
Tuesday, May 5, 2020


NEVER SETTLE IN YOUR LIFE | Stefan James Motivation

are you happy with your life are you
happy with the results you see around
you or is there a part of yourself that
deep down inside knows that you've
settled in your life you've settled for
a life of mediocrity and being average
that you've had these goals and desires
and dreams for yourself and your life in
your mind you've seen the vision of what
it could be
but there's a part of you that's given
up there's a part of you that's bought
into the stories of everyone else around
you the limitations that are
self-imposed about why you can't do it
why you can't go for it why you can't
have it all most people have settled in
their lives because they compare
themselves to everyone else around them
their friends and family that have also
given up on their goals and dreams and
settled for an average life and so you
compare yourself to everyone else and
you rationalize why it's okay why it's
acceptable to live the way that you're
living right now instead of comparing
yourself to the potential of who you
could become and the life that you could
have and when you do try to go for it
you try to dream and build a business
and change your body and change your
relationships and do something different
than everyone else is doing they hold
you back they hold you back and they say
don't work so hard that's too risky
that's a scam don't do this you're going
to enjoy your life gonna have fun you're
gonna live for the moment you're gonna
get burnt out don't stress out so much
and they're imposing their mediocre
mindset into you there like a
parasite that the moment you allow that
to enter into yourself it slowly kills
your potential
of what you could be in have and do
never listen to someone guys that's
given up on their dreams never listen to
someone that doesn't have the life that
you want if you want their life listen
to them if you don't if they don't
inspire you if they're not living with
passion and purpose and
intention then don't listen to them you
got to compare yourself to who you want
to become the best version of you and
surround yourself of people that have
higher standards and you have you know
guys are some days in my life I wake up
in the morning and I'm pissed off I'm
angry I'm frustrated I look myself in
the mirror and I'm flooded with anxiety
because I know that there's only so much
time time is a depreciating asset
second-by-second you're losing the
opportunity of who you could become and
the life that you could have and I
believe in myself so much that I know
that I haven't even scratched the
surface yet I haven't scratched the
surface of who I could become in the
life I could have
that the life that I'm living now as
great as it as it is I'm proud of myself
and my life and what I've accomplished
and what I've done but it's not even
close to who I could become and what I
wanted doing this life I've made that
unacceptable for me because I'm not
comparing myself to the average person
I'm comparing myself to the best of
what's available for me we only get one
shot through this life I'm gonna make it
count I'm gonna make it count
and I want the max experience of life I
don't want an average mediocre life I
want more and if you're watching this
right now then I can imagine you want
more too if there's someone that doesn't
want more than you're watching the wrong
dude you're on the wrong channel you
should unsubscribe and get out of here
but if you're still watching then that
tells me that you are someone that wants
and most people they're not gonna have
this direct conversation with themselves
because it doesn't feel comfortable it
doesn't feel good it doesn't feel good
to be to challenge yourself or to have
someone like myself challenge you right
now on how you're living your life
because for most of you as hard as
you're trying right now it's not enough
it's not enough you've got to raise your
standards if you really want your life
to change you've got to do something
that's extraordinary that's that's out
of the ordinary of what most people are
doing you most view what most people are
doing in their lives you're gonna get
when most people are getting which is
not much you've got to up your game
you got to raise your standards you're
gonna make some new decisions for
yourself and your life they're not going
to be easy to make but are gonna be
necessary to get you to where you want
to go they're gonna be necessary to get
outside of your comfort zone also known
as your danger zone because as long as
you stay in it you're not gonna
grow the life you want the person you
want to become is outside of your realm
of comfort you must step outside of it
in order to grow and get the life that
you want everything that you want is on
the other side of it your fear your
limitations you've got to get over it
you've got to conquer it you got to face
those inner demons that you have that
are holding you back and keeping you
stuck because the same level of thinking
that's gotten you to where you are right
now is not gonna get you to where you
want to go you got to do something
different you've got a you got it risk
things in your life
