
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Lobster Rolls & Potato Mountains on PEI with Matty Matheson #Tasty Food


Lobster Rolls & Potato Mountains on PEI with Matty Matheson #Tasty Food

big red who's better at color a little

bit red hey how are ya good

what are you calling for there rat oh

there's Maddy I'm from Toronto

why is there no strip club in PEI good

question call it question got so many

potato farmers out by

yo what's up guys I'm Matty Matheson I'm

here in Prince Edward Island the land of

red sand so I've been going to p.i since

I was a kid my grandfather's had a

restaurant there for about 20 years and

seeing the PGI now versus when I was a

kid is a completely different experience

I'm gonna be checking out Lobster going

clam digging checking on potatoes this

place is sick you've never been here

come here it's in Canada it's by the

ocean if you like lobsters and I know

you do Pei catches 5.4 million pounds of

lobsters annually you've ever had a

great lobster I guarantee that it came

from the Maritimes first thing we did in

PEI was go to Richard's gonna eat some

really good right out the

ocean so I'm down here at Richards and

Brackley Beach and Prince Edward Island

we're gonna get some lobster rolls we're

gonna get some deep fried scallops we're

gonna see what this place is all about

the best restaurants in the world are

places like this because it's like they

have like four or five things and that's

it it's no canned lobster in this place

I don't think

we're very straightforward there's

nothing to done to company data at best

when this place has been here for about

35 years I've had it for five I will

open the beginning of June until the end

of September

but we're primarily July and August our

big months this is unreal we got our

order we have like the most unreal

looking lobster roll I've ever seen this

is like a whole lobster on here if your

lobster roll doesn't have a claw on it

then it's not real lobster you should

throw it on the floor

just pure lobsters like a pound and a

half of meat on a brioche grilled

buttered bun this tastes better than the

first you've ever eaten in your

life in Toronto people always try to

mess it up even when they try to make it

simple they still kind of mess it up you

know but I think it's really important

to I mean I know is that the lobster you

use we steamed ours and seawater we cool

them down and sea water so it's you have

that saltiness which I think sometimes

if you're getting over processed it it

loses that so here we got some scallops

there's scallops they call them scallops

on the East Coast it's almost like bone

marrow how soft it is I've got some

chips and you got some huge steamers

have you seen a clam that big oh my god

everything here is like perfect you know

you've got a shack on the sides of beach

and you have perfect seafood I've had

hundreds and hundreds of lobster rolls

all around North America and you know we

just had one of the best ones I've ever

had I wanted to thank you thank you it's

pretty amazing

we're good

keep it Canada next stop was definitely

one of the best things I've ever done in

my life

clam digging in Georgetown with Pei

Perry we're about to go on Perry's boat

we're going to go check out some lobster

traps I'm going to put a wetsuit on go

clam digging actually haven't been on a

boat since I was a kid it's going to be

13 degree water my balls are going to

shrink up we're going to check out some

clams actually we're going to take you

five miles out there's an island out

here off the coast and we're going to

get you in the water and we're going to

dig up some clams these clams are about

a pound two pound clams okay

going to shuck a couple raw see how you

like them and then we're going to cook

up a couple steam and seawater yeah


and that's so that's the way I like

doing them a lot of people put all the

stuff in them you know your chef and I'm

sure you doctored them up pretty good

but seawater is great the island that

we're going to actually my grandfather

my father were born and raised there so

okay I have history down in this island

and I would like to back my hand I've

been around a thousands of times yeah

and it's a great place to spend the

summer down there

we got a lobster trap whoever you want a

Hollett subshells yep okay man you pull

her up there there's a few tips that we

always like to tell people if they're

looking to cook a good laughter now you

could let you tell people but I always

look for a nice hard shell if you're

buying inside of a store look for a long

