
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How To Plan Your Day & Get Into “Flow” State By Unlocking Your Brain Type

How To Plan Your Day & Get Into “Flow” State By Unlocking Your Brain Type

that's really important to know what is
your first and secondary on brain size
how are you using it and then our
advanced assessment basically shows you
these other components so once you know
basically where you're spending most of
your time in your brain you can focus on
those things not only to again focus on
your strengths but also to set up your
day in your life that way and so what I
was thinking was okay well I feel like
I'm wired a different way than maybe you
are maybe my friend is and I see these
patterns of people I work with and I see
what I actually feel amazing there
sometimes I show up and I just crush it
and then sometimes you know I feel like
I'm not doing anything and I feel
sluggish and I'm like why what is that I
think that's such an important point is
knowing yourself because I think a lot
of people they think that what this
person is doing what you're doing or
that person they try to be like that
person instead of really understanding
themselves more than what their
strengths are or weaknesses are and
really optimizing that you mind sharing
a little bit what the different brain
types are yeah sure
so I'm an explorer so basically explores
they want to have fun they want to be
adventurous you know so and a big part
of my journey with this was I would
always in my day want to do these things
and I felt like I had to mute myself on
having fun or like you know being in
nature because I'm supposed to be
working on an entrepreneur so I can't be
walking and doing a conference call
people like that's weird
I'm like that's weird that doesn't make
any sense that's what gives me energy
and so explore you probably know who you
are right off the bat if you're out
nature a lot and then there's the Oracle
right so Oracle that's actually again
like I found of my ohm is an Oracle so
that the first time ever I actually
and she felt seen and I felt like I saw
her and that's what the languaging does
is able to really see somebody up to
this when everyone this is Stefan James
from Project life mastery and I'm here
right now with my good friend Chad
Murrieta who's a co-founder of project
Evo today we're gonna be discussing how
to unlock your brain type so that you
can get more into a flow state and
increase your productivity and achieve
more now Chad is really revolutionising
the way that people are planning their
day he created this planner here called
the project Evo that's custom tailored
based on your brain type just for you so
that you can optimize your productivity
so Chad thanks for taking the time man
brother thanks for having me do you mind
you know sharing people a little bit
about your story in background you know
Chad I've actually had on the channel
before and he's an incredible
entrepreneur you've had so much success
with apps and speaking and this is your
latest project but before we dive into
this you might learn a little bit about
yourself only how you got to where we
are today yeah yeah yeah so interesting
journey like most people probably
watching it's like you know you grow up
and you want a better life and you have
all these goals and aspirations and so I
threw myself into entrepreneurship and
you know really started learning a lot
in early 20s and I had this real estate
company and it's a whole nother story
but basically started a company at the
wrong possible time of the real estate
market and ended up losing a lot of
money got a bad car accident or I almost
lost my arm and you know that really
motivated me and allowed me to look at
life in such a different lens and I
remember being in my hospital beds you
know remembering what I was doing this
for like why am I actually living as an
entrepreneur I'm like I want a better
life and I want this and want that and
so I ended up with that motivation
building up multiple app companies and
did really really well and sold them off
one of them was emoji fingerprint
security we had basically you know one
time we were you know top one number one
to number five place and the whole app
store with her
so very very well and and enjoy I'm
still in the app business but I also
felt this feeling you know probably
three years ago where I was like I want
more I want more fulfillment and this is
where I really plugged in and this is
again you know like I'm a fan of yours
because we sing the same song in the
sense of you know you can really create
what life you want and it takes
awareness and it takes discipline and
and it takes this hunger for meaning and
fulfillment and so when I sold my app
companies I made a bunch of money and I
was like there's more to this I didn't
feel this like I I've made it oh my god
I made it and that made me really look
inside and be like okay what am I
missing if this isn't the road to where
I want to be and so that brought me in
on this whole thing about flow and like
Who am I and you know how do I learn
best and how to actually do what I
should be doing in this world and so I
basically started asking these questions
and was that a mastermind and you know
met this one of my good buddies and we
start talking about you know what if we
actually develop this assessment where
we could finally give people this this
language around the communication their
their way of actually being able to
identify with how their brain works and
it took us into this vision of what we
have now which is Evo yeah it's amazing
so you've created this this planner here
and go more into the assessment because
I'm fascinated by that there's so many
you know planners out there but this is
very unique you mind sharing a little
bit about the the process behind this
yeah no not at all so the process was it
was a lot of learning that's for sure
lot of research a lot of research and
