
Monday, May 11, 2020

My August 2016 Monthly Goals Report #Best Education Page #Online Earning

My August 2016 Monthly Goals Report

hey everyone this is stefan from project
life mastery com and welcome to my
August 2016 monthly goals report where
every month I give you guys a detailed
update on exactly where I'm at with the
goals that I set for myself at the
beginning of the year and right here in
this video I got my laptop here I've got
my multi goals report pulled up from my
blog I've gone through and updated all
the progress that I've made in August
I've also got something here cool to
that i'm going to show you guys um the
life mastery circle and something new
them incorporating into my monthly goals
reports that hopefully i can get you
guys on onboard earth as well because i
found it very valuable in my life ok why
do i do this many different reasons i do
this more for myself to be honest
because I find there's an incredible
benefit and power when you not only set
a goal but you regularly check in with
your goals you make sure that you're on
track with the goal they're measuring
your goals you're making the necessary
adjustments right because oftentimes
when you set a goal especially a long
term goal you have to make adjustments
make sure you're on track with it and
just making sure that you're actually
achieving the goals that you set for
yourself so for me this is a ritual that
I do you know I would do this off camera
you know but I decided to do this on
camera so that you guys can benefit from
it as well hopefully I can inspire you
guys in the process show you guys the
progress that I've made I've been doing
this for a number of years now so you
guys can go back and see the goals that
I set back in 2012 if you choose and
show you guys how how transformation
occurs how change occurs how progress
occurs it's slow and steady but as long
as you're consistent as long as you
practice having goals and having reasons
why and action plans and you're
resourceful anything is possible for
yourself any goal that you set can be
achieved now with that being said if you
guys want to follow along and find out
more about the goals that I set i'll
have a link to my blog post and you guys
go to project life mastery com and you
guys can click through there scroll
through look through all the goals I've
already achieved a lot of the goals that
I set so far this year there's still a
few that I'm really focused on and one
thing I'll mention too I'm going to
update my goals a little bit
this video but maybe in the future
because there's actually a lot of goals
that I set and achieve that there aren't
publicly displayed because throughout
the year there's always more goals being
added there's different projects that
happen different things that occur and I
just don't really publicly share them
the ones that I share here are the ones
that I publicly want to be accountable
to and want to share but there's there's
a lot of goals that I have behind the
scenes and I'm going to update things a
little bit based on this as well okay
now I break down the goals that I have
into different areas of life okay and
that's kind of what this life mastery
circle is this is actually a concept
that i got from tony robbins many years
ago and he teaches this briefly it is
unleash the power within seminar and
this here this circle is a really great
way of measuring different parts of your
life and basically it's broken down
there's there's really seven or eight
key areas of life that you continuously
need to focus on and make progress
towards and you know everyone's life is
a little bit different that areas might
be a little bit different for you but
these are the main areas that I choose
to focus on in my life you guys can
model this if you guys choose but the
first area is my physical body which is
basically your health and physical
fitness those are two different things
you could be physically fit and
unhealthy and the same way you can be
healthy and not physically fit so I
understand those are two different
things but I kind of categorize it as
one my physical body then I got my mind
and emotions right your mindset your
psychology very important but there are
also your emotions because your emotions
um you know isn't necessarily in your
mind it's in your body your spirit so
body mind emotions that can be you know
your level of happiness or joy your
gratitude your passion your peace your
determination your motivation it could
be the belief systems that you have the
mindset whether it's serving you could
be being depressed and unhappy and angry
and frustrated that's your mind and
emotions right there's your
relationships relationships for me i
categorize that as my intimate
relationship either if you're single and
you're pursuing a relationship or if
you're already in a marriage or
relationship with them
a woman then is the family life which is
important to have its own area you want
to make sure you're nurturing your
family you could categorize this if you
want combine it with friends too or with
relationships it's totally up to you I
like to have a different area for my
family also for my social friends and
fun okay so for me that's the area in my
life it could just be fun it could be
friends that you have your social life
meeting people etc that's a category the
business career mission purpose whatever
you want to call it if you have a
business for me I don't even view it as
a business for me as my mission it's my
purpose it could be your career it could
