
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Do Beats Headphones Still SUCK? #Helpful Post

Do Beats Headphones Still SUCK? #Helpful Post

step into my office Linus take a look at
my wares yeah I'm pretty sure I'm the
one who paid for them okay so here's
what happened we were gonna review the
Microsoft Surface headphones because we
were intrigued Microsoft wait a second
pay for these they sent them to us
okay these ones yes look I think the
other ones and these well I paid for

these which hurt as much as paying for
all the other ones combined yes okay so
basically what happened was we were
gonna review these and Microsoft sent us
a review sample two three weeks after
everyone else's reviews were already up
and we were like okay we need a new
angle so we're gonna turn it into a four
way roundup of the premium noise
cancelling over ear headphones on the
market this time not failing to include
Sony's offering the WH 1000x em threes
so James has prepared sort of a blind
taste test of sorts I guess you only
need your ears though your vine wouldn't
matter no it wouldn't and you know what
else wouldn't matter if you guys
listened to this message from our
sponsor honey honey actually that would
matter a lot honey helps you save money
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I want to unbox these ones no yeah okay
so each of us will start with one of the
sort of well established players okay
well I mean I guess arguably this is
well established but maybe not with our
audience so much so I've got the Sony WH
1000 XM freeze and I have the Bose
QuietComfort 35 s version choose Google
assistant these are similar but yours is
kind of nicer I like this this has got
like kind of a crush resistant that
press is quite a bit yeah this divider
actually serves a couple of purposes you
have one of these though uh yeah
actually oh and you can see you can
actually see what's in yours Sony's done
a good job of their case here so you
holds your you got your air airplane
adapter yeah mine are just sitting in
there you've got your three-and-a-half
millimeter jack in case you're a caveman
and your phone still has one of those on
it you've got I don't like how short
this cable is but check this out USB
type-c charging on the Sony love that
everything USB type-c all the things
it's all it's equally short but it's
also micron P okay let's do let's open
up the beats on this and the surface I'm
expecting this to be like the greatest
unboxing experience of all time because
from what I've heard about the
headphones themselves it better be the
greatest unboxing experience of all time
I've got it upside down I got this I'm
expecting steam to come out no change
the way you hear sound to make these
headphones sound better okay I'm being a
jerk I'm being a jerk I actually haven't
tried the nice headphones in a long time
in fairness it's pretty robust feeling
it doesn't have like an actual
reinforcement no it's not low-profile
you can actually see like compared to
the sony it is quite a lot thicker and
same goes actually for everyone everyone
else well these guys went with the wider
ladder do these even fold though they
don't fold
they don't fold what okay so I just get
this cable okay so three and a half mil
and I just want throw it in there enough
no oh but I do get a nice long charging
cable micro-b USBC nice and then I get a
carabiner industrial design wise I would
say these are like the dad hat of
headphones what Dad hat he doesn't
understand that dad hats are in I mean I
just mean they're not that flashy or
modern they're kind of the standard they
still look great matte black is always a
good idea and honestly you're no more
dad hat than these yeah I am those are
smoother one thing that stands out about
these to me is you hear that that's

nice swiveling ear cups though and same
here one thing they've done well is look
how deep the cushioning on the top bar
is squeeze mine yeah
actually not I'm not impressed with that
set but everyone knows bows are
comfortable over long periods yes they
are and part of it is that they they
grip the side of your head a little bit
more I feel like these are relying a
little more on the top headband maybe
then the cutesy 35s do I think it is
just the way these seal around your ears
under grab lunch your head but it's not
uncomfortable they've basically got it
perfect alright alright this is what I'm
really curious about though because I've
tried those I've encountered these
before these are heavier did you see
there is almost no padding on the
headband that click that satisfying they
nailed that these don't fold at all
oh nice headband though it's basic
ratchet no swivel yeah I feel do the ear
ear Cubs do a bit right not much
oh really yeah barely when you take them
off you want them to go on your
shoulders level and stuff like that oh
you seem like the kind of person who
actually used to wear over the ear
headphones in public these don't go as
big as the other ones either see they
didn't get the they didn't get the
cottage force right I feel like those
aren't really even over here
they're like somewhere between on your
and over here my ears touch the drivers
and it's like just a hard plastic that's
a really pair and that over time that
can be uncomfortable really nice foam on
the ear cups though although I don't
know if it's quite as nice as the Sony's
Sony's have just like this spectacular
memory foam on here I'd be more
comfortable the office with those than
on the bus if you're trying to get laid
this is these are what you need headband
a little bit on the skinny and not
padded enough side for me but I think
they've done a better job with a
clamping pressure oh we haven't tried
any head bag tests give me like a oh
those are done already whoo
not bad they hold pretty well give me
these though okay that's both clear
victory well okay Sony one I would say
Bose I'd say both to tie for third then
cuz I don't think either of them really
stands out to me
so the second ranking is feel and
comfort and we're going so many bows in
first then surface land beats and then
for the head bang test clear ass victory

