
Friday, October 2, 2020

Herring, Coffee, and Vikings: MUNCHIES Guide to Sweden (Part 3) #Tasty Food


Herring, Coffee, and Vikings: MUNCHIES Guide to Sweden (Part 3) #Tasty Food

so basically I'm just trying to find

stuff I like and then I eat them we've

headed east to my home city and Sweden's

capital Stockholm and my first stop is a

busy lunch spot in the city centre as

tammam Salam

so it's almost lunchtime and we're in

one of the nicest food holes of

Stockholm and I thought I'd just walk

you around and show you bits and bobs

fartlek are very Swedish sausage made

famous by a porn movie that came out in

the 70s where girl masturbates with one

of these things it's actually some four

liqueur I made myself just slice it up

onions in there tomato ketchup mustard

cheese on top into the oven 20 minutes

done mashed potatoes with that YUM

farewell young thumb that's the movie

you google it if you're into that kind

of thing lingonberries very Swedish goes

great with game we love game in Sweden

especially up north and a good example

of Swedes liking sauce here we have

moose and deer and just see the amounts

of sauce Swedes love to drain their food

in sauce here we have pizza partner you

just chopped everything in small pieces

and fry it up bacon pub and potato and

onions I love that stuff

gravlax we have it for for Christmas

Easter Midsummer's Eve basically the

festivals either

hey let uh can you tell us the process

quite simple right but how do you how do

you make the gravlax hey you prepare it

with the salt sugar and white pepper

yeah then you marinate it for five to

six days it's not cooked but it gets

cooked in that process doesn't it yes

okay I love this just going around

trying load some nice food how great is


if I'm going to buy some lunch now for

starters we're going to have stuffed

cabbage yeah what should I have with

this you think what would you have sauce


cream sauce

and that tack Swedes eat lunch quite

early so when the clock struck strikes

half 11 until 1:00 anywhere in Sweden

will be packed and then it's dead that's

why I'm on this little bench here so we

have a cold dolma minced meat made into

sort of a meatball actually wrapped in

cabbage I think it's it's a Turkish dish

from from the beginning but Swedish

soldiers brought it over here and in

like the 18th century and Sui defied it

I guess I mean this is a lot of food we

need that in Sweden it's cold eight

months of the year it's dark and cold we

need hearty food keep us warm hidden

away inside the mom in the south of

Stockholm is an unassuming Street food

truck which is the perfect place to grab

some healthy Swedish fast food so you

can't come to Sweden without having some

herring this place is well known it's

been here for ages and it's great so I'm

gonna have their there herring and hard

bread it's a real classic tada

okay boys on connect keys


yeah so this is basically a Swedish as

they come

herring dip em in breadcrumbs throw them

in the pan

loads of butter fry them up put them on

a piece of hard bread get some red

onions on there pickled cucumber and

some parsley on there dig in

there's nice

Stockholm Venice of the north as we say

after all that food it was time for a

quick break with the crew I'm now

introducing the team to to a Swedish

fika which is basically sitting down

casually having some coffee

a Swedes currently ranked second in the

world for coffee consumption per person

the word fika literally translates as

coffee break and we take the gas several

times a day

okay because that's like a central part

of the Swedish mentality I'd say I love

it I love coffee funny thing is that the

fika is video stablished when we're

super small like obviously not with a

comedy but like at kindred and they are

like okay let's sit down and have feet

guys yeah we'll have it with milk and

cookies but it still like still freaked

up they call it fake up yeah I would say

I have about eight eight to twelve cups

a day on a normal workday but we do

drink a lot of coffee in this country we

do so here we have a cuckoos ball guess

that's pretty Swedish as well

chocolate butter sugar cocoa flakes all

things Swedish in one little ball loaded

up on caffeine I was ready for my night

out in Stockholm

the origins of modern Swedish food still

owes a lot to its early inhabitants in

particular the Vikings so my last stop

in Stockholm was eyford Sweden's first

and only Viking restaurants the owner of

ifer is a dance music legend in Sweden

and a true Viking aficionado Martin

etype Eriksson I can't wait to meet him

hello hey Eva Martin welcome welcome to

eyford only Viking real Viking

restaurant in the world pressure first

things first we are we drinking I think

we're gonna start with some need you

know because it's very it's not the

typical Swedish it's very from the time

where the Vikings were sailing the

oceans ruling the oceans many people

think it's a beer it's not it's a wine

it's a wine made of honey le le le oh

sure sure oh sure sure broom her ship

him yet the school yet this cone hello

hello at the heart of his euro dance

music career eat iPad five number one

singles and six top ten albums in the

beginning music for me was a huge hobby

I was music music you know hobby hope

and then I started to work with music

that was my work since for almost

fifteen years now and then you know a

man needs a hobby and biking time and

the food and everything about this is

it's a great hobby I read books about

this era almost every night stick the

instruments and the music and all of

this there are findings

so we know this is approximately how it

looked and this wouldn't you know they

were had sitting high and there's a bob

on you he was sitting on this and we

know this the world needs a really

decent and good Viking restaurant and we

have one now thanks to me

this looks amazing what do we have here

this is our famous grill mix and we have

a flap steak on the top we have a dwarf

chicken and they were introduced by the

Vikings by the way on a bed of root

vegetables because we didn't have

potatoes at the time and we have a

special sauce which I made myself I'm

very proud of this one and with herbs

from Istanbul or we call it me corrode

the again yeah right please


alarm perfect perfectly read yeah so how

much of what the Vikings said back then

informs the food we today we can find in

a lot of dishes is straight back to the

Viking time actually because they

couldn't store food very long if you

didn't dry it or smoke it so that's one

thing and what did they they have the

lamb chops and they had good they had

the chicken they were the first in the

Nordic country to come in with chicken

and came with the boats from France so

and then the menu

voila done what I love the fucking food

and a drink for loving the fucking thing



after dinner it was time to party Viking


Oh guys if there still has to be open

you have to follow the reindeer yes it's

important to keep the culture that's a

strong one are you scared even just

don't want that thing in my eyes watch

out it's better watch out for the

anthros I've never seen something this

big dying before how really sick goes

down your stomach like no one who sees

that shit Swedish people has always been

forgers I hate the word mixologists and

all that shit come on that's good

fuck it

boom tubes

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