be your job it can be a school right so
having a category for that money and
finances that's another area of life you
have to master that's separate for
business business or your career is the
vehicle that you use to add value and
earn money but you can earn money and
not be financially free you can earn
money and not be financially secure it's
what you do with the money how you
manage money you have to learn how to
master and manage your money that's a
different category and in your spiritual
life and I believe that we're all
spiritual beings were more than just
this our body greater than that and
spirituality could be whatever that
means to do it could be a religion it
could be spiritual beliefs that you
might have it could be connection with
the universe it could mean you know for
me it's also growth and contribution you
know contributing is a way for me to
spiritually grow in my life so however
you want to categorize it this is just
the way that I've done it and i'm going
to give you guys an update on where i'm
at in each area of my life here and i
have a vision for each area in my life
and goals you know if you guys look at
my monthly goals reports every month i
update and i have goals for each area
right each era some of them i don't
publicly share like i don't really share
my family goals as much you know some
things i prefer to keep a little bit
personal you know relationship things
and things like that i don't publicly
need to share everything and be kind of
be boring for you guys to to be honest
but you know i have goals in each area
because you always want to make progress
in each air of your life you're right
you want to grow
cherry and i'll do another youtube video
that will explain a little bit more on
this so what i'm going to do first this
is something i'm going to integrate
every single month and i recommend you
guys do the same have a process like
this where every month you're measuring
exactly where you're at in each area of
your life and the way you do it is you
measure it on a scale from 0 to 10 okay
10 being where you want to be your
ultimate vision in that area of life 0
being know where you are nowhere you
know you're not even close we haven't
even started you're nowhere close to
where you want to be okay and so I'm
going to update this every month this is
a process that I've been doing for years
I actually used to do it every week and
now I do it every month I'll probably
get back to doing every week just
because I find the more that you measure
things the better but publicly I'm going
to do it every month for you guys to
update you on where a map okay so having
a form of measuring your life measuring
each area that's incredibly powerful
because that can help allow you to focus
on what's missing the weakest part bring
that up and really make sure you have a
good balance in your life so I'll do a
quick rundown of this and then I'm going
to actually go through my goals and the
specifics okay and by the way if you're
watching this on youtube I'm actually
streaming this on Facebook and periscope
so that's why I'm kind of looking at the
two cameras the two phones here as well
so just if you guys are wondering if you
guys want to watch these live make sure
you follow me on periscope and Facebook
live Facebook so that you guys get the
live experience as well okay so first
body okay now as I mentioned this is in
proportion to where you want to be in
that area so whatever is it 10 for you
it's going to be totally different than
what's a tent for me right for me 10 in
my physical body my vision is to have is
to be ripped to be able hundred seventy
pounds at six to seven percent body fat
to have unstoppable energy to be totally
vibrant to be sleeping six hours at
night you know just total like high high
level high standards that i have for
that that for me is a 10 now for you a
ten might be you know just ten percent
body fat twelve percent body fat twenty
percent body fat might be a ten for you
you know having us
number of enter and everyone has a
different level and I find as you grow
your 10 actually becomes greater so for
me right now if I were to be totally
honest where I'm at on a scale from 0 to
10 for my body terms of where I want to
be I'm going to say that I'm a 7 out of
10 okay so what i'm going to do i'm just
going to color this in like this okay so
i'm a 7 out of 10 and you know I'm in
great shape I work out every day six
days a week you know you guys have
follow me online on snapchat see the
health standards that i have the juicing
the rebounding the rituals all that sort
of stuff but to be honest i'd still like
to lean out a little bit i still wanna
gain muscle mass I still want to improve
my energy even further so for me you
guys might think my body's amazing which
it is but for me in terms of where I
want to be there still growth and
progress i want to make next is my mind
in my emotions so this is my mindset my
psychology my level of happiness joy
gratitude the emotions that i want to
experience and like i said for everyone
there 10 is different so you're going to
have a totally different comparison
chart than I will but for me I would say
my emotional well-being and my mindset
is an 8 out of 10 ok so I'm going to put
in eight here and I'm going to color
this in next is relationships and again
that's my intimate relationship I have
the greatest gift in my life my
incredible girlfriend talk to Jana some
of you guys saw her a little bit on my
youtube I did a great video with her
just talking about amazon some of you
