so what kind of differences have
yourself but also people you worked with
celebrated clients notice from making
just that transition of turning it to a
vesl well when it first came out there
was like it's like nine-day it's like
what no I was doing it yeah no one was
doing in yeah it was like six to ten
times higher conversion rate it was like
sky stratospheric stuff and for a while
I thought you know a lot of my buddies I
hung out with today I mean they're
they're making you know millions a month
and they're doing fantastic and they're
usually doing it on sales pages or VSL
it's one of the two and a lot of those
guys learned what I was teaching and
they just improved on it or did their
own thing on it but over time that
dropped down like everything else right
but it's still really high the largest
offers out there or usually be as always
I love that so maybe you give us a
mindset shift here because I think
there's a lot this um that holds people
back I find around selling around
promoting themselves their product and
they don't wanna be too aggressive they
don't want people to criticize them so
what is the mind so that you have around
that is a tricky one I some point around
I lost the selling is a key when and I
lost it probably not for the best of
reasons I lost because I fell in love
with persuasion I fell in love with
being able to form an argument that
would make some money want to buy
something not against their better their
betterment but poor they're better than
Frank so I'm not selling them somebody
has a cause cancer but something's gonna
help maybe firm in it it's a different
story but I really lost it when it
dawned on me and I've been teaching this
product or service
and if you believe if you understand
that people will not take action
generally speaking unless they have some
form of skin in the game if they've not
invested in something out of their
pocket that's painful that whether it's
$5 or $5,000 they're not as investigated
hey everyone this is Stefan James from
project life mastery and I'm sitting
down right now with John Benson who's
one of the world's most successful
copywriters and the founder of the video
sales letter he's someone that some of
the world's top marketers learn and
study from including myself he's
influenced my business a lot and today
we're gonna dive into his story we're
gonna dive into copywriting how to learn
and master it for your online business
email marketing video sales letters John
man thank you for taking the time in I'm
gonna be here thanks that you might
share with people a little bit about
your story you've been at you've been
involved in this online world for many
years now you're one of the veterans you
know it's changed and evolved a lot but
how did you get started with this to
becoming one of the most successful
copywriters today I started in it's guy
I started really late I was about 40
years old at when I started so I was
working as a graphic designer with my
own company in Dallas and I had gone
through obesity in my early 30s and had
a heart attack I almost died and and had
all these major health issues in and I
was an athlete throughout college so I
decided I would go back to my athletic
roots go back to bodybuilding go back to
and try to figure out what's wrong with
my diet
obviously genes are really messed up
when that happens right you know in a
and so I just turned my whole life
around and
when I was in my late 30s and I wanted
to write a book about it and I've always
wanted write a book had this like you
know Tony Robbins check the list of year
and bucket was things to do but writing
a book was one of them I thought it
would be on something like I was
philosophy major at those so I thought
it'd be something like you know on deep
thoughts of unemployment or something
really perfectly related but you know
the epistemology of being broke but it
ended up being you know fit over 40 and
you know I didn't have any pretense of
it me being of the subjective enough for
the book and so I had the idea of
interviewing other people that were over
40 and then it ended up being like well
why don't we do 40 to 80 you know like
this the wide range and that book became
like a I teamed up with a marketer who I
had no idea what the internet marketing
was I I knew what the internet was
because I was on it but I didn't really
call it internet marketing and and Tom
Venuto was the guy and I he went up to
LA I went up to New York train with him
for a little bit had a book deal on the
way back 50 50 yeah I had no idea what I
was walking into and it ended up being
like at the time I just shut down
multiple servers he had a thousand seven
on Alexa and you know everything changed
from that moment on so that's how I
started I get baptism by fire and so so
the interesting is where timon
copywriting is I did not start off to be
a copywriter I I knew I could write I
knew I could write a book I knew I could
write poetry I guess I was a poet
believe it or not really but copy is
completely different and I found that
out the hard way so so what year I guess
did you first initially start in
publishing that book they came out in
2004 that's important yeah oh wow
and then what kind of made you
transition into learning copywriting
like at first you're just writing your
own book for your own interests but
actually studying and learning
copywriting persuasion influence what
