
Thursday, October 8, 2020

GUARDIAN ANGELS: Destiny 2 w/ Griffin, Pat and Justin! #Tasty Food


GUARDIAN ANGELS: Destiny 2 w/ Griffin, Pat and Justin! #Tasty Food

hi guardians who's ready to become kid

never stop becoming legends with me

Griffin and Justin and Pat all of us are

playing warlocks that might be an issue

they use it on this stream the warlock

down the warlock down we actually called

it guardian angels which we might call

it something else

eventually Justin your fucking style is

a completely on point right now I let my

daughter design my character so she did

she did a super super good job I'm not

sure if you can tell us you the pink

skull on her face her name's baby

feasting out here I'm eating ramen right

through the helmet look does look

fucking dope though Pat Pat I will need

you to take that helmet right off are

you sure yeah yeah because I'm we all

need to see what you're working with

here on guardian angels all right well I

went with one second let me get two

options here just navigate the settings

of the game destiny helmet you see I'm


it's just Carlie she's wearing some

fairly rigid affection Boudicca I went

with some nice nice vaporwave tones for

my hair and face hunter yeah the

vaporwave tones are really hard to deny

they are undeniable so this is destiny -

and we're gonna weekly reset just

happened we're gonna go out and probably

do the nightfall and a couple other

things Justin you want to come turn in

the exotics and get a bad gun that you

already have I love that girl and

nothing would please bees would be a fun

way to start out the stream and then we

can talk about all of our great loot

that we've gotten in the two games to

two weeks since this game came out we

are watching the chats to let us know

how it's how it's sounded and looking

and everything here we go

why sorry watch that feed another X in

that's a pretty good one it's a decent

little I didn't have it that's the

important that's a good boy Walker

helmet probably pretty good level for

you know Justin's loot a little bit of a

downgrade but that's fine yeah

oh all right I'll be Boyd this time I do

not like this look as much whatever yeah

it's definitely not as opulent as your

last sort of kit so you're working with

the hardlight how do you like that one

I like hardlight it's a pretty good

all-purpose thing it's also the high

yeah I like I like it is it good it's

the highest because the Conspirator a

lot actually and that this may be in a

FEMA but I've been using origin story

lately instead of my beloved skate lock

so or is it stories really good I'd say

I like it I like it a little bit better

it doesn't have that sound that scale

lock has like you're doing a plug-in

sick-ass drum solo but yeah looks like

that is also working with origins story

I have got the suite business mostly

because I put a mod on it that makes it

gold and silver and that is absolutely

my my shit and I got The Conspirator

also in a cool sort so for the nightfall

I guess let's make sure that we have all

of our sort of bases covered I'm running

voidwalker with a solar scout rifle and

a arc sword so as long as you have all

of your sort of damage types represented

we should be able to burn this thing

down yeah I've got I'm running void

again sorry and then are we all doing

fucking voidwalker let's let's go like

do this thing well I can switch back to

my other loadout no please don't

I love it it's extremely good because

then we have other places when the boss

happens we could just shoot we wait for

the void side a cycle and then we can

just obliterate them I'm trading in this

milestone a Kade real quick let's see

how it goes okay see if we get some idea

I just did it on an alt and I got

another my third pair of fucking lucky

pants I got loss if ik gloves which is

good cause brings them to 289 and so two

seven dots that's great I'm gonna show

off all my exotics good for me I am

missing two exotic guns I don't they I

don't have either of the grenade

launchers and I don't have the shotgun

that you get for doing the raid quest

but otherwise I have every exotic gun in

the game

I don't know why I have this ability to

just conjure these bad boys up from from

the the twisting nether but I I do and

it's a superpower and I'm so grateful to

just my family and God for this amazing


should we get busy living or get busy


I sword Lord just serve a sort of fire

sword sword Lane was the name of that

that kept you know fire team and I and I

can pop pop up one of those I got one

running but I hear haystack I don't see

you having one running

I think I'm polygon calm we just

published an article that said they

probably do not stack okay

and we're never wrong so all right let's

do it wait is Charles the knife still

rockin when it trials of the nine match

okay no I can't be bothered milestones

Titan they're the flash points Titan

this week that's a very very easy one to

do but we are gonna do the nightfall

let's take a look at those mods should

we do guided games should we get a a

friend up in here I don't think that

would work for the nightfall I don't

think that works doesn't it doesn't all

right so we got prison that's coming

back so every 30 seconds or so the

damage type that is gonna do bonus

damage is gonna change so we need to

make sure that we're always staying on

top of that because that is the only way

to make it through without running out

of time because there's time limit

stranger so I haven't seen anomalies yet

this is a new one the weak one it was

kill enemies to get time week two it was

run through rings and that was super

easy actually ended up doing a prestige

version of the nightfall last night just

because it was pretty easy to do the

ring she's got good rewards for that

absolutely not I did get the platinum

trophy for the video game destiny two

though which is very exciting but

anomalies I don't know what those are

destroy them to release temporal energy

an extended mission time right okay and

attrition health and has there ever been

a third bod on the nightfall for dusting

to yet I don't think so I think there's

only two left so I've been the prism and

the time limit health and children

eration is significantly impaired

perfect defeating enemies may create

wells of light collect these to restore

your health and charge your super that's

kind of cool

all right so you just shoot the shoot

those things is that what's going to

happen to glares anomalies that we have

to find and I don't know what the

anomalies look like but we'll figure it

out as we go

so Peter gray in the chat says that

everything on reset glitches right now

raid is dropping prestige weapons wrong

flashpoint destination trials still up

which is interesting I mean I complain

about the flashpoint destination I'd to

finish the Titan flashpoint in maybe 10

minutes yeah it's very it's a very easy

one to do how y'all like industy - I

love it so much it's I need a few

minutes when we start to optimize my

gear I just wonder you know well Tina do

that now while we're flying in my boy

you launched it without asking me so

we'll do it right now my boy we got time

we're flying in

yeah you still can that menu is always

open I don't have a void thing I'll

switch hard like - no yeah you can do

that yeah switch our light devoid yeah

then also get on destiny I had a manager

and you should get your shit correct

yeah I think it's really really good

I I again like I feel like there's a lot

of stuff that they could change to make

it better I'm starting I'm starting to

worry that and this is it maybe

partially my fault for playing it so

damn much in the first two weeks yeah

but I'm starting to worry that I'm gonna

be out of stuff - now it says anomaly

detected do you think that'd be a

persistent thing does that mean there's

one around us oh I don't know man I

don't see anything you just took off so

let's okay here's the thing yeah that

looks like something slightly anomalous

please give us a lot of time what is

going on why are you pushing me

alright so we get 30 seconds for each

one of those so we got it in there you

got to stay on top of that god I hate

this strike though is the problem this

boss fight is gonna be a real real pain

in the Kiester y'all take the insert the

left side and I'll take ya on it this is

the bus that teleports around every time

you do a gym

yeah I'm sarandon I'm starting to think

okay hey did you guys know hey don't

worry Griffin I'll get that one well you

could also get my yacht mega

all right great start great start a

fight underneath the thing Justin got

fell through the world all right so

should we just back out to orbit and

start over maybe that one Pike just

devoured us let's let's give this let's

back on out let's give it the old

college try

no this is all right fine fine fine fine

fine all right we fail that's good video

to you see if you think about it no all

right you're just I'm definitely gonna

sneak by what is with this bike did he

get you again

I'm gonna you should run run my spare oh

yes yes

roadkill all right you guys get the

things I'll come and get you

I've seen an anomaly I feel like it's

