hey everyone this is Stefan James from
projectlifemastery.com and I'm sitting
down right now with Dan lock who is the
king of high ticket sales then you might
share with people why is it important
for people to learn how to master
persuasion influence and sales I think
because everything you want in life it
doesn't matter what it is it could be
money resources fulfillment success
achievement context network capital it
doesn't matter what is that you want
someone else already has them somewhere
some wind is well someone has a past
them so all you need to do is be able to
communicate and articulate and persuade
them to give that to you if you
understand that then everything in life
it's about closing it is about
persuasion and influence that's that's
more business about this what life is
right if you think about that there are
only two kinds of salespeople in the
world the ones are good other ones are
no good yes they wants to get what they
want and the ones who don't get what
they want that's why yes this can allow
whether you've already got a business
and you want to make more you're gonna
have to reach more people sell clothes
get a lot more efficiently if you're
single you've got a master persuasion
and influence and sales to close to sell
yourself but also to close the deal if
you are looking for a job or a higher
paying job then you've got to master
persuasion sales and and closing that's
right so we want to talk about how to
persuade anyone instantly then what
would you say is the most important key
to really mastering this I think when
you think of the work like sales or
salesperson in fact comment below
whenever you think of the work when I
say that what sales person what comes to
mind right you may you know if you
comment below you might say something
all snake oil slimy sell si aggressive
it's all about the money
they are like you know always very pushy
all this stuff it's all these negative
like association with the word sales a
salesperson so the number one way to
persuade influence someone is to make
sure you don't sound act and talk like
any typical salesperson you think about
any typical salesperson they what do
they sound like what do they act
very enthusiastic right they talk very
fast they have high energy they talk
talk talk talk talk and they don't
listen guess what if you want to
persuade someone instantly you don't do
any of that if anything you sound like
more like a doctor that's a great frame
right it's an authority frame so if you
don't sound like a typical salesperson
and you don't close with your mouth you
actually close without use by asking
very profound questions and instead of
you trying to force your product or
forrester features and shovel that down
tear of your prospects through I believe
it's much more profound and more
powerful to turn the prospect into the
salesperson and let their prospect sell
themselves how important do you believe
it is to really believe in the product
that is really making an impact because
I'm a salesperson I'm a persuader I'm a
influencer you are as well but I don't
view myself as actually selling I view
myself as serving it's that it's my duty
it's my mission to share with people
something that if it made an impact for
me I've got to share it or if I created
something that has amazing value I have
to share it and I'm doing them a
disservice if if I'm not some you know
influencing or persuading someone to
invest in it because I know the benefit
they're gonna get from it and I think
most people they thinking in terms of oh
he's my product is my service I believe
if you don't believe in what you sell
you shouldn't be selling it yes period
because you can there are plenty of
other ways to make money there are many
things you can sell if you don't believe
in you want you do then don't even sell
it but if you do truly believe in what
you do and you believe this is gonna
help people this is gonna transform
someone's life then I believe exactly
like you said it's your duty as a
mission it's your obligation to get it
out there to close someone because you
and I know the chances of them doing
something without an investment is zero
yeah if you want the life to change you
need to get their financial commitment
from them they need to commit
financially so then commit physically or
emotionally so that they get the results
that they want so coming from that
belief coming from that certainty that
makes you more persuasive as a
communicator I guess I've you know I
find a lot of people they watch video
consume content but they don't do
anything with it until they actually do
make an investment of financial
commitments yeah
and that's often frustrating for me
because I'm trying to help as many
people but it's not until they make that
decision and they commit with their
money that they pay more attention
they're more likely to follow through
and not unless they follow through
they're not gonna get any results so
with this no no skinny game there's no
game exactly so that I think that
mindset piece is very important and how
you how you look at yourself as
persuading yeah yes okay so instead of
talking about this can you show me
commune example of what it's like to
actually persuade someone or close them
on something sure so for example let's
take one of my products I want you to
close me in one of my products a
challenge for you so my affiliate
marketing mastery course which teaches
people how to build their business how
to make money with affiliate marketing
correct it's a $2,000 program okay how
would you influenced me and persuade me
and it's online course and they get
access to is there a time period they
can access any time and it's a lifetime
program but I usually have a certain
offer certain bonuses that's available
for a limb okay and what's the total
value of their bonuses over 10,000
11,000 yeah and you saw only for $2,000
yes any kind of payment plan or just one
yep there's a three-month payment plan
what's the plan three payments of three
ninety seven so $1,200 or they could do
I'm sorry sorry 2k so - yes 2k yes
so three payments of $800 $800 yes okay
so if they do the eight pays okay so you
talked a little bit more for get so
that's it guys
so three easy pay of 800 bucks or 2k
okay and so let's just pretend you are a