made you go down that path I so the odd
story here is that I never set out to be
a copywriter at all I didn't write the
copy for fit over 40 I did I just wrote
the book how didn't I know anything
about it well I got hooked on this is
like wow this is great just walk away
from having with my design practice my
design for him and he said I'm just
gonna do this and so I wanted to write a
diet book I'm like I don't want to be
pegged as the over-40 guy I mean this is
this is because if it's more than that
right and so I decided every other day
diet it was my second book which is a
great name and it was what I was
basically teaching people to do it was
kind of catchy
and when it came down to writing the
sales letter I just sucked at it I the
book was fine and the sales letter which
is terrible and I couldn't get to
convert more than like half a percent so
I'm like okay obviously there's
something more to it and I never studied
anyone I never at the time I'd never
heard of John Carlton or Garry bid
zabinga or any of the David Ogilvy these
things were like foreign to me you know
and totally foreign and so I decided
well the fastest way I could figure out
how to do this is look at what Tom did
who studied under John Carlton and kind
of take some of his ideas and tried that
and I got it up to 1% I was like okay
this isn't gonna work so I was really
frustrated because it was like I thought
the book would sell and it was like very
frustrating so one day I stalking my
friend Mike Geary and he promoted over
40 they said there's this guy doing this
weird stuff with PowerPoint you should
check out and a
he's doing it with he's selling a
product with PowerPoint I go like you
know the office thing right and so I saw
his video and thought I think he's got
the right idea with the wrong
application and I took my my minor was
in psychology so I took my you know NLP
it was as I was reading in a lot of xx
Robbins at the time but I was also
studying NLP and took all this and put
together this very basic ugly video
sales letter and I just put this out one
day and you know I didn't want to shave
I remember I didn't want to be on video
so I was I said oh do all the words on
the screen so it wasn't like a
mastermind to it it was like you know I
knew it could be done better than that
and so I thought well I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna try it this way and I kept
putting it off putting it off and then
there came time to do a video for
youtube for my 90 followers you know and
I did a video so far and that was the
first of it and my sales went up six
times so I thought wait yeah it was long
as 6 or 7 min of ESL so I decided to do
a long when it was like 20 minutes it's
really long and I remember no and no
one's ever gonna read this and was ever
gonna see this new and and yeah that
became the first BSL that and the next
thing you know everything's different at
that after that so and so for whatever
reason I was psychologically able to
write a slide by slide versus writing in
story form now I can write in both but I
couldn't write in story that I can write
I know I want my audience just just to
know if they're not aware this really
revolutionized things for internet
marketers because before then it was all
these long-form sales copyright which
I'm sure you guys familiar with you go
to a website and this is a long sales
letter and what you did essentially is
you took that and you put it together in
a PowerPoint presentation made into a
video if you guys have been on webpages
or you see these via sales video sales
letter that communicates that copy and
it's more engaging and grabs her
attention that's this is the man that
created it
so yeah specifically it's it's I think
what other people were thinking about
doing was saying taking a sales page and
putting it into a vesl and I remember
Perry Marshall I met him years later he
said that's what he did in this first
year so it works really well for him
that's not what I did what I did was
because you don't have a pattern or up
first part of a sales letter right yeah
you know it usually starts dear friend
or something right it's completely
different or a psychological in my
opinion and so I created a whole
different way of marketing with pattern
interrupt since a lot of LP stuff and
then putting it into a very ugly all the
slides were black except for the the
words I want to emphasize which were a
lot of NLP words a lot of like you know
power words and embedded commands and
things like that and so you know I was
just trying to be clever really and and
and then I broken into this black and
red because that was what advertising
news that's what I am this tree I came
from and the next thing you know it
became the ugly video sales letter which
was named that way by Perry Orion we're
on eclis we're here T and sisa and I
came down to Austin about a six or seven
months after it came out and thought
that's where I met Ryan and taught Ryan
this and he came out with a product yeah
and then you know he he said in the
product it was I learned this from the
Skagit Chomp inch but in one ear and out
the other and so they did they did
really well with that product but and
that came out with celebrator a year
later so that was the that's still the
Ferrari of their courses so what kind of
differences have yourself but also
people you worked with celebrated