gonna take longer to find the stupid

anomalies it certainly is it is going to

take longer to find the stupid anomalies

ah here's what oh you got that one yeah

have them great time playing destiny -

I'm dead

holy shit all right I'm just gonna get

that pike a wide berth he's a bad

customer oh no there he is again please

please no

remember minute oh god another pike god

no please just a macro the lord of

anomalies he's just found to saving his

team's bacon left and right I got you a

pad oh no I'm playing as my warlock the

jump is so bad you need a revive please

revive regrettably got you got you catch

on the way oh that's right are you okay

so we should be doing the burns all

right we're figuring it out and I'm not

been doing it burns yeah you know it's

the active one it says right there Pat

left-hand side of screen Oh arc Polar's

it that's new yeah I think that patched

it in yesterday all right

help him con sticky icky

alright where's this fucking anomaly I

see him I see him

30 more sweet seconds on the clock

that's enough for all three of us to die

once I'm still seeing anomaly detected

is another this is gonna be this is

gonna be really annoy I'll be using yeah

I don't exactly love this the anomaly I

don't love this maybe it'll be easier


maybe it'll be better once you know

where all of them are oh shit a toy I

may switch to my hunter because I have

the improved radar and I'm wondering if

they show up on radar that would be


it would also give more usefulness to

improved radar its arc

art it is

all right we gotta find these fuck

there's that there it is was it required

to find that to open this next area no

okay got you dumbass

Shane needs to die and you want solar

energy all right let's move okay

I just run just run I'm trying to enjoy

the story I'm trying to I'm trying to

win the nightfall and get great loot for

my friend commander Isabella hi guys I

don't have hunger turned on do it much


oh it's void shit it's alright

I miss catch my super ace will charm

hang on bad customers we got this scan

thanks Pat Oh God hailing rips okay cool

oh yeah pop my damaging rift here too so

Justin you've got an alt going now right

yeah this I am this is my office you're

like yeah how do you any like the hunter

compared to the Titan I'm a warlock

compared to the hunter

oh but the yeah the jumps aren't as good

these are white bad yeah this I like


as the super I think that's really fun I

don't really enjoy the other two to

think that it's sort of less you know

down there but I but I really like the

Devourer ability on void yeah you got it

okay well yeah let's just go ahead like

40 of those right there 40 of the

exploding voids

all right well thanks 30 seconds hey

Bongo what's with all exploder boys

smash that like smash that subscribe

also we got a sweepstakes running right

now if you leave a comment with your

favorite John Hughes movie we'll get you

exotic token oh yeah we got a bunch of

secret got a bunch of boxes of pop-tarts

here and we'll just see wow that's a bad

restaurant label no has anybody got him

the good pop-tarts yet I mean I got the

pop-tarts code and I got to get to oh

dude did I get that Sparrow that's like

a hundred speed it's like fuckin

Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera does it like

start it does meeting when bungo is like

now the speed is gonna be 120 people was

like was that good there oh yeah very

good excellent

what a great sparrow

hey there's like so many big kids out

here yeah that's bad news I love that

burn to change I would love the burn to

change would love that burn to fucking

change please let's prioritize that a

little risk for you yeah I got one there

we go mine's empowering so Oh forget on

the business Oh give him the business

get in that Venn diagram of feeling and

empowering all right fuck this

oh no wetting it you wind it a Wang dang

that oh boy she said something cool

right before you did it fat that's the

embodiment no please God please shanks

have you guys are going the left foot

help I got extremely dead fuck Cerf come

revive the MVP you got it and away I go

my courage wait a minute it's it's void

Justin now you're right this is terrible

we got a Frankie we gotta find some

fucking anomalies nom nom nom there we

go I think we dinner

I killed mine oh my god hang in there

hang in there hang in there

oh and Jesus what is mad come get the

kid yeah coming for it oh we don't die

here Pat no extremely extremely dead we

died real good fuck

I really think of mr. small I was a

fucking respawn yeah people come here

for great successes they come here to

watch I come here for great successes

you played se for the loot that's it I'm

trying to get I'm trying to dive we have

an agreement

I do the chutes they get the loot right

now I feel like that they're not gonna

follow that group but on their defense

now I'm not really honoring my shoots

part of the agreement I'm doing a bad

job with shoots and so I don't maybe I

should I don't deserve dilutes well now

I should not have male aid that

exploding shank that one was Jesus

chivalry owns on you

it's solar all right Justin you're up

please kill that sir oh my god it just

fucking changed can't catch a break all


servitors down

let's find this anomaly I got a

legendary in Graham that's the second

best in Graham there is well you gotta

be happy about that

guys come on what's annoying is that

these overcharged exploding shanks have

so much health that they don't chain

explode yeah it's the worst they're

denying us the most fun part of the game

oh shit only good thing about exploding

train oh I'm going so slow

Oh God

sorry about all the cusses on this one

I'm gonna try to try to tone it back I

was I've seriously been dreading doing

this strike for the nightfall it's it's

it is by far my least favorite of the

hut yeah that fellas hitting hard it's

at a vandal out there I think or maybe a

captain I was gonna get I revived you we

finish this we have zero time left and

then we start to finals fucking

anomalies this it took to quote Dido I

will go down with this ship okay

it's not um it's at the lyric the

worst-case scenario is dislike did she

say well I won't go down with the ship

of fuck did it why why did it okay it's

funny it spawned me so far away maybe we

have to kill these motherfuckers in

order to get that closer respawn

ah but I can't be bothered I just know

I'm not gonna die anymore

alright five minutes

now that came about that's not happening

wait are you doing Rat King no oh yeah

wait how do you get the Rat King because

I have the weird thing

how does know what to do with it there's

a series of steps to get everything

there's just no cover you have to hold

the plate but there's no cover and

there's a fucking alright we did it we

did it we beat the Ruby destiny let me

get a rise out here yep there's a bad

boy shank out here now that just killed

me was trying to raise Griffin Oh son of

a B oh god thanks for watching everybody

thanks for watching stream I'm going to

turn the game off I know you put it you

know I'm gonna put it in a toilet I feel

like we won't learn as much as we

restart now but alright let's just keep

truckin all right let's just go just go

just go

we're not team shooting that's the

problem it's the team shooting is the

issue all right well I'm giving up on

this innominate that anomaly's gone

we're never gonna get that anomaly

alright so we have plenty of time hold

up it looks like there's a high-value

target chest laying than that where's


you got that one up there mmm I found

anomaly or wait is this the planetary

resource yeah that's fun the planetary

late date is really fun that that looks

exactly like the anomaly now oh Jesus

Joe Jesus Jesus Jesus God I'm glad Terry

isn't still here to see this I found an


no I didn't it's data lettuce lettuce

all right we got the pulses let's just

keep keep on truckin maybe there's just

not enough rank it I really am gonna

switch to my my hunter yeah what level

high like 290 I really want to see if I

can see the anomalies on the map because

they're so I think that's gonna help us

out also rolling with three warlocks

together as maybe not maybe yeah can you


these fucking fallen Randall's are

really very powerful they're very potent

oh dear hang on coming back coming back

for a griffon first oh it's over that

I'll be back and I'll be back all right

okay just get Justin yeah everything's

pointless oh this stranger helped it

sometimes I Ranger

we should start over we should probably

get this over I think I guess we could

learn where the shits is yeah it'll help

just look for that notification that an

anomaly is close by

yeah well there are somewhere there's

one around here some somewhere

so then it's just this okay I'm locked

out okay so then it's just this room and

then the boss oh right now I'm in it

okay we have a minute to do it okay guys

just got mill to boy got gonna melt that

boss it's gonna melt hi I found some

yeah I found one but I'll never be able

to find it again

all right we got Randall's we got lots

of Greg's got to find that lettuce the

chute lettuce but not it is not the it