you got to be willing to fail you've got
to be one to go to an extreme that's why
only 1% of people make it that's only 1%
of people are successful they're willing
to do what the failures won't do they're
willing to go against the the mediocre
life and standards and beliefs of
society and do something different than
that and make the sacrifices in their
life to go for it and do whatever you
know everyone else says that they're
crazy or they're stupid or whatever it
is but they do it anyways because they
defy the odds that that's what makes
someone an inspiration in life you're
either a warning or you're an example
you're a warning of how not to live your
life in which case stay the away
from those people learn from their
failures and so that that can
benefit you or you're an example of how
to be how to live you're a role model
you're an inspiration to others because
you're doing what's different than
everyone else and in order to do that
you have to buy back in to your vision
and your dreams your imagination is a
preview of your life's coming
you must tap into it and utilize it
Einstein said that imagination is more
powerful than knowledge because
knowledge is what is imagination is what
could be you have to imagine and see it
because everything that happens in your
external world first starts up here
starts as a thought and idea and
envisioned you got to see it so clearly
and want it so bad and believe in it
believe in the journey and the process
that you're gonna embark on even though
it's a lonely road you're not gonna see
many other references and other people
that you're gonna go this path and you
might have to leave behind and do
something different than everyone else
it's the road less traveled
that leads to the path of success a
fulfillment of passion of the results
that you want but you have to have the
courage to embark on the journey you
must believe in the journey and also
believe in yourself inside your mind
there's two voices there's the voice of
fear and doubt and limitations
that's your mind doing this thing it's
going to look for reasons why you can't
have what you want but there's another
voice inside yourself which is the voice
of your potential it's the voice of your
best self
it's the voice that says you can do it
you can be do have anything you want and
that you desire it's your choice what
voice you're gonna listen to iqs to
listen to the voice of potential of the
life I want
don't buy into the stories don't buy
into the BS belief systems that are
holding you back and preventing you from
getting to where you want to go feed
your mind whatever will empower you and
serve you to get to where you want to be
and be willing to go for it because part
of getting what you want is knowing the
price you have to pay to have it you
must be willing to sacrifice who you are
for who you could become are you willing
to are you willing to step up are you
willing to raise your standards are you
willing to defy the odds of whatever
else says and does it can't be done but
there's a part of you that deep down
inside says that I'm gonna make it
happen I will find the way or make the
way you've got to conjure up and summon
that intensity and passion within
yourself to go for it and stop looking
for the approval and permission of
everyone else around you you'll never
get it if they've settled in their lives
then they're not gonna give that to you
you've got to give that to yourself and
believe in yourself no matter what even
when no one else believes in you you
must believe in you that's how it works
believe in yourself believe in your
vision make the decisions today in your
life that will get you to where you want
to go and that's not to say it's not
it's not gonna be easy you're gonna fail
you're gonna make mistakes but when you
want it bad enough and you believe in
yourself you just keep going you keep
going you pick yourself up you learn you
grow from it
you know success is going from failure
to failure to failure to failure without
losing enthusiasm along the way and it
can promise you if you do decide to go
for it if you do decide that you know
what I refuse to settle you make the
decision that I made when I was 17 years
old years old in my life where I looked
myself in the mirror I said I'll never
again settle for a life that's not the
life that I deserve when you make that
decision on the other side of that is
freedom on the other side of that is no
regrets that's why I want to
have say on my tombstone one day no
regrets because I'd much rather
face the pain of discipline today the
pain of going for it the pain of
rejection the pain of failure I much
rather face that today and make the down
payments today in my life then at the
end of my days have the pain of regret
if you're living for today and you're
not investing today for your future I
can promise you you will have tremendous
regret in your life it's up to you to
decide who do you want to be what do you
want what's the life that you want
and to make that decision today
that you'll never again settle for less
than you can be do have give or
experience the choice is yours thanks
for watching

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