
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Dean Graziosi Turned His Knowledge Into A Multi-Million Dollar Business #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How Dean Graziosi Turned His Knowledge Into A Multi-Million Dollar Business

hey life masters this is Stefan James
from project life mastery and today I'm
super excited to introduce you to
someone who's made a massive impact in
my life
his name is Dean Graciosa and he's a New
York Times bestselling author of the
book millionaire success habits and he's
done over a billion dollars in sales to
his name through his own knowledge
business and that's exactly what we're
gonna dive into today is how Dean
grathios he built his own knowledge
business and how you can do the same how
you can share your message with the
world and impact other people's lives
through building your own knowledge
business extracting your knowledge or
the knowledge from other people and make
an impact and make a profit at the same
time so let's dive into the interview
I'm here right now Dean Grassi Ozzie
Dean thank you so much for taking the
time do you mind sharing with people a
little bit about your story you have an
incredibly inspirational story that I
think will really resonate with people
and really inspire them yeah and I
appreciate it first off man I want to
congratulate you for just doing what you
do the world needs more leaders to share
what they've learned right that we're in
this phase of confusion in the world I
think we're at a time when winters
coming when a shift in the economy is
coming a shift in t
echnology is coming
and people need that that guiding light
the the light post to to to head towards
and it's people like you making an
impact Manson since I first met you I
heard of you I kind of geeked out and
some of the things that you've been
doing and it's really good it's really
good I I think we're at a place where
the world finally realizes that they
just want to learn from someone who's
already been there and not the person
who says they've been there or not from
someone who's never experienced it so
anyway it just it's a part of my passion
it's 22 years in the self-education
business and when I see somebody doing
it right I admire them so I want to give
that back to you so pleasure to be here
so you know I'll tell tell my story to
the depth of its serving everybody
listening listen we all have a million
things we could be doing right be doing
right now so this time we're together
Steve Stephan I want to deliver massive
value so I think if my story helps
anchor that you realize that no matter
where you are in your journey to the
full potential that you have to give the
world that's okay and I've been there so
I think that'll help so I'll just
preface this when it comes to money I
know what it was like to dream and
obsess some day that I could make a
hundred grand a year I did I had
dyslexia in school so I always struggled
and I was never diagnosed I just
couldn't read and when I did I was just
so damn confused so then I just found a
way to digress and I cheated on tests
and found a way to skip certain classes
I realized now I was just a different
kind of learner right I listened to an
audio book every single week but I
couldn't read a book right so I always
struggle in school and my parents didn't
have money we bounced around from
apartments and trailer parks and my
parents are split when I was three we
moved all over the place so
I think there was a couple of things
about my childhood that kind of pointed
me in the direction of being an
entrepreneur is I hated not being
controlled I'd have my parents were
married nine times by the time I was 20
so always moving always new stepparents
and stepbrothers and stepsisters and and
and listen I'm not saying poor me that
was my life it was designed for me I
wouldn't change an inch of it it made me
the man I am today the father I am that
the person I get to be but I think what
that did is I felt so out of control as
a kid and maybe some of you can relate
to that is I felt like other people were
in charge of my destiny and I didn't
think they were qualified to do so so no
matter where you are whether that's your
teachers your parents your spouse your
friends your co-workers sometimes that's
like holy crap these are the people are
gonna design where I go I I don't want
to be any of them I don't want to live
their life I don't want their income I
don't want the choice to make the
choices they made so I was lucky enough
to realize that at a young age my
parents worked really hard but they
didn't have any money they worried about
it all the time and they and I just
didn't like the direction they were
going so I found at an early age that I
wanted a new direction and it drove me
but college wasn't for me cuz I wasn't
that smart didn't even take my SATs and
then my guidance counsellor I remember
her telling me well you could work at
the local factory or maybe you could
work on cars with your dad like there
was there was no like it was either
college and in bright future the way she
made it sound or you're kind of screwed
boy but you know it could be good you
could so that was the day's I'm saying
that that was the days where I dreamed I
wonder if I could ever make $100,000 a
year and I went right out of school I
started working my dad on cars in the
collision shop and then drove a tow
truck and then I was lucky enough to
find a couple mentors in my town they
were just older guys in the real estate
business that's my first kind of next
level of income what came from and I was
just young and dumb enough and sometimes
we all need to feel young and dumb and
naive because the world has told us so