you know for me it's like I love
conferences we share Tony Robbins out
you know how amazing he's done for for
my life in your life and and so again I
was going these conferences I was hungry
and then I wasn't able to really you
know take all the information and
implement it as well as I would like to
and so what I was thinking was okay well
I feel like I'm wired a different way
than maybe you are and maybe my friend
is and I see these patterns of people I
work with and I see what I actually feel
amazing there sometimes I show up and I
just crush it then sometimes you know I
feel like I'm not doing
and I feel sluggish and I'm like why
what is that and so what we did was we
were like okay how do we actually build
this assessment you know how do we
actually understand how people's brains
are wired and it's a whole serendipitous
story how we met Beckett who basically
is a lot of the brain around the
assessment piece of it and you know we
basically were able to merge a lot of
Beckett's you know you know sort of
theory with our ideas of how do we
actually get people to cross the finish
line of flow of the most important task
of you know how do you wake up and feel
inspired how do you actually look at
what makes you thrive because we all
actually do different things to thrive
and most people aren't even aware of it
at all
and so this was the aha that I had once
I realized and once we built this
assessment which we had you know over a
hundred and something thousand people we
brought it through to really understand
like are our assumptions correct does
this make sense does this light them up
do they actually say wow this helps me
thrive and so what we did with this is
we brought all these people through and
we started seeing that there were a lot
of patterns and I think the biggest
thing like Myers you know Briggs and all
discs and all that it's like when you
get your type it's really hard to
understand it do you have that I need
someone to kind of like professional
that can describe it for you yeah
totally and so that was a big AHA for me
being an entrepreneur I'm like if I give
language to it where I can say I'm an
explorer and you know what that is and I
can say you're an architect and I know
what that is
then the languaging this is how you know
people obviously communicates through
language that will spread and that's
what's happened and so you know I
remember the first time I actually went
and I went home and I didn't really
communicate too much with my family
about what I'm doing and they know I'm
an entrepreneur but they didn't know
much and I was like okay I need to share
with them this this whole concept about
assessments and knowing how your brain
works knowing how you work as a human
being because once you know that and you
focus on those things everything changes
right I think that's such an important
point is knowing yourself because I
think a lot of people they think that
what this person is doing what you're
doing or that person they try to be like
that person instead of really
understanding themselves
more than what their strengths are or
weaknesses are and really optimizing
that do you mind sharing a little bit
what the different brain types are yeah
sure so I'm an explorer so basically
explores they want to have fun they want
to be adventurous you know so and a big
part of my journey with this was I would
always in my day want to do these things
and I felt like I had to mute myself on
having fun or like you know being in
nature because I'm supposed to be
working on an entrepreneur so I can't be
walking and doing a conference call
people like that's weird
I'm like that's weird that doesn't make
any sense that's what gives me energy
and so explore you probably know who you
are right off the bat if you're out in
nature a lot and then there's the Oracle
right so Oracle that's actually again I
found in my home is an Oracle so that
the first time ever I actually
understood my mom and she felt seen and
I felt like I saw her and that's what
the languaging does is able to really
see somebody else through this lens
instead of thinking they have to be like
you right and understanding they're
different and appreciating that they're
different and noticing what those
differences are yes yes I mean there's
obviously love languages and stuff like
that so this is a different take on that
on how our brain is wired you know then
there's the alchemists alchemists are
they need variety they're super creative
you know they can pull down ideas and
really you know you know alchemists
because they'll be like I'll give you
this a new idea every time you talk to
them they have something new that
they're learning that they want to share
with people and I have a bunch of
alchemists in my life thank God because
I feel like I'm getting all the best
information you know synthesize all the
time so and then there's architect right
so architects are structure based
they're more linear right they
definitely to sort of thrive they need
structure in their lives where for me I
need to have fun so I actually need to
plan fun in my day and for an architect
to plan their day they need to have some
type of structure they need to actually
say okay here's my most important task
here's the way my day looks this is the
time I'm doing this without that their
brain can get overwhelmed very very
quickly you know what I mean so so those
are the four types and and it's amazing
when I look back at some of my
business partnerships they're all
high-level architects why because for me
I'm a visionary explorer and I need help
with like structure and putting things
linear so they actually have the outcome
that I'm looking for so it's been
amazing and revolutionary in so many
levels just because you know in life
there are people that can help you
you know better yourself yeah we're
working with other people this is great
for your team or staff you can
understand them a lot better your spouse
