
Monday, May 11, 2020

Your Relationship With Yourself | Stefan James #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Your Relationship With Yourself | Stefan James

you know while I could give you advice
like spent more time with friends family
and get a dog or a cat or something like
that I think those are great things to
help you connect with people but I think
they're missing the point of connecting
worth yourself
in fact why can't you meet that need
with yourself
why can't you connect with yourself and
give that love whatever you're needy for
you're trying to get to other people why
can't you give that to yourself first
and I think it's actually very useful to
spend time by herself
I think it's unhealthy to be so
dependent on someone else if you can
give more to yourself then I think what
you'll find is that you'll actually be
less dependent on other people for that
feeling of connection and love take time
for yourself make that appointment first
thing for yourself because you deserve
it and you're worth it you got a
condition that everyday and that's where
a morning ritual can really come in I
approach the world in each day from a
place of being full and giving and
contributing as opposed to being the
position of trying to take and try to
fill myself up take that time for
yourself and change that perception and
create that relationship cultivate it
because that's the ultimate relationship
of all that's the most important one
that you have and you got to treasure it
you got to nurture it every single day
because relationships do you take work
and you got to make sure that you build
it and it's always growing for you
challenge for you would be to overcome
loneliness is to build a better
relationship with you

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