hey what's up life masters this is
Stefan James from project life mastery
to day I want to talk to you about
mindset I want to share with you an
empowering mindset that if you choose to
take it on in your life it could
radically transform your entire
experience of life and the reason why I
bring this up is as a content creator is
someone that's always trying to add
value that's trying to create videos and
podcasts and articles and training
programs and resources that can empower
your life why is it that some people
receive the exact same video training or
resource and they get so much value from
it they're blown away they say thank you
so much they they they loved it they had
a positive experience they hit the
thumbs up they leave a comment they
subscribe and it benefits their life
whereas other people that receive that
exact same video training or resource
will say that it's a waste of their time
that there's no value there's no benefit
there they hit the thumbs down they
going through it then the person that
went through the exact same thing and
they're better off for it why is that
you know I'm fascinated by these things
and what I realized is that we all have
a filter we all have a mindset a series
of beliefs that determine our experience
of life that we interpret things
differently we have a different
perception of things and there's a
certain filter that I have in my life
that has really served me that ensures
that everything that I experience and go
through my life I determine the meaning
of that is positive and valuable for me
in my life that's the filter that's the
belief system that I have and so
therefore everything that I go through
I'm better off for it I learn from it I
get better from it and for me that has
served me tremendously throughout my
entire life and the people that in many
cases that have limiting beliefs or a
certain filter that doesn't allow them
it's like a blind spot that there could
be so much value and benefit right here
for them right here in this video right
here in that resource but they can't see
it because they have something that's
getting in the way
a scotoma the scotoma is what they call
it and say college
which is a blind-spot it can be right
there in front of them it could change
and benefit their life but their mind is
closed off or they have some sort of
internal conflict or they have a
criteria of what is value for them
that's too unattainable they have such a
high expectation that it can never be
met so let me give you an example what
this is what this mindset is for me to
receive benefit and value this is what
it comes down to for me I have a very
low criteria of what it takes for me to
receive benefit and value it's very low
and because I have such a low
expectation a low criteria for receiving
benefit in value I always receive
benefit in value out of everything see I
believe that there's value in everything
that life has to offer and sometimes the
value is not what you expect it's
something totally different from that
it's something unexpected but because I
have a belief that I always look for the
good I always look for the value and
I'll bring it out of something and take
that and apply that to my life it's
always a positive experience for me I
never feel like I never got benefit or
value out of anything and so that's the
mindset that I always have so the low
criteria let me give you an example from
this let's I invest in a training
program a lot of people they invest in a
course let's say it's a course on how to
build a business their criteria for
receiving benefit and value is way up
here that this is only going to be worth
it for me if I make a certain amount of
money if I quit my job if I become
financially free so because they have a
very high expectation they're most often
are going to be disappointed
when they don't reach that outcome where
they don't reach that result that
expectations not being met they feel
discouraged they feel as a waste of time
I didn't get any benefit I didn't get
any value from it it was a waste of my
money and that's how they perceive it
for me I never look at things that way I
never do in fact for me I have a
different criteria so for example if I
invest in that same training program I
look first and foremost did I learn
something did I learn something did I
learn something that might benefit me
right now in this moment or
it doesn't even have to benefit me right
now it's something that could benefit me
long-term in my future because many
cases I learn things today that don't
benefit me right now today but they
benefit me five years 10 years 15 years
later I remember when I was 17 years old
investing in books and resources and
training programs that in the moment did
not make a difference to my life but 15
years later today is serving and
empowering my life and a lot of people
they're not looking at the big picture
they're looking just in the short-term
they're looking to the expectation
oftentimes is to get rich quick
the instant gratification is what they
want the quick result the magic pill
they didn't get that that wasn't worth
it so I always look at what did I learn
and if I learned one thing one thing
that can serve and empower me in my life
then it was worth it it was worth it if
I watched a youtube video a podcast a
blog post and I learned one thing that
could benefit me today or in my future
then it was worth it because I
understand the value of that I
understand sometimes that one lesson
could save me a tremendous amount of
time money pain stress frustration that
could save all of that from that one
thing because in any moments I believe
that your life can change I don't think
you need anything big for your life to
change I don't have a big criteria for
something to change my life I believe
it's the little things in life sometimes
your life can change with one new idea
one new idea a little idea can change
your entire life sometimes it's one new
thought one new belief system that by
watching a video you make a new
distinction a new belief that you allow
to enter into your mind and that new
belief system is like a piece of program
it's like an app a software that's been
uploaded to your brain that can change
your entire experience of life and
