hey life masters this is Stefan James
from project life mastery and today I'm
going to teach you how to become an
expert in your industry no matter what
field or industry that you're in I'm
gonna share with you five steps that you
can follow to become the go-to expert in
your industry now there's a lot of
benefits and perks and reasons why you
want to become an expert first
understand that the knowledge business
and industry is a hundred and twenty
nine billion dollar per year industry
right now today people are spending and
investing up to three hundred and fifty
million dollars on their own self
education every single day and Forbes
estimates that that number will triple
in the next five years and so what that
means for you is that this is a highly
lucrative and growing industry people
are looking for experts they're looking
for other people like you that can share
your expertise your knowledge your
skills what you know with them to help
them solve their problems and the
Internet has really changed everything
you know before that people would go to
colleges and universities but today
people don't need to as much because the
Internet has changed things where people
can self educate they're looking for the
answers to their problems online they're
typing in Google they're consuming
and podcasts they're finding people on
social media that are experts and
whatever the field or industry is
they're finding people in investing in
courses and training programs and
coaches and mentorship and events and
seminars and masterminds and you know
the way that people are educating and a
lot of wages can be more efficient than
going to university which might be more
generalized information more broad
knowledge rather than specialized
knowledge and an expertise so it's a
growing industry that provides a lot of
potential for someone like yourself to
really grow in and there's so many
niches and markets where the world is
looking for experts and people that can
help them with that now obviously the
other benefits are that you get
credibility you set yourself apart from
the other people in your industry people
will pay you more money for your
products and services if they perceive
you as that expert and really the
ultimate benefit and they all
that reason why you want to become an
expert is not for the money it's not for
the significance and the credibility and
people looking up to you and respecting
you the ultimate benefit and the reason
why you should become an expert is for
the impact that you can make in the
world the impact that you can make in
other people's lives because at the end
of the day that's the name of the game
that's why you want to become an expert
is that you've developed a skill set and
expertise knowledge and you don't want
to keep that for yourself but you want
to share that to other people so that
you can get them out of pain and help
them achieve their goals or solve their
problems and add value to other people
that's the most rewarding part of this
whole process and this whole journey
towards becoming an expert and I believe
that if you make it your focus to want
to serve and help other people you get
rewarded with the credibility and the
the success and the money and the
respect all of that follows from you
having a caring for other people and
wanting to serve them and leave them
better off by just sharing with them
with compassion and love and trying to
give to them the best way you can so I
want to encourage you and plant that
seed in you that that's the ultimate
reason is to make an impact and I know
if you're watching this right now you're
that kind of person that is wanting to
give and make that difference and that's
why I respect so many of the experts out
there the people that want to grow into
that role is because I know the people
that I know that our experts and do do
this they have a huge heart and they
know they have a mission to give
something back more than themselves so I
want to share see now the five steps now
the first thing I want to mention that's
very important is you first got to
identify the niche the market the
industry the field that you want to
become the expert at and it's often best
to narrow that in first not try to go
too wide or too broad but be a
specialist in one particular field and
ideally that's something obviously that
you have an interest or a passion for
because if you love it you're gonna want
to do the work and go through these five
steps and want to share it and want to
serve other people with it
so that could be with anything I mean
the world needs experts that are can
help other people with their mindset
their beliefs with setting and achieving
goals with addictions in the world and
mental health and they need help with
investing and building a business and
marketing and with gardening
how to train your dog or how to learn a
musical instrument or how to you know
make certain foods and and cook in the
kitchen and follow certain diet plans or
how to get in better shape or how to
master yoga or meditation whatever it is
there's a million different industries
and niches out there but you're gonna
find the one for you and when you find
out what that one is go deep with it and
really master to become the best expert
that you can be but really the first
step is once you've identified that is
you must study okay you must study so
you've got to take your own education
your own self education very seriously
if you want to become an expert it's not
enough just to say that you watched a
few YouTube videos and you want you went
to a course or two and you read a few
books and now you're the expert okay
that's silly
it starts with studying and if you know
my my levels of mastery this is the
knowing stage that means that you've got
to read books you got to go deep you
can't stay at the surface you've got to
go deep in terms of your study of
reading books and researching and maybe
interviewing and learning from other
people or going through courses and
training programs and really study as
much as you possibly can on that subject
there's there's so much knowledge out
there on each of these different
industries and these different fields
that you really got to know what you're
talking about you have to have that
expertise and the way that you got to do
that is to first go deep and study it
for me I take what I do very seriously
this is my career it's more than just a
hobby or a passion that I have this is
