
Friday, October 2, 2020

Swedish Smörgâsbord: Surviving Fermented Herring (Part 1) #Tasty Food


Swedish Smörgâsbord: Surviving Fermented Herring (Part 1) #Tasty Food

welcome to Sweden home of ABBA IKEA and

lil owe me Eva Bergen as well as being

the fifth happiest country on earth

Sweden is fast emerging as an

international culinary destination once

viewed as predictable Sweden's food

scene is now undergoing a revolution

Swedes are again looking to their own

vast and varied landscape to craft their

menu if you had to choose one dish to

symbolize Sweden what would that be Hey

reindeer stew thank you potatoes sir

strong shot bola lingo see that's a

strong one from reindeer to rotten fish

I'm going on a journey around my country

to explore the dishes that define our

nation and to see how a fresh culinary

approach New Nordic cuisine is shaping

our future yeah you can't hold him yep

you're scaring me this is the munchies

guide to Sweden

welcome to Gothenburg Sweden fish

capital and home to the largest port in

Scandinavia residents are proud of their

claim to having the best seafood in the

country as they get it 24 hours before

Stockholm I had to try it so my first

thought was Fez cachaca or fish church

in English Gothenburg famous fish market

where I met Joe an owner of restaurant

Gabriel to put together a typical

Swedish smorgasbord hello lady good

morning hey good morning you know good

kid good welcome this is a nice place

huh yeah it is let's do some shopping

restaurant Gabriel is an institution in

Gothenburg having been there for 30

years and chef Joe and knows everything

there is to know about seafood with this

movie's board you want to keep

everything as fresh as you can so it

needs to basically be picked out of the

sea and into your mouth hole of course

so what are we getting from here then I

think we start with with herring mustard

herring classic pickle herring before

you eat hiring you drink schnapps

so herring basically we're only having

four for the possibility to drink get

drunk what about the shrimp so we're

getting the smoked ones I like the

smoked ones smoked streams I only eat

smooth shrimps outside where they smoked

them I never never buy it would you have

them in Stockholm I wouldn't know I

guess so I wouldn't have any shellfish

in stock oh that's fair enough

the rule is is lovely so you put your

finger like this take the ROE off can I

get that no it's for me Cheers

beautiful crayfishes look at these

beauties these are the saltwater

crayfish now it's easy to see the

difference between male and female

because the female has ro obviously

that's what we had colored row yeah it's

green from the beginning looks poisonous

we're getting mussels from the cute

Swedish girls that was his saying not

mine yeah go for that one for me this is

a very Gothenburg thing the blue mussels

blue mussels here

Swedish Lobster 795 kilo is there any

difference between Swedish lobsters and

I don't know American food each Lobster

is much more tender you would say that

wouldn't you Swedish guy I would

definitely okay smorgasbord almost done

let's get started

where do we start we have new structures

and things started with the crayfish the

light ones because we're going to grill

those we're gonna kill her a couple so I

show you how to do the first one yeah

and you're doing the second one right

okay they're alive now so so we need to

do this quick yeah kill him quick kill

him quick so just pointed a knife

between the claws and quick down go back

over the belly oh but he's he's sort of

doing this is he dead then he's dead no

guarantee just put in half so yeah yeah

and crack it open break it open like

this we need to get rid of the of the

what is it the anal string where the

poop is that's what it is so my turn in

bad little lady straight down quick

there you go I that way yeah in the

middle and no no no no time fishing it

is it yep there you go

wasn't perfect huh almost not the first

time huh who string no string there's no

poo string no females don't have a poo

string I knew that I knew it so we

prepare these easy salt and pull okay

black pepper nice moving huh this is

basically just garlic and oil honestly

man mix buddy

I don't think mine's dead she is oh it's

that butter with butter Oh put that one

up in the grill oh I up you

know on it up but the claw got

stuck on the thing so this butter all

over the place

nevermind it's all good take two here

I'm watching the course this time let it

be there for okay three to three points

mine is still moving in there look at

her she's like twitching just died

so we put just the lobster pickle

herring perfect that working for you

okay getting good salmon shrimp so task

it you need to check your your koi

fishes and they have a nice like brown

they done hunger you're done lay down Oh

beauties yeah those look great look

those over here oh this is gonna be so

good looks good huh yeah it's great

so what do you say we start with herring

and his muttering in schnapps before you

have the herring you need to have the

snaps and before you have the snaps

we need saying we need to sing a lungo

la la la la la hail Angoon who hopefully

hey old and swimming Tehillim tor

inhaler into album food here are new who

know Polly squawks talk and then some

herring without mmm

mmm why do you think y'all on the

smorgasbord has become this sort of like

