn't mean that
you're a failure it just means that what
you tried didn't work and if you're
committed and determined enough and
you're willing to try something else
and learn from that and receive the
benefit the value that that provides
learn from it and continue moving
forward that's how people succeed in
life there's not one person out there
that I know of that successful that
hasn't failed Thomas Edison failed over
thousand times before he invented the
light bulb the electricity and he failed
many times but you know what he never
viewed them as failures he viewed them
as experiments and he learned from each
one and sure enough some of those
experiments led to other discoveries
other successes that he was able to have
in his business and his personal life so
don't be afraid to fail guys don't be
afraid to experiment you should always
have experiments going on in your
business and in your life and to learn
from it so that you can grow and improve
and move forward thanks for watching

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