Saturday, July 4, 2020
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Newchic Website Review || Scam or Legit
Newchic Website Review || Scam or Legit
Newchic Website Review || Scam or Legit
hey everyone my name's Sandra and I
recently made an order at newchic an
online store that you can find lots of
reviews online I am from Germany and so
for me it's always a bit difficult to
order from other countries or for anyone
who orders from a different country
because the parcels will take a lot of
time to actually be delivered to your
so I usually check online and make sure
that the store is a good store that it
has positive reviews and that's what I
did when I made my order because I
didn't know if they could actually
deliver to my country if their items
were good or not and when I looked
online I actually thought that music was
an American company little did I know
that was not actually this stuff comes
directly from China and had I known that
I don't think I would have ordered the
reason that this shop caught my eye was
because they had a very nice bras and
since I am more on the bigger side and
I'm a little curvier and I have a big
bra size it's hard to find good bras and
for all of you out there who have the
same problem you will know so I actually
made an order for six bras
three in a nude color and three and
black and I also ordered three like tops
or like you know sweaters and stuff and
because I didn't know what the sizing
was I had a look at that size chart and
I noticed that they have an equivalent
to European sizes so I checked and I
measured myself and I made my order
accordingly so what I did was I ordered
all my bras in the same size obviously
why would I order different sizes and it
was in 48 D and then
I ordered my tops in five extra large
which was according to the European size
54 52 depending one of those was one
size it was just oversized so it didn't
have a size which I knew and I received
my Tim said I want to show you the first
item I tried with this plover it's the
one size oversized pullover in sort of
Bordeaux color and at first I thought it
looked really good but when you look
closely there are a lot of problems
first of all it has a lot of thread
sticking out and overall I get the
feeling that this is really poorly made
especially the the rims like like this
this part it's not even and it looks
weird it's also a bit chunky down here
where the sleeves were sewn together
when you wear it it just I don't know
I'm just going to show you so this is
what it looks like and it is big I mean
it fits but it it doesn't look good
because this part is I mean it's wide
but also when your arms are down you can
feel that there are big chunks of fabric
in between you and your body so it
doesn't really feel comfortable and
because it's so uneven it kind of looks
shapeless to me I don't really like it
and my first impression actually was
that this is super cheap it was probably
some by like five-year-old Chinese kid
which I feel very bad for and yeah I'm
not impressed with that especially for
the price I think it was like it was
more than 20 euros which is a lot for
something that was made in China but
anyways I mean actually I don't mind
paying that much from items from shop
for items from China because I think or
at least I hope that the people who
produce these items get a fair bit of it
which is proudly naive to think because
they usually don't and this is why I
will never order there again so yeah
that was the first item it was not too
bad but it was also not good then I
tried the second item which kind of
bumped me because when I unpacked it I
thought wow this feels really good this
is like good quality fabric and it looks
nice but it's a little bit too small
which I don't understand because as I
said I ordered everything in five
extra-large which is the biggest size
they had and when it came it was a three
extra-large so I was a bit confused and
then I noticed because I wanted to check
back I wanted to check back what I
actually ordered and I noticed that they
didn't send any confirmation email
whatsoever so I couldn't check and I
also noticed that there was no there was
no record of my order anywhere not even
in my in my profile on the side
everything I could see was the items
they sent and this is clearly a
different size then so I checked back
with the item and I saw that the size I
ordered was not even in stock anymore
they only had three extra-large which in
order I mean according to their size
chart relates to a European
two-six as I said it I wear 50 why would
I order 46 doesn't make sense I mean I
can fit in it but it's too small it just
doesn't look it so I I will not even
bother to show you I mean it's a nice
top I love the colors it's a good
quality but again it's the wrong size
same problem with the third item it was
this blouse and again it has nice colors
the fabric is not too bad it's quite
thin and I will show you the picture
because this is supposed to be like an
oversized blouse like really oversized
when I wear it it's not because I can
barely close all the buttons and if I
close all of them it just look stupid on