everyone else lose or fail hide for a
second I'm calling all the others a fail
so who can go with that if you want
whatever so right now what we're testing
is interacting okay so play pause skip
go back turn the volume up and down okay
so I actually have buttons on the bows
up and down for volume and then you
double click this to go forward triple
clicker to go back single click for play
and pause what's new is this button
which would it's called the action
button you can toggle between noise
cancelling on noise canceling off or you
can use it to activate the Google
assistant so one tap will the Google
assistant will tell you your
notifications and stuff and if you hold
it down you're gonna summon the
assistant and then you can talk cool oh
wait wait wait wait there's one more
thing only the bows have this and I
actually think it's huge an actual
toggle for on so my navigation is all
handled via touch then okay so that's
volume as a beeping when you do can't
hear you volume down volume down volume
down going down does it go bbbbbb yes it
does how do you feel I actually don't
mind it now there is a physical button
back here that I just found so that
would be for my assistant try a double
okay so with that button you found at
the back it's the same deals with the
bows where if you don't hook up the
Google assistant asks her button for
turning on noise cancelling and then
ambient and then off it toggles through
them but if you do hook up the Google
assistant you lose that and you use it
to hail the assistant so then you have
to use your app on your phone to turn on
the ambient and all that stuff I don't
prefer it and I'd rather have a physical
button personally I tend to agree these
I want to try the beats so this is not
capacitive these have buttons so you
only get the one button so press once to
start and stop twice I'm assuming next
track it's feels really cheap
that was what I noticed too it's nice
having a physical button but that it
liked the sound of it as you're pressing
you hear it in the feel of it is off the
field is really cheap another one thing
that you can do though allegedly is if
you double click and hold you'll fast
forward if you triple click and hold
you'll go back but I couldn't get it to
work on my Android phone
maybe it works with the iPhone or
something I think so can you even do
volume up and down on this here's the
beats logo there's an outer ring oh
there we go
but then it but then you can't use the
side right yeah no the sides don't do
anything it's so weird
that's the thing that's always bothered
me about beats why have such a cheap
button the thing is that Apple is
literally in my mind anyway the king of
haptic feedback these are how much 350
they're all 350 ok can I try the
surfaces no man I'm trying the surfaces
these I think in my opinion are the
undisputed interface kings check this
out the volume is a knob it's it's
really smooth to turn and then on this
side you turn it one way for turning up
the noise cancellation and you turn it
the other way and it turns up the
ambient noise so totally I don't have to
go into the app like all the other ones
you have to go into the app and set that
they are also have capacitive ear cuffs
for the pausing and seeking but it's
both your cuffs
so if you can just use either and
there's also a mute button on here I do
like this
that's a nice day it feels good so in
clear winner for me for the interface
yeah oh we should mention these also
have Google assistant and Cortana and
Alexa integration yeah Cortana
there's a separate app you can get
Cortana is dead now though you heard
about that right yeah Microsoft admits
Cortana is an also-ran yeah I'm willing
to say I personally I'd give the edge to
both just because I don't like touch
interfaces as much but I'm willing to
say tie here because it comes down to
personal preference with the cable that
comes with it oops
oh and inline remotes inline controls I
mean do you disagree would you put this
above any of the other three hell no no
no no all right this is the airplane
sound okay not bad first impressions Wow
big difference
and that my friends is why bose has so
much respect when it comes to noise
cancellation with that said I'd say the
Sony's cancellation is damn near as good
but I don't feel the same pressure on my
ears of Bose they've done such a great
job of tuning that my face is like this
because I just heard the music you were
playing I love my little pony's music
definitely weaker I don't think these
are even working yeah that's on yeah
that's that time this is just a much