sometimes it's not anything new because
as you've been through the journey of
self development and business and
watching a lot of content consuming it
there's not many new ideas but sometimes
the benefit and the value is hearing
something you've already heard that
strengthens and Riaan
forces that belief that you already have
but now it's stronger now it's more
powerful now it's deeper in your psyche
and by by reinforcing that belief and
making it stronger it benefits you even
further in your life because I've always
said that repetition is the mother of
mastery the repetition of it you got to
hear it again and again sometimes it
takes a hundred times for you to hear it
to get it and to integrate it and
actually do it and apply it to your life
sometimes one new distinction one new
insight can change your entire life I
mean if you look back at your life
has there been moments of one little
thought and idea or belief that changed
everything for you and I can think of
many moments of my life where it was
those little things and it's the little
things that the videos that I consume
the books that I read again most often
it's not anything new but it's
reinforcing it and conditioning my mind
to be where it needs to be to create the
life that I want
so sometimes it's what you learn
sometimes for me when I go through
something if what I invest in or if that
video that I watch if it gets me to take
any new action in my life if it gets me
to in action and make momentum and get
motion in my life then for me that was
worth it because whenever you're taking
action in your life you're becoming more
you're becoming better you're improving
yourself and I can think of moments in
my life right go through a course or a
training program or I learned something
maybe it's learning how to dance this
learning Spanish and I didn't I didn't
achieve the result that I wanted I had
an expectation that you know I have to
be proficient at that but I didn't but
that was not a waste of effort or time I
got value and benefit from it because of
the process that I went through I'm
better off for it I gained life
experience from that that's invaluable
that experience allows me to live a
richer life it allows me to serve you
and create videos and content and by me
sharing my experiences my successes and
failures I can make a better impact
that's never wasted there's tremendous
value there for me
or by going through the process it got
me to take action it developed
discipline willpower my ability to
follow through my creativity new
thoughts and ideas that were stimulated
by that it strengthened my character it
developed myself in some way shape or
form regardless of whatever the outcome
was I'm better off for it sometimes for
me if I go through something and it
helps me help one person one person it
was worth it sometimes that one person
is myself sometimes it's someone in the
moment and sometimes it's someone that I
haven't even met yet because I always
think big picture there's many seminars
I've gone to many books that I've read
that we're not directly applicable to me
and I'm still obsessively taking notes
on it because I think one day in my
future this might apply to me or there
might be someone in my life that can
benefit from this there might be someone
in my life there might be one of you
that reach out to me one day and you
have a problem in your life you have an
addiction you're looking for help in
something and because of what I've
learned and gone through I can share and
pull from all the experiences that I've
had and be able to help you and that
could change your entire life by helping
one person it was all worth it even if
that's yourself so that's the perception
that I have that's a belief system that
I have that's a psychology a mindset 80%
of your success in anything is gonna be
your psychology and only 20% is gonna be
the mechanics and because I have a low
criteria for value I always receive
benefit and value I could watch the same
video again and again and again and hear
the same things over and over again but
sometimes fearing it in a different way
I create a different interpretation or
meaning from it or it mean it conditions
that and reinforces it that much deeper
and I was thinking about this too and I
think a lot of people why don't they get
benefit in value and I think that's the
reason they make it so hard for
themselves there's value in everything
there's good in everything there's
beauty in life all around you but most
people they can't see it
that's why a lot of people to be
depressed to be depressed you have to
cancel out and not see all the beauty
and richness that's available for you in
your life because right now in this
moment I can guarantee that there's
things that you could be grateful for
there's things that you could be happy
about in your life no matter what you're
going through that you could appreciate
sometimes it's just waking up in the
morning we lose sight of how much of a
gift that is waking up and having
another day of your life I mean this
isn't crazy how we take that for granted
that there's billions of people that
have lived this life that we've lived
and they no longer have that experience
that we have to wake up another day of
her life
life is short we got to appreciate that
every day we can't take that for granted
but to do so it requires us focusing on
appreciating it's changing our
expectations to appreciation sometimes
you know for me I have a low criteria
for happiness in my life I think a lot
of people they're not happy because they
think something big has to happen for
them to be happy
they have to achieve this big goal they
have to make it they have to make a huge
impact they have to make all this money
they have to attract the perfect man or
woman in their life and then when they
finally do so they'll be happy for me
that's not my requirement I have a very
low criteria for to be for myself to be
happy and therefore unhappy all the time
for me I can be happy from a smile
for me I could be happy from a sunset or
a sunrise for me I could be happy just
going for a walk through nature in fact
you know sometimes I just sit on a park
bench for five minutes and I sit there
and I just observe and I just think
about and just take in the moments the