guys see her on my social media whatnot
and Facebook so my intimate relationship
in terms of 10 totally be where I want
to want it to be I would say if I were
to be honest I said like an eight maybe
nine out of ten estate and a half out of
10 ok so that's where I'm at their 8.5
okay next is family okay and again
depending on what your standard is of
what a tent is for family for me I've
got a really good family life but I feel
like I don't only get to see my family
as much as I want um I find that
especially over the year like I've I
have good rituals for my family where I
connect with my family once a week each
person my family do the best that I can
for that but to be honest I don't get to
spend as much time with them I've been
wanting to do like a family trip or
vacation a really credit even stronger
bond you know and I sometimes get too
busy with certain projects that i have
and travel and stuff so if i were to be
totally honest with you guys my family
in terms of where i like it to be i'm
going to say is a 6 out of 10 I've got
great relationships with everyone in my
family but I'd like to you know honestly
I like to do more family get-togethers
like family dinners or parties and
things like that you know even it's been
tough to because sometimes I travel like
I've missed Christmas dinners and those
those family get-together this Easter
that I got really enjoy but my travel I
need to make it more of a priority if I
want to grow that and take more action
with it social friends and fun and again
that's might be totally different what
your standard of 10 is in that area for
me right now I'm going to see it's a
I'll see a six and a half seven I'm
gonna say six and a half for my social
friends and fun and the reason for that
and you can you can separate them as
much as you like but for me I spent a
lot of time on my mission my business
and for me deaf it fills me so much that
sometimes I don't get to spend as much
time with friends but you know I'm
actually probably a little bit not being
totally fair to myself you know for like
even when I was at business master in
Las Vegas I connecting with people i
have friends there spending a lot of
time with people i was having a lot of
fun even though i was at a seminar for
me that's like tons of fun you know I
had a great party and everything this
last weekend I didn't really get a
chance to dip
around friends because I just kind of
disconnected for myself and I'm more
natural even introverted where I like to
recharge by myself you know I like to
take my alone time and everything as
well but I've got amazing friends great
relationships I just like to spend more
time with them and I often have more fun
when I travel and most of my phone is
now with my girlfriend too I went to a
great us UFC events I think it was last
weekend to the UFC event was here in
Vancouver and I did that with some
friends too I might not be totally fair
to myself but honestly I'd like to see
that at a much higher level so i'll i'll
say it six and a half that was my
natural response usually your natural
response is pretty accurate business um
so for me the businesses that i have for
me man it's i'm on fire with that I love
my business it's my mission is my
purpose it's what I was made for i'm
going to say in that area of my life in
terms of where i want it to be I'm gonna
say in eight and a half and I feel very
fulfilled by my business I love my
business I mean it's like it's like my
baby um and it's going extremely well
but I think what's missing for it is I
need to build more of a team because I
get overwhelmed in my business sometimes
I have so much going on I do so much
like it's insane I'm like the equivalent
of three people you know like it's I'd
have to hire three people to replace
what I do so I go very extreme with it
and I spend a lot of time but I I think
I get overwhelmed a little bit too much
with it at time so I need to hire more
and that's kind of the peace and I'm
focused on right now is hiring more and
there's just so much that I want to do
with it I have an incredible vision for
it to like I having scraped the surface
of where I want to be I'm probably like
a two out of 10 if I were to be honest
in terms of where I really want to be in
my business career but I feeling pretty
good about myself right now so I'd say
and a half money and finances again this
is in terms of where you want to be i'm
going to say an eight
I have huge aspirations for where I want
to be financially and again you know
this is winter in terms of where you
want to be maybe for you making a
million dollars a year is a 10 may be
making a hundred thousand dollars a year
is a 10 and that's where you want to be
other people making maybe 10 million
dollars a year is a 10 or a hundred
million or a billion who knows right
everyone has a different terms for their
life different definition of success or
what a 10 would be for each area of your
life so this is just word where it is
for me I say an 80 to 10 I'm doing
amazing amazingly well you know i'll
share with you guys the progress in
august the amount of money that i made
financially i'm investing i reached a
goal that I had to have a 1.5 million
dollar investment portfolio and I
achieved that I've actually overachieved
that if I were to include my personal
investments as well you know I'm
probably if I were to look at my total
net worth including the business assets
that I have the equipment all that sort
of stuff it's probably over two million
dollars so I'm really proud of that but