me so what I can do is just wear it open
or just close like one button but I
cannot close the entire thing without
looking ridiculous and then again I
ordered this is this is just stupid to
me this is to wastrel art I ordered five
extra large and this size I also checked
back with the item in stock this size
relates to a 44 it's not a 50 it's a 44
so they again send me the wrong size
which cannot fit me at all I am at this
point was super mad and then I went for
the bras and holy so this is one of
them it's just a new bra it's nothing
like spectacular what I like about them
is that they have a lot of Clips like a
lot of rows so that's actually good if
you have big boobs because
we'll give you more like support and it
doesn't look too bad I mean you can see
that it's kind of cheap and this one I
could fit around me but the cups are too
small like the cups are too small in a
way that the side of my boobs
does not fit into and the top like the
front of my boob does not reach all the
way into the cup so actually the table
was empty like this part was just empty
there was nothing in it and then the
rest was just like sticking out on the
side so this cup is way too small this
is not nearly close to a European teacup
it's supposed to be D I have a deep this
is maybe C I mean at best and then I
checked for the size on this one and
funny enough it is a 48 so it is a
hundred ten centimeters in Europe which
I don't think it's true because I have
exactly 100 centimeters and this just
barely fit like it's it's not I don't
know the size doesn't really relate to
the European size so the size charts are
garbage like they are absolutely useless
but that's not it that's not it
second bra this one right I'm going to
close them so you can see better I
wanted to have one of these DBU bras
because I have a lot of clothes with
like a lot of cleavage that I barely
ever wear because I don't have the right
bra so I wanted to get one of those and
the problem is I mean again the cops are
too small and also this this cup is like
shaped in a way that my breath does not
function in like
Brest goes all the way down to here and
so I have like a double bump on the side
so for these bras you have to make sure
that the cup is the right size because
otherwise it will just stick out
everywhere you will have like bumps here
and it just is look doesn't look nice
and also then I check the size and it
says 44 which is I mean they claim it's
100 centimeters but it's not because
again this one barely fit around me I
mean I can show you as I said I have
exactly 100 centimeters I know for sure
and look look how tight this is I mean
and the other one has not much
difference so they are two different
sizes but it's not the same like I mean
it is the same that's the problem it's
almost the same although they have
different sizes so this again it's not
the right size like the cups to me don't
look like a D to me this is this is the
C cup in Europe like this does not look
like a D cup the problem goes on and on
and on first of all this color is ugly
it's just ugly I wouldn't even wear it
because it's so ugly I mean it looks
like puke it stinks also very unpleasant
smell and as you can see when the cups
are inverted because I tend to invert my
brows like this and put them in my
drawer and when you like push them back
you will have these ugly wrinkles that
you will be able to see through a shirt
so this is not a good quality and again
I mean look at the bra size it's like
you get the cup does this look like a D
cup I don't think so like this is way
too small
and again the size is not correct it
says 44d I ordered a 48 d
they sent me like three different sizes
like why would I ever order three
different sizes it makes no sense same
problem with this one I mean it doesn't
get new this is actually the exact same
one just in a different color this is
black it also has the wrinkles it it
just doesn't look nice and the size this
cup is a B at max this is nowhere on
this planet is this a D cup nowhere and
again it's s 44 D although I ordered the
48 D almost the same for this one I mean
this one it almost fits like almost like
I can get it around me I can fit my boob
in it but again because the the cups are
formed and shaped in such a curved way
here there's no way for the boob or for
the bra to be adjusted to the boob it's
like if your boob doesn't have this
particular shape it will not fit the
material is actually quite nice it's
stretchy and I love the way it feels on
the body if it wasn't so tight like it's
again this one I can barely fit around
me it's too tight and also my boob is
just slightly too big because this again
is not a d-cup it's like a C cup and
last but not least well that's my cat
this bra which well it kind of fits like
this is the only one I got
and it's also a 44 d it's again not the
size I ordered but funny enough this one
is the same size
like this one I mean look at this does
this look like the same sizes to you of
course not because it's not and I don't
know I I might wear this one I might
have to lose like a couple pounds to fit
into it like well and it's the one that