long antenna they should be small enough

to thread a needle okay

if they're chewed off down here they've

been in that fishbowl quite a while to

each others antennas so look for long

antennae hard shell piece out got a crab

trap too if you want to see it yeah crab


you only get 35 cents a pound for 35

cents a pound so you got to get quite a

bit before you can make a day's pay yeah

I've never had crab the whole time I've

been coming to Pei is that right yeah

I've never had crab well we'll keep a

couple crabs here and later on when

we're doing upper clams will fire them

in the pot because they're amazing

this is the first time I've ever caught


I've never put on a wetsuit you know

like I was in my sexy sweat suit you put

the zipper to the front center in the

back yeah but I'm sorry I forgot yours

Eddie boy this is like putting on a

calling them on my whole body

hallo Matt Toby the day doesn't get much

better than this I'm going to live my

childhood dream clam digging I'm

bringing step right to see ya

he should be the first one in okay man

here we go

let's work get in and get Eddie that's

cool yeah I got it oh yeah okay now you

gotta measure him to see if he's big

enough well good we got a first class

first time this season P I the best it's

to sort of working hey song use

this is good man Thank You van yo so me

Perry here mostly me mostly me but uh

you know I got some good claims here he

done turned good actually

little washy there with the cold water

but little wussy alright but now I'm man

yeah so we can open this guy up

Oh y'all ready broke yeah this guy's

really broke to get it oh oh you

ever slice yourself rip this clam open

no it's laced my finger off clam

deck is dangerous

don't ever clam dig ever if anybody ever

brings you clam digging please don't go

clam digging you die

what Islands this bar I've bought an

island here all these like screams from

the forest sounds like Jurassic

Park in there we want to steam up some

clams some crabs

some cred see this clam that bit

me gonna bite it back


Maddie won today we go to the beach and

then we do a real clam boil so we just

grab some some water right from the

straight here now we're just going to

put the clams in well steam them will

put the probably the crabs on top okay

let's just the girls like this she'll

put them in some water get some salt

awesome yeah seems kind of mean

there you go this chowder is the best

town and then you put the hot clam

chowder back into it to warm up the clam

don't tip your whole hand into it and

then here you go there's some real

authentic clam chowder buddy there's so

much body and earthiness like boo mommy

just in that water and anything you'll

ever buy this is crazy

forgot those crabs that we got today

there you go no crab meat claw just the

way much like when we used to eat crabs

lobsters we never ever used forks knives

now everything was just with your hand

put them into crunchers we're catching

crabs and clams over here cooking them

on the beach this is like a beautiful

thing more people should do this

we're at the New Glasgow lobster suppers

it's a 500-person dining hall and we're

going to go eat some lobsters with Carl

back in 1958 that's what it looked like

and the price of that lobster dinner was

a dollar 15 and concluded to dance okay

included all right we're gonna go check

out the kitchen

right Carl yeah okay so what we do is we

we bake all of our breads and rolls

fresh every day

you know for serving seven eight hundred

people I mean we we average to a two

rolls per person right I'd be like 1400

rolls how much is this guy that's a five

pounder you have 20,000 pounds of

lobsters in their holding tanks at a

time do you think this guy could break

your head oh yeah yeah yeah he took that

band off

he's like Leo on the front of the boat

now this is the pinnacle moment of

becoming a man in PEI cooking your own

lobster a new glass the lobster suppers

now that's going to take one hour to

Steve already the biggest loft

you ever seen

but to eat a five pound lobster it's

about 75 years old probably I'm probably

going to sweat a lot this is the unreal

this is it what you guys know about

eating lobsters not much

I'm a big guy you know I'm hungry I

thought I could eat up five pound

lobster we'll see by the end of this

you want this to get out of my face over

looking at this I just want some pie

maybe a cup of coffee maybe a blowjob

since the 1700s the island's economy was

built on potatoes PEI grows over 88,000

acres of potatoes a year we got to check