many reasons why we can't make it then
we start believing it at a certain age
but I was young and probably naive
enough that there was two men reaching
Richard no dough
Joey no dough and Dominic a few so older
Italian guys they came from nothing one
went to like seventh grade they're both
millionaires which was like ah like a
millionaire but they were just good
dudes and they they talked differently
than my dad
they they made different decisions than
my dad they just like they seemed just
happier and my dad was a harder worker
like he was up earlier stayed up later
but they found a different way and I
think there was I'd love to say there
was this epiphany the sky opened and I
started finding my mentors it wasn't I
just started realizing if I do it this
way I could do better if I do it this
way it's like hitting my head against
the wall and keep saying it hurts well
then stop hitting your head against the
wall so I started adopting different
habits and I got my first real estate
deal with no money down from just trying
and and so why set that hundred grand a
year I just want to share today while we
have this interview while I hope to
share things that help you like so many
people have helped me I remember wishing
for a hundred grand a year and I got
there and I remember wishing for a
hundred grand a month and I got there
and a hundred grand a week and I got
there and then I remember getting to a
hundred grand a day and then I remember
getting to a hundred grand by twelve
o'clock every single day so I've been
through all of those failed miserably in
between almost lost it all twice
sleepless nights but also the other side
of facing your biggest fears I've had
those accomplishments and that sense of
freedom and that sense of control that I
always craved so there's a million
things we can tell about our stories I
just hope you see that when I talk today
my brands and my companies I just want
you know a broken a billion dollars in
sales so I'm not talking out of
something I think would work I promise
you I'll never share anything today that
I didn't test and try and I've been
wherever you are broker than broke in
the middle looking to scale hit a glass
ceiling or crushing it want to go the
next level I've been on all of those so
I think that anchors in why maybe this
is the day that you should really listen
up I love it now I know your life you've
become who you are today because of
self-education you know you didn't go
the traditional college university route
but you invested in yourself in other
ways through courses and training
programs and mentors and masterminds you
might sure and just you know your
experience with that how did you first
originally get into that whole self
education space the self development
space improving your
sell and how much of an impact does that
made in your life yes so really great
question so I start if if there's the
first time you ever hearing from me just
so you guys know I ignored social media
until about a year ago because I've been
in the infomercial space for 22 years I
shot my first infomercial in 1998 I had
a company well over a hundred million
dollars a year and I was kind of
ignoring social media until one day it
hit me about a year and a half ago that
I'm not providing a service to a
different demographic and different
generation that needs this value that
needs us so I started geeking out and
obsessing on social media and thank God
I've gotten so much love back we just
passed four hundred twenty thousand
people growing on Instagram growing so
fast so but I'll tell you why I went in
the infomercial space I was in my 20s
and I was working really hard I was
trying to do as much as I could
unlike the people around me and then I
saw this infomercial with Tony Robbins
this giant man seemed inspirational I
pulled out a credit card I bought his
course I got it delivered and I gave
someone money and they gave me
information that dramatically changed my
life I mean not a kind of shift like
dramatically change like it was almost
like my my instinct like if you believe
in previous lives and I don't know if I
do or not but if if there was a previous
life I was someone in my previous life
that was into personal growth that I was
successful I accomplished a lot and it
was just locked away and I started
reading and listening to Tony Robbins
and all of a sudden was like it was
unlocked and I just I don't know if you
ever felt this way I just believed every
word he said even though it was
counterintuitive to everything I learned
in school everything I learned from my
parents everything I learned from my
friends it was like everybody taught me
this table was white and I listened and
this guy says it's black and I just
believed him and then Tony introduced me
to Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle and
coach John Wooden and all these
different people and I started obsessing
on and I started changing my habits I
started changing how I approach things I
started facing my obstacles I started
talking differently
I started thinking different I started
want to make it impact Plus make lots of
money and everyone around me thought I
was insane my parents barely like just
thought I was nuts they thought I was a
and then I went down that road of
personal growth and since like literally
since I got that with Tony I've
generated hundreds of millions of
dollars so much of it because of that
mindset but then I was smart enough to
pay for speed I got involved in
masterminds I I joined a $25,000 a year
mastermind over 15 years ago crazy at
first like 25 grand but the first
meeting I realized oh my god the
collective wisdom wisdom in this room I
get an ROI on my time I get an ROI on my
