so today I'm gonna share with you guys
how to turn your knowledge into a highly
profitable business that can allow you
to make an impact in other people's
lives and do what you love now I believe
that you're all here right now because
not only you want to make money right we
all want to make money I get that that's
you know there's nothing wrong with that
as well we want to make money and money
can allow us to turn our dreams into a
reality but I believe that you're also
here because you want to make an impact
as well you want to make an impact and
get paid in the process of impacting
other people's lives and also doing that
around what you love a niche a topic a
hobby that you might have that you can
give and serve the world with and make
money at the same time and make that
impact and out of everything that I
teach everything that I do in my life
this right here of what I'm sharing with
you today is the most fulfilling thing
that I do because this is my mission in
life this is much more gratifying
gratifying than anything else that I do
any other parts of my business it's more
gratifying than selling physical
products on Amazon it's more gratifying
than you know working on other aspects
of my life or business because this is
what gives me that most that that
aliveness and and and that deep sense of
meaning in my life that is something
that money can't buy that when you're
making an impact and you're serving the
world in this way it's just amazing the
satisfaction and fulfillment that that
comes back from it and even just me
being here right now and sharing with
you guys and talking to you and see all
the messages and all the love that comes
in it's such an incredible feeling that
like I said money can't buy that's only
from caring about other people and
wanting to serve the best way that you
can so listen a few things I want to
share with you guys before we really
dive into this first is a lot of you
guys are here because I mentioned that
today I'm gonna be announcing my
partnership with Tony Robbins now Tony
Robbins has been my mentor since I was
17 years old I'll share with you guys
more of the story about how Tony has
impacted my life and he's someone that's
impacted my life over the last 15 plus
years and have an opportunity now today
to part
with Tony to make an even greater impact
in the world is a dream come true now I
got sense from not just Tony Robbins but
II and Russell Brunson they sent me this
box and I'm also gonna open up this box
a little bit later on today and as
shares you guys what's inside and share
a few more information about that okay
so stay tuned stick around to the end of
this training and I'll show you guys
what's inside here make a big
announcement that you guys are not going
to want to miss okay the other thing
that I want to mention too is what was I
gonna mention so the other thing that I
want to mention just kind of around that
as well is today actually I have nothing
like what I want to share with you guys
it's not only changed my life but the
reason why I'm partnering up with Tony
and what we're kind of doing together is
we really want to make self education
the new norm okay we believe that the
traditional education system is broken
that you know there's new ways to
educate ourselves and really what Tony
and myself and why he brought me on
board to work with him on this is
because he wants to disrupt the
education industry and show people
there's new ways to educate yourself
that does not require going to colleges
or universities and getting into a lot
of debt in the process for that there's
new ways we can educate from the
internet and that really what the world
needs more of today we're in the
information age but needs more people
that can step up as leaders to share
their knowledge their skills their
experience their passions with the world
to help other people make an impact and
that's really what this is about and I'm
gonna plant a seed for you guys today
that will share more about my
opportunity with Tony and how you guys
can be a part of that as well because
Tony Robbins is launching his first
product in over 12 years and it's his
first one that's actually teaching
people how to make money around this as
well which I'm incredibly excited to be
a part of and to share that with you
guys as well so anyways I will get more
into that later for you guys I'll share
with you more information about it I'm
also going to answer any questions that
you guys have a little bit later on too
if you have any questions for me about
what I want to share I'm happy to answer
those for you too my outcome today is
really just a surf you know I want to
make an impact in your life I want to
add so much value to you and I got
nothing to sell a full transparency full
disclosure I got nothing to sell you
guys today so by the end of this
training there's not going to be a
product that I'm gonna sell you for some
of you you're relieved you're happy
you're excited about that some of you
might be disappointed about that and I
want to start things off with a little
lesson around that how many of you right
here right now you enjoy selling or
being a sole - okay how many of you
right now you enjoy being selling or
being sold to post in the chat or how
many of you when I said to you you know
there's no nothing that I'm gonna sell
for you guys today you're excited you're
happy about that or you have some relief
see here's an important lesson I want to
share with you guys if you don't like
selling and being sold - if you have an
internal conflict around that if you
feel uncomfortable around that then how
would you ever expect you're gonna be
able to sell yourself your ideas your
products your services and build a
business see there's a conflict there
that a lot of people have that holds
them back they're afraid to sell or they
get uncomfortable when being sold - and
that holds a lot of people back because
again if you don't feel comfortable with
the sales process then how do you ever
expect to be able to persuade or
influence someone else nothing in this
world changes until someone has been
persuaded or sold so I want you to