my career this is my business and so I
take that seriously that over the last
15 plus years every single day I'm
working on myself I'm reading books I'm
learning I've read thousands of books
now I'm always investing in coaches and
trainers and finding the best of the
best to interview them and learn from
them and going through courses and
training programs investing in
masterminds all of that because I know
that the more that I invest in myself
I'm investing in my expertise I'm
investing in Who I am I value that I'm
building up within myself that I can
then give and share that with other
people and I'm in a unique situation now
too as someone who is an expert online
and other people follow and look up to
you every day I get questions every day
people reach out to me either they're my
clients that I work with or my
Vence or through my training programs or
even through social media or YouTube and
they asked me questions and it's my job
to be able to help that person they're
reaching out to me for help and I always
want to be in a situation where I can
help that person because I never know I
might not ever have another opportunity
to be able to help that person and I
really want to make sure I can make that
impact in that person's life if they're
reaching out to me especially if they're
in pain if they're suffering no matter
what it is so I pride myself in really
studying as much as I can in finding the
answers like if I don't know the answer
to something I want to figure it out and
you know I want to study it and I
research it I mean I've studied certain
topics that I just wanted to learn from
myself not even from my own personal use
but because I want to learn it to help
other people with like I started
studying addictions in psychology and
you know Freud and Carl Jung all these
different people throughout history the
psychologists and psychoanalysts and all
the different schools of psychology even
though they're different schools of
religious beliefs and everything - so I
can understand and appreciate everybody
and be able to have different
perspectives and be able to I guess best
serve that person based on where they're
at and be able to understand as much as
I can so I take that very seriously and
whatever field or industry that you're
in take that seriously for yourself -
and just really go deep and invest in
that just like you would in college or
university invest in your own education
it's the same thing whatever your field
is you've got to know what you're
talking about and be the expert by
studying every single day on that okay
that's number one number two is studying
is not enough obviously you must also
apply you actually got to do what you're
learning right you can't just be that
person that knows all the theory but has
never even applied it because that's
going to limit your experience and your
ability to actually impact someone I
believe the best way to learn is
actually by doing right I mean if you
want to learn basketball become an
expert you can read all the books you
can watch all the videos but you're
never going to actually develop your
basketball skills or ability until you
actually get on the court and start
bouncing the ball and shooting the ball
and actually applying what you've
learned and so you can't just be stuck
in that what I call the keyboard junkie
seminar junkie that you consume all the
information but you don't do anything
with it okay because the experience is
what is going to be tremendously
valuable you know that's kind of one of
the things I kind of sometimes struggle
with when I went to university for the
first time in my early 20s I took an I
took one class introduction to marketing
for an a dropped out of it and as the
only college university experience that
I had and the reason why I dropped out
is I felt that the professor that is
learning from he knew marketing he
studied it and he was sharing with me
information from a textbook but he's
never actually applied any marketing in
his life you never run a business before
in his life
and I'd much rather learn from someone
and a lot of people out there would
rather learn some from someone that she
has the experience they've actually
applied what it is they're talking about
I mean you could have someone that knows
everything about weight loss and health
and fitness but if they're overweight
and they're not living what actually you
know what it is that they're talking
about then there's gonna be an
incongruent there and there's gonna be
that disconnect which is gonna limit
yourself from becoming that expert so
you've got to apply it you got to make
sure you're taking action with what you
know and you're actually putting it into
use number three is to get results get
results from what you know okay because
people are looking for people that don't
just have the experience and just know
the theory and information but people
actually have the results now if you
follow my three levels of mastery I
talked about theirs knowing there's
doing and then there's living and a lot
of people stay stuck in the knowing
which is the study but you've got to
make sure you move on to doing but you
can do something once in a while and it
doesn't mean you're gonna get results
you can you know go to the gym you know
on a weekend doesn't mean you're gonna
be fit for life so you must apply what
you're learning consistently until
you're getting results results that
other people you can show other people
that you actually know what you're
talking about right you actually have
expertise and experience with this and
often times it can also be results from
clients that you worked with or other
people you've helped and shared your
information your expertise with as well
because understand too you don't
necessarily have to again be the best
person or you know like for example I
often look at
basketball I'll just use as an example
sports Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant
Shaquille O'Neal those are some of the
best basketball players through history
but guess what they had a coach by the
name of Phil Jackson Phil Jackson was
not a better basketball player than
either of those you know Phil Jackson
was an OK basketball player but he was
one of the best coaches he won 11
championship rings and he became an
expert without a doubt but his expertise
Maura came because he was able to get
results with the people that he was
coaching his clients his his students so
