
Friday, May 8, 2020

My Morning Ritual For Daily Success, Motivation And Productivity | Stefan James #Best Education Page #Online Earning

My Morning Ritual For Daily Success, Motivation And Productivity | Stefan James

hey what's up everyone this is stefan
from and today
i'm going to show you guys my morning
ritual i'm gonna walk you through the
exact morning routine that I do every
single day to make sure that I optimize
myself so that I can perform at my
absolute best every single day I'm a big
believer and fan of rituals I believe
that how you start the day is how you
end the day and that if you want to get
the most out of the day you got to spend
the first part of the morning to take
care of you you got to make yourself a
priority you got to do something every
day I believe for your mind your body
and your spirit and so I'm gonna show
you guys the ritual that I have I've
actually got a checklist that I follow
every day and I'm Milwaukee guys for
each of them step by step by step and
actually demonstrate it for you guys as
well and I believe that you know rituals
has been one of the keys to my success
it's what's allowed me to transform
every area of my life because if you
just do something once in a while then
you're not gonna change it's what you do
consistently every day now I believe
that spending the first part of your day
that morning is the best time to
condition yourself to condition your
mindset your belief systems to take care
of your health and your body there's
certain things that you do every day
that's gonna lead to an abundance of
energy it's gonna lead to you being in
better shape you know if you wake up
every day reactive like most people do
and they're rushing around their stress
they're hitting the snooze button you
know they're gonna have their coffee
which I have no idea why they need that
after they slept eight hours and they're
still tired you know it's supposed to
have the most energy when you wake up
but people need their coffee well this
here is my coffee this here is my
natural boost of energy that I get that
allows me to get the most out of the day
a lot of people they focus on you know
watching the news and the newspaper and
they're putting negative stuff in their
minds they're just starting off the day
in a negative way they got anxiety they
got stressed about their life or about
their day and I believe that a ritual is
really what can change that for you
starting off the day and an empowering
way not being reactive but being
proactive and so it's I've been doing
these rituals since I was 17 years old
changed my life in so many ways I was
shy I was depressed I was very insecure
but I spent the first part of my day
just changing my beliefs conditioning
again it's almost like you go to the gym
to workout and you train your body so
you can get bigger muscles or you can
lose fat you've also gotta train your
brain every day you're gonna train your
emotions every day you've got to train
your spiritual muscles every day and so
I put a lot into this I kind of treat
myself like a high-performance athlete
if I want to get the most of them myself
I've got to have rituals that's gonna
allow me to do it so I'm gonna walk you
guys through everything step by step
it's gonna go pretty in-depth and I'm
gonna go through this checklist and I
like to have a checklist so that I can
visually measure my progress as time
goes on you know I've often you know
again if you don't have a plan for your
life if you don't have a plan you're
just kind of going about your day meme
lessly then you're not gonna get the
most out of it in the same way if you go
to the gym and you just kind of you
don't know what you're doing you know
you're just picking up weights and you
don't know the weight that you picked up
laughs last time you're not really
following anything you're not gonna get
that great results so I like to have a
plan I like to write it out I like to
either have this on my whiteboard in my
office I can see it every day
or I print this out but I like to have
something visual that I can check the
box every day make sure I'm being
consistent with the rituals that I have
for myself I've had things before on a
file on a computer but it's too hard to
see it I like to print it out and see it
every day I also mentioned that my
ritual is actually fairly long and
pretty in-depth and I understand some
people don't have as much time as I have
you know I've got an online business
I've got freedom you know I set my own
schedule and whatnot so I can understand
it can be a little bit more challenging
when you have a job you know what not
even have to wake up earlier to do some
of this but I actually have a 15 minute
ritual I've got a 30 minute ritual and
then I got an hour ritual and I've also
got rituals they even last two hours or
more depending on you know what I've got
going on whether I've basically if I'm
giving a speech that day then I'll have
rituals that will help prepare me for
that you know working out sometimes
takes you know an hour to work out at
the gym along with the other stuff that
I do so you don't have to copy what I'm
doing I'm just providing different
options for you and what I do so that
you guys can see that for yourself okay
number one I usually sleep about seven
to eight hours okay I'm a big fan of
making sure you get good quality sleep
I've done other videos on how to
I can optimize her sleep wake up usually
actually that the Sun wakes me up it's
one of the amazing things about living
in an apartment with a lot of natural
light so light wakes me up in the
morning first thing that I do guys first
thing right out the gate sounds so
simple but it's so important is I smile
okay I smile and I can't think of a
better way to start the day the smiling
starting off the day with a sense of
gratitude and appreciation because you
can never take a day of your life for
granted every day is a gift there's a
lot of people out there they don't have
the same gift and you know then they
don't have life anymore and we have that
we got to cherish that go to appreciate
