
Thursday, May 14, 2020

My Change Heroes Campaign: Let's Build A School Together In Ecuador! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

My Change Heroes Campaign: Let's Build A School Together In Ecuador!

hi my name is Stefan Paul Erdos from
project life mastery com and I'm
creating this video because i want to
invite you to join me in building a
school for children in ecuador you know
one of my goals this year is to impact
children and i feel that education just
core basic education ability to read and
write it's something that you and i can
so easily take for granted but there's
so many children around the world of so
many people that lack those that core
basic skills that you and I have they
don't have the ability to read and write
they don't have an environment that they
can go to each day and learn and grow
and expand and have teachers and role
models and mentors that can coach them
and educate them to be successful
individuals in their life to be able to
provide value to be able to add value it
not only affects their lives but it also
affects their entire city their entire
country so I feel that this is an area
that I'm very passionate about making a
difference in and I'm hoping that you'll
join me hoping that you'll make a small
contribution or a large one whatever
that you feel is right for you but
anything from ten to twenty dollars or
more can make a real difference in
making this happen and i'm working with
a great organization called change
heroes who works with Free The Children
Taylor Conroy the founder of change
heroes is a friend of mine and he's
going to have a video that's going to go
on after this that's just going to share
a little bit more about the organization
and how it works the process of it all
but I actually want to go to Ecuador and
actually film the results of this as
well and share that with you guys
because I want you guys to see the
impact this has so I'm going to thank
you guys so much for watching this video
thank you for your contribution thank
you for your support and make sure to
stay on to watch the rest of this video
and just contribute whatever you can
thank you

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