looks the least shitty to be honest
because it has some nice applications it
has this little gemstone in the middle
which I actually like because I wanted
something like this for the dresses I
have that have cleavage so you have like
some kind of little gemstone you know to
make it a little bit more exciting and
yeah this is the only one I got that
might fit me in the future if I lose a
couple pounds but the other ones is just
a lost case so what I did because I was
so mad I wrote an email to the customer
service saying sorry but what happened
you changed all of the sizes like I
received my items and none of them fit I
mean maybe the Diploma the first one it
it kind of fits but I mean it's ugly
it's like it doesn't have shape and
looks stupid and it's cheap also so I
said I mean what's wrong there why did
you send me all those different sizes
and they replied to me and said can you
please give us your measurements so we
can see what went wrong and I said yes I
can but how does this answer my question
I mean my question is why did you send
me different sizes and they didn't
really reply to it which was one thing I
found really annoying because it was
like I mean the customer service guys
called Jerry but I don't think he's
called Jerry either this is a person
that is just clicking on like
pre-formulated answer
and like you know putting the emails
together because this is how customer
services work in a lot of places and I
know that because I've been working in a
call center so I kind of know how these
things work
and so I DMS from them they always
sounded the same somehow as I said it's
probably just pre-formulated like little
blocks of answers that they put together
and then click on send and yeah I
couldn't really get a satisfying answer
to this all they said was that the sizes
can vary depending on the manufacturer
so all of their items come from
different manufacturers is not one and I
said well how does this happen
I mean when I order a 48 d why do you
send me a 44 d thinking that it might be
the same size at the 40 40 80 doesn't
make sense and they were quite annoying
at one point because I said you know
what I don't really care I can't fit
into these items so either you sent me a
pre-paid label so I can send you the
stuff back or you give me a refund and
he said well can you send us pictures
then I said pictures of what I mean what
do you wish to see I can send you
pictures of the brass you will obviously
see that they are not the same size but
you will not see that they don't fit me
unless I wear them so what do you expect
me to do send you pictures of me in the
brass which is like borderline
pornographic no I will not do that and I
had to write back and forth with them
for the first parcel because they split
my order in two passes for what reason
ever I don't know
and I I did this for the first order and
then when the second order came I had to
do it again and I said can you please
send me a refund because these three
brass which came later don't fit me
either and they again sent me the same
message they sent me the first time I
dude we already talked about this I am
the same person like look back at our
old conversation we already you know we
already found a solution which is you
are giving me refunds because I cannot
send them back it's too expensive it's
not economically friendly to do it and
also you don't have sizes that fit me
because I already ordered the biggest
sizes you send me smaller ones and
there's no chance for me to get a size
that fits so yeah I'm waiting for their
refunds now and I mean they only agreed
to refund the brass they did not agree
to refund the other items which I don't
really understand but I mean for me
that's better than nothing but I'm upset
I'm really upset that customer service
is garbage like their their size chart
is useless so if you are on the curvier
side like me and if you like me don't
live anywhere close to China I would not
recommend to order there I mean that was
my first experience and I am bummed and
I feel robbed and I will not order there
again and because I went online and
checked for reviews and that could only
find positive reviews I actually feel
the need to make this video just to let
you know that there are other
experiences and maybe this will help you
to prevent the same mistake yeah so
that's all I have to say about this
thanks for watching and maybe we'll see
us later bye
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About Md Hridoy Hossain
I am the person who knows how to enjoy my life as it is the best gift everyone is given. I never give up and have an optimistic approach to all situations that can occur on my way. I appreciate traditional values and still believe in real friendship and sympathy to others. I am sure our world depends on us, I mean the way we treat each other. Well, everything in our hands and love is not an exception. I am here and ready to change my life, to complete it I Belive that Nothing is Impossible if we try enough. I didn't like to follow i liked being followed.
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