it and oftentimes people start off the
day they wake up and there's exhaust and
their time they're kind of you know
trying to get the day started in such a
negative way and to be honest with you
guys I don't always feel happy or
positive every day in the morning but by
training myself to smile I'm setting the
president for the rest of the day I'm
setting off the day in a positive way an
empowering way and the funny thing is
just by smiling and just spending you
know just as you're going to the
bathroom and as you're brushing your
teeth and as you're washing your face is
putting a smile on your face you know
there's been a lot of studies that show
that smiling biochemically changes how
you feel your body releases you know
endorphins or whatnot and it gives you
energy makes me feel better in fact
there's been a lot of studies that have
been done well they'll take people that
are clinically depressed and they'll
just have them smile for 30 minutes a
day in front of the mirror and it's been
proven to actually help alleviate a lot
of the depression that they have so
smiling guys first thing that you should
do the moment you wake up smile feel
grateful feel appreciative for the day
after that I go to the bathroom you know
I brush my teeth I wash my face all that
standard stuff that often people do
number two is I go upstairs I'll walk it
to you guys right now I'm gonna walk you
guys through this ritual okay I go
upstairs and I drink water because after
you even sleep in for eight hours or
however many hours our body is
dehydrated it that the cells are craving
water so that's one of the first things
that I
you buy drinking water you're gonna
kickstart your metabolism you're gonna
get energy from that immediately you're
gonna hydrate your cells oftentimes
they're not gonna you know crave coffee
or sugary foods and donuts and all that
stuff that people put in their body
which is not starting off the day and
then powering away in my opinion so I
come up here this is my kitchen so right
here I've got my water ionizer that I
use and turn it on talks talks to you
which is nice this produces alkaline
water a lot of debate about acid
alkaline water it's one of the benefits
from it but also micro clusters the
water molecules so that you super
hydrate your cells turns the water into
an antioxidants the water basically goes
through 12 plates 12 titanium plates
that are double dipped in platinum which
pick up an electrical charge just like
in the same way that when water goes it
comes from the clouds and goes on the
mountains and it starts going through
the you know the rocks and minerals and
it picks up an electrical charge this
machine does the same thing and so I
usually start off my day drinking
high-quality filtered ionized water
usually 9.5 alkaline and I drink this
whole bottle guys this bottle says
abundance on it another little subtle
reminder for myself but I drink this
whole bottle okay
again your body's dehydrated it needs
and ideally really high-quality water
okay so I drink this I'm not gonna drink
the whole bottle first these guys in
this video but I could use a drink of
water okay next thing that I do is I
start taking a few of my supplements
okay so one supplement that I take you
guys will see a lot of booze and stuff
in my fridge I actually don't drink
alcohol very often I often put on
parties and whatnot and people leave
alcohol here but anyways this is apple
cider vinegar so I usually take a shot
of this
really great for you a lot of benefits
you can guys can look up the benefits
doesn't taste that great but start off
with that
a lot of supplements that I take I've
done videos right go more in-depth in
the supplements that I take but usually
the ones I take first thing in the
morning on an empty stomach are enzymes
number one so I usually take mass times
which by by optimizers my friend way
light heart I've interviewed him and
I've been taking these for years a lot
of great benefits but when you take
enzymes on an empty stomach
you get a number of different healing
benefits building up your enzymatic
reserve in your body a lot of good
benefits I'll link to that some of the
stuff that I mentioned you also want to
take enzymes with your meals too to help
digest it especially this cooked or
processed but enzymes always on the
empty stomach
a lot of these meals I take throughout
the or a lot ease up laments that take
throughout the day coz I different meals
that I have and whatnot and some are
better on an empty stomach versus full
stomach but other ones I take are
vitamin b12 vitamin d3 especially during
the winter months not getting a lot much
sunlight there's a number of other ones
but you know I've done other videos on
supplements but I make sure I do that
because you know I talked about
mind-body-spirit this is the body
element you want to check the box do
something every day for your body
drinking water supplements just those
little habits it takes hardly any time
whatsoever but what that does is over
time that's gonna ensure that I'm
healthy it's gonna ensure that I have
energy for the day and and and I don't
need to depend upon caffeine's and other
products like that as a source of energy
so things like that you know you take
supplements you drink water you might
not notice immediate benefit but it
gives you the peace of mind that you're
doing the right things that over time
your body will heal itself your body
will have more energy it will recover
it'll be optimized for optimal
performance all right guys so now we're
gonna go back downstairs to my bedroom
okay and I'll show you guys the next
part of my ritual a few things that I do
here with my mindset and also my spirit
as well that I'll walk you guys through
and there's more than I do for my body I
always recommend a good ritual consists
of mind body spirit at least one thing
but if you can do more than that's more
and as part of my I've got a course
called morning ritual mastery that goes
into over seven days how to create a
ritual for yourself that's unique and
customized for yourself that goes into a
lot of the stuff that I'm sharing with