export you can get all over the work

it's a nice way of eating it's like the

Swedish tapas oh yeah I think it's

friendly you know eat together

eat just from from a platter that's

super nice I love this I love this so I

think what smorgasbord you should come

to Gothenburg they pick the stuff out of

the sea drank it on the table

just eat it fresh after eating half the

ocean of fresh fish I found a secluded

spot to try something that people might

think is pretty gross but its

traditional in Sweden so this is Sue's

drumming its fermented herring you make

it by putting herring into a barrel

leave it there for six to eight weeks

then you put it in these cans and you

leave it for up to six months and the

fermentation process continues this has

the most putrid gross smell of anything

that we put in our mouths food wise in

the world that's where we came to this

park to get away from from as many

people as possible resurface about this

thing actually okay can we just pause

for one second because I this can I have

a smoke or something can we just yeah

I really don't want to do this really

I'm excited about tasting it I'm not

excited about opening the can

it's going ok ok don't do that oh it

gets worse how can you get worse ah I

can't hold it

you can't hold it yet how are we going

to be able to eat this let's go do this

proper it's some bread and good ah ok

some good stuff ah juice got juice on my

hand 800,000 cans are sold each year

many sweets gather for summer herring

parties where the sous drumming is

eating with tuned blood potato onions

and sour cream I think this is how they

do it I've seen it on TV I'll try a

small piece beforehand without anything

ok hmm really salty really salty I don't

think you should stand so close to the

smelled eating it okay so potatoes

hmm all of this stuff will take the bad

flavor away that's what I hope some of

these guys some of this

that looks pretty good happy about this

okay let's roll it up a lot of flavor I

think I got a big chunk of it I'm not

gonna finish this

with a small yearly harvest only around

15 tonnes pretty much the only place you

can get a Swedish oyster is in Sweden

and it said that the oysters from

Swedish waters are the best in the world

so I headed further north to Lisa shield

to catch the freshest oysters I could

well then gosh hear it Eva loss has been

a professional fisherman for 25 years

and Audion has been in business with him

for eight years originally from Holland

his family have been in the shellfish

trade for generations

LD fleet respite single Waterman same

boat all right safety first assholes

we are right in the middle here on the

oyster banks London start diving for for

mussels in law well it all started

probably seven years ago I'm at large

and we have the same passion shellfish

is is where we live in for and now my

best friend I've been in in shellfish

industry all of my life it's been around

the world for me so what's special why

did you come back to Sweden learn

Swedish seafood is better because it's

the colder waters it's very pure nature

water and they are growing slower than

in many other countries which make the

taste more tasty so what are we going to

be doing today we want to go out diving

we're going to put on my diving suit

hopefully I will find some some good

fresh oyster feel all right get in there

get those oysters have

he's not sinking yeah I love

get my damn voice terse nice here he


hey you have some noodle addict Wow look

at this fresh from the sea this is great

the big two this is very old it's very

old ten years ten years no are you down

there for ages

yeah like an hour an hour for just these


with our catch we headed to an island

that Lars owns to try the oysters

hundred think oft filled you to be dosa

losers ready bucket okay bro oh I'm

gonna have some oysters ah diong come

wait have any yeah pack oh look at these

guys they're like ooh that's a good one

good opening and a good one yeah yeah

impressed I'm pretty sure I'm surprised


all right guys cheers Cheers

do you do this you do not need out but

with you mmm you are making good pure


it's wait chunkier like this so much

more meat then I moisturize calm and we

take it up directly from the sea know

the fresh and the very good the minerals

and the vitamins and and all the thing

from the Seas it's really it's here yes

it's in the taste right then oh yeah

while we were there Audion up a simple

mussels recipe got everything in there

muscles from the sea straight from the

sea got some red onions leek garlic

what wine water from the sea done

shall we look yeah super hot watch out

Mars I'm so excited about this oh here

we go

the parsley and the fancy stuff wait

this is hella tea mmm very good very


simplest things huh simplest things are

often the back so stay straight from the

sea straight from the tea this is the

ultimate dream YUM when it comes to


Sweden's long harsh winters do have some

benefits I wanted to stay longer and eat

more but it was time to hit the road

ladies totally weird

totally weird this is really hard enough

yes more one everyone is way to know if

you go to mama you have to have the

falafel I like hot sauce got some more

but I've never had black soot it's got

blood in it yeah it's just spraying

geese blood he was happy guilty

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