clients notice from making just that
transition of turning it to a vesl you
mean going from a sales purpose or yes a
for example you're saying like you
weren't converting that much I first but
just making that transition what kind of
difference did that make
well when it first came out there was
like it's like nine-day it's like what
no I was doing it yeah no one was doing
it in and it was like yeah it was like
six to ten times higher conversion rate
it was like sky stratospheric stuff and
and for a while I thought you know a lot
of my buddies are hung out with the day
they're making millions a month and
they're doing fantastic and they're
usually doing it on sales pages Rivia
sells one of the two and a lot of those
guys learned what I was teaching and
they've just improved on it or did their
own thing on it but over time that
dropped down like everything else right
but it's still really hot it's still the
largest offers out there usually be
ourselves yeah I mean you got the
gunnery officer right now I create my
buddy Craig Clements wrote that he's an
amazing copywriter I wrote a lot of
things he's written a lot of things that
are really good and those are hiring
versions of an idea VSL they still
transition the slides a marketing Sherpa
who I just ran in the market right
before you I ran into marketing and
those guys up there and I wrote their
stuff and or some other stuff and and
those are Bo cells and so space is
something that they do mix in there but
it's it's you have to use all the
mediums and that's why I'm going to it's
like people say like emails dad or this
is dad or this is dead muted things just
work at different times and you if
you're not using if you don't have a
webinar enter via cell in the cells page
you're doing something wrong yeah you
should unless it you have a $30 product
you don't need a webinar for that bad
you should have at least two or three
mediums of how you're selling it makes
sense yeah and there are some products
that just will not sell any other way
but through DSL
I mean gasps well like you know a lot of
e-books would qualify for that yeah yeah
so someone that's watching this if they
want to learn to copywriting what would
you recommend how could they get started
or what are some tips that you'd have
for them to start learning how to write
sales coffee uh I'd be lying if I didn't
say buy my stuff but yeah so I might his
stuff I just recommend that I can say
that yes
I and I try to be pretty modest about
stuff like this I mean people who know
my ex-wife used to say you're just way
too modest and you don't talk about
yourself enough and all that but
whatever I will say this that I'm as
good of a copywriter designed people
something I am I'm a much better teacher
at it so and I break them the mole of
you know those who can't teach okay I
can and I teach and I figured out
systems along with my good friend Josh
Pellicer who helped me figure out and
decode what I was doing and that became
3x VSL which I mean half the people in
this room that have ESL's have gone to
that course and so I'm pretty good at
teaching it and so that's yeah I'm gonna
walk people through not just here's how
you get a vesl but why these things work
so why is this slide here I mean I'm a
slide by slimy guy it's extremely
in-depth it's it's you know probably too
pedantic for people it's a but yeah it's
it's in-depth and then the same thing
would be more copy credits like why is
this in order sure it's a machine that's
put that emails all and stuff but it but
you need to know why it works yeah a big
believer in learning Excel yeah yeah
yeah so else mentioned just for my
John's created some amazing programs
will link to them for you guys in the
description but one of them is called
email copy Pro which is a software we'll
talk more about it but a software you
developed that helps people write email
copy you guys can check that out at WWF
master comm slash email copy Pro and
then seller ATAR which helps you create
your video sales letter you can go to slash seller ATAR for that but
do you would you recommend you break
down because I know with like email copy
Pro just that alone and seeing good copy
and breaking it down I found for myself
I learn a lot from that I'm just kind of
there demonstration of that product
right and seeing why how you how you
initiated the first sentence you know
how you hook people and how you you know
went to embed social proof or scarcity
or all these little factors I find just
kind of seeing it and breaking it down
valuable but is that something that I
recommend people I'm not doing
live coaching calls once a month we it's
it's something I love still love to do
it's gonna geek out on ya on why is this
working and what's the mystery of here
going back to Perry Belcher we're
amazing ever at tnc trepang inversions
and so ryan perry have been friends for
10 12 years now and Perry's like as far
as I'm concerned one of the best
copywriters on the planet he for
whatever reason thinks the same thing
about me and I got it on videos but but
we used to like just geek out together
because I Ryan I had to try to fit this
company together years ago and uh and we
would just geek out I'm like it on how
to write stuff and he was telling me a
story he got it forget double the
conversion was like something insane
like it was a double conversion are on a
