
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Finding The Motivation To Succeed - January 2012 Resolutions Update [VIDEO BLOG] #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Finding The Motivation To Succeed - January 2012 Resolutions Update [VIDEO BLOG]

hey guys I'm making this little video
for you guys today basically give you an
update on my 2012 resolutions and you
know on January 1st I put up a video
that it made public to everyone everyone
that I know everyone on Facebook on one
by 2012 goals are what I'm committed to
you in 2012 and you know since I did
that it's been amazing because I've had
a lot of people come up to me a lot of
friends a lot of people have called me
and they've been really inspired by that
and one of the things I'm going to do in
2012 is I'm gonna be launching a video
blog here soon
basically as a way to share all the
things that I'm doing in my life all the
transformations and everything that I'm
learning and be able to share that with
you to hopefully inspire you and help
you achieve your goals you know help you
achieve your resolutions for 2012 and
your entire life okay so one of
my goals is to compete in the WBFF
bodybuilding Fitness modeling
competition on June 23rd here in
Vancouver and in order for that to
happen I have to get down to like 5 or 6
percent body fat and be you know lean is
and in order for that to happen
you know I've got to have a plan I've
got to execute a certain plan I
you know steps that I'm gonna do to
pursue that because if you have a goal
if you have a dream it's not gonna
magically happen on its own
you got to pursue it you got to do what
it takes to achieve that and right now
guys I have literally gotten no more
than four hours of sleep this entire
weekend I am physically exhausted my
body right now like I could pass out at
any minute
and you know I was uh partying and
drinking and meeting people and going on
crazy ass adventures this entire week
and I had an amazing time but
nonetheless right now I'm getting ready
to go hit the gym
because I don't make my decisions based
on how I feel I don't make my decisions
based on some emotion or
whether I feel like it or if I'm tired
or whatever the excuse might be I'm in
it to win it
okay I'm gonna do what it takes to make
this happen so I want to encourage you
guys to do something today to improve
yourself do something today to to you
know take a step towards achieving your
goals your dreams your resolutions
because that's the only way
is gonna happen you know and at least
then you know I'm gonna come home and
I'm literally gonna pass out on my bed
but before I do that I can least look in
the mirror knowing that I improve myself
knowing that I did something today to
move one step closer towards my goal
towards my vision of who I want to be
and I can look in the mirror and feel
proud I can feel more confident as a
result of that and that's a really
incredible feeling so I want to
encourage you guys do something today to
improve yourself come it and hit
the gym with me let's go together let's
go right now
okay what's stopping you so imma get
ready at the gym I'm physically
exhausted I don't if you can tell from
this video or not but I'm gonna do it
nonetheless I got a blog coming out soon
stay tuned for that it's gonna be
amazing and I'm gonna hit the gym
alright so peace

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