your boyfriend/girlfriend your family
your friends so that you guys and you
know with your partnerships as well so
that you can complement each other now
he actually has a free assessment and
I'm gonna link to it for you guys but if
you guys just go to project life mastery
comm slash Evo II V oh okay head on over
there it's free now can someone is
someone just more one or can they kind
of like have a ratio maybe this is their
strengths maybe it's more Explorer but
maybe secondary is architect or can
there be a ratio of that great question
yeah so basically you know it's just for
functions of the brain right so I'm an
explorer but that just means that you
know my dominant function right might be
an explorer can be an architect if you
need to but it's not your nature hundred
percent 100 percent so that's really
important to know what is your first and
secondary you know brain type how are
you using it and then our advanced
assessment basically shows you these
other components so once you know
basically where you're spending most of
your time in your brain you can focus on
those things not only to again focus on
your strengths but also to set up your
day in your life that way yeah so the
process is you actually do the
assessment first and then you get
shipped the journal exactly and this
journals and you know there's four
different types based on what your
assessment says do you mind sharing a
little bit about the journal itself and
kind of maybe we can maybe kind of
capture some of this for video for you
guys to see but you mind sharing just
kind of what it consists of yeah I would
love to I'd love to so yeah basically so
it's your brain type right so it's all
made for your brain time and we went I
mean this is obviously a really good
material everything else it's a whole
nother story with what we went through
there but basically you know again
because everyone's different we've spent
a lot of time going into you know like
how to actually fill it out and we took
our own life categories so that the nice
thing with the categories is you know
everybody has categories of life and
most people think they're winning the
game of life you know or they're losing
the game of life but they're not
tracking it they're not keeping score
and so this gives you away a high level
way of just going in monthly or weekly
or daily and being like where am I at
right now and so with like your health
yeah lationship your business yep yep so
we've got health relationships cashflow
fun contribution so when you start
understanding these categories and you
have certain goals and then at the week
I don't know how how we're gonna show
this but but basically yeah we'll have a
1 to 10 score and my app knowledge is
like wow there's such a better way
because what happens it's like people
fill stuff out and then they don't
remember where they're at well the
beauty now with technology and app and
AI is that when you fill this out
you open up the app and it scans it
immediately and it grabs all the data
and so you know exactly where you're at
and then from there you can start seeing
your patterns over time so you can help
raise your patterns in these areas yeah
in this and this is really the the
biggest I think area that we're we're
focused on right now is how can we
increase your flow yeah and happiness is
this abstract thing where it's like what
is happiness right
but I know how I feel at the end of my
day I'm like wow I I was in flow today I
worked out I did this I'd great energy
versus days where I don't have energy so
the whole goal is to because of your
brain type and it's personalized for you
you're actually going to use it you're
gonna use it and not only that you you
get this data when you use it in a
digital format that actually helps you
raise your baseline in all these areas
and that's what we're doing it doing and
that's the most exciting part so for me
again explorers I basically need chunks
so before what I was doing was every
single day I'd had this list of things
and it gave me anxiety and stress and I
had to check everything off so now I
just have one thing and the more
doing one thing in the afternoon one
thing at night I have one important task
per chunk and my brain loves that and
actually get it done and so it's amazing
how just a little bit of awareness
causes you to not only be more
productive but actually feel better too
can you describe for people what flow
state is they might not be familiar with
it but I know for its when time
disappears but do you mind kind of
sharing totally yeah so I think there's
there's many definitions of flow you
know and one of them is obviously if you
see like an athlete or you see a person
singing like it is where it's basically
timeless there's no time you step into
something and you the feeling that you
have is this euphoria and this
knowingness and everyone no matter who
you are has had this feeling you know
five six hours go by you're in a
conversation and you love the
conversation you know no matter what it
is and so this is life it is actually
life is we have the ability to feel more
of that and less of the things that
actually rob us of our natural energy
and that's that's our mission right is I
want to infect people with this idea of
you can be who you are and show up that
way and integrate your life that way and
and actually measure it and be happy
about it and happy about increasing your
flow do you mind just share with people
the importance of being proactive and
planning your day yeah you know I always
try to preach to people to be proactive
have a ritual or yourself because I
think a lot of people are so reactive
for the day you know they don't even
have a to-do list right or at the
minimum maybe they do but how you know
just in terms of being proactive and
planning why is that important for
people to make sure that they're doing
yeah it's a great question and it is I
would say it's probably one of the
number-one hacks and I know you're big