converting party that was gonna get 4%
not bad to eight and he did it by
changing the one slide 1 slide it was
the very first slide of these stuff so
I'm telling you it's it's that have
you've heard the the parable about the
the submarine repair guy the nuclear sub
repair dude you know the guy there's a
nuclear sub and a port and and all the
alarms go off and they don't vote a call
so they call the nuclear sub repair guy
and he comes down and he you know looks
around and for 10 minutes and they can
go and alarms going off right pulls out
a rubber mallet and hits one little
place all the alarms go up and he sends
him an invoice for $10,000 I said dude
what $10,000 all he did was all you do
pull out a hammer he hit something
because well you need to look at the
itemized invoice yeah and it says you
know time for coming out one dollar
knowing where to hit yes I thousand
diner for and that's exactly what this
is right it's like knowing where to hit
knowing where that camera needs to
strike and uh or they in this case they
hammered music striking on camera but he
knew exactly what to do was changes one
thing so how important is is copy or
breaking things down it is the most
important skill anyone can learn when it
comes to marketing it's more important
than anything that you do is that is it
breaks down into how we
anyway as if I know how to communicate
to an audience it's going to help me
communicate with you I don't think you
can hear what everybody yeah I mean you
know you walk around talking in sales
copy but it's still the art of
using it all every single day yeah every
day whether it's talking to your the
from the guy the front of the desk of
the hotel or your to your wife or spouse
you know you're using persuasion without
knowing it if you're not in a
manipulative wedding you might say I
really think this is the best place
where I could eat here's why okay
knowing how to build a case around
something you know is a good idea yeah
it's a really good thing and it
certainly is good business so yeah most
important skill and I want to ask you
just the importance of testing things
not optimizing it because I think you
know a lot of people out there a little
bit lazy I think they put up their
product on a website and you know just
put it up there the drive traffic to it
and they're like why aren't people
buying it but they don't realize that
they got a test and optimize it and when
it comes to so I want to know how I
guess how much do you focus on that and
what are the most important thing is
that you're gonna get the biggest
leverage testing so I'm gonna tell you
where I'm good and where I suck I suck
at this so III if I can have a team that
did this it wouldn't happen okay and the
reason I suck at it is because it's
boring I agree it don't like to do it so
you know I've got to tell you how
extreme I am with this I my top fitness
offer I gave up 66% of the product to
have other people do this so I'm I'm a
glorified affiliates get paid more than
the owner of the company
and because I don't want to do that now
do I know the importance of you yes so
what I can tell you exactly what to test
and so when it comes to be uh sells your
first slide your first your first your
first thousand words pretty cool you can
spin those and keep everything else the
same first thousand words not nearly as
important as your first five slides if
you don't get your first five slide
right so that's important dress
headlines and obviously subject lines
very important I've seen email
conversions double with a different
circuit so if you think about how
obvious this is I mean when you you know
get an email on your phone
the vast majority an email late today is
open on the mobile phone right well you
don't see the hero but you might see a
couple lines right but you're gonna see
the subject line right and nine times
out of ten you delete emails based on if
you read the subject line or even worse
than that oh it's from that asshole I'm
gonna delete that or whatever it yeah
that's not a good call right so you need
to get this down you need to get these
so testing subject lines headlines and
first birth working episodes was huge
and obviously offer points yeah offer
points a price of the product rice the
product got I've seen just weird things
happen with prices yeah like I've said I
saw seven dollars beat thirty seven
dollars like handily not only on on
total revenue upfront but total of your
back ends no need to test it awesome
yeah stipe a little bit into email
marketing so obviously the Internet's
involved a lot there's social media
there's content marketing I think we're
both in agreement that email is still
the most powerful way to communicate
with your audience you know I use it as
the main channel to communicate with I
mean you own your list you don't really
own your Facebook or Twitter or things
of that nature but it seems to be the
most consistent way for affiliate
marketing launching promoting your
product building relationship but I just
love to hear your thoughts on what I
guess is the current state of email and
what do you see it going like how do you
see it may be evolving over the next few
years yeah every every month email is
dead you know every
it's been this way for years it's always
complain about something so yeah the
funniest one thing I saw it the other
day it was Dean Jackson he's a big guy