I see myself in the next five to ten
years being at 10 million dollars a year
over 10 million dollars net worth and
that's those are the aspirations that I
have that that for me as a Ken and the
funny thing that happens once you get to
your tent or too close to it your vision
always expands and that's a great thing
that's why progress is key not
perfection for me I'm never really out
of 10 because the 10 is totally perfect
that means are stopped growing so for me
the closest I'll ever get is a 9 before
I expand my vision and set something
greater and personally that's just the
way that I like to roll spirituality for
me that's a stronger in my life my
connection with God my connection with
my Creator my connection of my level of
gratitude and grow spiritually and
contribution that's what my spirituality
means to me I'm gonna say that's a 7 out
of 10 if I were to be honest I've got
some cool things planned actually I got
a meditation retreat inva pasta
happening later this month that I'm
going to end a silent meditation that
should be amazing I am a spiritual
person I
I communicate with my Creator every day
but I'd like to improve that
relationship even more and I contribute
massively definitely proud there but
definitely would like to grow and do a
lot more work in that area too all right
so as you can see this is where I'm at
overall um you know by regularly
measuring this you can can measure the
progress that you're making you can make
adjustments for me my week of the area
of my family I want to think okay what
could I do to bring that up to a seven
how could I bring that up to an eight
how can i bring this up to a seven and i
need to you need to set goals and take
the necessary actions to make sure that
your you're well balanced and whatever
you focus on expands right so for me my
business is strong because that's where
most of my focus goes right my most my
focus goes on contributing to you guys
and you know spending i spend more time
to be honest with you guys on live
streams connecting with you guys then I
probably do with my own family you know
like that's how much I energy that I put
into this business and to serve you guys
the best way that I can so you know
maybe I need to put more focus in there
right so I wanted to share that with you
go I'll do another video on it on
YouTube but that's useful and then the
goals that I have are allowing me to
grow in a chair in my life as well so
it's cool to have this visual
representation and I'm gonna put this on
the blog and maybe inspire you guys to
do the same thing as well okay so that
was a little bit of a detour now let's
jump into the goals that I set i'll give
you guys updates and again you guys can
follow along at project life mastery com
at the monthly goals reports so first
I'm going to go into financial goals so
my financial goal for 2016 is to make
two million dollars in revenue and I had
a huge month for august i did two
hundred seventy six thousand dollars
276,000 361 dollars which puts the total
amount of revenue earned per 2016 at 1.3
million and last month give you guys an
idea for july it was 260 thousands so a
bit of an increase most of the money
that i made the big increase has been
affiliate marketing mastery the launch
that I did with that was huge um you
know all the money that I make is
immediate because I have payment plans
and money comes over time and different
projects and things that I have as well
but that's huge because I mean those
last two months I've been a big boost
and I got a number of other projects
happening this year as well which I
believe I can hit the two-million-dollar
point my business it's just focusing on
the right projects the right things to
get there and doing it strategically as
well sometimes like actually right now
I'm taking a little bit of a step back
from growth because I'm bringing on an
operations manager of my business and
getting certain things set out first
before i go into massive growth mode
because i want to make sure i have the
good foundation and systems in place and
the right team in place so that when I
grow it's going to explode even faster I
share different streams of income on my
blog at project life master calm monthly
goals report one cool thing that I
always pay attention to I love has been
from my investment portfolio the passive
income i generate from that which is
from dividend income and that was over
four thousand dollars in august just
pure passive income from dividends being
paid out from different investments that
I have which is cool you know I make a
ton of money from affiliate marketing
from my own courses from coaching I'm
doing events mastermind events
publishing my amazon FBA business I mean
there's many different streams of income
that I have all right next goal and by
the way if you guys want to check out
the free course that I have that goes
into seven online business models go to
project life mastery com / free course
the free course that i put together has
the seven online business models that i
utilize my business and how I make money
from them so you guys can choose the
best path for you next is always they
have a 1.5 million dollar investment
portfolio by December 31st and I
achieved that goal in August 1.5 million
where is it 1.1 million 550 5432 dollars
is in my investment portfolio it's
actually more than
because that's just what's in my company
and holding company i also have personal
investment portfolio as well and you
know real estate property that I rent