nothing it's for shooting not for eating

you know that's what fail-safe does with

it chews it with a robot mouth

would you still trade this in if there

were ten times as valuable but you had

to watch it one at a time little shoot

lettuce is up in the upper right corner

of the room here you know what you break

that I shot it well now you've prolonged

this congratulations whoops well I you

know I'm working pretty quick to end it

- all right mate to the boss room all

right so now we just have to do this but

still have fucking time left on the


what if there's a billion lettuces down

here who is the boss on this one

it's the teleporting captain

oh yeah yeah it's the it's the most

annoying Randall in the game which is

saying something about another anomaly

in here

I don't see an anomaly in the boss

chamber so I think by the time you get

to the boss chamber all those heavy fuck

do you get up there Griff

there's platforms you can the whole

fucking light room

Hey look at all these anomalies I'm

gonna have so much fun I think I'm about

to start the boss fight I wonder let's

figure out if you guys will get

teleported it I think yes typically what

happens right now come on oh my god

we still got a minute y'all is like

fully feasible come on it's not I mean I

am i super up so if we get the right

cycle and you guys get the fuck up here

maybe we can insta meltem whoa

joining allies oh no you got poured it

up here

all right good all right get ready wait

for FYI I started dead okay 15 seconds

whoa good yeah see this is what sucks

about this fight and this is why this is

not going to be a very fun nightfall is

that after you deal enough damage to him

he just fucking disappears yeah yeah

yeah you really got to get up here

enough time shit this is not that but oh

solar okay well now ya know got to

remember to keep using the fucking burns

yeah I always forget all right

let's take one more swing at this I

really am going to switch I think it's a

really good idea

it's interesting the recommended power

fist is 281 oh really

uh-huh uh-huh I wonder why that is the


yeah well specific to the mob that just

killed me but wait are you light level

to anyone

yeah I think that's why it says that uh

well I mean cuz obviously it killed me

so it's got to be better than me all


okay so I switch to my hunter which I'm

fine with

say goodbye to Carly did does your

hunter Avenue I haven't don't have a

name for my hunter or my Titan yet but I

love them they need she need one of us

too oh you'll stay in the fireteam as

you switch characters probably not so

this is Carly we all know her style um

it's so great come on okay well Carly's

being very shy right now this is my

family these are my folks I'm gonna go

with Hunter yeah the light level or

power level matches your level let me

know in your back in the fireteam and I

will promote you to leader ah

sure wait we're not in a party that's

right that's not how we're chatting

right now is it right no okay joining

now let me get my guns over I think I'm

gonna say fuck sweet business do you

guys have Rat King

yeah Oh Pat well I'm sorry I don't know

how to get it

if you look at the if you look at the

quest of Pat it'll tell you it says

something about solving a riddle with

friends well there's your first that's

gonna be your first one right there Pat

yeah yeah that was a mean joke Pat I

don't know why I said that it's okay it

was low-hanging fruit see I I'm glad

that you you one mean because I was

about to make some some you know

Chandler Joey Rachel Ross jokes but oh

that would have been so much better I

don't know why no one it would have been

positive which I would have loved had a

positive spin all right yeah sorry

Phoebe should have mentioned Phoebe hey

who's your favorite friend

oh man so let's get going get your the

leader yeah let's do it

so this time what we've learnt let's

talk about what we learned last time

that we can add to our sort of skill set

this time we learned where a bunch of

the data lettuces that already is a shit

yeah it left my brain I'll try to

remember and I got to remember to use

use elemental burn and maybe we also

learned that three voidwalker Warlocks

is probably not the best for for for a

nightfall raid I can't believe how hard

those boys were hitting dad they were

slamming us it was really difficult I'm

just looking to see if maybe there's a

better kit I could be working with right


nope alright let's also not get fucking

killed ten times by the same Pike right

at the very beginning alright let's see

if these bad boys show up on my map sure

anomaly it in the same place where's the

one around here that's right here

it doesn't I just fuckin any indication

as to where they are would be amazing I

mean you're supposed to hunt them down

but that is antithetical to yeah that's

the only problem is like it's it you

waste time doing that alright let's just

try to move a lot faster okay now girl

for the last time you got the ones on

the right are you doing that this time

no I'm just I just win a direction where

I hadn't seen you I'll pad just found

one cat pack out no mo playing with some

different nomenclature Nommos shoot

lettuce oh wait okay I just found

through tsunamis back here there's one

at the top of this tunnel oh shit

there's one back back behind it I got my

shit all exploded by a pike help please

please please Jesus God see like success

in this is going to require you to

memorize where 20 fucking shoot lettuces

are across this strike and we don't are

they all random

no they've been in the same spot well

that's just a bunch of us reward like

skill is stuck on something okay where

was that Tom okay I was in a hot oh

Jesus God that's fuckin Pike yeah

there's a great white shark if only

there was something we could do to stop

them what

when will Bungie patch guns in the game

alright no I'm making a command decision

all right oh go back to space yeah we're

gonna go back to space and we're gonna

kill you and we're gonna kill these

pipes if we can take our fucking time

and find these anomalies what we're

trying to expand ya space okay

so we're gonna hop back in love that you

can't go to orbit while your dad all

right yeah so let's check our treatment

oh damn okay shucking pikes yes I think

there's a lot of anomalies right there

at the beginning that we can go go and

pick up boy I'm not looking forward to

doing this three times

did you guys hear that the order of the

rooms that you face in the raid also

rotate right with each weekly reset you

should really know I'm not shitting you

oh I think that's cool although I don't

have a big problem with it except for

like I think room number one this week

is Pleasure Gardens great great great

like Tony yeah pleasure Turner that

sector if you want to get into that

right after this or well yeah fuck yeah

dude let's tear it up I think if we can

get a pretty good little chunk of time

here at the beginning we'll be alright

don't forget about the burns let's kill

all the pikes yeah call him out is it

would it be easier for somebody go like

oh I'll go right somebody else go left

and just keep an eye out for these these

nom nom nom nom lights there we go

that's a toddler thing nobody to

understand toddlers are crazy phenomenal

all right Mike let's let's kill this

pike let's kill this drag there's a

yellow Greg over here

kill the Greg snow yeah feels good

Holly red fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck that

does nothing it's doing exactly shit got

a nom nom right here all right one pie

crayon we need some Greg's oh you know

what the probability field warlock is

love well we also have a also have the

that burn on alright another another

Pike right here taking care of it honey

gunshot did you live all right I did I

he live yeah I can read me killed each

other is really romantic

alright so look there's an anomaly at

the top of this tunnel

somebody wanna grab that one cuz I think

there's also one back here is the one I

saw earlier

fuck you Randall alright Solar is the

thing all right

so that's good Justin if you don't deal

with that I'm just gonna lose it man

deal with what

the Boop and and beeping of your phone

or a Bob's getting some text pictures of

my kid is that more testing more

important than that

hmm what jump is good for getting a

little lay of the land in terms of yeah

I'm just sort of scouting around now

using might see them with my elf eyes

cuz that fucking bird changed as my

grenade are to be here that guy had it

did have a very spiritual moment that

Randall must have thought oh no this is

it for me my kids and then it's like oh

no problem alright anybody seen any more

nom nom oh hey there's one there's one

directly above my corpse got it no


is this better I think this is better

time it's it's close in terms of I

really definitely need to go through it

faster but like we you I don't think

you're gonna be able to do this until

you know where all the shit's is y'all

are fully Auto Tune robot right now what

what chat let us know if I think that's

a pat problem yeah cuz I don't Griffin

doesn't sound bad to me oh my god

jeez this guy hey y'all I don't know if