money I'm sure the same experience is
with you and then now I I mean I have
$100,000 a year mastermind that I
started with my buddy Joe polish we
started that we sold it out in about two
weeks we're doing something different
with that now but that was amazing and I
have I have masterminds Tony and I are
launching a Tony Robbins now who started
my life is now one of my dearest friends
we're working on a cool project together
but we're starting at $250,000 a year
mastermind like masterminds have become
my life because I realized as Napoleon
Hill said and thinking Grow Rich that
the world got addicted to general
knowledge and when it's not working in
college they go get more and then they
get a bachelor's and then they get a
masters and then they get a doctorate in
generalized knowledge and somebody comes
in with specific knowledge and outdoes
them every time they get they go faster
quicker and easier so I know I kind of
went all over the place but if I look
back at the one common thread of my
success yes I have tenacity yes I never
gave up
yes I'm enthusiastic as because I
know where I want to go in my life and I
won't let anything get in my way I
failed miserably and I didn't take those
failures as poor me I took him as a
lesson I hated him but I took him as a
lesson I realize I got to pay my success
tax I'll continue to fail I didn't
listen to people who are unqualified to
teach me all those things but what
really if I look at one common thread is
that I was smart enough I got lucky
enough to understand the value of
learning from someone who's already been
there even if they're only an inch in
front of me I guarantee that there's
things that you've done that would take
me a year to figure out I'd rather cut
you a check and have you do a two hour
two day workshop on zoom' and teach me
in my team like the ROI is massive so
any way that I could go down that for
but that's how I feel self-education no
I love it you know i-i-i also was
introduced to this world through tony
robbins through his Getty an amazing so
many of us were oh he's been a blessing
and you know he's the reason why I do
what I do because when someone's made
that kind of impact in their life and I
got into when I was 17 years old and I
was in a really dark place depressed as
shy but he was a blessing for my life
and when I was at that age look in what
direction I want to go in my life he was
my role model and I just wanted to
follow in those footsteps to make an
impact in the same way that he did for
me so he's the same for the same for me
man I have to be honest with you
I I was lucky enough to model other
people and I had already got momentum by
the time I bought Tony's course I
already on 18 apartments I had I had ten
houses being built I was subdividing
land I had a tow truck company on a
collision shop an auto sales I was
probably making a couple hundred grand a
year starting from nothing so I was on
this path and then all of a sudden it
was like I had a fire that was burning
pretty good and Tony Robbins came in a
five-gallon jug of gas and just dumped
it on it you know and it opened my eyes
that and you're right and the reason I
did my first infomercial is because I
paid for an infomercial and it changed
my life I wanted to do the same thing
for other people so I got his course in
probably 1996 and in 1998 I filmed my
first infomercial amazing so I want to
ask you then about you know you're on a
mission right now with Tony Robbins you
guys a partner death and you guys want
to make self education the new norm
describe that for people why is this so
important why why self education as
opposed to the traditional I guess
education system yeah really really
great then and I'm so passionate about
this right now because listen I don't
want to be jaded just because typical
education threw me away right so that
could be like oh you're just being
spiteful it's not the case I just it's
broken the the education system is
broken when only 27 percent of kids who
get a degree get a job in that field and
out of the 27 percent of people who get
a job but it doesn't matter if you're
older and you with the school thirty
years ago you know this to be true out
of the twenty seven percent who get a
job in
fueled 52% of them hate the job they're
in so weird about a 12% people who go to
college and actually like at their job
right we have college debt at 1.5
trillion dollars college has gone up
eight times while jobs have stayin
stayed flat and unfortunately we know
this to be true that the college system
was built for the Industrial Revolution
and we are in the Information Age we're
not in the Industrial Age anymore and
people are realizing and that's why
there's a massive massive Exodus to
college this is why Janey or Jeanne
Romney she's the CEO of IBM she just was
at a conference listen this this is
someone who's like I mean IBM when I
grew up the main plant of IBM the first
was across the river from where I grew
up and for Kip C New York like that's
white collar to the extreme that's
because I grew up a blue-collar guy you
worked at IBM you're white collar right
she gets in front of a conference and
says everybody forget white collar and
forget blue collar it's about new collar
it's about specialized knowledge because
college just teach this what she said
College teaches general knowledge when
people come out we have to train them
for years but if I can hire somebody
with specific knowledge there
immediately hireable if you can get them
because they probably already own their
own business like the world knows the
world was finally realizing when Toni
started 40 something years ago we had a
yell loud when I started 20 years ago we
had a yell loud but people are starting