and I post it on Facebook yes this is a
real thing that just happened I got a
text message from a text based marketer
going email is dead click here to find
out why so he clicks there and what's
the first thing they asked him for his
email address did you take a screenshot
it's like it's so dead that's the first
thing that you're asking for right it's
it's such a lie Ryan Deiss made a joke
about this you know it's email is still
by part of a high star average $38 for
every dollar you spend it is it is the
nuts and bolts of the industry now I'm
also not foolish enough to believe that
like direct mail that will soon peter
out something else might rival it
there's nothing out there to rival it
right there's nothing the everybody says
though the bots would do it tax would do
it not know for daily communication that
stuff is great for one-off stuff is
sucks for daily we are still a daily
email or that's where we go to social
media is a distant second I mean because
you're there on social media if you
think about what you use email for
psychologically versus social media you
don't go to email because you wanna have
fun yeah I mean unless you have a really
interesting email account which do tell
me about that but most people go to
email because they need their checking
their email just why what's the
psychology bond what are you doing
Stefon when you're checking your email
what's going through my business I mean
everything from like pretty much my
whole life has managed flights and right
right invoices receipts like everything
is still email passwords you said the
keyword management yes
email is your management tool social
media is not your management tool social
media is your tool to or distraction
it's your tool for engagement yeah
absolutely true it's not a management
tool and that's why email isn't going to
go away so if you're talking to some
money on their management tool it's like
you being inside a sauna or slack or
whatever you
and then somebody almost said being able
to Tam you go hey I know that you're
into this little thing over there and
this may help you do this it's that
level of direct responsiveness so yeah
we still email so rules really comes out
and likewise
direct mail the people that just do not
want you to know the direct mail is
still alive and well organized like I
just think another friend of mine died I
don't know if you know wants me to say
his name or not but uh is it fifty
million dollar supplement company based
entirely off ads in newspapers right so
do these things still work of course yes
yeah so if ads the newspapers still work
then yeah emails a long way to be done
so when it comes to email marketing what
are some of the best practices or
strategies in terms of emailing your
list uh so I'm a believer in only
emailing your list the days that you
want to make money okay so every day
yeah yeah so I every day if it's
interesting yeah if it's helpful if it's
compelling if it's provocative if it's
in so that's why you know popular tools
like that are going to be very helpful
to do and there are some definitely
there are some businesses and situations
where that's not as practical as others
but this whole thing oh yeah I hear this
all time I only email my list once every
13 days because I don't want anyone done
subscribe to dude screw the unsubscribe
you know seriously you want people to
unsubscribe it's the exact opposite
mentality I want people to be raving
fans of mine and people that don't to
get off dental this stop polluting the
list I want to help you don't get me
wrong but if you're not gonna take the
help and you're not gonna you know
because you you know you're not gonna
interested in anything I have to say or
offers it's not gonna work
yeah so now that that engagement mean
like yes I might change it might
elongate or time there may be a lot a
need for much more nurturing nuggets
you know you're talking it's still
tripwire products who did they rebranded
this very well today it's a there's
still a need to do the tripwire products
to give value to ascend them to send the
to higher levels of your product develop
our product with this acquisition but
but the point is is that yeah it's not
going anywhere and you need to learn how
to master this and you need to do it on
a frequent basis yeah
not doing in our frequent basis is a big
problem goods that that will get you on
subs faster than deeper down and are you
ensuring that you have a certain ratio
or balance of just providing value
versus when you're promoting something
ideally yeah yeah I mean I know guys in
my fitness list to be honest with you is
managed by somebody else and it's
relatively large it's not as large as
other people's but some other people's
big and it's content content content
content but all that content is like
embedded with promotions and some of its
just down are commercials right so
there's not it and this is I think a
really good rule of thumb you never send
an email out without something to click
on ever unless it's like hey I just want
to say I'm sorry that but I won't be at
this meeting today that I or this
webinar because my dog is in the
hospital Obama a click here to get this
are you then obviously that would be out
of place right like it was an emergency
email or something but content email
people sending out Conti mail oh this is
awesome it's awesome you this awesome