either you have the results yourself or
you help other people get results it's
usually one or the two okay number four
is to share or teach and this sometimes
can kind of come before the other now
sharing our teaching at these think is
incredibly important towards becoming an
expert because number one one of the
best ways to actually learn and master
something is by teaching it is by
sharing because when you share something
you teach it to someone else you learn
it twice you have to integrate it more
within yourself you have to be congruent
and actually apply it to yourself in
your life and it forces you to when you
are the expert actually teaching it like
for me the information that I share with
you and the stuff that I teach in my
courses my training programs all the
stuff it forces me to live it more in my
life and that's just a cool benefit you
get is it forces me to step up and be
congruent with that much more than if I
didn't teach this information and so I
teach things that that matter I think
they matter in life I think they help
people to make a difference and by me
sharing and teaching it it helps me
immensely in my life as well because I
have to apply it and I have to live it
because I got to be the the leader in
the role model on the example behind
what I'm teaching you know I can't
expect someone else to listen and apply
and do what I say if I'm not doing it
myself so I have to make sure that I'm
doing that but I want you to understand
you don't necessarily have to teach it
but you can share so for example for me
when I first started project like master
in 2012 I wasn't an expert I wouldn't
consider myself to be an expert and
because really what an expert is is base
on perception what one person might
perceive as an expert another person
might not perceive as an expert and for
me what I did in 2012 is I just started
sharing I shared my goals and I was just
transparent along the journey of sharing
the goals that I set for myself my
successes my failures my challenges
every month every year people could see
my progress I also did a fitness
competition I shared my journey I shared
my morning ritual that I did and it
wasn't coming from a place of Omni
expert of morning rituals I don't even
think that even exists but I was sharing
things that had benefitted me I wasn't
afraid to do that I didn't wait till I
was an expert to share with people with
people I just didn't say that I was an
expert I just came at it from the
position of I'm passionate about things
that have benefited me if a new habit
has benefited me a new belief a new idea
a new insight I'm gonna share that and
by sharing it what happened was other
people would get results and obviously
I'd get benefit and results behind what
I was sharing too because I'm sharing
things that was benefiting me but by
sharing it and being transparent in that
way people started to perceive me as an
expert so people started reaching out to
me and saying hey Stefan you know I
noticed her fitness transformation can I
pay you for help I'd pay you for
coaching let's get on skype I'll pay you
100 bucks a call just for you to coach
me on help me with my fitness and I was
blown away by this I was like wow other
people perceive that I have value that I
can offer them based on my my knowledge
my experience and some of my results
that I could then help them and so I
started getting clients and started
making money that way same thing too you
know went with me sharing my goals
people saw that as making money online
and I was just being totally honest
about it you know here's my failures and
I'm transparent about those too but here
are some of the wins that I had and
people saw that it says Stefan wow
that's amazing
I want to learn how to make money online
too and at the time I wasn't making that
much but people were willing to pay me
for that so I didn't have like millions
of dollars at that point in terms of
being an expert in that way I was just
someone sharing my results my experience
and people are willing to pay me for
that they want that I had something that
they wanted that they were willing to
pay for in exchange so that's kind of
how it worked for me and the other way
is to teach it as well
to actually create your own training
programs your own courses you know
create your own sort of certification
programs maybe put on your seminars or
workshops or whatever it is you can also
take that position of being the teacher
and position yourself as that expert and
really the last step is to get
okay get credibility now the credibility
stage comes when you've established
yourself and useful these first four
levels because all of a sudden now other
people perceive you as the expert in the
industry you start getting invited to
speak on different stages to be a public
speaker and people offer to pay you
money for that or you get written about
in the media like recently I was written
about in entrepreneur comm and Forbes
comm and CNBC and yeah and Finance and
you get that the media publicity that
that gives you an extra level of
credibility as well even publishing a
book and having a certain number of
followers for example if you have a
hundred thousand followers on YouTube
you have a hundred thousand people that
subscribe to your email list or a
hundred thousand people that follow you
on Instagram or Facebook or whatever it
is that gives you a lot of credibility
because people look at that and they say
well this person must know what they're
talking about right they have a
following they've established themself
and they've built up you know a brand a
name for themselves that is obviously
supporting and gives gives credit to
what they're talking about so all of
those things they they lend to your
credibility which then allows you to be
able to give more value and more people
listen to you and follow you and
obviously will pay you for your products
or services or time whatever it is the
more that you gain here and grow here
the more money that you can charge there
are some people that can charge ten
thousand dollars for one hour of their
time what's the difference between that
person and the person that charges $100
for an app one hour at a time is based
on their credibility and just really how
much they've established themself and
how much they know and their experience
and their skill set you don't
necessarily have to be that person the
$10,000 per hour person but by going
through this process you can become the