it's just me or voxcom Oh Pat oh my

sweet Pat we're losing their sweet Pat

not like this

alright this look at this Greg are you

fucking kidding me shoot my fucking

ashes sweet Pat sweet Pat what why why

would I spawn like that oh my god no

Justin okay - man here we go

- male rats hi Pat fun fun little tidbit

for you hear of voxcom great internet

here in this office

I guess what happened you got booted i

straight-up got booted i internet

connection died I guess they weren't

paying their time warner bills here and

yeah on 85 broad well let's maybe quit

doing the nightfall forever because this

one's not very good and go do something

no fun oh we can't eat the fucking night

night no you can't you can't tease

people like alright well Pat say hey can

you reach I'm gonna ping IT and y'all

might y'all might need to find a

replacement if if this shit keeps up for

another minute

okay now jeez what was I I watched all

of that it was very good you just tend

to get a little bit of a god complex

when you're on a sparrow I'm so fast

yeah okay it is erased instantly I got

another puppy

see you're about to quit then you got

that puppy that's bunga's way to keep

you on the line

- what where's this Greg that is

lighting us up from behind

there's a grid behind us that is

shooting us with a big rocket launcher

which I don't even know how he got he's

just a little guy I mean he has a hard

time even carrying it

here's it's almost harder with two

people yeah it's almost all right

I appear to have reconnected to the

destiny servers and I can hear you now

can you hear me okay

hey yo I'm sorry about that I felt like

we're doing a lot better so what can we

do clean run one more clean run I guess

I would love to do something on here

where we don't seem like complete

fucking children like something like

we're doing well there we're breaching

and clear and we were we're you know

we're slicing the pie and we're doing a

real good tactical job of taking those

those Pike's down and I think that we

can do better this is really tough I

feel like the other two nightfalls have

been a kind of a joke

and for whatever reason this one is much

much more difficult yeah this is tough

there just seems to bit you know it is I

think a lot of it is the their ads

everywhere and the elevation is so wild

fear most' this that you don't really

know where all this attacks are coming

from you know it's also that it's giving

you a third priority like with the other

ones like all you had to do was move

quickly but don't die

it's how the other ones worked and this

one you have to move quickly and don't

die and also keep an eye peeled for

these Lowell is these little wonderful

grids it's it's it's a lot to like I

don't know how to I don't know how fast

to go like I don't know how to

prioritize that stuff because I feel

like if I miss a data lettuce then I'm

gonna be screwed I mean we could miss a

few I think the deaths are also a

problem yeah there's almost a nautical I

think we need to be a bit more

methodical with yeah they're ads I think

killing dudes is gonna slow us down a

bit but getting killed by those dudes

will slow us down even more so if you're

just tuning in for our guardian angels

drat guide don't get killed by the guys

and shoot the guys yeah alright see that

was mean Oh Greg Greg Greg

we've got him oh it's a void it's what

it's void another one there is there is

another one up here

alright see I just found another lettuce

that we can get every time

tasty lettuce how many fucking destiny

lfg listings know where the lettuce is

it's not like you have to like we're

messing up the nomenclature here got the

one on the roof of this tunnel Pat yeah

one second I think I found one right

here - yep and take care of this drag on

this bike there we go hey 15 minutes

right now it's - anything bad there's

more up here you said there's one on the

roof of this tunnel I got it already

okay cool I just wanted you to know for

next time thank you we're all the

lettuces and there's one in this guy


okay say aye

and this may be a little bit uh I don't

know if you guys agree with this I don't

actually find the prismatic burns very

fun no and I wish it would stop Irish

see it this is the third row I'll just

go ahead and let you all right let me

let me expand on that as Lily it's

please thank you

I I know it's an additional challenge

and I understand that but I feel like I

really don't like the feeling of having

like my powers happening like sit on

stuff another I'm not having to sit on

stuff when I could be sort of a long

innings going yeah yeah yeah I just

don't like the flow of that very much I

don't think it's very I mean I don't

like that and I don't necessarily care

for the fact that it's always timed

because it feels like there's a one over

in this little nook over here oh great

it feels like they were trying to fix

the fact that in like strikes and

destiny one it was all about let's just

move through it as quickly as possible

and in this one there's Tut you you do

have to move quickly but there's also

stuff that you have to do like you have

to engage with the thing in order to

keep your timer up but it still is me

running through this thing as fast as

possible like yeah I don't know I don't

let this like if they're worried about

who were rushing it seems like maja Greg

oh and there's lettuce back to I might

be going down in a second here yep I

wish there was a timer on the prism is

the only thing so at least I knew how

like how long I had to where's that

lettuce I know I saw it

what's up oh man this cloves put another

30 seconds on the clock moe

I'd say one more strat thing is that's

probably not go for uncovered revives

get away with that in regular strikes

but we normally get killed when we just

sprint for him here yeah I could user I

got that and then I'll get you okay I'll

cover alright this is going pretty well

so far I think this is it I think the

last couple times we've just felt like

we needed to go much faster than was

sustainable mm-hmm there is an anomaly

around here yeah

argh Oh

die die die my darling oh wait fuck this

guy up

fucking die stop running all right

where's this where's this nom nom take

like five seconds and look for it


alright fifteen thirty that's great yeah

but what what an incredible value for

people watching this dream huh

oops I'm still running past this part

though there's nothing you can do I hit

all those mines we should probably take

care of these guys so we don't have as

long of a switch the strat alright

well but I there's an anomaly around

here somewhere

dopes I got nuked I my argument is if we

don't clear the ads then and I think

this is the way it's intended if we

don't clear the ads then we don't have

time to look for anomalies right and we

go down long enough to kill the all

right you're right you're right you're

right and then every time we just one

right about we've got one right above

got it cool detected seeing one

I guess it's cool in that this is like

challenging the way that I play this

game pretty much completely yeah some

sort of indicator would be really

helpful though to to on the anomaly you

mean like a cardinal direction or

something a distance like it your

distance from but yeah it's something

like that all right boys

perhaps a ping is that let's keep moving

this is what's what is there a sort of

light I keep thinking up that is though

that's that burn yeah that's I mean

that's another skull that heals you and

gives you light oh I'm not a fucking ham

oh fuck you

I hate you so much I'm gonna start the

event okay we got to be safer here we

need like all right I'm gonna crouch

down here and pop that that's not a heal

that's a empower if anyone wants it

healing would be way better in the

future I'll sign it up here's a heal

oh great hit the tower instead of the

targets that's all I got with that and

also any ammo fucking it all would be

awesome I have been out for a while

Jesus Christ

it's my kinetic that's out of ammo which

means that when it's not okay I'm gonna

die oh no not about three seconds with

my genetics out of ammo if it's void

burn I literally can't do anything

because it's it's it cuts the damage on

the other elemental type so much I'm

back up for revives when y'all can get

me a memory behind you I got you

hopefully I will spawn with kinetic ammo


all right all right big boys let's burn

oh and the left one yeah let's focus on


get him juice get him get him give him

solar is it yes cool

perfect timing on the hidden with that

right did you run out of juice just ran

out of juice

somebody get justice gummiberry juice

hang on I got my dirt merciless on a

shit shit shit shit shit shit shit just

gonna scoot on back y'all don't mind me

no that was good though this is going

much better using my super thief variety

mode that was very helpful thank you

fucking die

Ark now

good call cuff and you said you couldn't

do anything when Boyd was up Wyatt I

mean I am avoid I have a solar gun in an

arc sword and then I have my void

subclass and so right when I'm out of

kinetic like that means that I don't