on you know in the morning morning
routine and life now is just getting
faster and faster you know it's like I
looked at my my my Tivo like two days
ago I was like holy cow I just traveled
I've got speaking I'm like what if all
this stuff is going on I'm totally the
flow guy but life is just faster and so
you you make it a lot easier on yourself
when you use the leverage of habits and
routines and that's the key
and that's the key that you know I've
been able to do and use and that we
preach an Evo is basically let
technology let habits work for you and
set specific times that you're doing
these things and check it off you know
and so sometimes you might see your flow
score go down because maybe you worked
out at night instead of in the morning
and I think a lot of people you know
they're we sort of are going into this
quantified life in the sense of we get
to actually be aware of things like you
know we have this aura ring now we have
all these things out were like wow I
actually didn't sleep that well last
night what did I do oh I had a glass of
wine or I did this so we're living in
this world now where if you want to go
to the next level of being you you know
there's certain things that you have to
do and in habits and morning routines
are I think one of the biggest
essentials and and you can someone do
this in the morning or I know some
people like to plan the day before like
the evening before yeah yeah I think
it's it's everyone's schedule they can
kind of figure out you know your own
time we have a reminder where it's like
this is your time you should do it I
love to do mine in the morning just
because I'm aware of my my day and I you
know I do my gratitude I do my number
one thing so I have fun baked into my
day and that makes me feel good about
actually doing my day right and and so
basically yeah I set it up it only takes
a few minutes just to go in and to do it
and then in the morning instead of doing
out at night some people do it at night
and they say okay my flow score was this
but for me I just go back to the morning
the same time and I know my yesterday
and I can say okay this is what it was
and I and I scan and so yeah that's
really my key as a few minutes a day but
I do stay consistent on the time every
day yeah and that's what I wanted to ask
because I know some people they don't
plan because it takes some ten minutes
fifteen minutes or thirty minutes in
some cases how long typically what will
it take on average for someone to use
something like this every day I would
say you know a good range would be three
to five minutes you know depending on
how long you want to go you have a
gratitude section so you can write a lot
in there if you want and then depending
on how much stuff you have to capture
but the key is like anything is if you
do it at your weekly review on Sunday
which i think is really key you know
your week you've already kind of planned
your week and so you should just be like
okay this is my most important this is
what I'm doing for my thriving and again
each brain type has one thing to do to
thrive and so you're just more present
so I can take three to five minutes
maybe a little more maybe a little less
yeah and you might share just a little
bit more you mentioned so that there's a
weekly planning gratitude is there
anything else that's kind of consistent
throughout the daily the daily plan yeah
yeah so health is one so it's like
movement we're not really specific on
what you have to do but it's more of
like dedicating focus time for your
health and sometimes it can be walking
gonna be going to the gym and then
obviously you've got your brain type
thing that you're doing right every
single day that's very very specific and
then your most important tasks because
again there's so many things if you
don't say you know what is my one thing
I have to do today then it's really easy
to get lost in the chaos of life yeah I
think that's such an important concept
you know Gary Keller wrote the book the
one thing and I think people are trying
to do way too much in a day and as you
said to get overwhelmed anxiety stressed
out about it but if you really focus on
what's that highest leverage most
important thing because not every action
is equal there might be the 80/20
principle there's certain ones that are
gonna get you bigger results for for
taking action with it so I think that's
such an important thing now this book
Chad Ashley graciously has given an
exclusive discount 10% off for you guys
being a member of project life mastery
and again we'll link this below for you
guys make sure that you take the
assessment but if you want to check this
out and get 10% off go to project life
mastery comm slash Evo okay that's 10%
off highly recommend you guys check it
out I just want to ask about
productivity in general any other hacks
or tips that you can offer from my
audience when it comes to us to be more
productive throughout the day increase
your flow yeah yeah yeah so it's an
interesting thing where again I think
productivity has this weird thing about
I have to do more but what if you
increase your flow you're just getting
the things that you're supposed to do
you know what I mean so you might be
doing less you might maybe it's not 12
things with it's three things and I
think leveraging your your
you know obviously mornings are such a
big key and I'm you know what I'm also
realizing with Evo is like you know most
people most of our people that are using
it or getting incredible results because
they have a morning routine and a night
routine so I think there's both things
in there but for productivity you know
morning routine night routine making
sure you're actually aware of your
patterns because when I see on the
feedback loop of the app if I drop my
flow score on Friday because I'm going
out Thursday night and I'm not getting
sleep I need to change that pattern so I
think awareness it always comes back to