you're a prospect you're a fan of Stefan
you've been watching my video I'm one of
your closers I'm just gonna begin not
the end Locker like a Dan I take away my
frame take away everything right I'm
just just a closer so I'm a height a
closer and you book a call with me and
you want to find out more about Stefan's
program right and you are how about your
name is Michael okay how's that okay
reg Wang is like this Dan hello hi this
is Michael oh hey Michael how are you
good how are you I'm good I'm good
Michael I saw that you booked a time
with me to perhaps talk about Stefan's
affiliate mastery program yeah yeah
that's right yeah mmm well tell me a
little bit about why did you put the
call well I'm you know I've been
following Stefan for a few years now I
love his content and he has this program
he created and I'm looking for a way
that I could get out of my job you know
I've got my nine-to-five job I want to
take advantage of the Internet I want to
make passive income I want to create a
certain lifestyle and so this is
something that I'm looking at as
something that could potentially help me
and you mentioned that you have a job
right now what did you feel living I am
an engineer engineer okay that's pretty
good how long have you been engineer
I've been doing it for a few years right
now but you know I'm I'm in debt right
now because I went to university so I'm
still paying off my debt okay you know I
make some good money from what I'm doing
but it's kind of you know I'm not really
enjoying it I realized it's not really
what I enjoy it's it's limiting myself
from being able to travel and do some of
the things that I want to do mmm but as
an engineer you spent a lot of money
getting debt debt degree right yes and
now you want to transition into doing
like a field of marketing yep okay and
you said you're not making enough money
like exactly like what do you mean by
that well you know I I make good money
it's it's what do I want to make more
money yes of course but I think the main
thing is having the freedom being able
to work from home being able to travel
being able to you know build my own
dream my own kind of business versus
working for somebody else and building
their dream and sit at my own so for me
it's more the freedom element because I
have to work long hours sometimes and it
can be fairly stressful and why it's
definitely you know you've got great
content I came across as a YouTube
channel and it seems like a great guy
got some great videos which I really
enjoyed and he's been just introducing
to me this whole concept of online
business so he's someone that I
they look up to I know that he cares
about his audience and he's trying to
create valuable things that they can
benefit from mmm and have you look at
other ways to to make money online guys
do many different business models what
what intrigued me the most about
affiliate marketing yeah there's a lot
of different models I like them all I
like them all because it seems simpler
than other ones I don't have to create
the product I don't have to invest a lot
of money in inventory you know in that
whole process I can I can promote other
people's products that I've benefited
from and I can create contents and do it
around a topic that I'm interested in
you know I love I love cooking you know
and that's that's a side thing that I'd
like to pursue more and I think could be
an opportunity for me to to build a
YouTube channel maybe build maybe a blog
some social media and there's great
products that I think I can promote so I
think I believe in this one is something
I can I feel confident that I could be
able to do and it can help me create
that freedom and now you mentioned that
you're still working at your engineer
job like with their failing marketing
you know this is this is not like
get-rich-quick or anything like that
this is gonna take some time
you see they take some effort and
commitment like in terms of time
commitment how how many hours a week
will listicle II you think and devote to
your new affiliate marketing business I
think realistically maybe five to ten
hours a week so I could spend some time
in the you know I know Stefan talks you
got to make certain sacrifices in your
life and I understand it's not get rich
quick I'm not looking for that yeah but
I have some time in the evenings I could
dedicate and I could edit dedicate one
of my weekends just to really focus and
immerse myself to learn are you married
okay okay any kids - kids - kids Wow
okay yes so I don't have as much time
but I again I'm I understand there's no
other alternative right either I'm in
this other job and it's consuming my
time and I'm trapped or this is at least
giving me hope and the opportunity that
I could create that freedom to spend
more time with my kids and my wife and
it's your goal to eventually get out of
that job and kind of do this full-time
yes and how much money do you need to
make in order to kind of quit your job
and do this full-time
I'd say
we'll say 60,000 a year $60,000 a year
so if let's say today you're feeling
marketing business making you $60,000 a
year you would be like okay I love that
that'd be amazing yeah saying okay and
what what does your thing what does your
wife think about this like with your
engineer job I mean that's a safe secure
job and now you want to do something
like totally different does she think is
risky yeah she thinks I'm crazy
you know she's skeptical of this who's
this defin
yeah some guy on YouTube yeah guy and
she you know she's very she she needs to
security right so I gotta make sure I
want to give her that security but also
the same she doesn't work so she's
stay-at-home mom but I know for me as a
man I need to I need to provide more for
them and more time and freedom for them
so she understands that elements of it
but she's she's afraid you know she has
some doubts she she has some concerns
she you know sees that I spent this time
in universe school to get this degree
that I have but she also knows that I'm
not happy either and it's not you know
something something has to change she
doesn't know what that is but I feel
like I need to I need to find something
else that can get us out of this
situation she's just kind of worried
about you right then you got a new path
but she she realize you're doing it for