out finally a potato farmer Pei was

really stoked to see this we're

out here at Sky View farms in New Haven

Pei got Alex who's a fifth-generation

potato farmer Alex tell us a little bit

about the tractor well we call it a

sprayer here in bi okay and it's what we

use to control all the pasture

everything that we got to deal with

firmly it's all controlled by a computer

it's amazing it's it's more than amazing

yeah it's pretty okay well let's get up

in it okay so how many of these do and

just I just want yeah what's this like

five hundred thousand bucks

350 not bad we say quick yeah I know I'm

gonna open her out to you see what she

looks like open ooh

all right why don't you get behind the

wheel tell me what you think of her okay

and I got to ride up in the tractor I

got to water some some farm

I don't know there we go just like that

and I'm a farmer you're a friend I'm a

farmer have you been in how many farms

do you like farm I own about the valves

making about a thousand acres but I tell

people farming isn't a job right it's

your money it's your life yeah because

if you think it's your job we're going

to well

right these lads are just starting to

pop through the game I'm just looking to

soil like yeah that soils beautiful like

where could didn't find any you can't

that's the best soil in the world right

there right so you guys feed all of

Canada pretty much with the potatoes on

PA yeah we eat us eastern seaboard is

big juice yeah harder eco huge burger

Berto Rica Carter ego loves Pei potatoes

you wouldn't believe the Puerto Rican

women are sexy yeah yes yes they are

sexy as that red sand so we're here with

Alex this is the mother lode this is the

potato Trap House this is where all the

potatoes are stored this is the cookie

factory people not so many potatoes in

here there's not too many potatoes in

here we're going to have to go to the

next section that's what I'm talking

about this is the potato what it is like

a 50 foot tower of potatoes this is an

Xbox type man I had to climb the

potato Mountain obviously because

anything I see I have to conquer Wow yo

what's up this is potato factory world

you know that potato mountain really

hurt me

crowd on another farm is Logan is

Alex's son the heir to the potato Lord

so we're going to check out he's got a

natural tractor here we're going to

check out making the hill we sit on your

lap what and then you just don't touch


Farman and you're good I'm Helen they're

just like literally they get to ply the

whole fields and they just touch a touch

screen and it'll turn for you everything

everything and you know I'm pretty much

a potato farmer so you get like Sarah

you're smokin Joe a drink oh yeah well

let's just say them blowjob yeah if you

were lucky you're lucky I'd have a girl

out here every day on getting off making

my help

well you know I'm glad you guys let me

into your world you know for a little

bit and I got to see well you lost seed

back in the fall and see them being dug

well that's it right thank you so much

after hanging out the Islanders I

thought I'd make them a crazy meal

lobster and steak tacos some pozole I'm

sure that they haven't had a lot of

Mexican here on the island so I got some

great Pei beef some great pork some

beautiful Pei Lobster what more do you

guys want so it's our last night in town

we're here in broccoli Beach we got a

bunch of homies hanging out

they showed me Pei I'm going to cook for

them we got some Pei rib eyes over here

on the little hibachi find this

table and little wonton Omo Bay setup

this is it cook it out in in a sand dune

in PEI having a time can't get much

better maybe if there's some naked

well hey we we should invest house

tripping so we'll let these guys rest

and then then we'll put the soup on

there reheat the soup a bit add those

clams at Perry and art brought and we'll

have some some azole and some steak and

lobster tacos

sandstorm man it's with

my dinner pissed off it sucks

sand everywhere cause it's amazing food

since I opened up all this shit's gonna

blow away you're eating in the sand dune

probably need some sand these

guys are living the life out here in PEI

even pozole lobster tacos and cote de

boeuf that claim of pork combo is

amazing right not just a pretty face am

I uh-huh I'm out Pei you're amazing

on the next episode of keep it Canada

will go to Newfoundland

so these new fees brought me

seal flipper I look amazing

we're gonna go salmon fly fishing here

we are no here we are

I'm keeping Canada with Matty Matheson

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