understand that again I got nothing to
sell today but I want to sell you on
this idea of your potential your
capabilities that you can give to the
world you know there's plenty of you
right now that have incredible gifts and
talents and knowledge but there's that
hang up that a lot of people have around
sales that's holding you back and for me
I remember I remember years ago I used
to go to these seminars by a mentor of
mine T Harv Eker you put on these free
seminars and they're basically like a
pitch fest there's a lot of great value
there but you know they would pitch you
on their products and their events
and masterminds and everything maybe
five or six times during the event and I
remember just I was so fascinated to
observe the room there'd be a couple
hundred people at these events and some
people wouldn't be there being sold to
they'd be excited that run to the back
of the room it's a new opportunity for
them they'd sign up and buy the program
other people though would get upset
other people would feel frustrated
they'd complain about it and say oh
they're just trying to make money off of
me and you know they'd even some people
get upset and actually leave the room
and saying oh they're just trying to
sell and this and that and I've always
been so fascinated by that and one thing
I want you guys to understand is that if
you react in that kind of way when
someone is selling something to you it
has nothing to do with the other person
it has everything to do with you because
what they're doing we have no control of
the events of our life but we do have
control about how we respond to them and
if something is triggering you based on
what someone else is doing or saying
then you've got to look at you why are
you reacting that way why are you hooked
in that way why is this affecting you so
much why are you getting frustrated why
do you have a hang-up around this now
you might have had some baggage we've
all had that in the past where you go to
a car dealership or you know someone's
being aggressive and trying to sell
something to you and it can make us
uncomfortable at times but that was more
of the individual that sales person than
sales itself that person maybe wasn't
calibrating or listening and really
understanding what your needs are and
being able to serve you in the best way
but if you react in that way to someone
selling to you and these are people that
are and you're all here as well because
you want to make more money can you see
where that conflict is that if you have
issues around that and being sold to
then how can you ever expect to sell or
influence or persuade someone else so we
have to learn to embrace and love the
sales process okay be excited for it I
used to watch these sales presentations
again and again and observe and learn so
much from that and that would then allow
me to be a better influencer myself in
my life because like I said that's one
of the most important skills that can
allow you to get more of what you want
in your life but also to make an impact
in other people's lives because by you
selling you're actually doing other
people a disservice you're doing in them
a disservice because when someone
actually buys something from you they
invest in you your product or service
your business your idea the knowledge
that you have to share when they invest
their money in you they're more
committed they're enrolling in their own
transformation and the more that someone
pays the more that they're paying
attention you've got to have skin in the
game now I can share you guys a
perspective that you might not have most
of you guys know me from YouTube and the
content that I put out there I put out
thousands and thousands of free content
videos blog posts podcasts content on
Instagram and social media for free do
not charge anything for that and my
youtube channel alone has over seven
hundred and thirty thousand subscribers
now I think and over thirty seven thirty
million views I reach an impact over a
million people a month and the content
that I put out is incredibly valuable
but you know what the most frustrating
and disappointing thing about that is
very few people do anything with it
people love the content they appreciate
it they say they get a lot of value and
benefit from it but very few people do
anything with it most people they're
passive most people they consume video
after video after video there's looking
for all this free information filling
their mind up with it but they don't do
anything with it and if you don't do
anything with it then you don't get any
results and so it's in the best interest
of the people that you're trying to to
reach an impact and yourself to actually
charge money for products and services
because when they invest their money in
it they're more likely to take action
and actually get results from it I
remember times when I first started my
career I was doing these little seminars
and workshops and I just put them out
there for free and I remember and I'd
have twenty or thirty people that would
confirm and say yes I'll be there and
then sure enough on the event day I
booked a room and I was ready and
organized prepared for it and only three
people would show up and I learned that
sometimes when you make something for
free people don't value it as much
they're more flaky they don't follow
through as much and when you actually
charge a bit
money even if it's $10 more people are
actually likely to actually show up
because they've invested they've
demonstrated their actual commitment and
they've enrolled in their transformation
and in you and so I want you guys to
understand I'm just kind of before we
dive into this I want you guys to
understand this is a really important
lesson and distinction and breakthrough
for many of you right now because if
this is something that's holding you
back we've got to resolve that because
it's preventing you from going to that
next level in your life to make more
money to make an impact and influence
people a lot more the results and impact
that I've seen in other people's lives
is often but because people invest
