so today is my birthday and I turned 33
years old and I'm so incredibly grateful
and blessed for this amazing day and for
my 33 years of life on this planet and I
want to first say thank you for all your
love all the support that you shared
with me I want to share this day with
you and actually share with you what I
received on this day I received a
beautiful voice message yesterday
actually from my mentors Tony Robbins
and Dean grazioli that I want to play
for you and today I received a beautiful
voice message from my amazing fiance
Tatiana and she gave me an incredible
gift that I want to share with you as
message of inspiration so first I'll
play for you what Tony sent me and if
you know my life and my story then you
know how much Tony is meant for my life
and we're partnered together right now
to make self-education the new norm and
we've helped launch his newest program
and it's going incredibly well so you
sent me this voice message with Dean
grazioso yesterday hey just wanted to
congratulate you for kicking ass man
seriously I see the work you're puttin
in a time you're putting in and don't
want to say thanks to some players that
are larger than your base right at their
back so I hope you continue you can be
these partners too that changes people's
lives together and that way a good
chance to meet you there Fiji as well
brother but I want to thank you for what
you've already done all right hey man
seriously I see the work you're putting
in keep up the good work appreciate you
we really are making an impact and I can
see you sharing this through your heart
so keep up the good work
see man you know listen to that maybe
ten times and gives me goosebumps every
time I listen to it and to be
acknowledged by people that I respect
people that I admire and people that
changed my life is an incredible gift
for me and inspires me so much to do
what I do and to continue to share and
to share that same mission and impact
and it's a blessing so that meant the
world for me and I received that and
it's an incredible experience when
someone's made an impact in your life
since you were 17 years old and
has helped shape your life and to have
an opportunity to partner with that
person and support them and give back to
them in that way it really means a lot
for me so that was something I'm
incredibly excited for then also
received today a voice message from
Tatyana because she actually went to
Brazil she's in Brazil right now and we
celebrated my birthday a few days ago
and everything but she just arrived in
Brazil today on my birthday and she's
doing some live streams and I have a
little gift for you if you go to the
closet and on the left on the heart on
the left like where the green bag is on
the corner there's a book and there's a
bag and so that's for you to open that's
my voice message back to her but give me
that beautiful message and this is what
she got me so she made this book for me
and I haven't gone through it yet
actually I kind of glimpsed over it real
quick but I thought it'd be more real
and powerful for me to share with you
guys what's inside this book but one
thing I love about Tatiana is she's
incredibly creative and she has such an
amazing heart that she goes out of her
way to create such an amazing gift and
experience for someone so she made this
book is my name on it
it says testimonials on it and it says
here it's got a picture of us it says
love is always the answer and it says
Stephan my love you're an incredible man
you know truly transforming people's
lives for the better my intention with
this book is to help you feel your
impact by even just helping one person
you potentially helped thousands through
a chain reaction this world is a better
place thanks to you I love your heart
and cherish your soul happy birthday and
so inside this book what she did was she
actually reached out to my family to my
team some of my followers and she put
together some just incredible incredible
messages this is a message for my sister
happy birthday jabroni you are laying
the smackdown and we all smell what
you're cooking so I used to be a huge
the rock fan when I was a kid I am
inspired what you've created and who you
become you are incredibly generous kind
and loving you walk in integrity
strength and compassion you're hungry
for all things awesome and stop at
nothing to make it happen I am so
incredibly so grateful for you and proud
to be your sister I have so many fond
memories of childhood from wrestling to
the apprentice than Tony Robbins I'm so
glad you've included me in the journey
so I can rise up higher to you're
leaving a legacy and contributing to our
family in a big way thank you so much
for your a commitment and to all of us
being a bigger better version of
ourselves you are unstoppable you're a
bright light in this world I keep
Fanning the flame I pray this year will
be double all day awesome from last year
and more lots of love Christina I
received as for my mom she says happy
birthday dearest loved you even before
you showed your face to the world
I'm proud of who you are and what you
have made of your life have a wonderful
year and may all your wishes come true
love always your mom this is from
Tatiana's mom my future mother-in-law
Stefan was introduced to me over five
years ago as time passed I discovered
him Stefan a special person with unique
characters and high moral standards
I applied Stefan for who he is self
determined confident honest a high