for the for her and for the two kids
right yes
I see and in terms of the $16,000 what
kind of time frame are we talking about
do you want to get there in like one
year like you know six months like what
what what what kind of time frame we're
talking about you know I think a year a
year is realistic I understand it does
take time it's not gonna happen
overnight but it's a buddy go you can
TiVo five to ten hours a week - yes -
this new business okay and let's just
pretend Stefan could help you with this
with his affiliate mastery program do
you mind if I talk about money for a
second sure okay idea of a budget set
aside to to invest in a program like
this to help you to get to that $60,000
a year so so you can have more freedom
and quit your job like maybe share with
me just rough numbers I don't have much
most of the money I try to pay off my
smite my loan in debt right but you know
I do have some money saved aside for
emergencies and what do you want to use
that to include that I'd prefer not to
but yeah you know I'd be willing to or
to to you know find a way to come up
with money to invest myself I know that
you know obviously the program in
starting a business does cause somebody
so I understand that I do have to give
something but I I am pretty tight with
I see you probably wouldn't be
comfortable investing like $2,000 in a
program like this that would you uh you
know it's more than then you know what I
I it is a stretch
it is a stretch yes I could but I'd
prefer not to take that from my from my
emergency fund I see so so Halloween
Assaf this problem you know that's
that's kind of where I need the help is
I need to I look at this as a great
opportunity I mean that is an option to
take that money from that there's a way
to split payments that obviously could
help be helpful for me otherwise I think
I might have to I can cut down some of
the expenses that that's an option to I
can um you know eliminate some expenses
that I'm spending money on that can help
but that's that's kind of where I'm
stuck is that's my biggest barrier right
now I see I see now before I go let me
ask you a question you mentioned
something about like some payment plan
suppose Stefan can help you with this
suppose we could we could kind of
finance this for you I maybe break into
like three payments of of $800 a month
for like for three months that wouldn't
make a difference with it it would yeah
it absolutely would you sure yeah yeah
that would definitely be a lot easier
than the two thousand because then I
could you know I can make the first
payment I have the money for that and
then I can lower some of my expenses or
be a little bit resourceful to make sure
that I can complete it mmm and I'll go
is also to get you implementing what you
learn and build that out right and we we
don't want to do we don't want this to
UK to be an expense we want it to be an
investment for you right
absolutely okay and for something like
this to $800 a month I mean still still
a commitment
how would you feel how would your wife
feel about this can't make a decision
now laterally or you have to talk to
somebody else um I can make the decision
she does trust me yes how would she feel
about it I think she'll be a little bit
stressed and concerned no first but I
know I can get her on board with it and
she sees the the benefits that this can
provide for us right
and I think wouldn't you agree that here
when can she she can see that you're
very serious about this and you're
committed and you're doing this for for
for the family right you're not doing
this for yourself
I think action speaks louder than words
right instead just say the hey I want to
do something I want to you know be
something else but you actually do it I
think I think you could you would earn
her her trust in her support well
awesome yeah so what should we go from
here well yeah I mean if you guys can
you know we can arrange that payment
plan I think that's something that I
could you want to commit to hmm let me
think okay so I think what we want to do
is I'm gonna send your link with with a
special link that there would have that
the three pay options there even though
you're doing a three pay but we're
actually gonna give you access to all
the tools and on the training so you
don't have to wait like two three months
you know the get started you can get
started right now right you want to get
you going when it get you getting some
income coming in how does that sound
yeah that sounds great yeah I'd love to
get started as soon as I can okay so
wait for an email so I'm gonna send you
an email right there you can click on a
link and we can move forward great I'd
be awesome
boom that's awesome that's how you do it
I just tryin to give some you know be
realistic about what you go through
obviously with your finances and
everything but yeah that's awesome
that's fine you can see notice really
it's Michael the prospect doing most of
our talking yes and I'm asking questions
I'm listening usually I'll be taking
notes but I'm trying to focus and listen
to its hits his pain point and you
notice I use it a lot
bitch that you gave me you know freedom
being able travel quit the job it's not
so much about the program it's not a
bell it's not even about the product
itself it's about you what are your
needs and by listening by asking
questions I will find out those needs
that's awesome and I always say when you
say something you mean something what
when when your prospects and something
it means everything you can see the
prospect is doing 80% of the talking and
that's height a closing for you amazing
so let's close with that if you guys
want to learn more about how to be a
high ticket closer how to persuade
influence and sell anybody then join Dan
and I on a free masterclass for Dan will
teach you how to be a high ticket closer
and make as much as five hundred dollars
a day or more so to get access and join
us for this free master class go to WWF
you money with Stefan calm I'll have a
link below for you guys as well but if
that was amazing demonstration of fun
roleplay thank you guys so much for
watching hit thumbs up subscribe here on
YouTube and we'll see you on the master
class and always be closing
take care
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