something and they pay for something and
they're more committed and more serious
versus the ones that dabble and so again
I got nothing to sell you guys here
today I would kind of wish that I did
but I got nothing for you guys to sell
at the end of this okay but I want I
want to make this distinction for you
because you guys want to share your
knowledge with the world you want to
make an impact and the more at the end
of the day it's about results and
impacting people's lives and that's why
I really hope what you're here for and
we have to help overcome any limiting
beliefs or fears or barriers that are
preventing you from from actually
selling more and influencing people and
understanding that is one of the best
ways to make that impact in people's
lives so I want to put that out there
for you guys now I will plant the seed
with you guys and there is something you
can buy later on it's not even available
yet but it's with Tony Robbins that I'll
share at the end of this as well but
again I got nothing to sell you guys
here today let me just kind of see if
there's any other housekeeping things I
want to mention okay I think we're good
cool so let me before I dive into this
too I want to share two guys a bit about
my story because a lot of my journey of
where I started from to where I'm at
today I think can really inspire you
guys and provide a reference for you to
show you the path that I took to getting
to where I'm at today impacting millions
of people around the world and how I
built my business so I want to be
transparent with you guys today
inauthentic with you guys most of you
guys might already know my story but I
want to share a little bit more dead
and details about that journey because
it will relate when I go into some of
the trainings that I have and the
concepts that I have for you guys today
I started off my journey guys when I was
about 17 years old before then I was
incredibly shy at that age in high
school I was depressed I was lonely I
was very insecure I had a lot of anxiety
a lot of fears I was a horrible student
I skipped school a lot and for me I was
so unhappy with my life that I looked
for video games to escape I was addicted
to video games that for me was a
different fantasy world that I could
enter into that I had more control over
I felt more significant than I did in my
everyday life I moved high schools three
times I didn't know I have a good
relationship with my parents is a very
challenging up upbringing and I know
many of you guys can relate to that
but everything changed for me when I was
17 years old I discovered Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins changed my life and I know
many of you guys can relate to that too
and you're here right now because Tony's
also made an impact in your life the way
that he originally changed my life was I
discovered this infomercial video that
somebody sent me randomly online and I
was so inspired by this infomercial
which he was selling his personal power
audio program and everything which
amazing program but the infomercial
itself inspired me so much it got me so
fired up so excited about my life it
brought about new possibilities and
opportunities that I never thought of
before it made me believe in myself and
from that I ended up immersing myself in
the work of Tony Robbins and going
through all of his audio programs and
all of his books and eventually going to
seminars I went to unleash the power
within seven times I've been to his date
with destiny a seminar twice I've been
to business mastery Leadership Academy
seen him speak at many other events and
been heavily immersed in the work that
he has done and continue to benefit from
him all the way to today and and even
further in my life as well so he made
such an impact in my life and made me
believe in myself
and my potential and what I could do
because before then I I didn't believe
that you could change your life I just
thought that this is who you are I was
born this way and
this is my life this is just how it's
gonna be and he brought me into this
brand-new world of possibilities I kind
of often compare it sometimes to the
matrix where someone you know is gonna
offer you the red pill in the blue pill
and you know when you take that blue
pill you're exposed to this new world
that you can't take back once you
discover it or you could take the red
pill and your life just goes back to
where it is and nothing changes so I
took that pill and my life has never
been the same since but when I was 17
years old that the area of my life that
I had the most pain with and I really
wanted to change was my social skills my
confidence because I was incredibly shy
I was that person that would not talk to
anybody people would often asked us you
know do you even talk do you say
anything that you speak I just always be
that person in the corner just observing
and listening to things and not actually
speaking up and saying anything at all
and so that was a lot of pain for me
there was women I remember in high
school girls that I was attracted to I
had a crush on them but I had no
confidence to actually talk to them and
have a conversation with them and want
to date them and so that was a big pain
point for me that I really wanted to
overcome in my life and I discovered
this whole dating community I discovered
people like David DeAngelo and this
whole world of other people that were
learning those things and teaching it
and I was reading the message boards and
learning as much as I could about this
and learned that it was a learnable
skill that I could improve I could
change I could be whoever I wanted to be
and so I went on that journey and when I
was 18 years old things really changed
for me when I actually met up with a
group of other guys in Vancouver which
is where I'm from that were actually
going out there and and walking you know
at the malls and the streets and the
coffee shops and the bars and the clubs
to actually go out there and meet and
approach women and the first time I got
exposed to that my mind was blown I
thought wow is it even possible that
there's an attractive woman or someone