less aggressive algorithm that they're
using so they're leaving in some of the
higher pitch of the airplane and they're
only taking out the low Rumble but
that's also why you're not getting that
same pressure on the years that you get
from the Sony I'd say they're the worst
in that regard out of the bunch I don't
know I think I kind of like the Sony I
think even pressure wise I might prefer
this just to totally confuse everybody
okay wait we can do there's one more
sure variable high frequency noise is
like your worst nightmare
I can really hear them fighting it so in
terms of loudness I'd say this is about
like having the baby about two rows away
so he does less to the tonality of the
baby cry but probably blocks as much of
the wrong ways I think the baby gets
more annoying with the surface
headphones these are just terrible the
noise regulation on these is not are
they even on yes they're on if you have
to ask that's not a good sign really oh
yeah it's on it just sucks
that's another clear win for both Bose
and Sony in my mind yeah agreed
and a clear loss for the honestly these
weren't created clear loser clear also
third pay that's not second yeah it's
not closed it's it's a distant second
closed circuit well close to third so
yeah let's do let's do a quick listen
okay we should listen to the same song
though oh you give me one of your songs
I'm down I'm down it's pretty crunchy
not bad I find the bass a little bit
more natural sounding on these oh yeah
they're they do have a different
signature but little smoother I would
say they're pretty similar me too
withold I find both of these lacking
distinctly in completely different ways
I find vocals don't really come through
very clearly on these no bass no bit
ironically you would think that these
have would have the most overstated bass
but it's not even like muddy and
overpowered you know just there's just
really nothing there
these ones I felt I detected a little
bit of distortion I couldn't put my
finger on it
they were clearly not as good as either
the Sony's or the Bose but I preferred
them to the beats I felt that these had
a wider soundstage these are a little
narrower or a little tenure but to be
clear I think for a lot of people any
one of these would be good enough I
agree with that I mean given that most
people are fine with like ear pods like
truly the ones that just come with your
headphone yes I don't think anyone's
gonna pick up one of these for a few
hundred dollars and say oh well the
sound quality simply I mean you're
buying them because they're wireless
you're buying them because they're noise
cancelling and you're buying them
because of the interface or the
assistant or whatever other features it
is that you care about which is why I
think honestly when it comes time for
the conclusion here it's so much more
complicated than just like which one
sounds the best is the most comfortable
because there's a lot to these so why
don't you do your rankings first for
them overall overall well I mean sound I
think we've got a pretty clear hierarchy
don't we once again these two are
clearly the best if you're a more
discerning listener I'd go for other of
these then these then these okay you
know I'll let you go first
further overall overall overall it's
time for overall it's time for the
overall overall my overall ranking the
Bose number 2 of the Sony number three
and I really like this interface but
overall number three these these are
good I would still buy these the noise
cancelling sucks true okay go ahead I'm
gonna let you finish good enough for an
office good enough for an office they
also don't fold so on the go for a plane
definitely get these don't buy these
every okay so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm
gonna say I'm not even gonna rank
- so then between these two I mean it
really it comes down to physical buttons
versus touch interface but then USB
type-c oh yeah and the fast charging
Sony there it is
you did it Sony you don't even bother
Sony or if you don't like the Sony get
the Bose but I just wouldn't even if you
can if they're beside each other at Best
Buy trying both yeah try them both do
your research
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video you can hit that button this was
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can you buy any of these either of these
I don't think you can buy this hoodie I
don't know I don't think you can buy
that you know you can't buy this for
sure hit us up in the comments if you
want to be able to buy this Dennis shirt

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