Joe polish my good friend Joe used to do
this all the time he says it the rare
times he would send out content it'd be
like oh yeah Joe you know I just feel
like at the end of it and Dean taught
him that you know this four step thing
is do at the end of emails like here's
four ways I can help you day little
promo link little promo link little
problem link no for you so this is
that's the best of both worlds
yeah no one's gonna read that go oh what
an asshole yeah yeah so if they do you
don't want one I love that so maybe you
give us a mindset shift here because I
think there's a lot there's something
that holds people back I find our own
get around promoting ourselves their
product and they don't to be too
aggressive they don't want people did it
criticize them so what is the mind so
that you have around that you know I I
and this is this is Ricky like I some
point around 40
I lost the sailing is a key when and I
lost it probably not for the best of
reasons I lost it because I fell in love
with persuasion and I fell in love with
being able to form an argument that
would make somebody want to buy
something not against their better their
betterment but for their betterment
right so I'm not selling them something
as a cost cancer isn't no but
something's gonna help maybe prevent it
that's a different story but I really
lost it when it dawned on me and I've
been teaching this ever since that if
you believe in your product or service
and if you believe if you understand
that people will not take action
generally speaking unless they have some
form of skin in the game yeah
if they have not invested in something
out of their pocket that's painful okay
whether it's $5 or $5,000 they're not as
invested it's the reason why $5,000
courses have lower refund rates than $5
courses because they're more invested
right so once you understand that you
have to make an argument and so far no
one's been ever make this argument that
you are doing someone at a service by
not selling to the madness so I make the
argument that if you have something that
you believe in and all the products I
saw I'll totally believe it and I know
it can help them either make money or
automate their businesses or learn
copywriting or get fit you know then if
I don't sell it to them
I'm unethical so no sometimes maybe the
arguments that we want you just give it
to them because they won't do it now I
give away a ton of stuff but I know
that's not gonna get you there
no one's ever come up to me and said you
know what that free bonus that you gave
me changed my life no one no one in 15
years has ever said that what they've
said is you know fit over 40 or this or
that or change mine so the books that
they bought or the software that they
bought I mean you know the guys that
talk to me today it's like the dude
you're VSL changed my life I mean so I
you know yeah you had to buy it right so
understanding that that's how you change
people's lives as you get them to invest
in something and if you believe in it
then you're
an ethical virtue signaling prick if I
may be so Canadian leaf light by not
selling it to those by and then so
therefore your job becomes how do I sell
the most brutally efficient way as I
possibly can and therefore all the the
strings are pulled off that stupid it's
it's Scelzi you're damn right it is like
when I ride for comes to write I don't
write as much hardly write for anyone
anymore but when I wrote full-time I
would write something and they come I go
oh you know what this is just to die
don't this this doesn't sound like me I
go yeah I know exactly it's not supposed
you saw this person doesn't it's it's
like you're boring and and so the people
that got over that got results so now
there's no no need to lie in that you
know you can exactly there's really very
little need to even exaggerate if people
exaggerated by using like the hyperbolic
language that's not what I'm talking
about like saying like oh I've helped
ten million people lose weight well you
don't can you say that if you've helped
a hundred thousand people just a hundred
thousand people right the point is is
not saying that is a really big drag
right and not saying that I you know I
didn't die I literally act act I will
say it this way and I say it now here's
I'm gonna give you a copywriting lesson
here here's what I say in on a sales
page or on my VSL or for accelerator
it's like I inadvertently and I didn't I
don't use the word inadvertent I said I
accidentally so that's another little
copywriting lesson inadvertently five
syllables mix it I tripped up and now I
got it even simpler I fell into you see
where I'm going with this so keep going
simple simple simple michaleen so I
accidentally that's not too bad I
accidentally created an entire industry
that has made billions of dollars this
formula is an accident it was a total
accident but I want to show it to you
because you know it's obviously it's
read an entire industry that's a
braggart thing to say but in a non
braggart way and it's absolutely factual
so not saying that would be really silly
but also tacked on some persuasion you
need this because these other people
already have it so without this you're
gonna fall on behind
you can you know yeah so you get the
idea so so yeah I think it's to get over
that sales is a key thing that the math
the key for that has been that you're
unethical if you don't want to sell it's