to realize like I can go I can go to
stuff on and and get the information
just like that or I could take five
years to figure it out on my own and
they're they're voting that self
education is becoming the new norm with
their credit cards right now this is
the self education business is a three
hundred and fifty five million dollar a
day industry every single day and Forbes
just released an article they said
within five years that will triple so
the self education business will be a
billion dollars a day in the next five
years so what Tony and I decided because
we've been dear friends for about ten
years and we always talked about doing a
business together but we have so much
fun as friends like let's just go golf
let's just go here let's just go so we
decided about a year ago if we're gonna
do something let's make them impact
that'll last one we're gone I mean if
you know anything about Tony
now he doesn't have to work and thank
God I don't either he don't he does have
to work a day in his life and he's the
hardest-working guy I know it's all
about impact he wants to change his
before he goes to his final resting
place he wants to change as many lives
as he can and that's just a true story
there's no other reason that man is that
driven so we said how can we do that so
what we decided to do is to get on the
mission of making self education than
new norm and create a blueprint and
create a software that helps people
extract what they're good at extract the
skill extract a passion and expertise
and share it with the world for profit
and impact because I think I believe in
oh I might have digressed too much but I
believe at the end of our lives if you
could say you're a hundred years old you
got you have a choice would you rather
make massive money well would you rather
have made a massive impact on the world
I believe with all of me because I've
asked this to 10,000 people at once
everybody when they really think about
it wants to make a massive impact and
what Tony and I believe is why decide
Tony and I and so do you we get to make
a living for changing people's lives
like oh my god how blessed are we the
three of us every day to do that so what
we wanted to do is pull back the curtain
show our 62 years of experience and
create the blueprint and a software
where people can extract their knowledge
share it with the right avatar with the
perfect customer and sell it for a
profit whether that's a community or a
group or a mastermind or a workshop and
whether that's doing through zoom like
we're doing right now or live in person
we want to create the gold standard
process that will outlast us so that
that's been our that's been our
obsessive mission for the last year yeah
and you know I'm sure that same mission
and that's why I partnered with you guys
on this because self education has
changed my life starting back in those
days with Tony and it continued all the
way to today in my future I'm always
learning growing investing in myself
it's made me who I am today and I'm
always trying to preach that for other
people to invest more in yourself now
this program that you guys have created
it's called the knowledge business
blueprint and for those of you that are
watching or listening this this is a big
deal because Tony hasn't launched a
product and I think 12 years as so
when he does something you know it's
gonna be big and you know it's gonna
impact a lot of people's lives and if
you want to learn more about it I'm
gonna link it below for you guys or if
you go to WWF as recom forward slash
knowledge business blueprint you can
learn more about it Dean and Tony and
also Russell Brunson and put together
some amazing training programs tons of
awesome value for you guys to learn more
about it but you might share just a
little bit more about the knowledge
business blueprint you know you know for
somebody that's watching this right now
they might be thinking well you know I
don't have knowledge or I'm not an
expert how could this apply to me maybe
they have that desire to make an impact
right they want to say yeah I get it
help people but they feel they don't
have that expertise to be able to do
that yeah really good question and and
so here here's what I'll share is it is
one of the fastest growing industries in
the world right money is pouring in like
I look I like to visualize a wave and I
don't want to be behind the wait if
you're a surfer where do you want to be
want to be in front of it so the wave
pushes you right so I want to be in
front of this wave so now you're
thinking I'd love to make more money if
you're watching you say I'd love to make
more money I love that more significance
we all we all want significance for what
we've worked for but how do you do that
through growth and contribution right so
think about there's this wave of money
coming in I can impact people and I can
make more money three amazing
ingredients but how what am I going to
share here's what I know
Tony and I have have searched everywhere
and we can't believe the type of people
that are doing workshops building
communities doing groups doing
masterminds from a guy teaching kids how
to do good fades with hair to two
extensions to how to be a better wedding
photographer endometriosis a woman went
through and had figured out how to cure
herself and all of a sudden since she
found the cure she started sharing it
now she does workshops and masterminds
on how to help women and she's making
insane amounts of money so how do you
and we know our industry and masterminds
and marketing and sales but how do you
discover if you have a skill or a
passion or an expertise someone would
pay so Tony and I not only built a
course we spent almost a half a million
