
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How To Create A Mastermind Group And Surround Yourself With Success #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Create A Mastermind Group And Surround Yourself With Success

hey life masters this is Stefan James
from project life mastery and today I'm
going to share with you how you can
create your own mastermind group now if
you don't know what a mastermind group
is it's essentially a small intimate
group of like-minded people that are
committed towards pursuing and achieving
a similar goal so it's almost like
having your own personal Board of
Advisors where you meet up with this
group either in person or virtually over
Skype zoom call Google hangout and you
might meet up with them every week or
every two weeks or every month or every
quarter or even every year but you have
some sort of regular meeting with this
group and the purpose of the meeting is
for you guys to support each other and
help each other achieve your goals so
for example let's say that you're trying
to build your online business and you
realize that you know as I've realized
and almost everybody does at a certain
point that it's too hard to achieve this
on your own you know we all need help we
all need mentorship and coaching and
accountability and a mastermind and to
change our environment that could be
supportive of us achieving our goals
we're always gonna be able to achieve so
much more by getting help and being a
part of a team than we ever will by just
trying to reinvent the wheel and figure
it out on our own because by being a
part of a group you can share each
other's experiences you know if there's
ten people in this mastermind group and
they're all on the same path and trying
to achieve the same goal of building a
business then I can tap into their
expertise their skills their experiences
their knowledge I'm leveraging I don't
have to learn just through my own
experience but I can leverage other
people's experiences as well so now what
we're doing is we're working smart right
not just hard-working smart
so by being a part of this group
essentially I get access to these other
people I can ask questions if I have a
challenge or problem I can present that
to the group and I can get feedback from
each person to help me resolve whatever
challenge that I might be going through
I mean how valuable would that be in
your life like anytime that you have a
problem or challenge that you can go to
a group it's like your own personal
board of advisers and these are people
you respect people that are successful
people that you look up to people that
have experience
they're actually credible to give you
advice I mean how valuable is that it's
more valuable in many cases than just
getting mentorship from one person one
coach right because now you have ten
other people that are giving you
feedback and encouraging you supporting
you they're noticing things within
yourself that you're not even aware of
right because we all have blind spots we
all have things within ourselves that we
can't see so they can give us that
feedback you get to be on out what is
called a hot seat right on these
sessions where you get the whole group
to yourself you get maybe 20 minutes to
present your challenge or your goal or
what you need help with or a question
that you want to ask the group and then
their job is to give you all of their
time their attention their focus their
expertise each person goes around and
shares with that one person that's on
the hot seat and your job is just to
take notes and capture and just be open
to receiving all this incredible advice
and feedback and it's something that has
been a part of my life for many many
years and changed my life in so many
every you know I'm a part of several
different mastermind groups with
high-level successful entrepreneurs
masterminds and self-development
men's groups even for you know masculine
men energy type type work as well but
I've been a part of so many groups that
it's made such an impact on my life
almost more than anything even more in
some cases than coaches one-on-one
because of that collective experience
but also the networking that happens the
relationships that get built I mean the
mastermind principle was written about
by Napoleon Hill in the classic book
thinking Grow Rich and he shared that as
one of the key secrets of success that
the most successful people they surround
themselves with other people that are
successful people that are like-minded I
mean Thomas Edison was in a mastermind
with Harvey Firestone and Henry Ford
right and a few other incredibly
successful people during that time and
you know Henry Ford who is building a
Ford Motor Company ended up partnering
with Harvey Firestone Harvey Firestone
created Firestone tires they built a
business relationship because they were
in a mastermind group together so it
leads to a lot of business relationships
as well
is incredibly beneficial so masterminds
have changed my life is something I
think we all need to be a part of okay
and I'm gonna share to you in this video
how you can create one but also I'm
gonna share with you if you are in a
position right now where you're either
an expert an authority someone who has
knowledge and an expertise that you're
teaching and sharing with other people I
want to share with you how you can
create your own mastermind that you can
make a profit from okay because I put on
my own mastermind events every year I
put on two per year it's called the
online business mastery masterminds and
I put it on with Tatiana and we invite
it's not for everybody but it's for
business owners that want to build their
business and get coaching and mentorship
for myself and Tatiana but also to be a
part of a group where they can meet up
once a week and get that ongoing
accountability and support to make sure
they're actually taking action too
because that's another great benefit of
a mastermind is that when you're a part
of a group you're gonna raise our
standards and you're gonna take more
action and be more accountable and
follow through a lot more than you ever
by just trying to do things on your own
so we put on our own events like that
twice a year we charge money for it it's
$5,000 and up for each person to attend
not for everybody we have an application
process for it but that's been a very
successful stream of my business my
revenue and it's one of my favorite
things that I do because I get a meet
some of my best clients and work with
them intimately and coach them and
create a bond and a friendship with them
I mean I've actually ended up hiring and
working with some of my clients through