out and um you know a few other
convertible notes and you know loans and
things like that as well but in terms of
just my trading account that was my
specific goal for I achieved that now
i'm probably going to rearrange the
money a little bit because i have like
two hundred thousand or so they're just
in cash that I you know when you're
investing you got to be strategic about
it you don't just invest for the sake of
investing you got to you know have the
right timing and have cash available
when they mark you know what the
opportunities are there when the market
drops you want to make sure you have
cash available for that as well but I
achieved that goal next month I might
you know readjust my money in different
ways but really happy for that and part
of like what's man I've been up in my
game in this area because at business
mastery tony was like really emphasizing
the importance of being a financial
trader and have like investing as much
as you can see your money's compounding
for you and I've been really smart with
my money because I don't waste my money
on stupid things like I really make sure
that my money I put it I invested myself
my education seminars training coaches I
invested in my business I invested in my
team I invested in like giving in to
charities and contributing it invested
in stocks and equities and you know
different investment opportunities and
investing in the right thing so I like
fun things to and travel and things like
that as well but I'm majority the money
that I make I invested very very wisely
because like I said my money vision my
money goal is big so I want to I want to
get their long-term okay next school
that I have is buying the real estate
property and give you guys an update on
that nothing's really happen with that
the market changed a little bit because
here in Vancouver they just introduced I
think last month the foreign investor
tax to fifteen percent because there's a
lot of foreign investors main Coover
put their money here which makes it
unaffordable for locals and the market
has kind of paused a little bit because
a lot of people that are buying their
thinking that the market is going to go
down so that could change things a
little bit and that's why you want to
have money liquid for that but I'm in no
rush to buy right now I'm happy where I
live my current circumstances it's I'm
only going to buy real estate if it's
like a really good deal and it makes
sense business schools know there's a
number of goals I've already achieved
okay and I'm just going to go over them
a quick because I don't want I go over
them every month I've already achieved
them hundred thousand youtube
subscribers I over achieve that I get
119,000 youtube subscribers right now
which is cool and I have a hundred
thousand facebook fans that's a hundred
i think 115,000 or so like that on my
stefan james facebook 68,000 on project
life mastery but I'm not focused on
using that one as much right now fifty
thousand instagram followers that's a
golem at forty one thousand nine hundred
instagram followers from project life
mastery instagram account so we're going
to hit that goal by the end of the year
for sure a hundred thousand email
subscribers i'm at 90,000 email
subscribers on my e weber list email les
has blown up guys like it's amazing now
I remember like how hard it was to get
like a thousand email subscribers and
now I have 90,000 and it's growing by
like eight thousand a month it's like
insane when you get to a certain level
in your business guys things skyrocket
because you have that foundation since
grows massively always they reach an
impact at least two million people on
project life mastery com see I had a big
month for my blog in terms of unique
visitors 130 4950 so about 135,000
unique visitors to project life mastery
that's actually that might be the
highest month that I've had and that's
that's like a lot of the SEO stuff that
we've been applying which is really cool
but I'm still way behind on two million
I think i'm at eight hundred
almost 900,000 unique visitors to the
blog but we're implementing a lot with
SEO right now um and it's it's I mean
it's definitely it's a slower process
SEO but that's pretty cool how it is
growing okay on my youtube channel my
goal is meant to reach 3 million people
in terms of use this year have total 6.5
million views I had a big month maybe
the biggest month of my youtube as well
464 thousand views in the month of
August on my youtube channel that's 6.7
million views so far total that's pretty
amazing so that that's that's grown
massively I its kind of interests i
don't think i've been posting as much on
my youtube as i had like a few months
ago but it still been pretty consistent
the number of videos and stuff that i'm
putting out obviously publish at least
150 video blogs on project life master i
achieve that goal I don't have the exact
number of what I did for august's but I
was at a hundred and forty five total
and for August I definitely published I
think around 15 or something like that
so over 160 video blogs that published
so far this year which is awesome so I
achieved that goal over achieved that
and definitely will for the rest of the
year launch k optimizer for kindle
publishers the goal achieved relaunch
key mastermind that's a goal that I
probably am actually going to change
because i'm not that inspired by it i
think i've got different projects i want
to focus on a little bit so that's a
goal that I set that had an aspiration
for at the beginning of the year but