dollars and created a software that
helps you go through a process to
extract something people would be
willing to pay
for then it reverse engineers it shows
you how to create the perfect avatar of
who would pay you for that and then how
to sell it how to collect the money and
then how to deliver it do you want to do
you want to do a zoom call or do you
want to you know do an in-person at a
hotel I mean I want to back up here for
a second and share this with you but if
Tony's got a group called platinum right
it's $85,000 a year and I said the Tony
would you rather do three platinum
groups or write another book and he's
like hell yes I'd rather just teach and
get paid like the value is huge there
and we want to give people an
alternative to writing a book or
building a course or being a consultant
all three of those are amazing but
there's this whole other niche that
technology has opened up for us and but
I just want to share if you are five or
six steps ahead of somebody who's gonna
go through that path you're the expert I
have a friend who's accountant for 30
years he's like no one would pay me the
guys doing $30,000 a month helping young
accountants not make all the mistakes he
made and then I want to go upstream one
more and please stop me at any time I
can get on a because you could tell this
is passion to me but if you're not an
expert if you're young and you don't
have a skill and you don't feel like
people would pay for you pay for what
you know then I want you to think about
this what about a niche that you love
that you could be the reporter of
knowledge let me give an example real
estate was my life I mean I've helped so
many people in that I still own 300
houses but if I said to you everybody
watching right now people like to
diversify their portfolio if I said hey
you want to diversify your portfolio you
want to make money at the markets
turning you want a profit on the way
down I'm gonna do a two day workshop on
zoom it's a thousand bucks and I'm gonna
show you how to do your first deal in 30
days but I gotta have a disclaimer I've
never done a real estate deal in my life
I did this on stage about three weeks
ago I said who would give me that money
not one person raised their hand then I
said okay but okay now I'm gonna do it
again I've never done a real estate deal
in your life who would pay me $1,000 for
a two-day zoom call but here's what I
did I went on Instagram and I found the
top 10 real estate investors in the
United States and i DM them and out of
the top 10 I got 8 of them to jump on a
phone call with me and I
distracted their top 10 secrets for
doing deals in a down market then I took
all of it and I correlated it and I
found the top seven ways from the best
in the world to do your first deal in 30
days would you like to do a zoom call
with me for a thousand bucks for two
days the whole audience like yeah right
so the thing is you could be the expert
with the skill or you could be the
reporter of the skill people are just
hungry for knowledge and you could be
the facilitator of a community of a
group of a mastermind of a workshop and
what Tony and I want to do is we created
the gold standard there's a lot of
people kind of doing it half-assed if
you want to be honest you're not one of
them that's why I'm on this call with
you it's why I'm doing this video
interview with you because I love what
you're doing but the fact that matters
that's not the whole world Tony and I
just figured listen we got 62 years of
doing this let's create the gold
standard if people aren't following this
model maybe people won't even want to do
it so that's all of it lumped into one
and please ask any more questions yeah
what like are referring to you guys call
it a knowledge broker right so you don't
have to necessarily be the expert but
you can you can partner with other
people that are in that one sirs that
are the experts in their industry and
you can facilitate this event for them
the workshop the mastermind the virtual
coaching program or whatever it might be
and so you could be if you wanted to
more the facilitator of that the
knowledge brokers well nobody no nobody
knows it's about Tony but when he first
started he didn't go on stage for the
first three years in his business he
would fill masterminds up and group
training up and then Jim Rohn would come
and speak and then they'd flip split the
revenue so that really there's three
ways it's you're the expert with the
skill you're the reporter of skill like
Tony Money master the game one of the
best financial books of all time
he's not a financial guy he interviewed
financial guys or the third parties
we're calling a knowledge broker is you
partner with somebody who's got a skill
got an expertise got a following but
they're not monetizing it and they're
not impacting people so you follow what
Tony and I teach you you get people in a
room they show up and teach you guys
split the profit what Tony and I decided
when we're gonna build this we didn't
want to we wanted to make it for the
experts if you're an expert you have a
skill you must do this like hands down
you must like if you die with knowledge
in your head you're doing a disservice
to the world and you should feel guilty
for doing that but we wanted to make it
so if you're like man I love this
industry but I'm not quite the expert
okay then follows the training we did on
being a knowledge broker and partner do
what Tony did you still get to be in
this business you still get to make
impact and you still get the profit so
we want we don't want to leave anybody
out I love it
now I also put on my own mastermind
events and I've actually started going
through the training that you guys