that you're interested in and you can
approach that person to have a
conversation and have them be interested
in you and ended up you know getting a
phone number and getting a date and when
I saw that it shattered my reality I had
a paradigm shift and I discovered I
decided that I got to learn how to do
that I got to do whatever it takes to
learn how to do that and so I did I was
so terrified at some
fear and anxiety but I push myself I had
other people that were kind of in this
mastermind group okay a mastermind group
of other people that were further ahead
than myself
they would push me to do it and by doing
it every time that I did I was so
terrified but I got more confident I
developed my self-esteem through that
process and I did that a thousand times
more than a thousand times actually but
I immerse myself in there and what
happened was again I got a lot more
confident I got a lot better at it and I
was developing a skill set by the time I
was 19 20 21 years old I had a skill set
that I could walk up and approach any
woman or any strange or any group of
people and have a conversation with them
and you know work out great and so what
happened was when I was about 21 years
old I had an opportunity to actually do
some coaching where someone else in this
community reached out to me it says
Stefan do you do any coaching you know
I've seen your progress I've seen what
you're able to do and to be honest I
wasn't an expert at that time or
anything like that I wasn't this guru I
wasn't the most successful person at
dating or anything like that but I just
had a certain skillset that I had
developed that another person recognized
me and they were willing to actually pay
me for that and that was the first time
I got my first coaching client and I was
able to take this guy out in a weekend I
was able to help and push him to be able
to overcome his fears and anxiety to
actually approach the opposite sex
he got benefit from that he got more
confident he thanked me for it and
that's really the beginning of where I
got hooked on this business my business
I guess of coaching and helping people
and wanting to make an impact because
the more that I did that by sharing what
had benefited my life and what had
changed my life the more that I share
that with other people then the more
love that I got back like it just gave
me self-esteem and confidence that wow
you know what I do have something that's
valuable to give to someone else that
someone actually pay me for that was a
breakthrough for me and I believe that
all of us if you're here right now you
have skills you have knowledge you have
expertise you have experiences right now
in your life that you have developed
oK you've developed these things and
other people would actually pay you for
that they would pay you for what you
know they would pay you for the
experiences that you have so that they
don't have to go through that experience
they can shortcut their learning curve
that's why all of you are here right now
because you're here right now to
shortcut your learning curve and that's
what I've done my entire life is I'm
always trying to learn from other people
to get where I want to be a lot faster
and we all have that but it's realizing
that we have those gifts and and I
believe it's our moral obligation to
share that to give to the world not just
to keep all this knowledge to ourselves
but to actually wanting to serve the way
and actually give back to pay it forward
you know I know I always know that
online there's people that always
sometimes comment and say you know
you're successful why would you share
all this information for free why would
you give this away there's got to be a
hook on the other end there's got to be
a hidden agenda you know or if you're so
successful what you know what other
people are gonna compete with you now
and you're gonna share your secrets and
and all that sort of thing and you know
the answer to that is that I don't live
in scarcity you know that's all fear
that's a scarcity mentality I live in
abundance and I believe that when
something's impacted your life it's a
natural thing to want to share and give
back and help other people with it it's
kind of like accumulating a harddrive of
information right you have a hard drive
it's up here the knowledge that you have
is a hard drive but imagine you build up
that hard drive over five years ten
years 20 years or whole life and you
have that hard drive and at the end of
your life you just throw it in the
what a waste you know I don't know about
you but that hard drive it be so
valuable to other people to give that to
someone else people would pay for that
hard drive they would pay to know what
you know and and and and that that's
really what I think this is really about
what the world needs more of is people
that are willing to share and give and
help the world in these different ways
and I'm going to kind of sidetrack a
little bit I want you guys to understand
that this is a huge industry this is a
hundred and twenty nine billion dollar
per year industry called the self
education industry people right now or
spending up to 355 million dollars every
single day on self education and Forbes
estimates that that number is going to
to triple in the next five years and
it's because people are looking for
knowledge they're going to Google
they're going to YouTube they're showing
up on live streams like this are looking
for communities they're looking for
events and masterminds and workshops to
gain knowledge because the education
system is changing the way that people
can learn and grow today is different
than the old school way of having to go
to university or having to you know read
it to a textbook today there's many
other ways to educate yourself by
investing in training programs and
finding experts out there or people that
have knowledge or information and again
people are willing to pay for that so
there's an incredible opportunity that's
available for it and when I started when
I was 21 years old coaching people
that's when I realized that I had these
gifts and that I had knowledge that