really have a gun that can do damage Wow

we uh we absolutely can't really

actually y'all talked about it no no

more for at all right hold the plate I'm

gonna go on a murder run Oh nope there

might just change the solar not gonna go

on a murder run keep pulling it down

keep pulling it down let's go to second

it's gonna take us way too long to you

can get me I got the big shank down

alright let's just run cuz it'll take us

more time to find the shits here and

kill everybody than it would get I might

die oh please don't die pad sliding home

Oh God

so I don't think any anomalies I did not

see it I guess keep an eye out for the

notification but I did not see any in

this section life seems to be very long

- all right let's take care of these


cuz they're gonna fuck us up otherwise

this parts not so bad so you have lots

of cover ok

alright I'm going on these ones on the

left I saw you grab that little chest

pad thank you back this Hatcher area

what this is such a large environ yeah

there's no there's no anomalies here I'm

getting no that is not an anomaly that's

data lettuce yeah I'm thinking maybe

they don't spawn in the same area that

the data lettuce would spawn well this

is just a public event area so I don't

think they spawn right I figured out all

the ones on the left side what's going

on I'm just running oh shit I missed one

all right hey I don't think we need to

clear them here we do it is we do have

to clear these I'm sorry I'm at the

enemies no yeah we don't

it's not as important here I fell in a

trash can

this is decent time we're gonna get a

couple more shootable lettuces in the

next area so so but I think we got to

keep going up those platforms while we

shoot because I think it would be really

really easy for us to get caught up all

right so there should be lettuce in here

maybe no still no scram past this scene

or uh no we can gonna all right well

bombs away how to fucking ammo again you

attack his core with a sword guys are so

far ahead of me this is a bit of our


we cut in your butt I'm sorry I'm sorry

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not sorry eat my

butt cut him up I'm dead I'm dead I'm


oh boy I'm a very dead

shoot his brain

shoot that gourd damn it

okay fine keeping on here we go Boyd and

I'm out of kinetic and I'm out of heavy

what's going on bungo bungo I'm gonna

all right I'm just gonna hunt for fuckin

Annamma in here cuz


I might just start going I'm gonna not

oh come on

die there we go I got that yeah I still

see anomaly detected I'm gonna start

moving up the platform see what I can

see yep that's unfortunately solar is

the only damage I can do right now there

we go hey yeah Adam please please don't

shoot me kids all right I'm just going

I'm gonna start clearing out the boss

room you guys have fun now there's a dad

to let us down there all right I saw I

got a pat okay oh it's void

oh I hate you so much Randall oh he's

gonna kill me there is one more data let

us high up in the room watch out for

this Randall that he's a real jerk

Wow don't worry I should be able to

teleport you just focus on lettuces well

I'm seeing a lot of them I don't know if

that's a glitch but I've seen like four

so should I stop shooting these bad boys

so you guys can get those real quick

because I'm seeing a two path or I'm

like higher platform I know go get him

go get him right now I just respond I'm

on my way back um go ahead and revive me

oh yeah I gotta do is kill this shank

and I'll bring you into the boss room

cool so a Griffin Oh what why'd you end

up all the way out there I was I thought

we'd there were no more anomalies in

there but also I cleared out the boss

room so I'll have to do is kill this

thing and we start thinking oh cool so

having to run around and kill shanks fur

do you have an angle on that one Pat I

see a blue building collapsing rhythm

yep all right is that it no one more all

right that's good

yeah nice okay all right we're looking

alright so I'm I'm just gonna empty my

ammo and maybe I'll get more okay

oh boy hey you guys getting teleported

yep yeah we're good all right it's get

this murder train rolling all right this

is preposterous I am completely out of


now I have no bullet dude all your

bullets out

I did but okay well Carolee buddy Bunga

for that one eh well hang on I my last

guardian standing shit all right he's

gone he's teleporting come get us yep

yep yep don't don't forget that one

Randall there if you see a bunch of ads

let me know cuz I can well he hit him

aside back and he just killed me Jesus

Christ what is it Martha I don't have

any yarn ha ha joke's on you we're

dropping a healing riffs on me feeling

raped it is important that when we see

him Jesus

did that go between his legs

unbelievable Bongo please fuck I love it

when he ports out right after you

triggers fucking super that is that

that's why this boss fight is so like

shitty is I don't know why they thought

this was like a fun pace before it loves

it too that's see that's really the only

way I get there I adore all the other

strikes I think the other strikes are

really fucking cool roid shit come here

light him up I got a tether on him any

time he left already

Oh dear me I apologize to chat we have

not looked at you and yes are quite

sometime the resume I cut the level up

icon is bad that happened to make my

screen it's an inconvenient time correct

I is this asshole

he's right here

look for where the shock thing is okay

hope there is

don't forget about those balls of light

oh shit all right we got servitors solar

in slowed oh I can't do anything solar

burn solar burn

I'm solar burning is shit I got fucked

it's fine look you look great I just

stay up we just can't afford any total

party wipes I'm up for revive I know I

got you Pat I got a few yeah what when

you cover this thanks Jesus

that's void yeah

may come back heel ball heel ball come

back I need this capri-sun

come on come on come on come on come on

all right let's drop that fucking let's

drop these at one of these drop that

servitor cuz that's making him

invincible which a shot from above there

we go there we go there we go alright

has anybody seen the boss in a bit

negative that's too bad

I think we have to tell them yeah they

would Vance it I think I read the new

guides here anything seriously where's

the fucking boss a bongo please

all right

this is a bug is he just not here he's

skis I think he's on this shock platform

yeah yeah there is that was a lot of

time oh he's coming for me

he's mad and he's gone

great yeah look for the shock platforms

that's the shit you got to take out you

got to take out the shanks I think in

order to get him to come back five

minutes boy

oh Jesus I got got see up there yeah

he's up Bryan

I was a lot of damage

Ark yeah just find him just find him

just find him I think he's over here

this is where the bombers are spawning

oh no he is no that is not him he found

me hey glad I'm gonna hit the big lat

I didn't get to hit the big lad he just

disappears right away

four minutes I'm not looking great on

health all right it's solar Oh God from

the center I know it's a Marauder there

he is dead center solar just light him

up light him up I think he's done

teleporting just light him up yes yes

yes yes higher what the fuck nightfall

well 290th I'll take it yummy Emma I

guess that one doesn't have a mod in it

but we did it when I picked this I

remember not to delete it

whew all right hey we're looking at chat

what's up chat we did it oh boy I've

gotten three like hunter cloaks for

those like big room Hey look look who

got the most kills

look who's like hey good there you go

yeah like 295 skater lock now with the

mod I just put on that's fun that's good

for me it's a very good gun let's go see

what Cevallos got for us today

hooray guardian you look like you needed

two more cloaks

oh god what if I could put all the

cloaks I wish it could put a cloak on

every armor slot and just make yourself

look like a Aerosmith microphone stand

or something that's just good fashion

right there

why are you power level eight well see


the back of my head and my back are very

protected and very warm hot actually

I'm doing a lot of layering a lot of

people are asking about the parm that's

not really this thing if you want to

catch the parm update you got tuned in

an awful squad yeah this yeah awful

squad today but if you send me a slack

message when that's going on I'll try to

send you an update yeah I'll hit job

that was that all right that was good

boy but the problem is like I guess it's

not a problem it just took us a few

tries to like learn where the lettuce

was and what the good pace what pace was

the issue yeah yeah I think we're trying

to rush and the other one that I did

that was sort of it to when there's that

time limit you kind of default they're

just rushing past things and you just

get killed a lot through that yeah you

loose all right I still don't like that

final boss fight though I just want to I

just want to dump on oh Jesus

Wow a lot of things I didn't yeah okay I

didn't get the chesty I don't know

chesty and kind of it lease will allow

you to seek out clams and guided games