awareness and support and so
productivity acts for me are making sure
that people are you know knowing my
patterns and I'm accountable for some of
these things because it's really easy to
be in a box like I see it but I'm not
gonna make a move on it but that's the
key yeah yeah and let's discuss morning
rituals because I love rituals you know
you do as well certain things what are
what is your ritual what are certain
things that you do in the morning to
help you get to that flow and help you
be more productive yeah I I get up
immediately so I used to listen to Kuna
Matata Lion King yeah because it just
made me feel good made me laugh I would
jump out of bed I switched it up but I
still go back to the old Lion King once
in a while and then I usually do either
one or two things so I do I do a little
variety because I need variety I'd get
boring so either jump in and do a cold
shower or I just get outside and I move
my body and yeah I have a whole
breathing thing that I do but I what I
did that really really works that I kind
of geek out about is I took just like
SoundCloud music that I loved and I put
my voice in the background of it and
basically do this incantation walk where
I say the things I'm attracting in my
life based on my vision board so I just
condition myself because I believe that
life is about you know out conditioning
your conditioning so if I'm listening to
news or people or whatever I have to put
more energy into myself to be who I want
to be and so I spent a good 30 minutes
45 minutes just conditioning I walk I
live in the park which is really nice
you know I ride my bike and then I
usually come back and I have like my
I do Kyoto stuff and get my nutrition on
jump on the trampoline which is really
important you got similar rituals it
might followers have watched a lot of my
videos as well okay nice I do a little
legs up the wall for lymph system as
well and yeah you know it's been really
interesting for me as I the 9:00 to 9:00
rule where you shut your phone off
completely if I don't shut my phone off
if I look at my phone before 9 a.m.
my whole day gets messed up yeah so I
just don't look at my phone and I just
go into my routine and that's that's
been a key for me and you make sure
you're doing your one thing before also
you're checking your email because
otherwise check your email and you're
reacting to everything else you cannot
yeah that is sacred time that you have
to protect yeah how about your evening
I'd love to hear what are some things
you do before you go to bed yeah so same
thing 9 o'clock I want to like brush my
teeth and have my phone away
so conditioning that with around the
habit of brushing teeth so phone off one
away where's my teeth phone at night
basically what I do is yeah I I just
music I've been doing a thing where I
have candles I've these candles I have
it's like mood setting right I have the
right music on and I basically you know
I'll take whatever I'm taking for my
nutrition I always have night nutrition
as well and I'll just really slow down
so I slowed down I drink chamomile tea I
don't really watch TV too much you know
I yeah I go sometimes I go for a night
walk very slow night walk because
sometimes that helps me sleep so yeah
not a crazy amount of stuff besides just
slowing down yeah it's so important I
guess the last question I want to ask
you is um I'd love to you for you to
share a little bit what in terms of
fulfillments because you know you
described your story about you had a lot
of success and you've done incredibly
well but you weren't really fulfilled
and what I see in you now cuz I've known
you for a few years you're so passionate
about this and this is your mission now
and you know I think I want more people
to tap into that because you know the
world's a better place if everybody did
but you might share in a little bit in
terms of that fulfillment and having
that passion for what you're doing
100% yeah it's yeah it's something that
when I first sat down with you like so
grateful for as an entrepreneur and as a
human to feel this the thing that pulls
me and you know I don't know if I have
the right formula for it what I can't
explain is that I had this this unease
about me of you know there's something
more and I didn't feel like I was doing
what I needed to be doing and you know
one day I basically was like there's
just no more I have to go towards more
things that give me energy
and define this fulfillment thing and
and so yeah I basically had this this
two-prong road which we all have as we
know where I could keep going down the
left and make money continue to do what
I was doing you know sell companies but
it didn't give me this feeling where I
was actually fully helping people and
bringing what I have to the world and I
think that's what we're all craving
right now you know is that and you know
and I didn't know if I was ever gonna
find it and so that's anyone watching
this that also may feel that way like
you can find it and it's right there and
then you do Wow are you a force and so
for me I linked in with bringing all
these thoughts that I had all these
different business ideas bringing them
into this one you know business called
Evo and one day I just woke up and I was
like well I would I was like this is my
life I would die for this like and for
me it's it's been you know revolutionary
and how I approach my life in my day I
love a man well thank you so much I'm
happy to share this with the world with
you and guys again check this out take
the free brain assessment at project
life mastery com / Evo assessment and
also check this out with 10% off at
project life master comm / e vo thank
you again so much mana I really
appreciate taking the time and thank you
guys for watching and joining in if you
guys enjoyed this hit the thumbs up here
on YouTube leave a comment below and
we'll see you again in the next video
take care

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