
Thursday, October 1, 2020

How to: Make Jam-Stuffed French Toast with Jessica Koslow of Squirl #Tasty Food


How to: Make Jam-Stuffed French Toast with Jessica Koslow of Squirl #Tasty Food

what do you want to show Vice how good

you are sit please

bang-bang yeah you did it there it is

hi I'm Jessica Kozlov from the

restaurant squirrel in Silverlake and

today we're going to make a raspberry

jam stuffed french toast well the first

part is making the jam so I don't know

how many of you are going to actually

make jam but I'm praying you know

Saturday morning you wake up and you

have purpose you're going to make some

jam I come from a pastry background it's

really important for me to have all of

the measurements be by grams and

kilograms I don't use cups with the jams

in this case I have whatever berries I

had on hand

it is simply raspberries I weighed it it

was one point two three kilograms I

multiply that by 0.67 and I got this

number which is 824 grams of sugar I

also do the same thing I took one point

two three kilograms I multiplied it by

point zero to four to get the weight

with the lemon juice alcohol I put it at

the end or this one we're going to use

raspberry brandy and it's about a

quarter of a cup add a little kick the

French toast is made with six eggs half

a cup of cream tablespoon of sugar and a

teaspoon of salt we're going to take

some brioche we're going to stuff the

brioche with the jam we'll top it with a

powdered sugar whipped creme fraiche and

more jam with a lemon juice little fleur

de Saul and it's breakfast the first

step is taking these raspberries and you

have two choices one is if you're

feeling really aggressive and you're

having a bad day you can macerate them

with your hands it gives a nice texture

to the jam and it probably will make you

feel better other way to do it is to put

it in a robo coup or Cuisinart and just

blend it loosely so some of it is chunky

some of it is thinner and that way

you've got texture in your jam

and I'm going to mix the sugar and

berries and lemon juice in over at the

copper pot I might mix the lemon juice

in with the berries because I don't want

to react with the copper sugar now we're

going to add the berries and lemon juice

we'll mix it up this Jam won't take that

long it'll probably take about 10-15

minutes I don't have the heat on yet I

just have the berries basically

macerating with the sugar it's at this

point where the sugar starts to kind of

bond with with the fruit and it's

starting to release all of its water

I might take out my thermometer and what

I'll do is I'll check the bottom of the

pot I know that sounds crazy but I

actually put the thermometer at the base

because jam basically is done around 217

to 221 degrees I like to take the

spatula and really like push at the

bottom because obviously all of your

heat source is right at the bottom so

like that is the hottest point and what

your jam is being cooked you're already

starting to see like foam and scum

that's basically all like the hairs from

the berries and all like the schmutz and

dirt the goal is when you see kind of

that foam get it to the side and you're

going to skim it off does it change the

taste of your damp no but is there a

lack of finesse yes

the cool thing about this Jam right now

is it's starting to form a skin on the

surface that to me is showing me that

I'm close to it being done and this has

been by the way like five minutes this

is like super quick Jam so right now my

pot is at 2:14 2:13 8 so I'm close I'm

getting there so this is like loose skin

you're I mean we're going for like Cindy

Crawford in the 80s like real woman

voluptuous like have

that she's getting there she's almost

your perfect

it's good so I'm going to put about 1/4

cup of this stuff in and when we put

alcohol in we're putting more liquid

back in so I'm going to have to cook it

off for like another minute so I'm going

to take a small plate out of the freezer

I'm going to put the dollop of this jam

on the frozen plate I'm going to put it

back into the freezer so what that does

is I'll be able to tell if it's done if

I run my finger through it in about a

minute it should part like the Red Sea

and it should throw like a brow all

right I'm ready to take the play out oh

yeah there goes to that furrow and it

actually just parted straight that way

so it's done so our jam is done we're

going to take some brioche we're gonna

stuff the brioche with the jam and then

we're going to make a custard custard is

six eggs have the whisk attachment on on

my KitchenAid alright looks six eggs

half a cup of cream a tablespoon of

sugar teaspoon of salt and then you

whisk this but I really want it to be

fully incorporated

when I pull the whisk away it looks like

everything's been married together a

lungful so this is brioche it's a nice

eggy loaf and when I cut I'm really

generous like I'll probably get maybe

like five French toasts out of this

because I make sure to go like an inch

and a half thick

you got to get Jam in there and you got

to get custard in there don't be afraid

I'm going to put a slit right in the

side when I do the cut I kind of go

two-thirds of the way down don't go out

the other side because if you go out the

other side your jam will go out the

other side you're trying to keep it in

from the top just drop it in squeeze it

there you go

you got your jam in there the first

thing I'm going to do is get my skillet

really hot with those with butter in it

and I'm not shy of butter I also have my

oven on 400 degrees because the first

part of the French toast going to be up

here on the skillet and the second parts

going to be in the oven baking so now

I'm going to take my piece of the French

toast and I'm going to really dump them

on the on both sides like one two to the

point where if I squeeze it check it out

I'm gonna see like you know we come out

of its pores I'm gonna drop these guys

in I dropped the first one the second

one's gonna go down see that that's

looking good to me

star-crossed lovers down there I'm gonna

set my timer for let's check in on it

and separate these these bad boys are

done it

smells like french toast that real

traditional french toast smell except

the difference is you've got this like

amazing crust and really kind of soft

inside so to finish it off I'm going to

take powdered sugar just like you know

be friendly with it I've got hot water

so I can make a nice quenelle of creme

fraiche dollop on top I'm going to take

some more Jam I'm just going to spoon

feed it over the top of it a little

squeeze of lemon flirt us all we're done

that is breakfast

should we dig in I'm gonna just get

right into the center cuz that's what I


that creme fraiche and that Jam alright

I might need to take a smaller bite than

this maybe not mmm I was so good I got

like the tartness from the jam it's just

like molten lava on the inside thank you

for watching my how-to I hope you make

this at home click on the bubble for the

rest of you Cheers not sharing not sure

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