will find guided game activities in the

director that's interesting


looks like we got exotic Oh as of all I

just said I can't imagine a future

without you which is one of the sweetest

things of video game characters ever


all right so voila don't give me another

cloak armor would be ideal Zavala

alright show runner is gone the show

runner left 296 all right walk to 294

give him the coins to eat I wish there

was just an animation for every time

Thank You guardian my favorite coins I

maybe would have some trouble with it

too right cuz it's a pretty big coin

yeah well I guess I can believe that

Lincoln green alright I got the show

runner which I could just drop into my

risk runner give it up to 301 I guess

alright so we beat the nightfall I

really did not think we were gonna be

able to do that but we did we pull

through we did it um got a little bit of

time left anything else you guys want to

knock out real quick how about the flow

I'm not deaf or whatever cuz I just

found the fucking purple ball grats

don't congratulate me help me play with

the purple ball well I got it I've got

to break down these pants into tokens

that I can give to a friend of mine

no purple ball oh my god

oh my god purple ball I die with you

so just to confirm there you don't do

anything with the weapon parts in this

one other than give them to gun boy

right correct cool it's very cool

should we go do a flash point yes do it

a couple puppies yeah okay let me change

my character I'm gonna do that too

I really like the Nightstalker it is

like I'm reminded why that is why I

spent the most time with that class in

destiny 1 I got the Orpheus rig which

was some exotic legs that if you like

tether you get super energy for each

enemy that you tether with your super so

if you shoot it into a crowd of like 9

enemies you can just shoot that bad boy

right right one well again

mmm-hmm sounds really fun it's pretty

good let's use some dumb whip let's do

like a dumb weapon showcase I'd love to

show off the tractor cannon I wait what

is the tractor cannon it's just as good

as you might think it would be based on

the name let's pop over this is that the

showrunners submachine gun we'll try

that out

I'll do he'll scare and tractor can so

the tractor cannon is this goofy thing

that I just got an exotic on that makes

it basically look a lot like the portal

gun okay but it has I didn't realize how

much I enjoyed this game's ragdoll

effects until I got the tractor cannon

which is it's just extremely good

are you doing juicy still switching

characters yeah I had a bunch of man I

tell you in it when it rains it snows

with this of this game sometimes you get

it and it just just starts dumped and

stuff on you so fast you get good stuff

so much just like a lot of good stuff I

mean not nothing great just like it's

really it's a mark it's like destiny has

a built-in way of telling you like

you've played it enough today like I'm

sorry you played enough this week cuz

that that is the situation that I find

myself in where it's like I was getting

nothing nothing nothing and then isuzu's

reset happen is just piling it on yeah

they're trying to encourage healthy play

which i think is great i I don't know if

you guys have gotten any of the trials

of the nine weapons I got one is like a

clan bonus cuz I will never do well on

Charles the knife but they are some of

this like it's looking guns I feel like

they look like like the iPhone 45 space

tech edition

we rejoin your fire team here gents is

that cirrhosis right that's the company

that makes the iPhone shit in this

universe oh is that true I don't know or

supporting that yeah one cycle may pop

up in this gun we're watchin chat we're

gonna be watching chat a lot more now

because we're not trying to beat the

nightfall so if you've got any questions

hit us up I know a lot of you probably

don't play destiny maybe and if you want

to know anything let us know I look like

I have like a little like a baby bjorn

on my back

with this stupid gun

yeah if you have hardlight look at the

lore on it it's a oh yeah that's right


all right I'm gonna show what this looks

like all right this is the oh we can do

better than that if you get right up on

a fucking dude

oh are you you know to the tower anymore

oh no okay yo y'all y'all switched your

characters yes

that's what happens join you join up but

yeah join the fireteam we're done on

Titan got an event startin in 17 seconds

oh here I go then have you beaten the

raid yet yes I beat it last week Justin

got close Pat I don't think you've done

it yet no I haven't even tried yet I

haven't been on when the group has been

looking for another one it is it's great

and infuriating and parts of it are so

bad and guilty better still get better I

almost would caught say like just don't

for this don't for a minute but keep in

mind everybody else we getting better at


but just don't for a second no I mean

you're getting better at it like I feel

like there's sort of why did I just

widened bongo bongo bongo and that they

get a lot more generous as the game goes

on as all MMO cycles do so like even if

you're out for a long time by the time

you jump in they will probably have

changed yeah obvious so that you can

like all the seed right hard work that

we're doing right now is going to be

trivialized when the first DLC drops

probably this holiday season and then

like you'll be playing through the

mission and you'll get a green piece of

gear at like white level 3:15 and it's

like well shit I had to murder callous a

hundred times in order to get that I'm

going to do

I gotta say that that's what I did with

destiny one I played launch for maybe 50

60 hours and then stopped altogether

until taken King had been out for a year

and I jumped back in oh you were gone a

while yeah ah beans Venice Venice took

mcil and this is a greedy Venice I'm

submitting a negative player report of

Venice for being a greedy Gus I'm gonna

kill this Walker so we don't get this

super event damn it that's what they're

called super events damn Venice holy


then it's too strong Venice Games strong

we got a big shank yeah that's been

popping in this yeah I think they added

it because this shit was so easy before

Jesus for just melting these like buttah

hot buttered popcorn

I hope Venice doesn't get any loot from

this one here we go right some Dookie Oh

tour machine got the exotic this time I

think it's honest fuckin Venice didn't

get it that's fine do you get credit

towards the flash point for doing lost

sectors let's find out what's up it's so

good just folks want to know uh our last

Griffin are you gonna play on PC when it

comes out on there probably not I'm good

I just like I think it's I think it's

gonna be like the best way to play

probably like it is a very very good

version of the game it seems like really

but I I I've spent so much time in the

last two weeks playing this game and it

is not because I love killing fallen

walkers so much it's because it's like

my favorite social gaming experience

ever and this is just this is just where

folks it's just where my friends come to

play it so yeah it's really a shame

there's been nothing like the past

couple weeks logging on it seemed like

everybody no matter what someone's going

to be so good it the only the last time

I had anything like this was I think

modern warfare 2 on Xbox 360 just like

to be able to log on engine yeah this

really doesn't happen that nobody more

things are a lot more stratified they


I died guys I'm sorry here public about

you're going for grift no there's a

lost sector okay

I was just trying to rush it hey guys

scusi nope nope I'm just doing a little

demo with the portal gun I want to see

you turn into the stream I am going to


Wow I have tried to warlock jump now

about 30 times

yeah that's not it's not great I'm

pretty good at it

well now it's just from switching

tapping my jump and like nothing is

happening boy these events sure aren't

coming back

Oh guys we should go look for high-value

targets I think those could be credit

towards the flash point now this is

interesting because Griffin did you just

do a loss sector yeah that did do

something because I got 33% complete now

yeah same all right well I guess we can

keep doing lost sectors mmm

we got a challenge to do one on sirens

watch ah let's do that me will probably

get a happy ending I don't have the

indicator I don't know I'm going back to

that ones watch Kurt sound like the left

side I think Griffin do level

discrepancies get in the way much for

you and friends really now like maybe

for like raid like Travis wanted to play

the raid but it's taking them a while to

to get raid ready

but for pretty much anything else it is

I think I see a high-value target down

there too are you just a Cappy Tom no

don't depart don't go I love you got

something for you

come on - spoiler are you fucking Punk

wait are you still here you are so lost

I thought I lost him please stop

shooting me though so I can kill you and

take I you ding-dong

and there's another one it's high-value

target City over here baby you Inc


