
Monday, July 13, 2020

Pub in Pub: Newcastle (Ted Royer, Droga5) | Facebook for Business # facebook ads

Pub in Pub: Newcastle (Ted Royer, Droga5) | Facebook for Business # facebook ads

Sit down for a drink with Droga5's Ted Royer in the first installment of Pub in Pub, a new series in which we join creatives at their favorite pubs to discuss publishing on Facebook.

I love doing Facebook posts in
particular because of two things and one
of those things is that I grew up doing
print and I thought print was really fun
to write and fund a concept
well post a lot of times in the most
basic form are just little mini print
ads but you know print was really hard
to sell through because you'd have to do
100 headlines and the client would
stress stress over one well now with
Facebook we can do to print ads a day we
can just like this pump stuff out and so
it's it's it's really fun and the rains
are off a bit and also I like to liken
it to you know doing a commercial for a
brand a 60-second commercial very same
he's like a comedian doing a movie but
Facebook is like a community doing
stand-up it's got the adventurousness of
it it's got the let's try this attitude
anything can happen it's got the me DC
it's got the you know the beast needs to
be fed and also it's like stand-up
comedy and that you immediately get
reactions to it the tagline for New
Castle was always no bollocks and so
they just wanted they said have fun
pulling back the the artifice of beer
advertising you know be our birth has me
so ridiculous there's there's cans that
tell you when they're cold as if our
hands don't work when we say hey our
beer looks fantastic it's delicious also
because we photoshopped it well that's
true everybody photoshopped all their
beers and all that stuff's photoshopped
we just like to say it there are brands
that want you to put a piece of fruit in
the beer and there was a way to call
bollocks on that you know like is your
beer really better because there's an
orange floating in it it just seems a
little bit bit to us you know and so it
was just a funny way to say that we're
never gonna do that you're never gonna
see a piece of fruit floating in
we found out that a lot of people when
they go to a bar and they're waiting for
their friends will check Facebook and so
we started talking to people standing at
a bar a lot now so we'd have people with
same as post if you're standing the bar
and not talking to anybody trying to
look interesting on your phone show this
to the bartender and maybe he'll give
you money off but maybe not something
like that but I love the idea of we post
Friday night at like 7 o'clock to people
standing in the bar you know I thought
that was I want to do more stuff like
that where we know where the audience
might be yeah I'm an exceptionally lazy
person right and my whole life has been
a battle of ways and actually give a
speech about being lazy but one of the
virtues that laziness has is that when I
see an idea I asked myself would I do
that and the answer is almost always
known so that when I see someone have a
goal I would actually do that then I
think I might have something that people
might do because if it passes my I can't
be bothered filter then that's a really
it's a good test you know and you got to
be honest with yourself - it's like
would I dress up like my favorite orange
drink and join the orange drink right
now I wouldn't do that at all but what I
click to get this thing yeah I might do
that yeah ads in the street that tell
you like download our app and scan the
ad and see so much more and it's like
I'm already 10 paces away
I mean I feel like I've spent most of my
career thumping on about you have to be
relevant you have to be interesting you
have to be you have to be creative you
have to be interesting and it's nice to
see that so good social media is sort of
insisting that that be true you know I
mean and that's you know 1993 me was
right you know or is it it's just nice
to see like that's playing out with with
eyeballs and comments and real votes
from people you're asking to be
somewhere very personal if you're a
brand you're asking to sit in between
your friends baby photo and that awesome
picture of you from this weekend and
there's your brand right in the middle
and you better be worth something
you mean otherwise it gets pretty
annoying like a lot of ads unless
they're really bringing you something
they're just gonna be noise and your
facebook wall is gonna fill up with a
lot of noise pretty fast if you're not
careful but that's a pretty valuable
space I mean like hey there's my there's
my two best friends and then there's a
brand sitting in the middle of it what's
the brand saying that's getting in the
way of my two friends or is it adding
something cool that in my life

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