powerful to you and that's what that's
of mind twist personally I I totally
agree and I've noticed from my
experience putting out tons of free
content over thirty five million views
one of the most disappointing thing that
I've found is that people enjoy the
content but very few people actually
apply anything and get any results from
it and that's a little bit frustrating
with how much time that I spent creating
such valuable content for people and the
realization that I'm in a way doing a
bit of a disservice rather than actually
having them invest in something that's
more structured organized and then they
actually you know when they invest in it
they have that belief and that
confidence too because in a way you're
to get them to actually buy the product
you're persuading an influencing to make
them believe that this is an opportunity
that can help them serve them that they
can do it and there's a there's a mental
components that I think once you get a
sale that contributes to their success
of actually applying it and getting
results right you know so I've noticed
that in my business as well as as much
as I want to help everybody and serve
them but in a way I'm not helping anyone
on the depth that I could really help
them just by providing free content it's
by charging money and having them the
more they pay the more they pay
attention and then where they're gonna
actually apply it and everything too so
yeah and it's getting over your own
there's a sense of like higher morality
that people have the one they they
attribute something to be you know
salesy very few people like to be sold
but everyone likes to buy stuff so if
you're in the area of saying like here's
why you should buy this it's gonna be
awesome for you that's not selling as
much as it is that's from a cheesy sense
of those cheesy sense of the word but
just look around you for the any lack of
clarity on this if you're balkanized on
this issue and you're like hey you're
like no I'm over here and the sales guys
are over there just look at your house
how much stuff in your house is stuff
you don't need you know somebody sold
that to you whether you know it or not
and I think that the this the shame of
it is it's one of the best professions
in the world if you're selling something
and that's the key again it just is what
you're doing important is it opal you
mind sharing with people a little bit
about you know copy pro and what that
can do for those of the people out there
that want to be able to write copy or do
it a lot faster and easier by yes it's
something like you know copy pro yeah
well email copy pro was born out of
seller ater accelerator has software to
it right and when it start with that one
first maybe yeah I know I'll just say
the decelerator is by far and away the
most advanced and certainly the most
successful video cells that are training
on them in the world and has definitely
more winners I mean like I can go down a
list of the winners that come out of
cell Reiter I mean we're talking a over
a billion dollars a year or is repeated
all this so it's a formula that works
right but it's it's a copywriting course
senator it kind of tricked around
software right and the software's really
rudimentary it's like pick a slide and
you know you got nine choices of this
copy then go to the next slide Knight
right here so and so I'm writing a lot
of copy for you but I'm also teaching
you and every single slide okay this is
why this works and you know here's how
where you have to fill it out so the
request came up for email well how do
you disprove Oh we'll see a vesl is one
thing it doesn't change it's one entity
right it's a it's a formula down a
series of science email could be one
entity if it was only one email it fits
two emails you're automatically doubled
your entity volume right if it's a
hundred emails you can see where I'm
going with this
and everyone has a lot more than than
two emails right a lot more than a
hundred emails so that's a much bigger
beast to tackle could you make that and
have it have this the same level of
impact and so basically you're asking me
you the customers are asking a little
bit for a I for email so what email copy
Pro is excuse me is one of the very
first generations of the future of AI
for a free email it basically makes
every email that you want to send out
more lucrative so you don't write the
emails you just fill in the the specific
fields that we want you to fill in and
here's where the and the twist always
comes in for my stuff because there's
knockoff products that says Oh fill in
this field and will put this email out
for you and then the next time that
feels used it sounds like you came from
a foreign country and that English is
your fourth language right because they
this through it's complicated as hell we
thought it through so that you fill out
this one field it's gonna work in the
next hundred emails that you use right
and that's what you want you want a
database that then it's a smart that
understands that what's gonna do in the
next team will take home so this is not
only having you think through your
marketing it's doing it in a really
slight way and it's giving you the email
so you don't have to write it but it's
forcing you to think through your
marketing one little bit at a time like
oh do you have what we call a primary
solution and people get it don't know