God I got a start like getting a hit

confirm on my alts before I say

something you say some dope shit like

taste the rainbow ah fuck yeah that's

not only hey yes a hell me of this

high-value target or what Sounders I'm

shooting it he's being shot by me I love

this exotic I need to keep doing this

all fucking day it is crazy how good the

riding flux is you can you can just go

glimmer fold that is the first time I've

seen that notification I think its new

I've had it for that no no that specific

notification I think it's there because

I was not getting the glimmer full

notification I was just not getting it

we also tell we also need to kill Greg's

by the way if you see any Greg's I went

and picked it for patrol soldier hanging

out around here alright well I'm gonna

run this lost sector the entrances right

here alright where is it Griff this one

doesn't show up on the map for some

reason it does it's just right in here

it's super damn

no I love double dance what am I gonna

get a good dance come on - I offered to

carry us in trials that would be Lissa

that would be I will be some good Street

we had one person here who carries those

new trials what did we fuck it

shit what was the Owen Wilson movie

where the kids paid him to be scenarios

I would only do it if we actually paid

them like Bitcoin or something I would

only do it if we hired Owen Wilson to do

it I mean we could all do our best Owen

Wilson impression while we played trials

of the nine I think there's a very very

specific crowd that would enjoy that and

I think that crowd is watching this

stream right now

god this is a fun gun it's so stupid

cassia's in here

oh that's a city though alright

are these worms or these tubes we're

going back to this again it's time that

we settled this once in progress now we

have a third party yeah show me the

stuff on the floor no this this this

right behind you these nasty looking

worm snakes it's a little more - that's

that's got to be some sort of tube

let me ask legs with a text the text

loop just say hey you up

warmer tube nice why are we still here

yeah good question sorry cuz I did this

yet there we go

we can't teleport out man there's

alright just abandon that mission

I'll do it

all right hey where's the puppies yeah

it's weird that I've never win this

never what's wrong I miss the puppies so

that gave us 7% looting that lost sector

every little bit helps

where are you all going back to science

wash again now I went to the rig

40% yeah this is weird I've never seen

it go this long without popping popping

one up is it possible they changed it

because they were chaining pretty fast

or maybe they oh who left palp

oops I accidentally I was trying to

teleport and I left a fireteam I'll be

right back folks pay no attention to the

pat pat is a you know contract killer we

we never know when he's gonna come when

he's gonna go I'm just gonna run and do

this other other shit real quick get us

those video log sector yeah I'm just

gonna get those percentiles for me like

this right quick what's the interest

graph down it's one of those where you

have to jump down like all the ones in

Titan sup nerds



dan this is some competent playboys was

this the nightfall why wasn't that the

nightfall that should have been the

nightfall all right well I guess we just

didn't get one on the rig this time I'm

going back to sirens watch and what's up

I just do what about the arm please just

a TA this will be a teaser trailer

because I think if we keep doing this

guardian angels stream it'll be on

Tuesdays before office closed so this

can be like the teaser trailer sure so

just like let us know what's coming up

in like par mink farming so so here's

here's what's going on in farm right now

it is still exactly the way that it was

left last time it's it's pale winter is

coming so it's I've moved from sort of a

three-quarters down the bicep you're

getting your winter coat yeah get my

winter coat I'm gone from a sort of you

know mid bicep short sleeve to a sort of

just above the elbow sleeves it's a

little leaving a little more to the

imagination and I'm thinking it's the

winter so I'm planning on getting thick

for winter that gym membership gonna

gonna be hitting those weights again so

we'll hopefully see some arm expansion

in the future but that's just a tease

so damn Pat ask for a fucking parm

teaser dude that was a whole movie yeah


that was sort of that sort of like pre

late 70s early 80s type of trailer

that's just sort of the whole fuse what

have amenity in mark guys that it's like

whoa hey sirens washed about to pop off

all right shit on my way about the

roughly two minutes I would estimate

well that's not about that that's not

even close to pop I'm just telling you

go to sirens watch how's that is that

better for you go to sirens watch now

that is better I'm just gonna run around

killing Greg's have you guys actually

seen an exotic have you ever seen you

shoot a high-value Greg and then a

yellow exotic engrams

pops out of his body I've never seen

that happen I've never decrypted one out

of a legendary that has happened to me


really okay yeah it's useless all right

I'm gonna run the East bathroom art week

hey when I Justin's gone I need to ask

is his his username a reference to

Matthew Lesko yeah the the Mad Money man

that there free money from the

government guy yes that sound we when we

were kids we very much enjoyed his

late-night antics has a really good

entrance on my screen I sort of flew

into frame oh we missed a high-value

target mails here mails here everybody

the mail is here singing a song so the

mail making hear me through the window I

love you my man man always has a little

bluetooth earpiece in he's always having

a very loud conversation with I'm

assuming his best friend that he talks

to constantly all day every day brings

joy that's really good I like I like to

see a good mailman or mail person

enjoying themself mail carrier a mail

carrier yeah that's that's the

gender-neutral term uh and it's it's

great when you get to see them like

smoking a cigarette and it's like you

know good for you have you earned this

you're in this smoke I was my mailman I

showed up yesterday and my daughter saw

the mailman come in she said I really

want to meet him I was like okay so he

got outside to meet the mailman and he

hands me packages he's like here you go

and I said this is my daughter charlie

she really wanted to meet you and he got

all shameful and I said I'm not your

regular mailman he'll be back on Tuesday

yeah and I

I don't know this person very much

Connor really wants to get us through

trials of flawless I can't help Connor I

cannot stress enough you would be I'm

just I can just bounce this boy around I

got are you you would be essentially

soloing the child it would be more you

would be at a lot less of a disadvantage

if you were soloing it because then you

wouldn't have three idiots giving away

your position walking you shots blocking

your shot getting in the way if your

supers we would never stand in the way

of one of their shots that's your job

Connor oh I got knocked right the fuck

off the level good embarrassing thanks



so I have secretly been knocked off the

fucking level three times in a row so I

should stop standing where I'm standing

all right here we go

drop that ball dude noise


now this is the Destiny I like

mindlessly shooting the same legs puts

me in a zen-like trance all guys like oh

do you feel that there's an exotic

coming there's anxiety coming not for

swagger swagger didn't get the exotic

juice I don't think you're gonna get it

this time I don't think I'm gonna get it

that's got it actually no no I didn't

did I know I thought you were gonna get

maybe it's for me no I was a legendary I

the smell is so similar between the

exotic and the legendary I'm gonna have

a lot of stuff waiting for me at the old

postmaster so I guess the rig is just

done huh where we at now

probably 73 I feel like the rig does it

have less possible spawns for the public

events I mean this is the only one as

far as I know that pops up on siren

watch the on the rig it can be either

another one of these or the witches yeah

maybe we'll get shit for doing patrols

what do we need to do oh not at all the

fury of faerun is attacking that's what

I've just started seeing pop-up today

actually sounds like he's in this room

to our right shall we shall we murder

let's go have a look hey gang

yeah those servitors are gonna be coming

in any minute now

wolf I'm back now you got me where are

those four conservator oh shit oh

they're at the door get back I can pull

them back Oh what the fuck

listen you play with the portal gun

sometimes you're gonna get spliced

alright this chest is open now I regret


this is still my favorite gun oh hey

here's a dude


I wish there was a golf minigame using

this gun cuz I can really get these boys

a travelin what other Google has a rig

is the rig is going it's about three

minutes away so I ask it over there son

shot Oh doors Becker we did not get one

for doing that Patrol okay good to know

no no flash point credit for that I'm

gonna get Darcy out so we're gonna do