probably you know that goal I'm gonna
have to really re-evaluate it a little
bit more it's not priority for me I got
other goals that are more priority that
are a bigger focus of me right now I'll
use a crane launched a new self
development program that is a big goal
this year big project but i'm not going
to focus on that until i have my team
set up properly before because i
actually want to use that as an
opportunity to train my new operations
manager in the process when i put
together that program but i'm really
looking forward to that i've been having
so many visions for creating that
always a launched a new online business
training program does affiliate
marketing mastery I launched that at
affiliate marketing mastery com that's
my newest best program people are loving
it we're improving it even further I've
got a lot of plans and visions for that
you know the the coming is more higher
to get program but rightly so it's
basically the best of the best of what
I've learned to help me build my online
brand and business to where it is today
and so for me that information is worth
a lot of money it's not a cheap program
it's a really in-depth hardcore you know
commitment driven program that if you
apply it can build you a million dollar
brand similar to what I've done so that
has been awesome i'm working hard
actually on improving that in my other
courses as well i'll launch my free
course which i launched a seven online
business models at project life mastery
com / free course launch two new amazon
products we're actually just about to
launch our second amazon product for
this year i'm not going to announce it
just yet but you guys will be notified
of it when it is available I think it's
just being made right now I'm being
shipped pretty soon I'll used to be
making 10k a month for my Amazon
business that that's been great as well
you know right now just kind of in
maintenance mode with the Amazon
business I haven't been marketing
promoting that much and i'm looking
forward to launching this new product
but i've been a little bit busy with
some other things too so you know that's
been slowing that's been steady it's
been slow and steady which I'm totally
cool with because I always had the long
term approach with all my goals so
achieve that goal that I you know set
for myself this year and you know one
achieve of the google launched another
amazon product but there's some other
projects i'm focused on more next year
i'll focus on growing my amazon business
even further i think i'll hire someone
to run my amazon business that's been
achieved I'll hire an SEO person that's
been achieved as well alright so covered
financial cover business I'm going to go
into my health and fitness goals I
completed tough mudder this year again
these are goals I've already achieved
that you guys can check it on the
got pictures of all the sort of stuff to
screenshots so you guys can see a little
bit of the experience I did tough mudder
I think I need to have another Fitness
related goal though because I think
that's why it's kind of dropped a little
bit I'm in great shape of work at every
day but I'm not working out as hard
because I don't have a really strong
goal that I'm really training for I work
really well when I have like an event
that I'm training for like a fitness
competition you know I did to fitness
competitions I did the Tough Mudder
maybe I need like another awesome event
that I can train for I can I get a coach
for as well a trainer that can help push
me and that having that goal that
purpose drives me a lot I'll usually do
my 15 day juice fast that hasn't been
scheduled yet but I'm doing like a
10-day raw food cleanse when I go to my
meditation retreat at the end of the
month so that would be like a raw food
cleanse for 10 days but I'm still going
to do the juice fast but i'll probably
do a little bit later in the year travel
lifestyle personal development goals you
know these are things that fit under fun
social relationship so for me and one
goal that I had was to travel for three
months and I traveled for four months
this year you guys can see the
destinations on my blog thailand and
bali and dominican republic i went to a
brotherhood mastermind trip i achieved
that was at the Grand Canyon this year I
achieved the goal Tony Robbins business
mastery so that was a recent goal goal
that I just achieved I got a video
coming out more on the things that I've
learned from that but that was a pretty
amazing experience date with destiny
that's something that I have yet to
schedule for this in december this year
i'll read 20 books I've read 16 books so
far this year the book that I'm reading
right now is getting everything you can
out of all you've got by Jay Abraham
really great business marketing book
that I recommend if you guys want to see
a list of the books that have read this
year again that's not project life
mastery com under the monthly goals
reports 10-day silent meditation retreat
that's scheduled for september-october
my morning ritual five days a week on
track with that my padi scuba diving
lesson license that had
not been achieved yet you guys know the
story in Thailand haven't been a focus
focused on scuba diving right now
especially after puking in the water and
getting seasick is not fun guy completed
100 a challenge again another goal
social relationship uh goals by weekly
journaling with my girlfriend been doing
that once a month I need to up my game
on that you know I need to up my game on