nature around me I see a bird that's
chirping away and walking around I think
wow that's really interesting and
beautiful that's mother nature right or
I take in the scenery or the vibrancy of
my environment or I see the kids playing
on the swings in the playground and
their parents overseeing them and I can
get joy from that because I'm looking
for it and I don't have this big
criteria it reminds me of the astronauts
that went to the moon they had this big
goal this big dream to go to the moon
they prepared their whole life for it
and they finally made it
a big accomplishment in celebration and
they have a big parade and they shake
the president's hand and then afterwards
a lot of them are depressed and suicidal
they turn to drugs and alcohol because
their criteria for success was to go
into the moon and once they've achieved
that what's bigger than that what do you
do after that and they never learned how
to get joy and fulfillment out of a
smile out of waking up in the morning
out of looking into someone's eyes and
saying thank you or I love you or I
appreciate you the little things in life
can change your whole life
don't create all these expectations for
yourself if you do the more expectations
you have the more miserable that you'll
be the less you'll get the benefit and
the value from things that are there
that can make you feel incredible day to
day but you're not gonna allow yourself
to see it right now in the world there's
a lot of horrible things that are
happening there's a lot of murders and
people stealing and lying and cheating
and trolling and all of these negative
things that are happening right now in
the world and it doesn't take much to
look for it you go to Facebook you see
it all around you turn on the news all
of that is there being brought to your
attention because the news is not meant
to inform you it's meant to startle you
to show all of that to to get your
attention and we have to condition
ourselves and recondition ourselves
because all of that is programming us we
got to reprogram ourselves to find the
beauty and the joy every day because
even though all of that horrible things
are happening right now there's a lot of
beautiful things that are happening
right now in this moment too right now
as you're watching this video right now
as I'm speaking to you there's people
that are achieving incredible things
people that are starting businesses
people they're pursuing their dreams
they're making decisions in their life
to never settle and achieve more people
right now are falling in love people
right now are kissing people right now
are making love there's babies that are
being born into a world right now today
of unlimited potential and possibilities
there's people that are overcoming
failures and adversity and becoming
inspirations and succeeding and doing a
lot of good in the world right now today
too we can't be selective with what we
focus on we
conditioned ourselves to focus more on
the good than the bad because the bad is
something we always have to fight to
avoid it's always going to be there so
we have to condition ourselves to look
for and find the good to fill ourselves
up with that and the more that you do
that the better quality life that you
have so all of this all of this comes
down to your psychology and your mindset
I know that any video of mine that you
watch any course or any resource any
book no matter what it is the benefit
that you receive from it is all going to
be a matter of your interpretation your
perception sometimes for me is this one
person that benefits and that's more
than enough
one person's live that can be change is
more than enough and powerful enough
there will be people that will watch
this video they'll hit dislike and
they'll say afterwards there's no value
here for me this video is a waste of
time I didn't get anything from this
video there'll be people like that
because they still can't see it they
don't have the self-awareness to realize
there's value those they already know
that that's common sense right but they
have that filter that's blocking them
from seeing it and there's still benefit
and value here but it tells me it shows
to me the defect in their psychology in
their system of success and happiness
versus many of you will think wow this
is great I got a great insight and
learned something new this reinforced
something that I already knew and by
Stephan sharing this one more time it
reminded me of that and today is gonna
be a better day for it my life will be
better off for it you'll hit thumbs up
you'll leave a comment you'll subscribe
that's how it works
all a matter of perception
interpretation and it's the filter that
we have based on the belief systems our
model of the world that's why when you
see in YouTube comments on social media
you'll see either the same video but
either a lot of negative comments or a
lot of positive comments which one is
true in the reality whatever you believe
is your reality your reality is your
perception I choose to have a perception
that's empowering and useful for my life
and because I always look for the good I
always find it
I always look for the value I find it
and I get better I'm always getting
better it's a process that never ends
every day every moments better better
better learning growing and proving my
challenges my struggles my failures I
pull the good from that constantly the
value from it and that's what allows me
to get better versus the person that
fails and struggles and they get down on
themselves they get discouraged because
they're not looking for the value from
it that they can use and pull and if
they did they'd realize all of that is a
blessing and a gift for them in their
life and they would move forward and
that's how someone becomes a success in
life and that's how someone also becomes
a failure
it comes down to your psychology guys
your mindset that's one thing you get
from me that is enough that can change
your whole life so I hope you enjoyed
this video if you did thumbs up if you
got no value
thumbs down let me know why and we'll
see what the reason was but I want to
thank you for watching subscribe for
more videos god bless talk to you later
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