
Monday, May 11, 2020

NOBODY IS PERFECT! Never Criticize or Judge #Best Education Page #Online Earning

NOBODY IS PERFECT! Never Criticize or Judge

God's love is infinite full of
tenderness full of Mercy no forgiveness
full of kindness full of thoughtfulness
hasn't let the color doesn't matter rest
as meta nationality and that matter
religion Hindu Muslim Jewish Buddhist
communist Christian every single man
woman child is the child of God created
in the image of God
so right now i'm watching a documentary
of mother teresa and i've been studying
her life and one of the most amazing
human beings that's ever lived make sure
that you study people throughout history
people that have lived incredible lives
that made an amazing difference you can
learn so much from their example even
someone as amazing as mother Teresa who
made a huge difference in the world won
the Nobel Prize even she has a lot of
critics the truth is what I've learned
is that you can always find and
criticize anything you can always find
the bad in everything I don't care what
it is but in order to find the criticism
the faults the negativity you have to
erase all the good you have to erase all
the potential positive things you could
also so Yes Mother Teresa is not perfect
no human being is perfect but if you
could have done a better job then don't
criticize do it you can also choose to
focus on and find the good to find the
positivity and everything as well
because there's good and everything you
just have to find it so here's what I've
learned people that criticize they focus
on the bad they also I can promise you
criticize themselves and they focus on
the bat and the people that are
optimists they find the good and
everything I can promise you they're
happy they find the good in themselves
even if it's not there they still find
the deal you have to train yourself
train yourself to look for the good to
ask yourself what's the positive in this
what can I learn from this how can I use
this trained nurse and never criticize
or judge because if you point the finger
at someone else you're going to
understand that you always got three
fingers pointing right back at you and
if you point the finger then you better
make sure that your hand is clean you
better make sure that you've never made
a mistake in your life and that you're a
perfect human being as well which I
doubt that's the

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