other people would pay for and that's
the first time I started my first
business it's called lifestyle
transformations it was actually a local
business in Vancouver Canada and what I
do is I would try to help other men
improve their social skills and their
confidence and I had many fears that
were holding me back I had many doubts I
believed that I was too young I had many
different things that were holding me
back but I decided to do it anyways
because I knew that this was my mission
in the world and that I was meant for
something greater than myself but the
person that inspired all of this for me
was Tony Robbins because when he made
such an impact in my life when I was 19
20 21 years old I was trying to make the
decision in my life what do I want to do
you know I'm sure you've all had that
experience before you might be dead
right now when you're trying to figure
out what you want to do with your life
you know what what direction do I want
to go in and for me I realized that the
person that made an impact in my life
Tony Robbins I'd look at him and say wow
you know what how amazing must it be to
make an impact in other people's lives
like that how gratifying how fulfilling
you know would that must that be and
when I saw that and I realized that I
want to do what he does he's been my
role model
he changed my life I want to follow in
those footsteps and I want to be I want
to not be Tony but I want to be myself
my best version of myself but I wanted
to share what I've learned with other
people and help and coach and influence
other people and so Tony was that person
that became a role model for me and
showed me what was possible with him
and made me believe that I could do that
because he started his journey when he
was also 17 years old he started doing
events and seminars and coaching when he
was in his early 20s and so he paved the
way he was a role model of a possibility
and that's the power of what a role
model can do you know you guys know Tony
and he's a role model for so many people
but I hope by me sharing my story that I
could be another reference for you on
what you can also accomplish as well so
what I ended up doing when I was 21 Tony
influenced this for me and as I knew
that this is what I wanted to do with my
life and that I would improve myself and
become a better speaker become a great
coach through this process and again it
wasn't the expert at everything I just
had certain skills that people are
willing to pay for it and they wanted to
learn it so I used to put on these free
seminars and they're called the dating
mastery seminars and I'd put them on
every two weeks and I'd try to market
these seminars and get people to come
out I post on Craigslist every day I use
meetup comm I used to put up science on
different lamp posts around the city a
lot of different things that I do just
kind of hustle to get as many people as
as possible to these events and then at
the event I'd provide value similar to
what I'm doing right now share some
valuable information and at the end of
the event I would it was like a
three-hour little workshop that I put on
but at the end of it I would promote a
boot camp that I'd put on I'd promote my
coaching I mean small boot camp
mastermind events where I could coach
and work with people a lot more
intimately and help them improve their
social skills improve their confidence
so that's how I built my career I did
that for maybe four or five years it was
a challenge because I was focused more
in a local market I didn't really know
how to use the internet at the time but
that's kind of how I started learning
about internet marketing and online
business and how to leverage myself and
automate things and use technology in
those different ways but I'd put on it
the event and then the coaching the boot
camp that had offered be $1,000 to
$2,000 weekend event and I'd maybe take
on maybe 7 to 12 people in a weekend and
you know it wasn't always filled up
there was a lot of ups and downs and
struggles and challenges I was learning
as I went as anybody does with a brand
new business but I grew so much from
then you know by me actually facing my
fears and speaking and coaching and
developing content these were all the
things that I had developed myself to be
Who I am today that by the time I even
started project life mastery in 2012 I
already had all this experience and
skills and coaching experience and
expertise and knowledge that I could
then share online and I realized
eventually that I could use the internet
and I could use YouTube and a blog in
eventually a podcast and social media
and I could put out my content and my
knowledge and the things that I was
learning out there publicly in that way
and I could reach and impact more people
so I was using the internet for leverage
instead just kind of focus on a small
little market and then Coover I could
reach and impact so many more people
online and today it's over 37 million
views on YouTube which blows me away and
you know I my whole journey when I was
building project life mastery was not
again as an expert because I know some
of you might be here right now and say
Stefan I'm not an expert I don't have
any knowledge that I can share with
people it's not true for me the way I
looked at it was I was just someone on
this journey of self development self
mastery life mastery and anything that
benefited me I was going to share it so
I remember in 2012 I was really into
morning rituals they had made a big
impact in my life and I did a YouTube
video sharing my morning ritual right
now it's just passionate in the video
and sharing I do gratitude in the
morning I ask myself these questions I
do these affirmations I jump up and down
on my my mini trampoline rebounder and
that prepares me for the day to be at my
best and I put out a YouTube video and
that video went viral hundreds of
thousands of people watched that video
and I got so much great feedback from it
so many people share with me how that
made an impact in their life that I got
hooked I got addicted to that process
and I put out other videos and I was
doing a fitness competition at the time