that for sure that will definitely
increase my relationship uh learning
tantra Tantra that's that's kind like a
spiritual goal as well as relationship
but that's something that i have not
i've looked into a little bit more but i
haven't scheduled that yet photo shoot
with my girlfriend i achieved that goal
i just did a photo shoot with my
girlfriend last week we went to a really
beautiful area here in vancouver called
white cliff park and i've got a friend
who's a professional photographer and
took a lot of professional photos are
being edited right now and we're doing
another photoshoot this month too so
we've got a lot of really cool photos
you guys will probably see and it's
great to do that in a relationship to
get awesome photos of yourself together
and i like to have things like that on
my wall and around my apartment and you
know I've been getting a lot of cool
pictures printed i'll do another tour of
my apartment now that I've furnished it
for you guys soon so you guys can see a
little bit about how I live and
everything Oh easy planned and organized
at least one fun activities my friends
every month I did that I had an awesome
party with my friends last month in
August as a housewarming party was a lot
of fun we've been playing soccer been in
barbecues going to the UFC event
contribution goals I'll usually build
two schools with change heroes and I've
achieved that goal now in terms of
funding for it each school is ten
thousand dollars to fund and I tied in
launching affiliate marketing mastery
with that goal so ten percent of the
purchase that people made for affiliate
marketing mastery I put towards funding
schools in Ethiopia so the funds have
been collected it does take about 10
months for the you know for them to
actually start the process of building
in school but that's something I'm
really proud
really excited for I'll easily build two
houses with change heroes that was
achieved that was achieved when did I go
to Nicaragua does in July yeah so I you
know funded the two houses some you guys
contributed some of my family and
friends contributed which is awesome too
that was six thousand dollars and I went
to Nicaragua to volunteer build the
houses which was an amazing experience
and that's it guys those are my public
goals and I mentioned kind of before
there's always more goals that I have
like I'm hiring the operations person
right now my business man it's just a
number of other things and so I actually
want to update my goals a bit I'm gonna
integrate this more than my goals and
update you guys on this every month to
share with you guys the progress I'm
making here as well but overall guys
amazing month and hopefully you guys are
on fire you know I usually you know just
try to achieve a goal or two every month
if you guys can do that you know knock
off a goal or two it might take you a
few months to achieve some of the goals
that you have but you know as long as
you just kind of slowly knock off each
one that's you know you look at my list
you know many of you guys saw January
when I set these goals and if you guys
been following every month month month
by month just slow and steady guys you
know checking the box here I finished
that goal okay finish that goal finish
that one and that's how you achieve
ninety percent of your goals you know
there some goals that might change a
little bit as the year goes on there
might be other goals that come up and
what not but I always try to make sure
that I achieve what I commit to you I
don't commit to anything unless I'm
serious about achieving it I'm not a
dabbler okay you guys can't be a dabbler
if you guys follow on my youtube I got a
great video the master vs the dabbler
the dabbler is a person that sets goals
they never read them again they never
achieved them this they always change
their mind they invest in a course of
business and they do it for a month or
three months or six months they give up
they move on to the next shiny object
and that's not how you build a business
that's not how you achieve success
you've got to really be serious about
what you commit to you and follow
through and what you say and I try to do
that at least ninety percent of time and
shouldn't speak louder than my words
because you guys can see you know I'm
actually doing what I set right the
proof is there the pictures are there
the screenshots are there the results
are there and you guys can see it so
that's what it takes to achieve goals
that's what it takes to achieve success
it's nothing fancy it's just doing what
you learn you know that's really all it
is just when you learn stuff you got to
do it and you got to take be consistent
with it you can do that your life can
transform so I'm going to end this
YouTube video here and if I got two
phones right now we're streaming the
periscope and Facebook so I'm going to
stick around a little bit if you are
alive but for those that hear here on
YouTube I want to thank you guys for
watching this video make sure to hit the
thumbs up hit the like button I really
appreciate the love and support that you
guys give I love you guys right back
this is my way of giving love to you
guys so when you guys like and share it
really you know helps keep me going to
keep doing this long term subscribe for
more videos check out the blog post with
the details of my goals and different
things that I got going on as well but
thank you guys so much and I look
forward to doing this again next month
i'll talk to you guys soon
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