masterminds and there's a deeper
relationship that you get to build
through that which is pretty powerful
but I want to show you how if you want
to go that route how you can potentially
turn create your own masterminds and
charge money for it or if you're not the
expert if you're not the person that has
the expertise excuse me then how you can
still turn this into a business by you
being a facilitator so you being the one
that organizes the mastermind for an
expert in a certain niche so for example
if there's an expert in you know the
fitness niche right you can reach out to
that expert that influencer and be like
hey I'll put on the mastermind for you
I'll handle all the logistics you're the
expert and we'll fill up this event and
you can do your thing and I'll just I'll
just handle the logistics organize it
and help to lead the mastermind event
and we work out some sort of revenue
split because that's an incredible
opportunity that you can make money from
it's actually one thing that I did when
I was first starting my career is I was
putting on events and I was attracting
all of these successful people at the
mastermind I got the benefit of course
being around them I wasn't the expert
but I got to be around them and the
value that I provided was I was
organizing it and I was able to make
some money along the way by doing it
that way so it's an amazing opportunity
for someone actually wants to turn that
into a business and you know wants to
just put together mastermind events for
other people so you could either be the
expert or you can find the expert and
work with them on their mastermind and
make a lot of money because these are
higher ticket events or just to join and
be a part of a mastermind or create one
for yourself and here's the thing
ideally for masterminds you want to be
around people that are successful people
that are further ahead cuz successful
people they want to be around successful
people for me I pay to be a part of
masterminds and I pay because like
there's a few that I'm a part of where
they organize everything right and that
and they bring the people together that
I could have network with and become
friends with essentially and I pay a lot
of money for that and for me it's again
it's made an impact in my life but we've
done a lot of cool experiences as well
where you know masterminds I've done
where we we kind of combine it with fun
adventure stuff so we go to like the
Grand Canyon we raft through the Grand
Canyon for a few days and we camp there
more masterminding in the Grand Canyon
I've had experiences where we go to a
year and a half ago we went to Putin me
to Mexico and we masterminded with a
group of entrepreneurs there Whistler in
British Columbia Canada we do
snowboarding mastermind there we went to
Jackson Hole in Wyoming and we you know
me and other entrepreneurs we mastermind
we're snowboarding
things like that it's really cool to be
a part of a group like that and
especially to get access to people that
are successful those are events that you
typically have to pay for but here's the
thing I think regardless of that right
now you should have a mastermind
okay whatever goals that you're pursuing
you're going to achieve it so much
faster by having a mass from
group other people that are like-minded
they don't necessarily have to be super
successful but at least people that you
can learn and grow with and you can be
accountable to along the way and I've
had weekly masterminds that just been
accountability groups as well so here's
how I want how I want you to think about
this let's say you're a personal trainer
you want to build your personal training
business you're trying to do it on your
own it's gonna be very challenging
you're gonna encounter
roadblocks obstacles you know you're
gonna have you're gonna hit the wall
many times and because you're doing it
on your own you're gonna have to try to
figure it out in their own the smarter
way of going about it is why don't you
find other personal trainers that have
already encountered some of the same
challenges that you might be going
through and create a mastermind group
with them so if you're a personal
trainer you live in Vancouver Canada
well why don't you just go on Instagram
why don't you go on Facebook why don't
you join facebook groups why don't you
find other people on YouTube or whatever
they might be bloggers or there's
millions of personal trainers out there
reach out to them and say hey listen I'm
a personal trainer just like you I'm
putting together a mastermind group of
other personal trainers there'll be ten
of us and the purpose of this mastermind
is every week or every two weeks we'll
get together on a Skype call or zoom
call and we'll each help each other
build our personal training businesses
we all have so much experience that we
can help each other with we'll get there
faster helping each other this way than
we ever will on our own and many
different personal trainers would love
that idea
right they love to mastermind with other
personal trainers because again you get
it being a group of other personal
trainers you're moving towards the same
goal you give each other feedback and
coaching and accountability right each
personal trainer has their own
experience that's valuable to everyone
else they're no different to if you want
to lose weight if you want to gain
muscle if you want to build a business
find other people on that same path hey
you know what you're trying to build an
Amazon business I'm creating this Amazon
mastermind it's free to join you know
the whole purpose is just for us to help
each other you know we can share the
experiences that we're each learning you
know I'm sure you've had frustrations
and failures that you've solved I have
frustrations and failures that I've
solved well we can help each other a lot
faster if we just hop on a call a group
of us every two weeks or every month and
we each go around and share each go
around and
ask a question of the group and help
each other that without way so on a very
basic level that's what a mastermind is
and it's something that you can do
pretty easily and it's easier today to
do it than ever before I mean there's
Facebook groups there's message boards
there's people on Instagram that you can
reach out to you can put in hashtags and
find personal trainers or people on the
same interests and goals I mean the
Internet has provided such an easy way
for us to connect with other people so
the easiest way to do it is just to
reach out to people take the leadership
to organize a mastermind you'll move so
much faster by doing this guys seriously
we have Facebook groups that we have for