I was sharing my goals and my journey
and people connected with that and again
I wasn't you know concerning myself to
be an expert by any means but people
position you as the expert they perceive
you as an expert through your journey
and and I often think about it you don't
have to know everything to start because
listen if I had waited until my life was
perfect and I was a multi-millionaire
and all these things to start sharing
and helping other people I would have
never started you would not be here
right now you not be watching this video
right now if I had that limiting belief
that I had to have a perfect life to
start so don't think that everything has
to be perfect for you to share and to
impact and help other people all you
have to be is just a little bit further
ahead than others you know when I when I
was a a dating coach I wasn't the master
of dating I didn't have the most success
with dating I failed and had a lot of
challenges with it but I was just a
little bit further ahead than most okay
I had a skill of just being able to
approach the opposite sex I had overcome
that fear and anxiety which is a big
pain point for a lot of men and I had
that skill I didn't have all the other
stuff figured out but I had that figured
out and other people were willing to pay
me for that to learn how to just do that
and then I eventually got great at
conversations and going on dates and all
that sort of stuff too and so I was able
to get even further ahead and help
people the further head that I got the
more that I could bring people there
myself so that was kind of my journey
and project life mastery is now turned
into a multi-million dollar per year
business and I have courses and training
programs I have mastermind events that
I'm going to share with you guys a bit
as well and I'm gonna share a few guys
that if I were to start over what would
I do differently you know what would be
a different process that I might go
through because now that I'm out a
different perspective of doing this now
for over seven plus years on YouTube and
being an influencer and being in this
business there's definitely things that
I would do different even kind of going
back to when I was 21 years old all the
skills that I developed were preparing
me for my success that I eventually
broke through and started to have but
and that was in value
to have to go through that and learn and
discover those skills but there are some
things I would do differently because I
think a lot of people they want you're
here right now you know a lot of you
want to build a business and make
passive income but that takes time and
there's better ways to immediately make
money that might be different than
having a job that you might have right
now that you can make a lot of money
from kind of similar to what I did with
coaching and putting on my own little
events by making that immediate money I
was able to pay my bills and develop
these great skills while simultaneously
also building passive income and
building my businesses and doing all
that other sort of stuff as well because
that's more of a journey it's a process
it's not going to happen overnight to
make passive income its planting seeds
and having that grow and blossom into a
sustainable passive income stream and
business but the coaching and the events
that I was doing for me that was a great
way to support my business as I was
going through it and developing these
skills that helped me get to where I'm
at today so I'll share with you guys
some of that stuff as well in terms of
the journey and everything that I've
gone through and the better way I think
that can help you guys fast-track that
journey to get to where you want to go
so okay that's a bit about my story I'll
reference more for you guys a bit but
hopefully that shares with you guys
where I started from and I was I was
young 21 years old I know many of you
guys are young right now too and trying
to figure out what you want to be doing
as well but again Tony Tony paved that
way for all of us I believe you know
what paved the way for Tony Robbins was
Jim Rohn right the motivational speaker
but paved the way for Jim Rohn was roll
shop chef his mentor and you know we're
gonna continue paving the way for other
people to be able to help other people
in this way now let's dive into this
guy's three questions three questions
that you need to ask yourself and be
able to answer in order for you to build
your own knowledge business okay three
things you've got to identify the first
one and we're gonna do a little exercise
so again you should have out a pen and
paper to write some of this down
what are your superpowers what are your
superpowers you see we all have unique
abilities that's another way of putting
it unique abilities skills knowledge
things that make you different things
that make you unique your x-factor we
all have that and you've got to identify
what that is for you the sooner that you
can identify what your strengths are
what you're good at what makes you
different or unique the easier is going
to be for you to actually build your
business and be able to serve people in
this way and I think a lot of people
what happen so they're trying to build a
business without really knowing what
their strengths are they're not
leveraging their strengths and the
business or the path that you take is
going to depend on that because you
don't want to try to build a business in
terms of things that you're weak at you
want to leverage what you're already
great at your natural gifts or natural
talents your own unique abilities so
what makes you different what makes you
stand out what value do you have that
you can offer a give to the world that
is your superpower okay to be more than
one it can be many different things but
I want you guys to think about that and
be able to answer it and post in the
chat if you're here live right now I'd
love to hear what some of your
superpowers your unique abilities are
I'll share with you guys some of what
makes me unique what I believe my
superpowers are one is that I care and
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