achiever and above all his big heart and
love towards
others stephane success did not shave
his personality but rather his
personality shaped his success despite
his great achievements he remains a
strong man of faith thoughtful and
caring I am proud to announce that
Stefan is my future son-in-law
happy birthday Stefan may God may God
bless your days with his everlasting
love and protection may all your dreams
come to be true and then my team as well
you know from Sebastian from Liz L this
is you know virtual assistant on my team
I've had for years from the Philippines
happy birthday sir Stefan I hope you
have an enjoyable day I just want to say
that I look up to you and I admire the
amazing things you do in the difference
you make in the world you have inspired
a lot of people from all over the world
including me and I always be grateful to
be a part of your team wishing you all
the best may God bless you always this
is from Steve my project manager hey
Stefan I want to acknowledge you for
being the driving force and a guiding
light behind everything that is project
life mastery you are a mentor who leads
by example and providing massive value
to fans and customers around the world
and you provide more value to people
than anyone I've been around as a
business owner you're smart caring and
put other people first as a person you
are kind giving and easy to get along
with it certainly isn't necessary to be
friends with the boss but I would
consider you a friend of mine I
appreciate you giving me the space to
grow and improve as a leader using your
example as a model this is from my
customer support Laura hope
happy birthday stuff and hope you have a
great one I've learned and will continue
learn so much from you and project life
mastery you're so inspiring and treat
everyone with such great respect I
wanted to say thank you for having me as
part of your team and being a part of
this team brings me a great joy thank
you again for everything I'm excited to
continue growing and learning with the
project life mastery so from my video
editor go ahead happy birthday Stefan
it's been a pleasure shooting and
editing your videos every day our
charisma dedication and outlook in life
always inspire and challenge myself to
be better
I want to thank you for that I wish you
health wisdom prosperity and of course
an exciting new venture with Tatiana you
know I just got so many amazing messages
here and memories that she's put
together in this book and I could go on
and on but this is such an incredible
gift this is a picture when myself and
Matt Clark donated $50,000 to we'd org
to build a school and me speaking for
him audience oohs and messages from
Instagram from YouTube and messages that
you guys have sent me and testimonials
and and just beautiful messages from
events and seminars and experiences and
you know for my master mind and
everything here too and you know guys
that I want to share this with you this
experience with you so to pose a
question for you which is what do you
want your life to be about do you want
your life to be about significance
success money about yourself or do you
want to create a life where you're
impacting the world and the world is
better for you being here you're
creating a legacy through contribution
and love and impact and from my
experience when you focus on caring and
loving others then the significance
takes care of itself the love ticket
takes care of itself the success the
money all of that takes care of itself
when you prioritize in your life trying
to care and love and support other human
beings so how do you want to be
remembered at the end of your life at
the end of your days what do you want
people to say about you what do you want
to give to this world what impact do you
want to leave and make on this planet
you know Martin Luther King said life's
most pressing and urgent question is
what are you doing for others so I want
to share that with you because for me
this is the greatest testament to my
life this book and the messages and the
feedback and the love that I received
because that means and tells me that my
life isn't just about me it's about
something graters tony robbins shared
with me is that life isn't about me it's
about we and no matter what you might be
going through right now in your life
understand that the secret to living is
giving when you get outside yourself and
you get you get over just you focusing
on you and just your problems and your
struggles and your goals and whatever
that might be but you get outside of
that and you focus on serving something
greater everything flows from that I
really believe that that I always comes
back to you tenfold when you focus on
service and impact the self-esteem
follows the confidence in yourself
follows the love that you have for
yourself follows that the love that you
received from others follows the
significance that you receive follows
the money that you desire follows it
follows from you caring and leading with
your heart and wanting to serve so how
do you want to be remembered what do you
want to give what do you want to share
let's not lose sight of what life is
really about let's not lose sight and
forget what matters most and so I wanted
to share that with you on this beautiful
day and share with you this because it
touched me so deeply and it's just a
good reminder for all of us to focus of
service and impact for other human
beings thanks for watching
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