our groups and our members or people
help each other but it's even better if
you can have like an in-person meeting
or over Skype or zoom or Google hangout
to have that personal interaction and
that friendship that bond that you build
I've been a part of masterminds for
years and some of my best friends are
because of these mastermind groups you
know and especially as you become more
successful a little bit more challenging
to find other successful people or it
can be hard to find other Amazon sellers
or other people to have a similar
interest in you so that's the most
important thing I want to share create a
mastermind group reach out to people
organize it now I created something for
free I'd love to give to you that will
help support you in building your
mastermind it's called the mastermind
cheat sheet I'll link to it below this
video but if you go to walks you through
the steps and the logistics of
organizing a mastermind group so for
example how many people you should have
in your mastermind how you should set it
up and structure it having a time keeper
to organize it to make sure that
everything is run smoothly and on time
how do I even attract these people that
you want to be a part of your mastermind
all of these things and more than that
or in this cheat sheet so make sure that
you download it because it will really
help download it and print it out
because it's more of like a workbook
that will help you actually be able to
set up your first mastermind group so
that will make a big difference for you
make sure that you get that now if you
wanted to build a profitable mastermind
charging money for this okay and turn
this into a business which is an amazing
opportunity because I believe there's a
huge needed demand for this I think with
the internet there's so much information
out there that sometimes it's not it's
just not enough for a lot of people like
you realize that reading books watching
YouTube videos listen to podcasts and
buying courses they're great they're the
best way to get started but you often
realize you need more than that people
need to be a part of a community they
need the accountability they need the
coaching the feedback and and a lot of
the information that's out there is more
generalized versus masterminds it's more
custom tailored and specific towards you
so you don't have to filter through all
the generalized information to pull out
what's beneficial for you the mastermind
is you have a question or you know and
you're getting all that feedback and all
that coaching from so many people so
people want to pay for that I pay a lot
for that I mean that's so valuable for
me you should be paying for that as well
I mean it's such a valuable gift to have
to have that kind of coaching that
feedback in your life so if you want to
turn that into a business really I mean
it's as simple as attracting the people
that you want to have in this group and
then charging money for it so if right
now if you're an influencer if you're a
coach if you are a speaker if you're an
author if you have your own course if
you have a following on YouTube or
Instagram whatever it is then you have
followers right now that would pay you
money to be in a group setting with you
and pay for your expertise and your
advice to coach the group but also for
them to be in the same room with other
people that they can also get coaching
and feedback from to be a part of that
network people will pay you for that if
you have an audience so it's an easy way
to build your business and to make more
money and to charge high ticket for it
because people will pay more money for
in-person experiences and coaching in
that relationships than they will for
just YouTube videos or courses people
will pay thousands of dollars for that
so the value that you can provide for it
is an amazing opportunity for you if you
already have a business like that that
it you just plug that in the other
process to is again realizing that you
don't have to be the expert what I would
do is that if you understand how to
structure a mass from
and reach out to these other experts on
Instagram or YouTube or bloggers or
whoever it is maybe there are mentors
that you have right now and reach out to
them and say hey do you have a
mastermind if not I'd love to organize
it for you you know I can put together
the mastermind for you I can handle all
the logistics I can handle the venue we
could do it either in person mastermind
or we can do it over a Google hangout or
a zoom call or Skype but I'll handle all
of that for you so that you don't have
to you can be you can be the influencer
you can be the expert and you don't have
to worry about all these logistics and
we'll work out some sort of split you
know you can promote and market this to
your audience and I'll take a cut from
that based on the value that I'm
providing by organizing it so that's how
I would think as well guys I mean that's
that's such an easy way that you can
make some great income I mean some
masterminds that I've been a part of are
tens of thousands of dollars to be able
to join and be a part of some of them
are over a hundred thousand dollars
right if you really want to be around
like the high level people and the more
that people pay it kind of weeds out the
people that are dabblers to so I'd much
rather pay for something higher ticket
to be around the best people versus go
to some of these free masterminds or
local low ticket ones that you don't
really get people that are going to be
committed to being a part of it so the
more that people pay the more they pay
attention right the more that they
invest the more they have skin in the
game and the more committed they aren't
going to be to the process so that's
another amazing opportunity for you as
well so listen if you want more
information about how to create a
mastermind how to join a mastermind
download the free mastermind cheat sheet
again I'm gonna link that below or go to
WWE and sheet sheet and I'm gonna send
out some more emails through there as
well on masterminds and how you can
create this and actually turn this into
a business if you want to go down that
path as well but guys join a mastermind
create a mastermind just be a part of
people make sure that you create an
empowering ecosystem and environment to
support your goals and your vision one
of the easiest and most important things
that you could do towards helping you
become more successful thank you so much
for watching if you enjoyed this hit a
thumbs up button here on YouTube
subscribe for more videos like this and
see you again in the next video take

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