you okay let's head on down all right
guys we're back here in my bedroom and
the next part of my ritual is I like to
read I like to spend least 10 minutes in
the morning reading a good book and here
I've got my Kindle which I like to read
books on I've used to have a lot of
paperback books they're all in boxes now
I like to use a Kindle it's a lot easier
and simpler but I spent at least 10
minutes a day reading or at least read
10 pages a day of a good book if you
read just 10 pages a day then over a
month that's 300 pages which is a book a
month over the course of a year that's
twelve books a year that's just the bare
minimum that I like to do but you know a
lot of people they start off their day
with social media and they're you know
they're addictions that they have of
checking their Facebook and email and I
think that's a horrible way to start the
day I think you should do that after
you've done an empowering ritual like
this because I don't know about you the
moment I checked my email all of a
sudden there's all these demands from
other people is this in my business and
this employee or this problem or
challenge I got this fire I've got to
put out and immediately what happens as
you get stressed and neither what
happens you get some anxiety and then
once you've read those emails now you've
got to put out those fires now you've
got to you know put your attention to
focus on work and this is not the best
way to do it so I like to feed my mind
with positivity I like to learn first
thing in the morning and put some good
stuff in I avoid the news and and
reading what all the challenges and
problems going on in the world because
that's gonna create some stress and some
anxiety as well I still do those things
but it's more later in the day and what
I found is that when you take care of
your mind first in the morning then all
of a sudden how you deal with challenges
for the day is totally different you
know if I notice for myself when I don't
do a ritual I might have challenges that
happen for the day it'll affect me I get
stressed a lot more easy verses when I
take care of my mindset these things
just bounce off of me they don't affect
me because I'm solid I'm strong I've
taken care of my mind set my mind body
and spirit and so things don't affect me
as much so what I do is I take my Kindle
here I
to do my reading here in this chair so
you know I read maybe 10 minutes 10
pages of a good book also here what I've
got is I got the 5 minute journal so I
also write in here and and this is great
big fan of this because it's a simple
5-minute process that allows you to
focus on the right things for your day
so for example you put in 3 things that
you're grateful for what would make
today great you put in 3 things for that
you put in the daily affirmation that
you have and then also has an evening
portion as well where you ask yourself
three amazing things that happened today
you journal that and how could I mean
today better so great little five-minute
process at bare minimum that you guys
could do I've also got here the
productivity planner by the same company
similar process a good way to plan out
the day takes about five minutes not
even that but you put in what is the
most important task for the day what are
the secondary tasks of importance
additional tasks your productivity score
for the day and they use the Pomodoro
Technique for that which is great and
then for those of you that maybe are a
Christian or more spiritual this is for
the spirit I got my Christian gratitude
journal as well that I also also use as
well so I'll spend maybe 10 minutes
doing that maybe a little bit longer
here next I've got my EMF mat which
stands for pulsed electromagnetic field
or frequencies and by laying on this it
has copper coils which radiate and
create pulse electromagnetic fields I
have a lot of great health benefits so
there's a lot of benefits to PMS you
guys can look it up I'm not gonna
explain it all here but this is actually
a device that's used by NASA to help the
astronauts when they go into space
because a lot of astronauts we leave
Earth's magnetic field planet Earth is
surrounded by electromagnetic field
there's a North Pole and the South Pole
it's like a magnet and when they go into
space they're away from that and it
affects your bone density it affects
your energy your sleep all these
different things and there's been a lot
of studies and science behind this so I
lay on this for at least 10 minutes and
I do my meditation
on it hey guys hopefully you enjoyed
this video here on my youtube channel of
me demonstrating and showing a lot of my
morning ritual if you guys want to watch
the full version that I have which goes
a lot more in-depth of all the rituals
that I do and I explain it I demonstrate
I show it it's a lot more in-depth
covering all of that then join morning
ritual mastery I've got a morning ritual
mastery program at morning ritual
mastery calm I'll have a link below head
on over to that website invest in that
course on I think day five or six you're
gonna get the full version of my morning
ritual where I walk you guys through
everything so hopefully you guys enjoyed
this little preview and just kind of me
walking guys through a lot of this stuff
but if you guys want the full version
in-depth morning ritual mastery create
that ritual over seven days okay but
more importantly what that program will
teach you is how to make it last because
anybody can do a ritual once in a while
anybody can do something for a week or
two weeks or a few days or whatever but
the key is is this something that's
going to be lasting in your life and is
it really gonna allow you to condition
yourself and create who you really want
to be rituals has been the key to my
success a life that I've been able to
create and I want to share that with you
guys and go more in depth with it so
morning ritual mastery calm otherwise I
want to thank you guys for watching this
video subscribe for more videos and I'll
see you guys again soon take care

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