
Thursday, August 13, 2020

6 Superfoods Your Body Will Love! #Tasty Food

6 Superfoods Your Body Will Love! #Tasty Food

6 Superfoods Your Body Will Love! #Tasty Food

this is our mate Layla she's a TV and
online sports presenter she reported at
the World Cup she's interviewed David
Beckham and she and Penn were on a TV
show together
yeah working with Ben was a low point
she is here today to show us
Nixie foods your body will love number
one the avocado it is full of healthy
fats and nutrients they help lower
cholesterol therefore grapes to prevent
heart disease the Brazilian football
team makes smoothies have been for
breakfast to help release energy
throughout the day and they're
absolutely delicious sauce number two
tap a gluten free grains that gives you
the full range of amino acids that are
essential to the human body it also has
five times the calcium of wheat
therefore really good for your bones
it's great in salads for baking and
especially Institute gloves up with that
it's to number three water craft this is
a powerhouse because it's the most
nutrient dense superfood it's break your
hair eyes nails skin grapes
the cost for even better for
it makes an awesome sauce for fish and
obviously great and salad fucking bad
number four chia seeds
a firm favorite with athletes and foot
boilers it's high in fibers that help to
prevent diabetes and it can help prevent
weight gain not to mention great for
digestive health brilliant for breakfast
soaking almond milk with maple syrup a
few berries delicious number five maca
root high in copper iron and zinc it's
great for fertility menopausal health
and libido okay no does you can eat it
drink it do whatever you like with it
not that and number six acai berries
this South American berry has a massive
concentration of antioxidants
therefore it's great to help prevent
premature aging
you can buy it as a pulp or have it as a
juice okay Cheers
now those are some of our favorite super
foods but we want to know what are yours

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