provided and I already know for a fact
it's gonna it's gonna add a couple six
figures to my masterminds that I'm doing
and you know I did I kind of resisted
doing masterminds initially when I first
started my my knowledge business online
I was just more putting out content on
YouTube and I was more online influencer
but I noticed there's a there's a
totally different transformation
connection and impact that you make in
someone's life in person that you just
don't get online yeah is I I mean I you
know I invest a lot as well not as much
as you but going to mastermind
surrounding myself with other people
that are like-minded successful and I
think it's something that you know the
bird in this information age there's
more than enough information and content
out there but people don't apply it
people don't value it as much because
they're not really paying for that
information unless they invest in
training program like what you guys are
offering or they maybe come to a
mastermind an in-person event or even
online - but can you just share it you
know what you've noticed you've impacted
millions of people online what have you
noticed from the difference of the free
information that might be out there that
someone can still benefit from but
actually coming out to a mastermind and
why why that's why people are willing to
pay so much for that yeah really really
good point so first off like think about
it this way if if you had a hundred
college kids and at the beginning of the
semester it's their first year or their
freshman and a hundred kids you said
here's all the books here's all the
assignments no need to come to class
come back at the end of the semester
with everything done how many of those
kids would come back right the only the
the real go-getters self-motivated what
maybe ten percent what they really need
is they need to be a part of a group
they need peer pressure they need to
learn from the people around them they
need a teacher to keep them accountable
to give them homework
and that's really what masterminds do
it's the collective energy the
collective wisdom and that's why if
you're part of a group a part of a
community it's why you go to workshops
people and and here's another thing too
Tony and I obsessed on this course I
think it's going to be the greatest
course the course that's ever been it's
going to set a new standard for any
course that goes out like we pull people
through we we give them during the
course you get to take a test at the end
of every section you could skip it if
you want but if you go through the
section you take the test then you pass
it you accumulate points and Tony and I
have done unique training that's no
place else
so we're bribing you to go through each
section pay attention pass this little
quiz get a bonus get a bonus like we've
done everything in our power to pull
people through it but most people don't
in courses and the fact of the matter is
there's a book called leverage learning
I'm actually interviewing the author
tomorrow morning I'm excited about it he
said only about 9 to 12 percent of
people finished courses because there's
nobody to keep them accountable and
that's why Tony and I geeked out on how
to pull people through but when someone
learns live whether even on the internet
live or face-to-face live it's more like
a 90 percent retention because it's in
your face you're doing it you had to
show up and it and even if you go all
the way back to thinking real rich
there's a whole section they're talking
about if people don't pay they don't pay
attention they don't value the knowledge
he said that's why the school system is
broken because kids don't pay they can
go if they want if parents were paying
for every single one and the kids
weren't getting there their chore money
if they didn't attend school it would
change everything so there's this combo
of I cut a check I'm listening and then
this face the face of like wow this
person did it and now they're sharing it
with me and well and the third one that
no one sees is that most entrepreneurs
and if you're watching right now you're
gonna know exactly what I'm saying
most of you have had family tell you
that you're a dreamer or that you're
crazy or it won't work where you live or
won't work in this economy or there's
too many people already doing what you
do and you should play it safe and you
should just basically settle right
that's how most people talk to us and
all of a sudden you get in a group with
like-minded people and you go yeah I
tried this new thing last week but it
failed they're like yeah it failed you
know what not to do hey let's figure out
how to fit
like oh this feels pretty damn good you
know exactly what I'm talking about like
you're in a room of people who applaud
your failures applaud your success
instead of a room people go on you're a
dreamer stop thinking big so groups and
masterminds they just they just changed
the world and I think there's a lot of
people maybe even you watching right now
thinking masterminds wouldn't be for me
that's what Tony and I are gonna change
we hoped I mean in fact we own
mastermind calm like we hope that in 10
years so now when someone says
mastermind like oh yeah that's the way
you change your life that's self ed you
I don't neither one and Tony and I want
people to go oh that's Tony and Dean we
want people to go oh that's just a way
for me to become a better version of me
I love it yeah you know it's changed my
life in so many ways I think the
challenge for a lot of people they're
consuming the information they're
reading the books but if your ecosystem
your environment your peer group and who
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