the trials thing or what oh well we

can't right now it's only Friday to the

reset I think all right so I have this

sniper rifle holy shit it takes up the

entire screen is that Darcy Darcy yeah

that's a good sniper rifle is it a good

like is it I know it's novel is it

actually good I mean it was good when I

was using it okay that's a really neat

yeah the target acquisition thing the

fact that you can see their health bar

in like vats view is like gothic no

Chester Chester soon over there I'm

gonna have a lot of these tokens now

that I have all my like alts leveled up

there's really not a lot of a point for

these tokens I guess you can sometimes

get exotics out of them this one talking

about I think I'm at it I feel like I'm

scared I feel like I'm running out of

stuff yeah I really am

I realize that's my own problem I so the

big thing is that there's no random

roles on guns and armor and stuff which

I'm I'm in one way I might cool with

because it's annoying like that was kind

of an annoying pursuit it was something

that you could spend a lot of time on

but just like it sort of made it not

exciting when you would get a drop

because it would be like oh well it's

probably not what I need it to be

I do wish they had that stuff on armor

though I'm kind of disappointed that the

raid gear what do I have I think I have

the raid

yeah the boots of the fulminate err they

don't have any special like perks they

don't have anything that really it's all

it feels like just like all aesthetic I

wish that it cuz the raid gear in

destiny one was like and made you better

at doing the raid so it'd be like you

know these legs let you run faster when

you're carrying the spark or these legs

do extra damage to ultra Knights or

whatever and there's none of that stuff

on the gear this time which is kind of

disappointing yeah I never once rated in

the last destiny I played it for like

300 something hours but I yeah I was

just like I got on late on the tail end

and I only had like two or three other

friends who were actively playing it so

never happened for me it was I mean some

of it was really really good I think

that this one will get juice did you

leave nope

just not interesting this conversation


no I've heard that story actually is

surprisingly common with people which is

weird to me because it seems like you

just get on lfg I mean that's what I did

was like hey I finished the raid a few

times and I'm really good at it and then

I would just lie my way into a group and

learn it from people

I'm not even gonna shoot these guys I'm

just gonna spy on him with Darcy

I thought Darcy might talk

I thought Darcy laid waste that's what I

was hoping for I'm a little bit this it

kind of look at you guys

oh shit yeah

wasn't there a talking gun in the last

one talking cat done or am I think maybe

it was Borderlands had a talking gun in

it I can see why you got these games


oh we need to get the magic balls don't

we yeah oh he might shoot that engine

yeah me too you guys got this well don't

kill him no thanks great oh it's just

well I think we'll get that heroic I

think we'll get the flash point dumping

at the heroic on this there we go

just Arsenal Walker out of the corner of

my eye I was positive for a second it

was Austin Walker I could make a robot

yeah he would be I think delighted could

be a big big robot

oh that was the first time I didn't get

killed by the second Walker dropping in

all right don't know what that challenge


got him there we go dog a male stone

there's a little high-value target over


what's a tussle uh you know when I go

back to Tower wrap this thing yeah oh

boy yeah that was a that's a really easy

flashpoint it is everything so this

tight together yeah if the stuff spawns

let's see it's like salmon run it's kind

of like say everyone god Sam and run

bombs ring out I really think I would

have stuck with splatoon to a lot more

if that game it's just all Sam and run

all the time

Sam and run was so tight just extremely

good yeah I think we'll probably wrap

things up because we gotta start getting

ready for our awful squad after this but

we should do another stream of us doing

the raid maybe with Pat since Pat's

never done a raid before yeah I'd love

to do that it's just I need you to get

fucking pro gear I need some yeah shoe

how do i how do I do that run the

nightfall run the anything that gives

you powerful gear is good and then you

know get out there run some run so you

could do it at 270 280 is much more

survivable before the the later

encounters I think I'd like to get I

think I'd like to get nice and swole or

I even take a run at it so I'll work on


viki's is you guys have been playing for

two hours while yeah that happens with

destiny a lot you know I got oh my days

gone I'm terrified to look at like my

time played just as destiny to if I ever

see that cute like total time between

destiny 1 & 2 I'll probably just turn

into a pillar oh it wasn't fun I do

enjoy it

here's the thing I could I think I

complain a lot about destiny I feel like

there's a sort of like there's a weird

thing in destiny where you play it for a


hours and then you get to the last hour

and there are frustration points in that

last hour and so you're like ah fuck

this and I don't I don't I I struggle

with like how to talk about that stuff

because I do have like a lot of things

that I wish they would change but it's

also I think I have had so much fun

playing it for so very very long I don't

really know how to like rectify that

yeah it's a it's a good video game I

think one of the things that I'm most

excited about just from today is that I

logged in and they added you know a

permanent notification on the screen to

let you know what the what the burn is

in those nightfall raids so it's like

they are obviously like patching in

those little complaints and fixing

things yeah that so that's encouraging

to me for the future

now there's stuff coming down the pipe

like in a couple weeks I think the

factions are gonna get added which is

very exciting

oh wait like future war cult and orbit

suite I need to erase a bunch of shit

yeah boy got an exotic we're gonna get

like a borealis oh that's a good one do

you have that one I'd no I didn't have

it before now I do it 288 damn oh my god

hold it oh wow that's a great weapon

yeah so explain what borealis does it's

a really cool exotic sniper so borealis

is 288 light for me it's default void

but by holding X which is the reload

button you change the damage type which

makes your build a lot more flexible

yeah especially in you know prism

nightfall you just always have it it's a

what do you get an exotic also exotic

damn alright I got a

young um Cara's spine don't like that

one very much at all but you already

have that one yeah I have a shitty

low-light version of that I think well

if you don't like it you can just infuse

it into your armor I'll probably be a

pretty big bump where am I going

oh I think this is from clan XP getting

foam maybe here to infuse an exotic into

a legendary oh no it's a clan Engram for

the nightfall no sometimes you gotta do

that shot nice I think I had yeah there

for the same clan should I have that

yeah that's awesome put my luna faction

boots back on well I love a 302 Sun shot

fuck me

damn Sun shot is extremely good it is a

that's towards the cap it's a hand

cannon that shoots explosive rounds and

I got one of those yeah and when you

kill enemies with it they also explode

it's just all explosives so it's a very

very good shit that was just for my

nightfall clan in gram I love that

system by the way we need to talk about

the things that are like really smart

and dope about this game because the

clan system is super super cool the way

works is if you you if anybody in your

clan does the nightfall the raid the

trials of the nine or what's the fourth

one crucible I guess um you will get an

Engram also and for the raid and for the

trials because those have like unique

weapon and armor sets it it comes to you

but it's at like a very very low light

level so you get it and it's dope but if

you want to use it you got to infuse it

which I think it's just super use it or

loosen infused to us alright Kade ok

don't blow me now

arms and a rocket launcher think my arms

are pretty bad

yeah 295 light all right I think that's

probably gonna do it for us

what's my rocket right here does my hey

craft is my uh if I give mechanical

parts to a gunsmith yeah is it based on

my current characters level or my

highest character level I think it's

your highest yeah I'm not a percent sure

this is kind of an anticlimactic way to

industry and was kind of trying anything

you were like how do I give my parts to

my dad okay do you think thanks for

watching everybody

we'll be back probably next Tuesday

after the next weekly reset to play a

bunch of this game and see what's new

see what's going on show off all our

great gear

Carly's bangs are like clipping through

her head that's no good so yeah I'm

gonna in the stream now but thanks for

watching and stay tuned for awful squad

later today bye

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