$30 per hour expert the $50.00 per hour
$100 per hour expert and you build
yourself up you know I started small and
I slowly built myself up through
creating content and helping people and
getting results and building my name and
my brand and getting the credibility
speaking in front of stages of 2,000
people and all of these things getting
the testimonials and the endorsements
you get from the other people in your
industry you know when they recognized
you and I remember I you know I spoke at
a university two or three years ago in
Vancouver so that at that point that's
when you're building your credibility
more and more and obviously you can
build it as far as you want to go to
becoming that go-to person however deep
that you really want to go in your
industry so these five steps follow and
practice these five steps and like I
said there's a lot of opportunity and
the world needs more people like you
that want to become a leader that want
to share that want to give that want to
serve and understand that already right
now I want you to look at things as you
already having some value that you can
give to people because I think a lot of
people they just they just kind of check
out and say I'm not an expert but listen
you don't have to be the expert just yet
you can be that person that already has
some information and knowledge that can
help someone are their problems in your
life right now that you've solved yes
are there challenges that you've gone
through that you've made it to the other
side of and that you can help someone
that's starting where you were before I
remember for me for example I wouldn't
consider myself an expert on this but I
had a binge eating disorder a number of
years ago because I was doing I did two
different fitness competitions and both
times I developed a binge eating
disorder because I was massively
calorically restricted in my diet and I
it took me so much to overcome it it was
one of the most painful things to
overcome and reading books and learning
and trying so many things but I had so
many painful suffering moments from it
that I made a decision in my life that
when I overcome this it's gonna be my
duty my mission I got to share this with
other people I got to help other people
and so when I did overcome it a few
years ago I did a youtube video on how
to overcome binge eating and that video
got hundreds of thousands of views and
that one video people reach out to me
all the time sharing how much has helped
them and the impact that it's made in
their life and people that want you know
to work with me and become clients of
mine like it's
amazing what that one video did and I
wasn't an ex-friend say it was an expert
I just said hey listen I struggle with
this I know you've been going through I
had to go through this this and this and
I overcame it and here's what helped and
worked for me if this works for you and
helps you great if not that's okay too
and I was just doing it as a place of
service and wanting to share and help
people not as the expert so if I had
thought maybe the limiting belief that
you have now that I can't share I can't
do this I'm not an expert I would have
missed out on helping hundreds of
thousands of people and you're missing
out on helping people right now that you
have benefit and value that you can
serve to people and that's why sometimes
the best way is as you're becoming the
expert share share your results share
your journey share what you're going
through share the ups and downs because
that will build your credibility over
time as well right because because I've
shared on my blog and my youtube channel
my journey people can see that what I'm
talking about is real they can see where
I was before they could see where I am
today they can see the journey month
after month week after week it's all
documented over a thousand videos that
can't be faked that's real and by you
sharing your journey and helping other
people and sharing things you're
learning along the way you're helping
people but you're also developing
yourself as the expert because you can
share as you're studying when you study
learn things share it when you're
applying things share it that will get
other people results it will people will
benefit from it get results from it and
then you get to the position where you
start teaching it on a deeper level and
becoming that expert in my opinion
that's the best path so don't wait don't
wait and create any limiting beliefs or
stories about why you can't do it okay
create a blog create a YouTube channel
create a podcast create your social
media go deep and share as you're
studying learning applying all of that
sort of stuff okay so listen hopefully
this video was helpful for you if you
enjoyed it I love a thumbs up here on
if you want more content like this
subscribe to the project life mastery
YouTube channel and turn on
notifications there's a bell icon below
turn that on so you get notified of the
future videos that I have for you and
then also if you want more in-depth
training like this on terms of actually
how to build a knowledge business
similar to what I've done with project
life mastery over 700,000 subscribe
37 million plus views built this into a
multi-million dollar business basically
going through these steps and beyond
that but if you're interested in
learning how to do that for yourself
then I'm actually doing a free live
training okay this is a live training
that's 100% free I'll link to it below
in the description or if you go to WWF
mastery comm forward slash knowledge
business alive
okay so forward slash knowledge business
live at project light master comm then
you can register for the free training
that I have there for you I'm gonna be
going a lot deeper into my knowledge
business how I've had a lot of success
with this and also answer a lot of the
questions that you have so I'd love to
see you there I'd love to serve you and
help you even further with this this is
something I'm passionate about because
it's such a fulfilling a part of what I
do and it's my mission in life and I
don't want to keep it to myself I want
to help you you and support you so that
you can become a leader in the expert in
your field and together we can make an
impact on a much deeper level so listen
thank you so much for watching I look
forward to seeing you on the upcoming
training and I'll talk to you again soon
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