what that is that's our term right so so
I teach people why it's important to
have a solution that is separate from
your product and a lot of people don't
think it don't sermon like that so
there's a great copy right there but a
lot of people don't think that way
because they think in terms of my
product or my service is the solution
and a little slide teaching tool that we
throw in that as you're filling out a
field it's like no I want you to come up
with something that is reason why your
slips product works so well so I'll give
you a simple example p90x is the only
program on earth that feature muscle
confusion preference for that's the
primary solution for p90x it wasn't p90x
it was like muscle confusion is the
answer to everything that you have
problem with therefore if you ever ever
ever want to get in shape that's loud
if you ever want to get in shape muscle
confusion is it now p90x was centered
around muscle computers the only program
that's easy where I'm going this that's
a primary solution imagine if we could
do that but we do this for you an email
we do it for people's fears people's
main problem their complaints oh we help
you brand everything so that when you
send something out it's like oh that's
the guy talking about that back that one
complaint that that they can relate to
oh that problem is solved in this in
this course or in this in this book or
whatever it may be so I'm teaching you
marketing without going through a course
you're spilling on one thing at a time
and the result is every email you send
is more lucrative
incredibly powerful I think not just for
learning it but I mean it does it that's
the work for you do you guys a lot of
the work for yet I think one of the best
ways again I'll provide the links for
you guys again but actually watch the
demo that he has on his websites because
it's a game changer it's really changing
the landscape yet again but it'll I
think by watching the video and seeing
it in action you see the power of what
it can do for your business and how you
can create better emails send more
emails make more money from it so again
the links rww
slash email copy pro nww project life
mastery comm slash seller ater and again
the links will be below for you guys i
guess is start to wrap up what what kind
of advice would you give to someone that
it's just getting started today in this
world of the internet there's so there's
more opportunities available now than
ever before it's changed a lot in many
ways i think is easier to get started
today than it was before there's just
more opportunities and softwares and
tools that can allow people to grow but
what advice would you give to someone
just getting started so far i have not
found a reason to change this advise it
learn copy learn why copy works and if
you want to learn how to write copy
that's great
but at least learn how the mechanisms of
copy works because copy still king it's
gonna be king for a long long time even
with tools like we're talking about
still gonna be king because you still
have to fill in these fields and there's
gonna be a lot of people out there that
will never buy that stuff it that you
that you can you can become a copy
writer and they do that but you need to
know this for how to communicate your
your biggest message to your customers
to communicate their biggest fear if
they don't even know they have so and to
validate the fears they do know they
have these are really basic marketing
principles and the best way to do that
is to learn a copy again not having to
be a copywriter but learn the principles
of white copy works that is still that
that's yet to be replaced by all those
stuff and that's out there from you know
bots to social media stuff to whatever
the next big thing is it's still going
to come down to that the second thing I
would say
that is right next to that is if you
have a product or service that you
absolutely love it doesn't have to be
perfect you know and our stuff isn't
perfect we're always perfecting it as we
go along
it needs to be good and it needs to be
that the principal needs to be something
that you believe in like there's no way
and none of my products people come up
to me they go oh do you use as a gun I
just get just sells good you know I know
ever so so find something that you
really genuinely love to do because it's
and hopefully create a product around it
or a service and then sell the hell out
of it I the techniques will change
tomorrow there will be some new thing
that will come along right but if you
know how to write the first I'm not
suggesting ever I need a big copywriter
but if you know how to write
you'll never be unemployed there's
always needs because you know if you
don't write well especially but even if
you don't even you can't get gigs you'll
always be able to sell yourself and
that's the most important thing in any
industry is bills so jokes words it it
still comes down to words man I agree
well thank you John they appreciate your
time thank you guys so much for watching
if you guys enjoyed this hit the thumbs
up here on YouTube check out Jon
Benson's work study learn from this guy
invest in his training program so
definitely make a big difference for
your business leave a comment below
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you again soon
take care
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