
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Aunt Vivian's Sweet Potato Pie #Tasty Food

Aunt Vivian's Sweet Potato Pie #Tasty Food

Aunt Vivian's Sweet Potato Pie #Tasty Food

 hi my name is Bianca Lambert and I am
cooking my aunt Vivian's sweet potato
pie my honors the only person in our
family that still bakes sweets
she's the only person that's kind of
carried this recipe over from my
grandmother and just kind of passed down
those southern routes so the way that
you will know your potatoes are done you
just kind of give it a little poke or a
little stab and that's how you know that
it's ready I grew up in Atlanta and my
parents are from this town and Alabama
called Monroeville so Thanksgiving
Christmas like whatever holiday you can
think of we were drive down well my
grandma I remember like she would just
always have all this food and she didn't
have a lot of money and all that but you
could guarantee that there was going to
be a spread everything that you ever
wanted she knew all your favorites
and that was her way of showing love and
I feel like that is what southern
cooking is all about it's just a way to
show love and and give back to your
family in a different kind of way I'll
say this I'm always looking forward to
this pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas
I might even volunteer to make the sweet
potato pie this year nobody's probably
gonna let me do it though I don't let me
do like one and then she'll do it
anybody makes anything good like if you
know something's really good and
Thanksgiving it just goes so if you
don't get to that pie before it's gone
forget about it
and people I mean we do share it's very
much about community but people like
what they like we all know each other's
favorites so yet once it's gone that's
it this is just one of my all-time
favorites it's the thing I can eat I
mean I can't eat a whole pie by myself
so my aunt surprised me by letting me
know that she uses lemon extract in the
sweet potato pie when she said it I was
like is she making a mistake but it's
been perfect for a year so I'm sure she
knows what she's talking about
here's the thing I don't think anyone
can cook sweet potato pie like anybody
in my family nobody does it quite like
we do if I hate to all the aunties and
grandmas and people out there like you
guys are amazing and I just think we're
all partial to our families
cooking Thanksgiving for us is just like
the best time of the year it's probably
my favorite holiday just because it's so
much about family and food and eating
and just having a good time it tastes so
good no it's gonna be super proud

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